28 resultados para Canal de Isabel II (Madrid)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O tratamento endodôntico é uma etapa importante do protocolo de atendimento do reimplante dentário e tem uma relação direta com o aparecimento das reabsorções radiculares, maior causa de perda dos dentes reimplantados. O objetivo do trabalho foi analisar o processo de reparo no reimplante tardio de dente de macaco, utilizando o hidróxido de cálcio (Ca(OH)2) e o MTA como materiais obturadores de canal. Cinco macacos Cebus apella adultos tiveram seus incisivos laterais superiores e inferiores, direito e esquerdo, extraídos e deixados em meio ambiente por 60 minutos. Decorrido esse período, foi realizado o preparo biomecânico dos canais e os dentes foram divididos em dois grupos experimentais: grupo I - canal preenchido com pasta de Ca(OH)2 e grupo II - canal preenchido com MTA (Angelus®). Após o selamento da abertura coronária com ionômero de vidro, o ligamento periodontal foi removido e os dentes imersos em solução de fluoreto de sódio 2%, pH 5,5, por 10 minutos. Em seguida, os alvéolos foram irrigados com soro fisiológico e os dentes reimplantados e contidos por 30 dias com fio de aço e resina composta. A eutanásia dos animais foi realizada 60 dias após o reimplante. Os espécimes de ambos os grupos apresentaram reabsorção por substituição e pontos de anquilose ao longo dos três terços radiculares e ausência de reabsorção inflamatória. Não houve diferença significante entre os dois grupos com relação à reabsorção por substituição, porém a quantidade de anquilose foi significativamente maior no grupo do Ca(OH)2. Baseado nesses resultados conclui-se que o MTA pode ser uma opção clínica viável para a obturação de dentes tardiamente reimplantados que necessitam de um longo período de curativo com hidróxido de cálcio.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Protrusion of the intervertebral disc can cause chronic progressive compression of the spinal cord, and the neurological associated signs vary according to anatomical location, duration and dynamic force of compression. The type II disc disease is not fully understood, and there are many controversies about is clinical significance and best form of treatment. The most important aspect of conservative treatment is rest and physiotherapy associated with mild exercise, and use of corticosteroids to reduce vasogenic edema. The spinal decompression by surgery for removal of disc material from within the medullary canal is the surgical treatment of choice in type I disc disease, but has technical limitations in the type II disc disease. The purpose of this paper is to review the pathophysiology and treatment of chronic intervertebral disc disease and discuss the controversies in medical treatment and the use of some traditional and new surgical techniques.


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The hypoglossal nerve (HN) is responsible for the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue. Knowledge of this is extremely important because this nerve is responsible for tongue movement. HN paralysis can be associated to the disease itself in various zones in which the NH travels, mainly the hypoglossal canal (HC). Variations in shape of the hypoglossal canal have been pointed to as the cause of HN paralysis in several studies. Four hundred dried intact human skulls without sex or race identification, belonging to the Discipline of Anatomy of ICTSJC – UNESP were studied. Each canal was classified into types: type I (without division in the HC), type II (HC with low bone spike), type III (HC more than two projections bone), type IV (presence of complete bony bridge without dividing HC into two distinct canals) and type V (presence of bone bridge by dividing into two HC canals). HC was found in 100% of skulls studied in both side. Regarding types, we found 538 (67.25%) hypoglossal canal of type I (34%, right side and 33.25%, left side), 108 (13.5%) of type II (7.38%, right side, and 6.13%, left side), 60 (7.5%) hypoglossal canal of type III (3.5%, right side and 4.0%, left side) 84 (10.5%) of type IV (4.75%, right side and 5.75%, left side) and 5 (0.63%) of the type V (0.13%, right side and 0.5%, left side). We found 5 (0,63%) different HC and classified ourselves in type VI, VII and VIII. The average angle was 51,3º on right side and 50,25º on left side. Detailed knowledge of the anatomy of the CH supports professionals in interventions of bloody skull base and also in giving the correct diagnosis of the probable causes of paralysis of the hypoglossal nerve


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MTA has been investigated as a root-end filling material. Its mechanism of action has some similarities to that of Ca(OH())2. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the repair process taking place in the delayed replantation of monkey teeth using calcium hydroxide and MTA as root canal filling materials. Five monkeys had their lateral incisors extracted and bench-dried for 60 minutes. After root canal preparation, the teeth were assigned to two groups according to root canal filling material: I, calcium hydroxide; and II, MTA. The same treatment sequence was followed for both groups: coronal seal, periodontal ligament removal, immersion of the tooth in 2% acidulated-phosphate sodium fluoride, irrigation of the socket with saline and replantation. Both groups exhibited replacement resorption, areas of ankylosis and absence of inflammatory root resorption. Statistically similar results (p > 0.05) were observed for both groups regarding replacement root resorption, but the groups differed significantly (p < 0.05) regarding the occurrence of ankylosis. MTA may be a viable clinical option for filling teeth submitted to delayed replantation, and is an acceptable option for treating replanted permanent teeth in order to prevent tooth resorption, particularly when dressing changes are not possible.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)