537 resultados para Continental rift of southeastern Brazil


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Rhagomys rufescens is a threatened Sigmodontinae rodent from the Atlantic forest of southeastern Brazil, known by a few specimens deposited in scientific collections. This work presents a new record of this species, collected in Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar-Nucleo Picinguaba (Ubatuba, SP) in April 2002, and some biological data. This finding reinforces the urgency of improving collecting efforts in Atlantic forest, in order to know and preserve its biodiversity.


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Between January and December 1996, the food habits of a relict population of jaguars were studied in 220 km(2) Linhares Forest Preserve, which comprises much of the remaining old-growth Atlantic Forest of Espirito Santo, Brazil. Fecal analysis indicated opportunistic feeding on 24 prey species (N = 101 scats). Mammals represented 87 percent of the total items, followed by reptiles (9.8%) and birds (2.8%). Considering prey weight, 23.4 percent of the items weighed 1-3 kg, 40.5 percent were 3-10 kg, and 27.7 percent weighed more than 10 kg. Analysis of relative prey frequency and biomass indicated that the diet was concentrated in two prey types: long-nosed armadillo and white-lipped peccary. Literature data suggest that forest jaguars rely on the same mammal prey over their entire geographic range.


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A new species of leptodactylid frog, Crossodactylus caramaschii, is described from the southern part of the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. The new species, a member of the Crossodactylus gaudichaudii group, is characterized by having a short snout, a distinct and straight canthus rostralis, and reticulated belly.


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While conducting projects on ticks from deer and on tick ecology in animal trails in an Atlantic rainforest reserve in Southeastern Brazil, researchers of our group were bitten by ticks several times. Some of these episodes were recorded. Three species of adult ticks attached to humans: Amblyomma brasiliense Aragauo, Amblyomma incisum Neumann, and Amblyomma ovale Koch. Eight nymphal attachments with engorgement on humans were recorded. From these, six molted to adults of A. incisum, one to an adult of A. brasiliense, and one had an anomalous molting, therefore the adult tick could not be properly identified. Local reactions to tick attachment varied among individual hosts from almost imperceptible to intense. Especially itching, but hyperemia and swelling as well, were prominent features of the reaction. Overall it can be affirmed that human beings can be a physiologically suitable host species for ticks in the Atlantic rainforest and that itching was an important if not the major component of the resistance to tick bite.


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Over the last decades, increasing water demands have fostered research to obtain high well yields in crystalline terrains where, besides the intrinsic properties of rocks, the groundwater flow depends on several factors. The depth of the wells, the lithotypes, the presence and thickness of sedimentary coverings and weathered layers, the landforms, the geological structures, and the effects of tectonic stresses are among the most investigated factors considered as determinant of well productivity. The influence of these factors on productivity of wells that exploit the Crystalline Aquifer System in the Jundiai-River Catchment, southeastern Brazil, is investigated in this work. The largest region of the studied area is located on the Precambrian Basement, partially covered by sedimentary deposits. The results show that the sedimentary deposits and the weathered layer are important for high well yield, but it also depends on the existence of a net of open fractures, in order to maintain high productivity. The sites that have more possibility of occurrence of such structures are the regional shear and fault zones and other minor structures with NW-SE and E-W directions, which characterize areas subjected to transtensional stress related to the neotectonics.


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We describe a new species of Hypsiboas of the Hypsiboas pulchellus species group from highland streams of the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil. Vocalizations, egg-mass, and tadpole are also described. We compared the new species with other species of the Hypsiboas pulchellus species group. The new species is most similar to Hypsiboas semiguttatus, its sister species, and Hypsiboas curupi, from which it differs in advertisement call and larval morphology. We provide information on natural history, phylogenetic relationships, embryos, geographic distribution, and conservation.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Two populations of Chaetophora elegans (Roth) C. Agardh and two of Stigeoclonium helveticum Vischer were investigated for microhabitat characteristics and morphological variation in streams of Sao Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. Different patterns of microhabitat distribution were found between species investigated. Populations of C. elegans were distributed under relatively narrow microhabitat conditions (high irradiance, low depth, moderate to high current velocity, rocky substrata and lower values of niche width) and showing little morphometric variation (colony diameter, main axis cell size, and apical branch number). Stigeoclonium helveticum occurred under more diverse microhabitat conditions, revealed by lack of significant difference between sampling units with and without the alga and wider niche width, but also exhibited relatively narrow morphometric variation (plant length, main axis cell and lateral branch cell sizes). The narrow microhabitat conditions and smaller niche width of C. elegans can explain its low abundance (percentage cover) in streams from the area studied as well as in other regions of Sao Paulo State. In contrast, the wider variation of microhabitat conditions and the higher niche widths of S. helveticum suggest that this green alga is able to grow in a high number of stream ecosystems in the region investigated, ranging from undisturbed to highly disturbed habitats. Thus, the results suggest that S. helveticum is a generalist species.


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A new species of hylid frog is described from south of the State of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil in Atlantic rain forest. The new species is a member of the genus Phrynohyas and is characterized by snout rounded in dorsal view and nearly truncate in lateral view, small adhesive disks, fingers slightly webbed, nasal bones widely separated, and frontoparietals without medial articulation.


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A new species of miniaturized froglet (genus Brachycephalus) is described from Morro Prumirim in the municipality of Ubatuba, São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Specimens were collected from the leaf litter at approximately 800 m above sea level. The new species is distinguished from all its congeners by the combination of the following characters: snout-vent length 8.7-13.4 mm; skin on head and dorsum with dermal ossification; general color orange, with a narrow brownish vertebral stripe and belly without spots; and skull, spinal processes of sacral and pre-sacral vertebrae, and process of the fourth vertebra hyperossified. Canonical variates analysis of linear body measurement demonstrates that the new species is easily discriminated from other Brachycephalus species with which it shares an intermediate condition of hyperossification. © 2012 by The Herpetologists League, Inc.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The largest area of preserved Atlantic forest is located in the southern portion of Brazil. The region of Paranapiacaba is depicted in Brazilian zoological studies as one of the first and most intensely sampled areas of the state of São Paulo.We provide a concise list of reptiles and amphibians from the Paranapiacaba Municipal Park. It represents the first comprehensive survey of the group in the area. We recorded 136 species of reptiles and amphibians from field surveys, museum collections and the literature. The anuran diversity of Paranapiacaba is greater than that of Estação Ecológica de Boracéia, which has been considered the most distinctive areas in São Paulo in terms of amphibian diversity. The rich history of herpetological research in the region, including the occurrence of the two most threatened species in Brazil, converts the area to an important conservation landmark for the Brazilian herpetofauna.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)