184 resultados para Cocaína (crack)
Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This paper aims to contribute to the three-dimensional generalization of numerical prediction of crack propagation through the formulation of finite elements with embedded discontinuities. The analysis of crack propagation in two-dimensional problems yields lines of discontinuity that can be tracked in a relatively simple way through the sequential construction of straight line segments oriented according to the direction of failure within each finite element in the solid. In three-dimensional analysis, the construction of the discontinuity path is more complex because it requires the creation of plane surfaces within each element, which must be continuous between the elements. In the method proposed by Chaves (2003) the crack is determined by solving a problem analogous to the heat conduction problem, established from local failure orientations, based on the stress state of the mechanical problem. To minimize the computational effort, in this paper a new strategy is proposed whereby the analysis for tracking the discontinuity path is restricted to the domain formed by some elements near the crack surface that develops along the loading process. The proposed methodology is validated by performing three-dimensional analyses of basic problems of experimental fractures and comparing their results with those reported in the literature.
Fatigue crack growth rate in mode I of a carbon fiber 5HS weave composite laminate processed via RTM
Delamination or crack propagation between plies is a critical issue for structural composites. In viewing this issue and the large application of woven fabrics in structural applications, especially the ones that requires high drapeability to be preformed in a RTM mold cavity such as the asymmetric ones, e.g HS series, this research aimed in dynamically testing the carbon fiber 5HS/RTM6 epoxy composites under opening mode using DCB set up in order to investigate the crack growth rate behavior in an irregular surface produced by the fabric waviness. The evaluation of the energy involved in each crack increment was based on the Irwin-Kies equation using compliance beam theory. The tests were conducted at constant stress ratio of R=0.1 with displacement control, frequency of 10 Hz, in accordance to ASTM E647-00 for measurement of crack growth rate. The results showed large scatter when compared to unidirectional carbon fiber composites due to damage accumulation at the fill tows.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A cocaína, alcalóide extraído das folhas de coca, apresenta antigo histórico de uso para diversas finalidades. O uso vinculado à fim recreacional se dá na década de 70 e permanece até hoje com variações espaciais e temporais. Muitas são as substâncias usadas como adulterantes à cocaína, ou seja, adicionadas com o propósito de mimetizar ou potencializar o efeito da mesma, e o levamisol, antiparasitário de uso humano e veterinário no Brasil, tem sido reportado mundialmente, com notável crescimento desde 2003. Desde 2009, casos de agranulocitose e vasculite crônica tem sido associado à usuários de cocaína com o levamisol como adulterante. Visto o aumento no consumo de cocaína no Brasil entre 2010 e 2011, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar a prevalência desta adulteração na cidade de Campinas e região entre outubro de 2012 e junho de 2013, fazendo uso de CCDC e CG/MS. As análises em CCDC mostraram um aumento na prevalência da adulteração de 15,5% para 26,5% no período de estudo. Os resultados encontrados reiteram a importância da discussão e difusão do tema perante a comunidade médica, principalmente, a fim de tomarem decisões mais acertadas frente aos casos envolvendo os usuários.
