62 resultados para Computational Methods
This work shows a computational methodology for the determination of synchronous machines parameters using load rejection test data. By machine modeling one can obtain the quadrature parameters through a load rejection under an arbitrary reference, reducing the present difficulties. The proposed method is applied to a real machine.
The paper explains the conceptual design of instrumentation that measures electric quantities defined in the trial-use Std. 1459-2000. It is shown how the Instantaneous-Space-Phasor (ISP) approach, based on α, β, 0 components, can be used to monitor electric energy flow, evaluate the utilization of transmission line and quantify the level of harmonic pollution injected by nonlinear loads.
This paper presents some initial concepts for including reactive power in linear methods for computing Available Transfer Capability (ATC). It is proposed an approximation for the reactive power flows computation that uses the exact circle equations for the transmission line complex flow, and then it is determined the ATC using active power distribution factors. The transfer capability can be increased using the sensitivities of flow that show the best group of buses which can have their reactive power injection modified in order to remove the overload in the transmission lines. The results of the ATC computation and of the use of the sensitivities of flow are presented using the Cigré 32-bus system. © 2004 IEEE.
Wavelets are being extensively used in Geodetic applications. In this paper, the Multi-Resolution Analysis (MRA) using wavelets is applied to pseudorange and carrier phase GPS double differences (DDs) in order to reduce multipath effects. The wavelets were already applied to GPS carrier phase DDs, but some questions remain: How good can be the results, and are all multipath effects reduced? The answers to these questions are discussed in this paper. Thus, the wavelet transform is used to decompose the DD signals, splitting them in lower resolution components. After the decomposition process, the wavelet shrinkage is performed by thresholding to eliminate the components relative to multipath effects. Then, the DD observation can be reconstructed. This new DD signal is used to perform the baseline processing. The daily multipath repeatability was verified. With the application of the proposed approach, the results showed that the reliability of the ambiguity resolution and accuracy of the results improved when compared with the standard procedure. Furthermore, the method showed to be very efficient computationally, because, it is not noticed, at practical level, difference in the time span between the processing with and without application of the proposed method. However, only the high frequency multipath was eliminated.
The glued-laminated lumber (glulam) technique is an efficient process for making rational use of wood. Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) associated with glulam beams provide significant gains in terms of strength and stiffness, and also alter the mode of rupture of these structural elements. In this context, this paper presents a theoretical model for designing reinforced glulam beams. The model allows for the calculation of the bending moment, the hypothetical distribution of linear strains along the height of the beam, and considers the wood has a linear elastic fragile behavior in tension parallel to the fibers and bilinear in compression parallel to the fibers, initially elastic and subsequently inelastic, with a negative decline in the stress-strain diagram. The stiffness was calculated by the transformed section method. Twelve non-reinforced and fiberglass reinforced glulam beams were evaluated experimentally to validate the proposed theoretical model. The results obtained indicate good congruence between the experimental and theoretical values.
In this work a computational method is presented to simulate the movements of vocal folds in three dimensions. The proposed model consists of a mesh free structure where each vertex is connected its neighbor through a group spring-damper. Forced oscillations were studied by time varying surface forces. The preliminary results using this model are similar with the literature and with the experimental stroboscopic observations of larynx. © 2006 IEEE.
The main purpose of this work is the development of computational tools in order to assist the on-line automatic detection of burn in the surface grinding process. Most of the parameters currently employed in the burning recognition (DPO, FKS, DPKS, DIFP, among others) do not incorporate routines for automatic selection of the grinding passes, therefore, requiring the user's interference for the choice of the active region. Several methods were employed in the passes extraction; however, those with the best results are presented in this article. Tests carried out in a surface-grinding machine have shown the success of the algorithms developed for pass extraction. Copyright © 2007 by ABCM.
