90 resultados para Constant-pressure conditions


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Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a eficácia agronômica e os efeitos fitotóxicos de herbicidas aplicados em pré-plantio no manejo de Euphorbia heterophylla e Bidens pilosa, em sistema de plantio direto da cultura de soja. O experimento foi desenvolvido na safra 2000/2001, na FEP-UNESP, no município de Selvíria-MS. A variedade de soja utilizada foi a 'Conquista', e o delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com sete tratamentos e quatro repetições, com oito linhas da cultura, totalizando 20 m² cada parcela. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: glyphosate (720 e 960 g ha-1), chlorimuron-ethyl + glyphosate (10 g + 720 e 960 g ha-1), glyphosate + 2,4-D (960 + 868 g ha-1) e testemunhas no mato e no limpo. As aplicações foram realizadas com pulverizador de pressão constante (CO2) de 45 lb pol-2, com barra equipada com quatro bicos do tipo leque Teejet 110.03 XR, espaçados de 0,5 m, e volume de calda de 250 L ha-1. Concluiu-se que os tratamentos testados são eficientes na dessecação de E. heterophylla e B. pilosa e seletivos às plantas de soja. O herbicida chlorimuron-ethyl (10 g ha-1) aplicado juntamente com o glyphosate, no manejo, proporciona ao tratamento um efeito residual significativo para E. heterophylla e B. pilosa, reduzindo a infestação das plantas daninhas durante o ciclo da cultura da soja.


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The search for new alternatives in order to increase soybeans productivity has been constant objective of researchers and farmers. The crop responses to phosphorus application in the soil are well defined, being this nutrient very important on its development and yield. The leaf fertilization on this crop appears as a new rationale option, mainly when the plant nutrient levels are low. So, this work aimed to study the effect of phosphorus leaf fertilization, applied at different plant stage, including: V5, R1, R4, V5 + R1, V5 + R4, R1 + R4, V5 + R1 + R4, V5 + R1 + R4 + R6 and test plot. The experiment was installed in a soybeans crop, Monarca cultivar, at Palmital Farm, Ijaci county, Minas Gerais state, Brazil, using a totally randomized design, with 9 treatments and 3 replications. The chelate Quimifol P30 in liquid form with 30% of the nutrient soluble in CNA + water in the, with doses of 21. ha(-1), was utilized as phosphorus source, using the applications performed with a constant pressure CO(2)-nebulizer. The different epochs of phosphorous application significantly altered the grains yield, proportioning significant increases, up to 16% for the V5, V5 + R1, V5 + R4, V5 + R1 + R4, V5 + R1 + R4 + R6 epochs, when compared to the test plot, clearly expressing the positive effect of these applications at V5 stage. The plant height, first legume insertion, and lodging index characteristics were not significantly altered by the different epochs evaluated. It was observed significant response for the nutrient leaf amounts only in the case of K and Zn indices, exclusively in the V5 + R4, and in the V5, V5 + R1 and V5 + R1 + R4 + R6 treatments, respectively.


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Experimental studies were carried out to determine thermal conductivity (k), thermal diffusivity (alpha), specific heat at constant pressure (c(p)), and density (rho) of cooked ham as functions of both sample moisture content (M) and temperature (T). Thermal conductivity was measured using the heat-line-source probe, thermal diffusivity by Dickerson method, specific heat by differential scanning calorimeter, and density by pycnometer assembly. Temperature ranged from 3.0 degrees C to 74.0 degrees C, corresponding to the cooking process, and moisture ranged from 40.0 to 73.0% (w. b.). Equations are provided for alpha as a function of M, c(p) as a function of T, and rho as a function of both M and T. Results for thermal conductivity are compatible with those published in the literature.


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SnO2 deposited by sol-gel is a polycrystalline film with small grain size. Oxygen present at a less grain boundary traps electrons and then the depletion layer around the potential barrier of the grain boundary becomes wider, comparable to the grain size. We have modeled the conductivity taking into account the trapped charge at the depletion layer of the grain boundary and other scattering mechanisms such as ionized impurity and polar optical. Experimental data of photoconductivity of SnO2 sol-gel films are simulated considering the dominant scattering at grain boundary and crystallite bulk. The fraction of trapped charge at the grain boundary depends on temperature and wavelength of irradiating light, being as high as 50% for illumination in the range 500-600 nm for SnO2-2%Nb as grown sample annealed in air to 550°C. This fraction can be quite reduced depending on exposure to light and annealing under different oxygen partial pressure conditions.


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The goal of this research was to evaluate two tips of spraying nozzles (hollow cone nozzle and two flat fan nozzle annexed to a nozzle body DUO) and three spray volumes (100, 150 and 200 dm3 ha-1), whose application was for the control of the Asian soybean rust. An area of 288 m 2 was used, with a randomized blocks design in a factorial 2×3 with 4 repetitions, total of 24 experimental parcels of 12 m2. For the spraying with hydraulical nozzles a costal spray of constant pressure kept by C02 compressed with bar of 2 m was used. The analysis of the covering percentage was carried through by means of the use of hidro-sensible paper, that was placed in three position of the plant what it represents, in height, the third superior, average and inferior of the canopy. For both the third no interaction between the evaluated factors, was found and meither difference statistics between the spraying tips and the volumes. In absolute values the twin flat fan nozzle DUO presented minimum difference of covering in relation to the hollow cone nozzle, and for the spray volume of 200 dm3 ha -1 presented greater covering percentage.


