43 resultados para Chromic oxide
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study aimed to investigate the influence of calf genetic group on the performance of Nellore lactating cows. The variables studied included milk ingestion, pasture intake, calf weight gain and cow body weight. A total of 13 Nellore calves and 8 crossbred Simental x Nellore calves were used, all born from Nellore mothers. During the experimental period of 210 days, calves were weighted at birth and at 30-day intervals, whereas cows were weighed every 14 days. Milk intake was estimated using the weigh-suckle-weigh method. Pasture intake was determined 6, 12, and 24 weeks after birth by using chromic oxide as an external marker and indigestible acid detergent fiber as an internal marker. Average weight of crossbred calves was 10.1 kg and their milk intake was 0.42 kg higher than in purebred calves. There was no difference, however, in pasture intake between genetic groups. In Nellore cows, body weight and pasture consumption (9.2 kg of DM/cow/day) were not influenced by calf heterosis.
This study aimed to investigate the influence of calf genetic group on the performance of Nellore lactating cows. The variables studied included milk ingestion, pasture intake, calf weight gain and cow body weight. A total of 13 Nellore calves and 8 crossbred Simental × Nellore calves were used, all born from Nellore mothers. During the experimental period of 210 days, calves were weighted at birth and at 30-day intervals, whereas cows were weighed every 14 days. Milk intake was estimated using the weigh-suckle-weigh method. Pasture intake was determined 6, 12, and 24 weeks after birth by using chromic oxide as an external marker and indigestible acid detergent fiber as an internal marker. Average weight of crossbred calves was 10.1 kg and their milk intake was 0.42 kg higher than in purebred calves. There was no difference, however, in pasture intake between genetic groups. In Nellore cows, body weight and pasture consumption (9.2 kg of DM/cow/day) were not influenced by calf heterosis.
Avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes níveis do composto enzimático Natugrain Blend L®, que contém endo-xilanase e endo-beta-glucanase, sobre a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e a energia do triticale pela tilápia-do-nilo. O método para a determinação da digestibilidade foi o indireto, utilizando-se o óxido de crômio III (0,10%). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e três repetições. O nível de substituição da dieta-referência foi 50,0% pelo triticale. Os tratamentos foram 0,0; 150,0; 300,0; 450,0 e 600,0mg kg-1 de Natugrain Blend L, que contém 800 unidades g-1 de endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase (BGU) e 36.600 unidades g-1 de endo-1,4-β-xylanase (EXU). Os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente foram: da matéria seca, 76,42; 74,01; 83,39; 82,97 e 78,34%; da proteína bruta 88,19; 88,39; 90,52; 92,05 e 88,34%, da energia bruta 75,93; 71,31; 81,78; 80,27 e 78,62%, respectivamente, para os níveis de inclusão na dieta 0,0; 150,0; 300,0; 450,0 e 600,0mg kg-1 de Natugrain Blend L.Os resultados demonstram que 300mg kg-1 do complexo de enzimas foi suficiente para aumentar o coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca. O composto de enzimas pode ser utilizado para aumentar a eficiência de aproveitamento dos nutrientes do triticale.
Avaliaram-se o consumo, a digestibilidade aparente total e parcial dos nutrientes, o pH e a concentração de amônia ruminal em bovinos alimentados com silagem de capim-mombaça e concentrado nas seguintes proporções: 80:20, 65:35, 50:50 e 35:65, com base na matéria seca. Foram utilizados quatro animais Holandês x Zebu, com peso corporal médio inicial de 229kg, canulados no rúmen e abomaso, e distribuídos em quadrado latino 4x4. Os consumos de matéria seca (MS), matéria orgânica (MO), proteína bruta (PB), extrato etéreo (EE) e carboidratos totais (CHOT), expressos em kg/dia, e a digestibilidade parcial dos carboidratos não fibrosos (CNF) apresentaram comportamento linear crescente, com resposta platô nos níveis de concentrado de 54,1; 54,8; 52,9; 62,2; 55,2 e 52,7%. O consumo dos demais nutrientes, exceto da fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), e as digestibilidades aparente total de MS, MO e CNF e a parcial de MO aumentaram linearmente com o incremento do concentrado nas dietas. Não foram encontradas diferenças no consumo e nas digestibilidades aparente total e parcial da FDN. Para concentração de amônia e pH ruminal, observou-se efeito quadrático de tempo de amostragem, com valores máximos de 24,76mg/dL e 6,53 em 2,8 e 3,5 horas após a alimentação, respectivamente.
