225 resultados para Carrancas (MG)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The effect of Fe addition on the microstructural properties and the corrosion resistance of Al-Zn-Mg alloys submitted to different heat treatments (cast, annealed and aged), has been studied in chloride solutions using optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX), cyclic polarization (CP) and open circuit potential (o.c.p.) measurements. The presence of 0.3% Fe in the alloy limited the growth of the MgZn2 precipitates, both in the annealed and in the quenched specimens. No effect of Cr on the grain size in the presence of Fe was found because of the accumulation of Cr in the Fe-rich particles. Fe in the Al-Zn-Mg alloys also made them more susceptible to pitting. Pitting occurred mainly near the Fe-rich particles both, under o.c.p. conditions in O-2-saturated solutions and during the CP.
Precursor solutions for Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O-3 (PMN) synthesis were obtained by Pechini's method. The influence of the concentration of organic materials on the phase formation has been studied. For this purpose, PMN solutions were prepared with different precursors and were characterized by thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis. The obtained solutions were deposited onto a Si (100) substrate by dip coating and pre-treated in a hot plate at 300 degreesC for 1 h. The films were annealed at 600, 700, 800 and 900 degreesC for 1 h and characterized by X-ray diffraction. The perovskite phase was formed after annealing at 600 and 700 degreesC when the solution of PMN was prepared with a lower amount of organic material and starting with mobium oxide. By increasing the temperature to 800 or 900 degreesC, only the formation of pyrochlore phase was observed. With the solution prepared from mobium ethoxide, only the presence of pyrochlore phase was observed independently of the annealing temperature. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The effect of gas tungsten are welding on the microstructure and electrochemical corrosion of Al-Zn-Mg-Fe alloys submitted to different heat treatments (as fabricated, annealed and aged) has been studied using optical microscopy, SEM, TEM, EDX, cyclic voltammetry and corrosion potential measurements in chloride solutions. The electrochemical techniques were very sensitive to the change in the phase compositions produced by welding. Welding caused a decrease in the mean grain size, in the hardness and in the corrosion resistance of the age-hardened alloys. The structure of the latter became strongly altered by welding to lead to phase compositions very close to those of the cold rolled and annealed specimens. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
The electrochemical corrosion and passivation of Al-5Zn-1.7Mg-0.23Cu-0.053Nb alloys, submitted to different heat treatments (cold-rolled, annealed, quenched and aged, and quenched in two steps and aged), in sulphate-containing chloride solutions, has been studied by means of cyclic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The cyclic polarization curves showed that sulphate addition to the chloride solution produced a poor reproducible shift of the breakdown potential to more positive potentials. The repassivation potentials, much more reproducible, and practically separating the passive from the pitting potential region, were slightly displaced in the negative direction with that addition. When the alloys were potentiodynamically polarized in the passive potential region, sulphate was incorporated in the oxide film, thus precluding chloride ingress. In addition, Zn depletion was favoured, whereas Mg losses were avoided. Different equivalent circuits corresponding to different alloys and potentials in the passive and pitting regions were employed to account for the electrochemical processes taking place in each condition. This work shows that sulphate makes these alloys more sensitive to corrosion, increasing the fracture properties of the surface layer and favouring the pitting attack over greater areas than chloride alone. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The fast sequential multi-element determination of Ca, Mg, K, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in plant tissues by high-resolution continuum source flame atomic absorption spectrometry is proposed. For this, the main lines for Cu (324.754 nm), Fe (248.327 nm), Mn (279.482 nm) and Zn (213.857 nm) were selected, and the secondary lines for Ca (239.856 nm), Mg (202.582 nm) and K (404.414 nm) were evaluated. The side pixel registration approach was studied to reduce sensitivity and extend the linear working range for Mg by measuring at wings (202.576 nm; 202.577 nm; 202.578 nm; 202.580 nm: 202.585 nm; 202.586 nm: 202.587 nm; 202.588 nm) of the secondary line. The