70 resultados para Congenital malformation
Deformities and abnormalities in crustaceans have been associated to genetic problem, which occurred during molt process, damage caused by ectobionts, predators or environmental stress caused by chemical wastes. Some crab specimens collected in the São Paulo littoral were found having body abnormalities. They belong to the following crab species: Callinectes ornatus (Ordway, 1863), Arenaeus cribrarius (Lamarck, 1818) and Leurocyclus tuberculosus (H. Milne Edwards; Lucas, 1843). Samplings were performed by trawling during July 2008, August and October 2009 at the Ubatuba region, São Paulo State, Brazil. Body abnormalities were verified in the cheliped dactyl (C. ornatus an adult male), carapace deformities (A. cribrarius an adult male) and abdominal alterations (C. ornatus an adult female; L. tuberculosus an adult male and an ovigerous female). The record and analysis of such occurrences can help in the distinction of natural or human impact caused alterations. In this way, the occurrence study of this kind of body alterations could provide tools in order to control unprotected environmental areas, as well as bring subsides to understand the unusual variations during the ontogeny of important species in the benthic community.
Maxillary defects resulting from cancer, trauma, and congenital malformation affect the chewing efficiency and retention of dentures in these patients. The use of implant-retained palatal obturator dentures has improved the self-esteem and quality of life of several subjects. We evaluate the stress distribution of implant-retained palatal obturator dentures with different attachment systems by using the photoelastic analysis images. Two photoelastic models of the maxilla with oral-sinus-nasal communication were fabricated. One model received three implants on the left side of the alveolar ridge (incisive, canine, and first molar regions) and the other did not receive implants. Afterwards, a conventional palatal obturator denture (control) and two implant-retained palatal obturator dentures with different attachment systems (O-ring; bar-clip) were constructed. Models were placed in a circular polariscope and a 100-N axial load was applied in three different regions (incisive, canine, and first molar regions) by using a universal testing machine. The results were photographed and analyzed qualitatively using a software (Adobe Photoshop). The bar-clip system exhibited the highest stress concentration followed by the O-ring system and conventional denture (control). Images generated by the photoelastic method help in the oral rehabilitator planning. © 2013 SPIE.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB
Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Two daughters of a nonconsanguineous couple are described. Both present mental retardation, epileptic seizures, congenital atrichia, histologically anomalous skin and abnormal EEG pattern. From a discussion of the literature on atrichia, the forms without involvement of teeth, nails and hidrosis, among which recessive inheritance prevails, are distinguished from each other. None of them coincide with the syndrome described here.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Two studies, of a natural infection and an experimental infection, were performed in order to study congenital transmission of Toxoplasma gondii in cattle. In the first study, 50 fetuses were harvested from gestating cows that were eutanasied at a municipal slaughterhouse in Jaboticabal, São Paulo state, Brazil. In the second study, 11 gestating cows were divided into four groups for inoculation with T. gondii: GI consisted of three cows inoculated with 1.0 x 10(5) oocysts during their first trimester of gestation; GII consisted of three cows inoculated with 1.0 x 10(5) oocysts during their second trimester of gestation; GIII consisted of three cows inoculated with 1.0 x 10(5) oocysts during their last trimester of gestation; and GIV consisted of two control cows, one during its first and the other during its second trimester of gestation. In both studies, the presence of T. gondii was confirmed both indirectly by immunofluorescence assay (IFAT). In the natural infection experiment, 18% (9/50) of the gestating cows were confirmed to have specific antibodies (IFAT - 1:64) against T. gondii. The bioassay was able to diagnose the presence of T. gondii in the tissue samples from three calves. In the second experiment, the nine cows from groups I, II and III presented with specific antibodies (IFAT) against T. gondii. In contrast, T. gondii could not be detected by IFAT, histopathological examination or the bioassay in any of the nine calves born to cows experimentally infected with T. gondii oocysts. Based on the results from both studies, we conclude that congenital infection of T. gondii in cattle, while infrequent, does occur naturally. The pathogenicity of the strain of T. gondii may influence the likelihood of this route of transmission. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dois casos de displasia da valva tricúspide são relatados neste trabalho. Os cães foram avaliados devido à fraqueza e presença de ascite. em ambos os casos, o exame ecocardiográfico mostrou insuficiência tricúspide e, em um deles, a inserção dos folhetos da valva tricúspide encontrava-se deslocada para baixo do ventrículo direito, caracterizando a anomalia de Ebstein. A terapia medicamentosa para insuficiência cardíaca congestiva foi iniciada, mas um dos animais veio a óbito subitamente alguns dias após o diagnóstico. O outro cão, apesar de inicialmente ter apresentado melhora significativa do quadro clínico, apresentou morte súbita. A necropsia dos animais revelou dilatação atrioventricular direita e folhetos tricúspides espessados. As características clínicas, métodos de diagnóstico e terapia medicamentosa são discutidas neste artigo.
Criança de 6 anos de idade, sexo feminino, procurou serviço médico devido a mal-formação gastrointestinal. Durante o acompanhamento médico, foi diagnosticada ausência parcial de veia cava inferior, alteração congênita rara que envolve a drenagem vascular do segmento inferior do corpo. Realizados exames de imagem, os quais contribuíram para avaliação e descrição do caso. Mantido tratamento conservador com anticoagulante oral. Paciente apresenta boa evolução após longo tempo de acompanhamento cardiovascular.