RESUMO - Foram utilizados 10 bovinos providos de cânula abomasal para avaliação do coeficiente de digestibilidade de rações preparadas com diferentes fontes de proteína (levedura, uréia e farelo de algodão). Os coeficientes de digestibilidade foram obtidos pela técnica de coleta total de fezes e também com o uso de óxido crômico como marcador interno. Na ração com uréia, obteve-se aumento nos coeficientes de digestibilidade para a maioria dos nutrientes, quando foi empregada a técnica do óxido crômico. A fração extrato etéreo não apresentou diferenças entre as técnicas usadas. A análise dos coeficientes de digestibilidade entre as diferentes rações evidenciou semelhanças, independentemente da técnica adotada. A ração composta por uréia proporcionou maior digestibilidade da proteína bruta, independentemente da técnica de avaliação, enquanto a ração composta por farelo de algodão foi superior na digestibilidade da energia bruta pela técnica do indicador. Não houve diferenças entre as rações para a digestão individual de nutrientes no rúmen e intestino, observando-se o mesmo para o balanço de N.
Objetivou-se com este estudo determinar os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) da proteína bruta e dos aminoácidos de duas espécies de macrófitas aquáticas flutuantes (Eichhornia crassipes e Pistia stratiotes) pela tilápia-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) e verificar a qualidade da água dos aquários de digestibilidade em relação às concentrações de nitrogênio e fósforo. Foram elaboradas três rações, marcadas com 0,10% de óxido de cromo-III, sendo uma ração-referência (purificada) e as demais contendo 30% de cada uma das macrófitas aquáticas. As tilápias-do-nilo (58,8 + 18,5 g) foram alimentadas até a saciedade aparente e a coleta de fezes foi feita pelo sistema Guelph modificado. Os CDA médios da proteína e dos aminoácidos foram, respectivamente, 93,17 e 93,32% para a ração-referência; 59,23 e 60,35% para E. crassipes; e 52,24 e 57,40% para P. stratiotes. Não foram constatadas diferenças significativas entre os valores de CDA da proteína e dos aminoácidos dos ingredientes vegetais. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram reduzida eficiência da tilápia-do-nilo em assimilar a maioria dos aminoácidos de E. crassipes e P. stratiotes. As excretas das tilápias-do-nilo contribuíram para o aumento das concentrações de nitrogênio e fósforo na água dos aquários, independentemente da ração fornecida.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This experiment was carried out with six half-bred Bretao-Campolinacolts with ileum fistulated to evaluate the difference in the ileum dry matter flow estimated by chromic oxide, cellulose, NDF, lignin and fecal lignin through the collection of ileum samples digesta at 28 h intervals, totalizing six samples per animal, starting at 10:00 a.m. The animals were fed ad libitum with the following diets: R1: clephantgrass, R2: elephantgrass plus ground corn, and R3: elephantgrass plus ground corn plus soybean meal. The data was statistically described, based on the coefficient of variation. The values of dry matter prececal digestion coefficients were, respectively, for diets 1, 2 and 3, at six schedules, for cellulose (-16.4; 21.4 and 6.6%), NDF(-34.7; 28.8 and -12.8%), to lignin (-51.5; -5.1 and -25.7%), in two schedules for cellulose (-13.4; 25.6 and 21.5%), fecal lignin (-37.1, 16.6 and -6.4%) and chromic oxide (-219.3, 36.4 and 9.5%). The coefficients of variation were, respectively, for the diets i, 2 and 3, at six schedules, for cellulose (148.3; 107.5 and 522.7%), NDF (95.4; 80.9 and 314.3%), lignin (210.2; 752.3 and 209.6%), at two schedules for cellulose(148.5; 80.7 and 70.0%), fecal lignin, (262.4; 177.9 and 723.5%) and chromic oxide (141.1; 158.9 and 473.4%). In diet i, the ileum dry matter now were over estimated for all markers, showing that chosen collection lime to estimate the flows were not adequate. Based on the coefficient of variation of the diets 2 and 3, the cellulose at two schedules was the most marker indicator to determine the ileum dry matter flow.