EPSP synthase (EPSPS) is an essential enzyme in the shikimate pathway, transferring the enolpyruvyl group of phosphoenolpyruvate to shikimate-3-phosphate to form 5-enolpyruvyl-3-shikimate phosphate and inorganic phosphate. This enzyme is composed of two domains, which are formed by three copies of βαβαββ-folding units; in between there are two crossover chain segments hinging the nearly topologically symmetrical domains together and allowing conformational changes necessary for substrate conversion. The reaction is ordered with shikimate-3-phosphate binding first, followed by phosphoenolpyruvate, and then by the subsequent release of phosphate and EPSP. N-[phosphomethyl]glycine (glyphosate) is the commercial inhibitor of this enzyme. Apparently, the binding of shikimate-3-phosphate is necessary for glyphosate binding, since it induces the closure of the two domains to form the active site in the interdomain cleft. However, it is somehow controversial whether binding of shikimate-3-phosphate alone is enough to induce the complete conversion to the closed state. The phosphoenolpyruvate binding site seems to be located mainly on the C-terminal domain, while the binding site of shikimate-3-phosphate is located primarily in the N-terminal domain residues. However, recent results demonstrate that the active site of the enzyme undergoes structural changes upon inhibitor binding on a scale that cannot be predicted by conventional computational methods. Studies of molecular docking based on the interaction of known EPSPS structures with (R)- phosphonate TI analogue reveal that more experimental data on the structure and dynamics of various EPSPS-ligand complexes are needed to more effectively apply structure-based drug design of this enzyme in the future. © 2007 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
The objective of this article is to apply the Design of experiments technique along with the Discrete Events Simulation technique in an automotive process. The benefits of the design of experiments in simulation include the possibility to improve the performance in the simulation process, avoiding trial and error to seek solutions. The methodology of the conjoint use of Design of Experiments and Computer Simulation is presented to assess the effects of the variables and its interactions involved in the process. In this paper, the efficacy of the use of process mapping and design of experiments on the phases of conception and analysis are confirmed. © 2007 IEEE.
This paper studies the use of different population structures in a Genetic Algorithm (GA) applied to lot sizing and scheduling problems. The population approaches are divided into two types: single-population and multi-population. The first type has a non-structured single population. The multi-population type presents non-structured and structured populations organized in binary and ternary trees. Each population approach is tested on lot sizing and scheduling problems found in soft drink companies. These problems have two interdependent levels with decisions concerning raw material storage and soft drink bottling. The challenge is to simultaneously determine the lot sizing and scheduling of raw materials in tanks and products in lines. Computational results are reported allowing determining the better population structure for the set of problem instances evaluated. Copyright 2008 ACM.
This paper presents the study of computational methods applied to histological texture analysis in order to identify plant species, a very difficult task due to the great similarity among some species and presence of irregularities in a given species. Experiments were performed considering 300 ×300 texture windows extracted from adaxial surface epidermis from eight species. Different texture methods were evaluated using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). Results showed that methods based on complexity analysis perform a better texture discrimination, so conducting to a more accurate identification of plant species. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
This project aims to apply image processing techniques in computer vision featuring an omnidirectional vision system to agricultural mobile robots (AMR) used for trajectory navigation problems, as well as localization matters. To carry through this task, computational methods based on the JSEG algorithm were used to provide the classification and the characterization of such problems, together with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for pattern recognition. Therefore, it was possible to run simulations and carry out analyses of the performance of JSEG image segmentation technique through Matlab/Octave platforms, along with the application of customized Back-propagation algorithm and statistical methods in a Simulink environment. Having the aforementioned procedures been done, it was practicable to classify and also characterize the HSV space color segments, not to mention allow the recognition of patterns in which reasonably accurate results were obtained.
One of the critical problems in implementing an intelligent grinding process is the automatic detection of workpiece surface burn. This work uses fuzzy logic as a tool to classify and predict burn levels in the grinding process. Based on acoustic emission signals, cutting power, and the mean-value deviance (MVD), linguistic rules were established for the various burn situations (slight, intermediate, severe) by applying fuzzy logic using the Matlab Toolbox. Three practical fuzzy system models were developed. The first model with two inputs resulted only in a simple analysis process. The second and third models have an additional MVD statistic input, associating information and precision. These two models differ from each other in terms of the rule base developed. The three developed models presented valid responses, proving effective, accurate, reliable and easy to use for the determination of ground workpiece burn. In this analysis, fuzzy logic translates the operator's human experience associated with powerful computational methods.
ANN statistical image recognition method for computer vision in agricultural mobile robot navigation
The main application area in this project, is to deploy image processing and segmentation techniques in computer vision through an omnidirectional vision system to agricultural mobile robots (AMR) used for trajectory navigation problems, as well as localization matters. Thereby, computational methods based on the JSEG algorithm were used to provide the classification and the characterization of such problems, together with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for image recognition. Hence, it was possible to run simulations and carry out analyses of the performance of JSEG image segmentation technique through Matlab/Octave computational platforms, along with the application of customized Back-propagation Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) algorithm and statistical methods as structured heuristics methods in a Simulink environment. Having the aforementioned procedures been done, it was practicable to classify and also characterize the HSV space color segments, not to mention allow the recognition of segmented images in which reasonably accurate results were obtained. © 2010 IEEE.
Numerous researchers have studied about nonlinear dynamics in several areas of science and engineering. However, in most cases, these concepts have been explored mainly from the standpoint of analytical and computational methods involving integer order calculus (IOC). In this paper we have examined the dynamic behavior of an elastic wide plate induced by two electromagnets of a point of view of the fractional order calculus (FOC). The primary focus of this study is on to help gain a better understanding of nonlinear dynamic in fractional order systems. © 2011 American Institute of Physics.