111 resultados para Continental Extension
A total number of 4824 Mustelus schmitti was sampled. Females ranged from 25 to 93 em in spring and from 28 to 90 cm in summer. Males ranged from 34 to 82 and from 28 to 77 cm, respectively. Length composition of the population showed significant differences between spring and summer being females larger than males. Total length distribution did not show significant differences between cruises. Males density varied significantly between cruises while for the females no significant variation was observed. In the spring cruise, both sexes occurred at depths lower than 50 in. Females occurred in the whole area with adult occurrence only above 35 degrees 30'S. Mature males occurred throughout the area, immature males occurring in two trawls in Samborombon Bay. The summer cruise showed a discontinuous distribution of the species along the study area resulting in spatial segregation in two groups with immature females predominating in both of them.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
An algorithm for deriving a continued fraction that corresponds to two series expansions simultaneously, when there are zero coefficients in one or both series, is given. It is based on using the Q-D algorithm to derive the corresponding fraction for two related series, and then transforming it into the required continued fraction. Two examples are given. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Let p be a prime, and let zeta(p) be a primitive p-th root of unity. The lattices in Craig's family are (p - 1)-dimensional and are geometrical representations of the integral Z[zeta(p)]-ideals < 1 - zeta(p)>(i), where i is a positive integer. This lattice construction technique is a powerful one. Indeed, in dimensions p - 1 where 149 <= p <= 3001, Craig's lattices are the densest packings known. Motivated by this, we construct (p - 1)(q - 1)-dimensional lattices from the integral Z[zeta(pq)]-ideals < 1 - zeta(p)>(i) < 1 - zeta(q)>(j), where p and q are distinct primes and i and fare positive integers. In terms of sphere-packing density, the new lattices and those in Craig's family have the same asymptotic behavior. In conclusion, Craig's family is greatly extended while preserving its sphere-packing properties.
Há uma grande lacuna no conhecimento da biologia e corologia de Nyctinomops aurispinosus. Nesta comunicação, nós apresentamos o registro mais austral deste molossídeo, realizado na cidade de Curitiba (25° 25' S e 49° 15' W, 920 m), estado do Paraná, Brasil, e sumarizamos a distribuição geográfica conhecida para a espécie na América do Sul.
We present the first record of Dendropsophus melanargyreus for the state of São Paulo and a distribution map for this species. This new record represents the southeastern limit of distribution, which is 106 Km from the nearest locality previously recorded for this species and is the fourth new register of anuran to northwestern region of São Paulo in the last two years, increasing species list of the region from 33 to 36 species. This results evidence the importance of this region as priority area for inventory.
Traditional cutoff regularization schemes of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model limit the applicability of the model to energy-momentum scales much below the value of the regularizing cutoff. In particular, the model cannot be used to study quark matter with Fermi momenta larger than the cutoff. In the present work, an extension of the model to high temperatures and densities recently proposed by Casalbuoni, Gatto, Nardulli, and Ruggieri is used in connection with an implicit regularization scheme. This is done by making use of scaling relations of the divergent one-loop integrals that relate these integrals at different energy-momentum scales. Fixing the pion decay constant at the chiral symmetry breaking scale in the vacuum, the scaling relations predict a running coupling constant that decreases as the regularization scale increases, implementing in a schematic way the property of asymptotic freedom of quantum chromodynamics. If the regularization scale is allowed to increase with density and temperature, the coupling will decrease with density and temperature, extending in this way the applicability of the model to high densities and temperatures. These results are obtained without specifying an explicit regularization. As an illustration of the formalism, numerical results are obtained for the finite density and finite temperature quark condensate and applied to the problem of color superconductivity at high quark densities and finite temperature.
We introduce and discuss the method of linear delta expansion for the calculation of effective potentials in superspace, by adopting the improved version of the super-Feynman rules. Calculations are carried out up to two loops and an expression for the optimized Kahler potential in the Wess-Zumino model is worked out.
We consider an electroweak model based on the gauge symmetry SU(2)(L) circle times U(1)(Y') circle times U(1)(B-L) which has right-handed neutrinos with different exotic B - L quantum numbers. Because of this particular feature we are able to write Yukawa terms, and right-handed neutrino mass terms, with scalar fields that can develop vacuum expectation values belonging to different energy scales. We make a detailed study of the scalar and the Yukawa neutrino sectors to show that this model is compatible with the observed solar and atmospheric neutrino mass scales and the tribimaximal mixing matrix. We also show that there are dark matter candidates if a Z(2) symmetry is included.
New structural data from Elephant Island and adjacent islands are presented with the objective to improve the understanding of subduction kinematics in the area northeast of the Antarctic Peninsula. on the island, a first deformation phase, D-1, produced a strong SL fabric with steep stretching and mineral lineations, partly defined by relatively high pressure minerals, such as crossite and glaucophane. D-1 is interpreted to record southward subduction along an E-W trench with respect to the present position of the island. A second phase, D-2, led to intense folding with steep E-W-trending axial surfaces. The local presence of sinistral C'-type sheer bands related to this phase and the oblique inclination of the L-2 stretching lineations are the main arguments to interpret this phase as representing oblique sinistral transpressive shear along steep, approximately E-W-trending shear zones, with the northern (Pacific) block going down with respect to the southern (Antarctic Peninsula) block. The sinistral strike-slip component may represent a trench-linked strike-slip movement as a consequence of oblique subduction. Lithostatic pressure decreased and temperature increased to peak values during D-2, interpreted to represent the collision of thickened oceanic crust with the active continental margin. The last deformation phase, D-3, is characterised by post-metamorphic kink bands, partially forming conjugate sets consistent with E-W shortening and N-S extension. The rock units that underlie the island probably rotated during D-3, in Cenozoic times, together with the trench, from an NE-SW to the present ENE-WSW position, during the progressive opening of the Scotia Sea. The similarity between the strain orientation of D-3 and that of the sinistral NE-SW Shackleton Fracture Zone is consistent with this interpretation. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
A área da Bacia do Marajó apresenta feições geológicas e geomorfológicas devidas principamente à distensão Mesozóica e à neotectônica pós-miocênica. O evento de distensão, com fases do Cretáceo Inferior e Superior, originou quatro sub-bacias que contituem a Bacia do Marajó, com uma espessa seqüência clástica continental mostrando influência marinha. Falhas normais NW e NNW e direcionais NE e ENE controlaram a geometria da bacia. A distensão, relacionada com a abertura do Atlântico Equatorial, propagou-se continente adentro ao longo de zonas de fraqueza crustal dos cinturões orogênicos pré-cambrianos Tumucumaque, Amapá e Araguaia. O evento neotectônico é um regime transcorrente que desenvolveu bacias transtensivas preenchidas por sedimentos marinhos rasos (Formação Pirabas) e seqüências transicionais (Grupo Barreiras) do Terciário Superior, seguidos por depósitos fluviais e seqüências transicionais do Quaternário, derivadas dos rios Amazoans e Tocantins e do estuário do Marajó. A paisagem atual tem morfologia tipicamente estuarina. A morfologia costeira apresenta escarpas em seqüências transicionais do Terciário Superior, enquanto no interior dominam elevações sustentadas por crosta laterítica do Pleistoceno Médio, aparadas por superfície erosiva a 70 m. No leste da Ilha do Marajó são reconhecidas várias gerações de paleocanais com seqüências estuarinas associadas, enquanto no lado oeste predomina uma planície flúvio-marinha.