This study was carried out to determine apparent ileal digestibility (AID) and apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of DM, CP, GE, and their respective digestible content of degermed dehulled corn (Zea mays), citrus pulp, and soy (Glycine max) protein concentrate by pigs using the difference method. Thirty-two barrows (28.1 +/- 1.6 kg of BW) were fed a corn-soybean meal basal diet or 1 of 3 diets formulated by replacing 30% of the basal diet with 30% of 1 of the test feedstuffs for 11 d. Chromic oxide (0.3%) was included in the diets. Feces were collected from days 7 to 11 by grab sampling and ileal digesta were collected after pigs were slaughtered on day 12. The AID of DM and AID and ATTD of GE of degermed corn (77.4, 88.7, and 77.7%) were greater (P < 0.05) than those observed in citrus pulp (50.3, 86.5, and 55.8%) and in soy protein concentrate (63.5, 85.1, and 59.4%), which did not differ (P > 0.05). The ATTD of CP, total digestible CP, and total DE of soy protein concentrate (87.5%, 500 g/kg, and 3739 kcal/kg) were higher (P < 0.05) than the values in degermed corn (81.7%, 57.5 g/kg, and 3330 kcal/kg), which were greater (P < 0.05) than those in citrus pulp (60.5%, 39.5 g/kg, and 3223 kcal/kg). Total and ileal digestible DM, AID of CP, and ileal DE of degermed corn (782 g/kg, 673 g/kg, 70.7%, and 2913 kcal/kg) and soy protein concentrate (778 g/kg, 570 g/kg, 78.7%, and 2878 kcal/kg) were similar (P > 0.05) and greater (P < 0.05) than those in citrus pulp (737 g/kg, 436 g/kg, 50.6%, and 2081 kcal/kg). Ileal digestible CP of degermed corn (49.8 g/kg) and citrus pulp (33.0 g/kg) did not differ (P > 0.05) but were smaller (P < 0.05) than the value found in soy protein concentrate (434 g/kg). The DM and energy from degermed corn are more efficiently digested by the pig than those from soy protein concentrate and citrus pulp. Soy protein concentrate was the best protein source evaluated in this study.
The digestible energy and apparent nutrient digestibility coefficients of common diet ingredients were determined for pacu Piaractus brachypomus (370.21 ± 17.56 g). Fish were fed with pelleted practical diets to apparent satiation and the feces were collected by siphoning. The digestibility value for each ingredient was determined by comparison of the digestibility of a test diet with a reference diet (24.5% crude protein and 1% chromic oxide). The digestible energy values of soybean meal (SBM), fish meal (FM), corn (CN), and wheat bran (WB) were 2382, 3826, 3353, and 1784 kcal/kg, respectively. The apparent dry matter digestibility coefficients were 83.72, 90.14, 89.13, and 82.05% for SBM, FM, CN, and WB, respectively. The apparent crude protein digestibility coefficients were 75.88, 90.49, 85.06, and 61.62% for SBM, FM, CN, and WB, respectively. The apparent lipid digestibility coefficients were 63.03, 77.00, 83.01, and 82.45% for SBM, FM, CN, and WB, respectively. The digestibility of protein, lipid, and energy from SBM were somewhat low compared to values for other warmwater omnivorous fishes, but similar to values reported for pacu-caranha P. mesopotamicus. Otherwise, the nutrient and energy availability of the ingredients to P. brachypomus was similar to that of other fish. This information will be useful in formulating nutritious, economical diets for pacus. © by the World Aquaculture Society 2004.
Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings were fed with purified or practical diets, supplemented with 150 Ing Zn/kg, from different sources. Dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), and gross energy (GE) apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC), as well as zinc, copper, calcium, and phosphorus apparent absorption coefficients (AAC) were determined by the addition of 0.1% chromic oxide to the diets. The supplemental zinc sources utilized were commercial grade zinc sulfate monohydrate (ZnSO 4), zinc oxide (ZnO) and a zinc amino acid complex (Zn-AA). Analytical grade zinc sulfate heptahydrate was also utilized as a standard reference zinc source. There was a significant difference between purified (74.9%) and practical (41.3%) zinc AAC for the ZnO supplemented diets (P < 0.05). The supplemental zinc sources presented similar AAC when purified diets were utilized. However, ZnSO 4 was the best supplemental zinc source when practical type diets were used. There were no significant differences between supplemental zinc AAC from ZnS0 4 (68.9%), and supplemental zinc AAC from Zn-AA (61.3%) in practical diets, but Zn-AA diet showed a statistically lower zinc AAC when compared with the standard zinc source diet (75.6%). The practical diet supplemented with ZnO had the worst supplemental zinc AAC (41.3%). Dietary copper (74.21%), calcium (70.9%), and phosphorus (71.9%) AAC of the practical diets supplemented with ZnO were statistically lower (P < 0.05) than the respective AAC of the practical ZnSO 4 supplemented diets (83.6%, 84.1%, 87.1%).The ADC of the practical ZnO supplemented diet for DM (76.3%), CP (88.6%), EE (82.4%), and GE (81.6%) were statiscally lower than the respective ADC of the ZnSO 4 practical diet (86.0, 92.7, 93.6, 89.6%, respectively) and those ADC of the Zn-AA practical diet (84.7, 92.7, 93.7, 88.2%, respectively) (P < 0.05). Hence, these results indicate that ZnSO 4 and Zn-AA have equivalent intestinal absorption as supplemental zinc sources for Nile tilapia juveniles and both are superior to ZnO. © Copyright by the World Aquaculture Society 2005.
Cottonseed meals (CSM) with different protein levels (35, 39 and 40%) were evaluated to determine their chemical composition and measure apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) of dry matter, protein, amino acids, energy, lipid and minerals for Nile tilapia. Apparent digestibility coefficients were determined using a reference purified diet containing 0.1% of chromic oxide indicator, and test diets contained 60% of reference diet and 40% of test ingredients. Results showed that apparent digestibility coefficients of cottonseed meals were different (p < 0.05). The apparent digestibility coefficients were: dry matter, 53.45-54.32%; crude protein, 71.56-74.81%; energy, 53.80-58.60%; lipid, 85.37-89.11%; phosphorus, 33.75-34.50%; calcium, 41.21-43.75%; iron, 62.02-79.85%; zinc, 0-67.41%; copper, 13.37-14.27%; essential amino acids, 71.39-79.17%; and non-essential amino acids, 77.08-82.58%. The ADC of protein did not reflect the majority of amino acids ADC showing variation in individual digestibility of amino acids and among cottonseed meals. Cottonseed meal can be used as protein succedaneum in Nile tilapia diets.
This work aimed to evaluate the effect of increasing dietary fiber levels on the digestibility and gastrointestinal transit time (GTT) for pacu. The digestibility trial used 288 pacu in a completely randomized design, fed in aquaria and transferred to a modified Guelf-type feces collector, using the partial sampling method. The inert marker on the diets was chromic oxide (1%) to establish the diet digestibility. In the GTT assay, 288 pacu were distributed in 24 aquaria in a completely randomized design. Fish were fed with two colored diets - green and white - and feces color was determined after abdominal pressure. The white and green diets used 1% of titanium and chromic oxides, respectively. Total GTT was determined when all fish showed green feces. The apparent digestibility coefficients and GTT of diets decreased as dietary fiber levels increased. These results indicated that 9% dietary fiber can be used in pacu diets without negative effects on energy, protein, crude fiber and ether extract digestibility and GTT.