No mundo, é alto e crescente o número de pessoas que fazem uso de substâncias psicoativas de abuso. Estudos clínicos demonstram que a exposição ao estresse pode aumentar o risco ao abuso de drogas, a vulnerabilidade para o desenvolvimento de dependência e a probabilidade de recaídas. O uso repetido de substâncias de abuso pode promover sensibilização comportamental. A sensibilização comportamental reflete em neuroadaptações que estão envolvidas no desenvolvimento da farmacodependência. Logo, tanto a administração repetida da substância de abuso quanto a exposição repetida a situações de estresse podem promover sensibilização comportamental, culminando em administração subsequente de substâncias de abuso. Esse fenômeno é chamado de sensibilização cruzada entre estresse e drogas. Em modelos animais, a sensibilização comportamental pode ser demonstrada pelo aumento progressivo da resposta locomotora a uma dose fixa da substância psicoativa após a exposição repetida a drogas ou ao estresse. Altos índices de uso de substância psicoativa de abuso tem sido observados entre adolescentes, no Brasil e no mundo. Adultos e adolescentes apresentam diferenças em relação à resposta às drogas e ao estresse. Embora seja de grande relevância, poucos são os estudos realizados para avaliar o efeito do estresse em modelos animais de adolescência. Desta forma, o objetivo desse projeto foi estudar se a exposição ao estresse crônico de isolamento social durante a adolescência promove sensibilização comportamental cruzada com a cocaína em ratos adultos e adolescentes
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Objectives: the aim of this work was to define the range of possible values for each isotope of carbon-13 and nitrogen-15 for cocaine and marijuana seized in Botucatu-SP, with the intention of distinguishing the geographical origin of the drug. Materials and Methods: samples of marijuana and cocaine were collected at the time of incineration. Then, at the Stable Isotope Center from São Paulo State University in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, samples of marijuana were subjected to the drying process and subsequent grinding. Samples of cocaine were not submitted to the processes of drying and grinding because they were already in adequate granulometry. Subsequently, the samples of both drugs were weighed in accordance with the standards for carbon-13 and nitrogen-15. Lastly, CO2 and N2 gases were obtained from the samples through the elemental analyzer. They were then analyzed in a mass spectrometer to obtain values of δ13C and δ15N in ‰. Results and Discussion: the results of marijuana allowed for comparison with regions of Queensland, Australia, according to the range of δ13C between -29.9 ‰ and -29.3 ‰ and δ15N range from 4.1 ‰ to 5.8 ‰. The results were also consistent with those of the state of Pará, Brazil, where the values of δ13C and δ15N were -30.3 ± 0.7 ‰ and 5.0 ± 1.3 ‰, respectively. Also the results were in accordance with those from the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, in which δ13C values varied by -28.7 ± 1.3 ‰, and δ15N values varied by 6.6 ± 1.1 ‰, respectively. In both regions, the samples identified as being from Pará and Mato Grosso do Sul showed an overlap. In addition, the results fitted with data from the state of Maranhão, in which the values of δ13C and δ15 N were -28.8 ± 1.6 ‰ and 2.9 ± 2.5 ‰, respectively. In the case of cocaine, the present study could not be related to the results from the literature. One possible explanation may be related to the non-purification of ...
The article presents one brief analysis on the current situation of the cultivation of coca, production of cocaine and fighting drug trafficking in Peru.
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
The research examines the relationship between drug use and physical activity in school. We used an anonymous self-questionnaire among students in elementary and middle school in a Brazilian city. The mean age was 15.1 ± 1.5 years. There was no significant difference between energy expenditure and drug use, crack use except in life that related to significantly higher values of energy expenditure and habitual for the past thirty days, cocaine use was associated with higher energy expenditure habitual (p <0.05). We emphasize the need investigations addressing specific features of involvement in school and extracurricular activities, physical activity, drug use and their contributions to school health.
This study examined a new conservation tillage tool, the rotary paraplow. Emphasis was placed on evaluating the tool's conservation potential using dimensionless graph analysis. The dynamic conditions of the soil were investigated in terms of physical soil properties. Having determined the variables to be measured, dimensional analysis was used to plan the experiments. Two variations were considered for each dependent variable (linear speed, working depth, and rotation velocity), totaling eight treatments, allotting in each an experimental strip with five data collection points. This arrangement totaled 16 experimental strips, with 80 data collection points for all variables. The rotary paraplow generates a trapezoidal furrow for planting with a very wide bottom and narrower at the top. The volumetric subsoiling action generates cracks on the sides of the band. Because of their specific geometry the blades of rotary paraplow generate a soil failure according to its natural crack angle, optimizing the energy use, while preserving the natural soil properties. Results showed the conservation character of the rotary paraplow, capable of breaking up clods for planting without changing the original physical soil properties.