74 resultados para Centuries XIX and XX
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
Ps-graduao em Cincias da Motricidade - IBRC
Ps-graduao em Servio Social - FCHS
Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper is the result of a research developed in one of the subgroups of the Project Toward a History of Paulista Portuguese which focuses on the investigation of the Diachrony of the constitutive processes of the text. The aim of this research is to study the Portuguese item assim in the parenthesis contexts using specifically the letter Discursive Tradition in the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Focusing on the Textual Interactive theory/perspective, the main purpose is to proceed with a qualitative analysis of the functionality of assim in the process of textual construction.
Habitat fragmentation is predicted to restrict gene flow, which can result in the loss of genetic variation and inbreeding depression. The Brazilian Atlantic forest has experienced extensive loss of habitats since European settlement five centuries ago, and many bird populations and species are vanishing. Genetic variability analysis in fragmented populations could be important in determining their long-term viability and for guiding management plans. Here we analyzed genetic diversity of a small understory bird, the Blue-manakins Chiroxiphia caudata (Pipridae), from an Atlantic forest fragment (112 ha) isolated 73 years ago, and from a 10,000 ha continuous forest tract (control), using orthologous microsatellite loci. Three of the nine loci tested were polymorphic. No statistically significant heterozygote loss was detected for the fragment population. Although genetic diversity, which was estimated by expected heterozygosity and allelic richness, has been lower in the fragment population in relation to the control, it was not statistically significant, suggesting that this 112 ha fragment can be sufficient to maintain a blue-manakin population large enough to avoid stochastic effects, such as inbreeding and/or genetic drift. Alternatively, it is possible that 73 years of isolation did not accumulate sufficient generations for these effects to be detected. However, some alleles have been likely lost, specially the rare ones, what is expected from genetic drift for such a small and isolated population. A high genetic differentiation was detected between populations by comparing both allelic and genotypic distributions. Only future studies in continuous areas are likely to answer if such a structure was caused by the isolation resulted from the forest fragmentation or by natural population structure.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)
Ps-graduao em Geocincias e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Ps-graduao em Histria - FCLAS
Ps-graduao em Lingustica e Lngua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)
This article seeks to understand the production of the modern school in Brazil and Portugal at the turn of the 20th century. The analysis falls on the pedagogical knowledge constituted around school programs disseminated in pedagogical manuals at the Normal Schools in Brazil and Portugal. The study uses three teacher training manuals as source of information: Curso pratico de pedagogia destinado aos alunos-mestres das escholas normaes primarias e aos instituidores em exerccio (1874), by Mr. Daligault; Elementos de Pedagogia para servirem de guia aos candidatos ao magistrio primrio (1870), by Jos Maria da Graa Affreixo and Henrique Freire; and Lies de metodologia (1920), by Bernardino da Fonseca Lage.
Plants have been used for thousands of years to flavor and conserve food, to treat health disorders and to prevent diseases including epidemics. The knowledge of their healing properties has been transmitted over the centuries within and among human communities. Active compounds produced during secondary vegetal metabolism are usually responsible for the biological properties of some plant species used throughout the globe for various purposes, including treatment of infectious diseases. Currently, data on the antimicrobial activity of numerous plants, so far considered empirical, have been scientifically confirmed, concomitantly with the increasing number of reports on pathogenic microorganisms resistant to antimicrobials. Products derived from plants may potentially control microbial growth in diverse situations and in the specific case of disease treatment, numerous studies have aimed to describe the chemical composition of these plant antimicrobials and the mechanisms involved in microbial growth inhibition, either separately or associated with conventional antimicrobials. Thus, in the present work, medicinal plants with emphasis on their antimicrobial properties are reviewed.
As treze espcies de Phaneropterinae estudadas neste trabalho podem ser organizadas em quatro diferentes grupos tomando como referncia suas caractersticas cariotpicas. Todas possuem sistema cromossmico de determinao sexual do tipo X0(masculino), XX(feminino). O cromossomo X sempre heteropicntico durante a prfase I, tem dimenses e morfologias variveis nas diferentes espcies mas sempre o maior elemento do caritipo, alm de apresentar segregao precoce durante a anfase I. O nmero cromossmico fundamental (NF) varia de 21 a 32. Neste trabalho, so discutidos os significados evolutivos das variaes cariotpicas encontradas e suas correlaes filogenticas com outros grupos de espcies pertencentes mesma subfamlia.
This paper refers to issues related to the harmonic language of Claudio Monteverdi, its harmonic procedures and resulting melodic movements, its use as a dramaturgical resource and its potential allegorical meanings, based on theories and classifications of modes of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. At first, it approaches the matter of the multiple names and meanings of the modes and their potential allegorical references according to different authors. Secondly, it presents the analysis of two examples from his operas that deal with the representation of the death of Euridice and Clorinda (Orfeo & Il combattimento de Tancredi e Clorinda, respectively), correlating their harmonic procedures to the corresponding dramaturgical situations.