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A set of 12 samples of acid rock types Palmas (ATP) and Chapecó (ATC) was used to determine the chemical composition of plagioclase and pyroxene by electron microprobe, with the purpose to get information about the pressure and temperature of crystallization of these rocks. The results show that the pyroxene of ATP rocks (3,2 ± 1,2 kbar, max = 5,1 kbar and 1028 ± 38°C) were formed under pressure conditions higher than those ATC (1,8 ± 0,9 kbar, max = 3,4 kbar and 995 ± 26oC). However, the pressures obtained from plagioclase showed higher pressures for ATC (3.2 ± 1 kbar, max = 6,4 kbar and 1033 ± 12°C) than ATP (1,9 ± 1 kbar, max = 4,8 kbar and 1043 ± 5°C), suggesting that the crystallization of rocktype ATP began with the formation of pyroxene and plagioclase almost simultaneously at a depth of around 17 km while the ATC, began with the crystallization of plagioclase at a depth of about 21 km (assuming a gradient of 3,3 kbar/km). The geothermometry of plagioclase allow us to calculate the concentration of water from about 1 ± 0,3% H2O for both acid rock types. Additional calculations allow us to get the depth of water exsolution of magmatic liquid at 30m below the surface. Although the data are still preliminary and insufficient to model the extrusion of these rocks, they point out to an effusion mechanism of a partially fluidized magma by volatile, which would spread to large areas with small friction with the surface that would increased with the increase of viscosity caused by the loss of volatile and decreasing of temperature, developing coherent structures as lava flows.


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This study investigated the effect of an Argon-based nonthermal plasma (NTP) surface treatment-operated chairside at atmospheric pressure conditions applied immediately prior to dental implant placement in a canine model. Surfaces investigated comprised: Calcium-Phosphate (CaP) and CaP + NTP (CaP-Plasma). Surface energy was characterized by the Owens-Wendt-Rabel-Kaelble method and chemistry by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Six adult beagles dogs received 2 plateau-root form implants (n = 1 each surface) in each radii, providing implants that remained 1 and 3 weeks in vivo. Histometric parameters assessed were bone-to-implant contact (BIC) and bone area fraction occupancy (BAFO). Statistical analysis was performed by Kruskall-Wallis (95% level of significance) and Dunn's post-hoc test. The XPS analysis showed peaks of Ca, C, O, and P for the CaP and CaP-Plasma surfaces. Both surfaces presented carbon primarily as hydro-carbon (CAC, CAH) with lower levels of oxidized carbon forms. The CaP surface presented atomic percent values of 38, 42, 11, and 7 for C, O, Ca, and P, respectively, and the CaPPlasma presented increases in O, Ca, and P atomic percent levels at 53, 12, and 13, respectively, in addition to a decrease in C content at 18 atomic percent. At 1 week no difference was found in histometric parameters between groups. At 3 weeks significantly higher BIC and BAFO were observed for CaPPlasma treated surfaces. Surface elemental chemistry was modified by the Ar-based NTP. Ar-based NTP improved bone formation around plateau-root form implants at 3 weeks compared with CaP treatment alone. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Tuberculosis remains as one of the main cause of mortality worldwide due to a single infectious agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The aroK-encoded M. tuberculosis Shikimate Kinase (MtSK), shown to be essential for survival of bacilli, catalyzes the phosphoryl transfer from ATP to the carbon-3 hydroxyl group of shikimate (SKH), yielding shikimate-3-phosphate and ADP. Here we present purification to homogeneity, and oligomeric state determination of recombinant MtSK. Biochemical and biophysical data suggest that the chemical reaction catalyzed by monomeric MtSK follows a rapid-equilibrium random order of substrate binding, and ordered product release. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) for binding of ligands to MtSK provided thermodynamic signatures of non-covalent interactions to each process. A comparison of steady-state kinetics parameters and equilibrium dissociation constant value determined by ITC showed that ATP binding does not increase the affinity of MtSK for SKH. We suggest that MtSK would more appropriately be described as an aroL-encoded type II shikimate kinase. Our manuscript also gives thermodynamic description of SKH binding to MtSK and data for the number of protons exchanged during this bimolecular interaction. The negative value for the change in constant pressure heat capacity (ΔCp) and molecular homology model building suggest a pronounced contribution of desolvation of non-polar groups upon binary complex formation. Thermodynamic parameters were deconvoluted into hydrophobic and vibrational contributions upon MtSK:SKH binary complex formation. Data for the number of protons exchanged during this bimolecular interaction are interpreted in light of a structural model to try to propose the likely amino acid side chains that are the proton donors to bulk solvent following MtSK:SKH complex formation. © 2013 Rosado et al.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)