Os programas comerciais de transferência de embriões em éguas existem por mais de três décadas e são hoje uma das biotécnias mais utilizadas na reprodução assistida de equinos. O exame ultrassonográfico nos períodos pré e pós-cobertura de doadoras de embriões, assim como a avaliação de receptoras no momento da inovulação é de vital importância para o êxito de um programa de transferência de embriões. A ultrassonografia Doppler é uma técnica não-invasiva que permite a avaliação em tempo real da hemodinâmica do trato reprodutivo de animais de grande porte. Por fornecer detalhes anatômicos e informações imediatas sobre a fisiologia do fluxo sanguíneo de tecidos e órgãos, o exame doppler permite a avaliação do potencial ovulatório de folículos e do status funcional de corpo lúteo e útero, além de ser uma técnica auxiliar para o diagnóstico de distúrbios na hemodinâmica do sistema reprodutivo. Alterações na perfusão sanguínea dos futuros folículos dominantes são detectáveis em diferentes fases de seu desenvolvimento, como na divergência folicular e no período pré-ovulatório. A partir dessas informações, é possível determinar o princípio da atividade sexual e o momento ideal para o início de tratamentos superovulatórios e indutores de ovulação, assim como o momento mais apropriado para a realização de coberturas de éguas doadoras de embriões. A avaliação através do modo-Doppler do corpo lúteo e útero de éguas receptoras é também um instrumento auxiliar para a seleção de animais com perfil sérico de progesterona e ambiente uterino adequados para a sobrevivência do embrião e manutenção da gestação. Essa técnica pode ser útil ainda ao se avaliar a interação concepto-maternal. Apesar da aplicabilidade da tecnologia doppler dentro de programas de transferência de embriões, novos estudos visando a determinar padrões de normalidade e posterior caracterização de distúrbios de fluxo sanguíneo de trato reprodutivo ainda se fazem necessários.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Antibody fluorescent tests were carried out with serum and blood eluates from mice inoculated with different doses of irradiated (90 krad) and non irradiated T. cruzi culture forms. Non irradiated culture forms were more efficient immunogens than the irradiated ones. About 75% of the animals inoculated with non irradiated forms showed titers equal or higher than 1/16, the highest one reaching 1/64.
The efficacy of the first ovulation of the breeding season was determined through the response of first pre-ovulatory follicle of the breeding season to hCG, embryo recovery rate, viability of recovered embryos, serum concentrations of progesterone, and response of first CL to PGF 2α. Thirteenth mares that were in vernal transition were accompanied until the first pre-ovulatory follicle was detected. At this moment, the ovulation was induced with 2,500 IU hCG (IV) and the mares were inseminated every other day until ovulation. Seven days after the ovulation, embryo recovery was performed and the progesterone concentration was determined. After detection of the first pre-ovulatory follicle of breeding season with ≥ 25mm, it took 14.92 ± 10.80 days for the follicle to reach the preovulatory size and 18.00 ± 11.08 days to ovulation. After administration of hCG, 11/13 mares ovulated in 48 hours. These follicles growth 2.19 ± 0.86 mm/day on average. Nine of 13 mares (69.2%) produced embryos and all were considered viable after morfological evaluation and fluorescence exams. The CL appeared competent producing 7.39 ± 2.11 ng/ml P 4 on average, and responding to PGF 2α. According to these results the first ovulatory cycle of the year can be utilized to produce viable embryos.
The aim of this study was to accompany the process of testicular development from the non-differentiable phase to its complete formation. Embryos and fetuses of Nelore breed cows (Bos Taurus indicus) were obtained in slaughterhouses near the Uberlandia city, Minas Gerais. The gonads and the embryos were fixed in Bouin's fixative and afterwards processed for conventional optical microscopy. The gonadal was observed firstly in a 1.0 cm long embryo. In 2.5 cm long embryos the presence of the albuginea allows the sex identification. The mean thickness of the albuginea ranged from 29.08 to 558.45 mm. Gradually increase of vascularization of the albuginea and parenchyma is observed. The mediastinum is located centrally. There was a decrease in the space occupied by the testicular cords, from 63.71 to 41.99% of the total testes volume. Its diameter ranged from 31.68 to 48.80 mm. The diameter of germinal cells (and their nuclei) was from 12.27 (6.65) to 16.95 914.21) mm. The quantity of germinal cells by cross section of cord decreased from a maximum of 2.80 to 0.76. The total number of germinal cells was from 16 at the beginning of colonization of the gonad to 18.32 x 106 at the end of the study. The number of Sertoli's cells by cross section of cord ranged from 10.00 to 16.25. The results obtained show that the origin and formation of testes in embryos and fetuses from Nelore breed cows (Bos taurus indicus) does occur in a very similar way to what is described for Bos taurus taurus.
To better understand the differences related to HS resistance between Bos indicus and Bos taurus, we aim to verify if the HS tolerance is due mostly to the genetic contribution from the oocyte, spermatozoa or both. Oocytes from Nelore and crossbreed Holstein cows (cHST) were collected, matured and fertilized with semen from Nelore (N), Angus (An), Brahman (Bra) and Gir (Gir) bulls. Nine six hours post insemination (hpi), ≥ 16 cells embryos were separated in two groups: control and HS. In control group, embryos were cultured at 39°C, whereas in the HS group, embryos were subjected to 41°C for 12 h, and then returned to 39°C. There was no effect of HS on blastocyst and hatched blastocyst rates in all breeds analyzed. The percentage of oocytes that cleaved and reached morula stage was significantly lower (p < 0.05) in cHST x Gir as compared to the other breeds. Additionally, blastocyst rates was higher in cHST x N than in cHST x An and cHST x Gir (p < 0.05). It was concluded that the oocyte is more important than the spermatozoa for the development of thermotolerance, since the breed of the bull did not influence embryo development after HS.
Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA
Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