59 resultados para Contraction Principle
In the general relativistic description of gravitation, geometry replaces the concept of force. This is possible because of the universal character of free fall, and would break down in its absence. on the other hand, the teleparallel version of general relativity is a gauge theory for the translation group and, as such, describes the gravitational interaction by a force similar to the Lorentz force of electromagnetism, a non-universal interaction. Relying on this analogy it is shown that, although the geometric description of general relativity necessarily requires the existence of the equivalence principle, the teleparallel gauge approach remains a consistent theory for gravitation in its absence.
Regarding the Pauli principle in quantum field theory and in many-body quantum mechanics, Feynman advocated that Pauli's exclusion principle can be completely ignored in intermediate states of perturbation theory. He observed that all virtual processes (of the same order) that violate the Pauli principle cancel out. Feynman accordingly introduced a prescription, which is to disregard the Pauli principle in all intermediate processes. This ingenious trick is of crucial importance in the Feynman diagram technique. We show, however, an example in which Feynman's prescription fails. This casts doubts on the general validity of Feynman's prescription. [S1050-2947(99)04604-1].
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We consider the scattering of a photon by a weak gravitational field, treated as an external field, up to second order of the perturbation expansion. The resulting cross section is energy dependent which indicates a violation of Galileo's equivalence principle (universality of free fall) and, consequently, of the classical equivalence principle. The deflection angle theta for a photon passing by the sun is evaluated afterward and the likelihood of detecting Delta theta/theta(E) theta-theta(E)/theta(E) (where theta(E) is the value predicted by Einstein's geometrical theory for the light bending) in the foreseeable future, is discussed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Complex Kohn variational principle is applied to the numerical solution of the fully off-shell Lippmann-Schwinger equation for nucleon-nucleon scattering for various partial waves including the coupled S-3(1), D-3(1), channel. Analytic expressions are obtained for all the integrals in the method for a suitable choice of expansion functions. Calculations with the partial waves S-1(0), P-1(1), D-1(2), and S-3(1)-D-3(1) of the Reid soft core potential show that the method converges faster than other solution schemes not only for the phase shift but also for the off-shell t matrix elements. We also show that it is trivial to modify this variational principle in order to make it suitable for bound-state calculation. The bound-state approach is illustrated for the S-3(1)-D-3(1) channel of the Reid soft-core potential for calculating the deuteron binding, wave function, and the D state asymptotic parameters. (c) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.
We study the possible impact of the neutrino oscillation which could be induced by a tiny violation of equivalence principle (VEP) on the observation of neutrinos emitted from supernova driven by gravitational collapse. We show that using supernova neutrinos, one can probe very small values of VEP parameters, delta(tau) less than or similar to O(10(-31)) for massless or degenerated neutrinos and delta(tau) less than or similar to O(10(-16)) x (Deltam(2)/10(-5) eV(2)) for massive neutrinos. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The spectral principle of Connes and Chamseddine is used as a starting point to define a discrete model for Euclidean quantum gravity. Instead of summing over ordinary geometries, we consider the sum over generalized geometries where topology, metric, and dimension can fluctuate. The model describes the geometry of spaces with a countable number n of points, and is related to the Gaussian unitary ensemble of Hermitian matrices. We show that this simple model has two phases. The expectation value
The invertebrate's musculature still presents many elusive points, especially in molluscs that generally present smooth and cracked fibers with peculiar characteristics. It was found that the molluscs reactions to the ion variation in the bathing are not very clear, mainly in view of the isolated reduction or equivalent of the ions. Suspended in bath, the isolated esophagus of the P. lineata exhibited spontaneous activity. This rhythmic activity was sensitive to the ion variation of the perfusion liquid, evidenced by alterations in the spontaneous contractions. The equivalent reduction of the ion reduced the spontaneous activity, evidenced by the amplitude reduction of the response, besides maintaning an organ contraction, primarily in the reductions below 50%. When the isolated reductions of the Na, Ca or K ion were performed, occurred interference in the spontaneous contractions of the organs, principally in amplitude of the response and maintenance of the contracture in reductions of 50 and 25% of the ion.
Norepinephrine (NE) and clonidine produce a phasic, dose-dependent contraction of the isolated guinea-pig terminal ileum. The effect of NE was blocked by prazosin which produced a parallel rightward shift of the concentration-effect curve to NE, with a significant depression of maximum effects. Yohimbine and indomethacin noncompetitively blocked, whereas practolol potentiated, the contractile effect of NE. The contractile effect of clonidine was not antagonized by indomethacin or atropine. These results suggest that the isolated guinea-pig terminal ileum has excitatory receptors sensitive to clonidine stimulation and excitatory alpha receptors sensitive to blockade by prazosin, and that the activation of the latter may be related to the activation of endogenous prostaglandin synthesis.