interference caused by NO bands on Zn at 213.857 nm was removed using the least-squares background correction. Using the main lines for Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn, secondary lines for Ca and K, and line wing at 202.588 nm for Mg, and 5 mL min(-1) sample flow-rate, calibration curves in the 0.1-0.5 mg L-1 Cu, 0.5-4.0 mg L-1 Fe, 0.5-4.0 mg L-1 Mn, 0.2-1.0 mg L-1 Zn, 10.0-100.0 mg L-1 Ca, 5.0-40.0 mg L-1 Mg and 50.0-250.0 mg L-1 K ranges were consistently obtained. Accuracy and precision were evaluated after analysis of five plant standard reference materials. Results were in agreement at a 95% confidence level (paired t-test) with certified values. The proposed method was applied to digests of sugar-cane leaves and results were close to those obtained by line-source flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Recoveries of Ca, Mg, K, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in the 89-103%, 84-107%, 87-103%, 85-105%, 92-106%, 91-114%, 96-114% intervals, respectively, were obtained. The limits of detection were 0.6 mg L-1 Ca, 0.4 mg L-1 Mg, 0.4 mg L-1 K, 7.7 mu g L-1 Cu, 7.7 mu g L-1 Fe, 1.5 mu g L-1 Mn and 5.9 mu g L-1 Zn. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
É estudado o relacionamento entre a fisiografia e os solos evoluídos a partir de sedimentos cenozóicos, de textura e composição variáveis, depositados sob a ação do rio São Francisco e tributários. A região (vale do rio Jequitai, MG) é caracterizada por um clima sub-úmido, onde o regime de umidade do solo é ústico e o de temperatura isotérmico. Foram coletados 5 pedons dispostos numa topossequência. Na posição mais antiga (pleistocênica), o solo apresenta-se em um estágio de intensa alteração (Typic Haplustox). Os demais solos encontram-se sobre sedimentos holocênicos, compondo a planície aluvial do rio São Francisco e são, mineralogicamente, mais jovens, com horizonte argílico, representado por ultissol e molissol, ocorrência esta pouco comum em situações de planície aluvial recente. No pedon 1 (Typic Haplustox), os minerais primários intemperizáveis inexistem na fração grosseira. O pedon 2 (Plinthic Haplustult) apresenta na fração areia um acréscimo em profundidade de minerais de fácil alteração. Na fração silte, os feldspatos já estão em fase de alteração. Os pedons 3 (Oxic Plintaquult), 4 (Fluventic Plinthustult) e 5 (Fluventic Argiustol) mostram elevadas proporções de minerais primários de fácil alteração (placioclásios calco-sódicos, hornblenda), principalmente nas frações areia e silte. A ocorrência destes minerais associa-se a um processo deposicional recente, aliado às condições de clima e drenagem locais.
Este artigo visa analisar a rede de drenagem através da utilização das técnicas de Índice Relação Declividade e Extensão do Curso de Água (RDE) e análise do perfil longitudinal dos vales, numa região chave do Planalto Sul de Minas, a fim de contribuir com estudos sobre evolução da paisagem da região sudeste do Brasil. A pesquisa foi realizada na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio do Machado (MG), afluente do Alto Rio Grande, e regiões adjacentes, localizadas no Planalto Sul de Minas. O Rio do Machado apresenta uma particularidade em seu curso, com uma mudança brusca de direção tomada por sua drenagem na área próxima ao seu médio curso. Com a aplicação das técnicas pretende-se compreender melhor a dinâmica do relevo na área, identificando áreas com indício de ação neotectônica e seu padrão de distribuição na bacia.
Desenvolveu-se um trabalho de pesquisa na fazenda Jordão (município de Araguari, MG), na época de inverno, com o objetivo de verificar o desempenho agronômico de genótipos de tomateiro tipo Santa Cruz. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com 14 tratamentos (genótipos) e quatro repetições. A parcela experimental foi constituída por duas fileiras com 12 plantas cada, no espaçamento de 1,00 m entre linhas e 0,60 m entre plantas (duas plantas por cova). As colheitas iniciaram-se em 25/8/96 e encerraram em 19/10/96, perfazendo um total de 17. de forma geral, todos os genótipos apresentaram produtividades elevadas, comparativamente ao rendimento médio nacional, principalmente os genótipos Santa Clara I-5300, Débora Plus, Santa Clara, Santa Clara Importada e Santa Clara III, todos com produtividade superior a 125 t/ha, podendo ser recomendados para plantio na região, no período de inverno. Apenas o genótipo Tom-556 e a cultivar Ângela Gigante I-5100 não tiveram peso médio de frutos superior a 100 g. As cultivares Saladinha, Santa Clara Importada, Concord e Jumbo, tiveram peso médio superior a 130 g, os quais se destacaram, também, em porcentagem de frutos tipo extra AA, juntamente com Santa Clara, Santa Clara I-5300, IAC Santa Clara, enquanto os genótipos Tom-556, Tex-015 e Ângela Gigante I-5100, se destacaram em frutos tipo extra A.