80 resultados para Cèl·lules mare hematopoètiques
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Routine diagnosis methods used in bovine mastitis were studied in 55 mares in lactation. The findings of strip cup test, California Mastitis Test-CMT, electronic somatic cell count-CCS, microbiological culture, and in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility profile of isolates were discussed. Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp, and enterobacteria were the most common microorganisms isolated in health and CMT-positive mammary glands. Staphylococcus aureus and Arcanobacterium pyogenes were identified in two mares presenting clinical mastitis. Mean somatic cell count of eight mares without presence of microorganisms in milk was 247.57x10³/mL and 1.621,86x10³/mL in 47 mares with positive microbiological culture. Moderate concordance (63.8%) between positive reactions in CMT (1 to 3+) and microbiological culture was observed. Amicacin (78.9%), ceftiofur (74.7%), sulpha-trimetoprim (69,0%) and norfloxacin (69.0%), were the most effective drugs, while resistance of isolates was mainly observed against penicillin (64.8%), gentamycin (35.2%), azithromycin (35.2%), enrofloxacin (28.2%), and florfenicol (28.2%).
The current study evaluates the ability of equine oocytes matured in different conditions to undergo nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation.. After oocyte transfer, embryonic development was diagnosed at 1.5 and 90 days of gestation. For each group, immature oocytes obtained from slaughterhouse ovaries were matured in vitro (5 replicates). In experiment I, three different media were tested. HTF:BME, SOFaa, and TCM 199. In experiment 11, the HTF:BME was chosen as maturation medium containing pFSH, eFSH, or eFSH + eGH. Nuclear maturation was estimated after stripping the oocytes and staining with Hoechst 33342. The evaluation of cytoplasmic maturation was performed by transmission electron microscopy. For oocyte transfer, six non-cycling recipient mares were used, and 8 to 15 oocytes were transferred in each mare. In experiment I, the results showed no differences (P > .05) in nuclear maturation (MII) among experimental groups. The percentage of MII was 29.3 ( +/- 9.6), 23.4 ( +/- 8.4), and 13.5 ( +/- 12.4) for HTF:BME, SOF, and TCM, respectively. In experiment II, all media tested were efficient in inducing metaphase II. Also, no statistical differences (P > .05) were observed in percentages of nuclear maturation rates when porcine (37.1 +/- 22.4) or equine (25.8 +/- 8.2) FSH were used, or when eFSH + eGH was added to HTF:BME (29.4 +/- 12.3). The analysis of cytoplasmic morphology of oocytes cultured in TCM 199 and SOFaa showed signs of incomplete cytoplasmic maturation and premature cortical reaction. Meanwhile, oocytes cultured in HTF:BME medium presented cytoplasmic characteristics similar to those described by others for in vivo-matured oocytes. The addition of eFSH to the HTF:BME medium resulted in an improvement of cytoplasmic morphology. After oocyte transfer, two mares became pregnant, one from pFSH group and one from eFSH+eGH group. These results indicate that although in vitro matured equine oocytes are capable of fertilization and embryonic development, the percentage of competent oocytes is still low.
An experiment was conducted to examine the luteolytic effectiveness of using low or micro doses of PGF(2 alpha) when administered at the (BAI HUI) acupuncture point, which is frequently used to treat ovarian disturbances in Veterinary Acupuncture. The results indicate that PGF(2 alpha) given at a very low micro dose of 0.5mg (one tenth the conventional recommended dose) when administered at the BAI HUI acupuncture point located at the sacral lumbar space is equally effective at inducing luteolysis in mid-luteal phase mares as conventional PGF(2 alpha) i.m. treatment using a tenfold higher dose. Therefore, based on the results of the present study we suggest that the BAI HUI sacral lumbar route somehow provides an extremely efficient pathway for the drug to the ovarian level.
The objectives of this study were to determine the efficacy of recombinant equine luteinizing hormone (reLH) in shortening the time to ovulation in cycling mares and to determine the effects of treatment on endogenous hormones and inter-ovulatory intervals. In study 1, mares of light horse breeds (3-20 years) were treated with either a vehicle, various doses of reLH, or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Cycling mares were examined by palpation and ultrasound per rectum daily or every 12 h from the time of treatment to ovulation. In studies 2 and 3, jugular blood samples were collected daily or every 12 h from the time of treatment to ovulation for analysis of LH, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), estradiol-17 beta (E-2), and progesterone (P-4) by radioimmunoassays (RIA). Increasing doses of reLH (0.3, 0.6, 0.75, and 0.9 mg) showed increasing effectiveness at inducing ovulation within 48 h of treatment. Treatments with the 0.75 and 0.9 mg doses of reLH resulted in 90% and 80% ovulation rates, which were similar to hCG treatment (85.7%). Except for the early rise in LH after treatment with 0.5, 0.65, and 1.0 mg of reLH, hormone profiles appeared to be similar between control and treated cycles. Inter-ovulatory intervals were similar between control and treatment cycles. In conclusion, reLH is a reliable and effective ovulatory agent that does not significantly alter endogenous hormone profiles or affect inter-ovulatory intervals.(c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Equine pituitary extract (EPE) has been reported to induce heightened follicular development in mares, but the response is inconsistent and lower than results obtained in ruminants undergoing standard superovulatory protocols. Three separate experiments were conducted to improve the ovarian response to EPE by evaluating: (1) effect of increasing the frequency or dose of EPE treatment; (2) use of a potent gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) prior to EPE stimulation (3) administration of EPE twice daily in successively decreasing doses. In the first experiment. 50 mares were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups. Mares received (1) 25 mg EPE once daily; (2) 50 mg EPE once daily (3) 12.5 mg EPE twice daily; or (4) 25 mg EPE twice daily. All mares began EPE treatment 5 days after detection of ovulation and received a single dose of cloprostenol sodium 7 days postovulation. EPE was discontinued once half of a cohort of follicles reached a diameter of greater than or equal to35 mm and hCG was administered. Mares receiving 50 mg of EPE once daily developed a greater number (P = 0.008) of preovulatory follicles than the remaining groups of EPE-treated mares, and more (P = 0.06) ovulations were detected for mares receiving 25 mg EPE twice daily compared to those receiving either 25 mg EPE once daily and 12.5 mg EPE twice daily. Embryo recovery per mare was greater (P = 0.05) in the mares that received 12.5 mg EPE twice daily than those that received 25 mg EPE once daily. In Experiment 2, 20 randomly selected mares received either 25 mg EPE twice daily beginning 5 days after a spontaneous ovulation. or two doses of a GnRH-a agonist upon detection of a follicle greater than or equal to35 mm and 25 mg EPE twice daily beginning 5 days after ovulation. Twenty-four hours after administration of hCG, oocytes were recovered by transvaginal aspiration from all follicles greater than or equal to35 mm. No differences were observed between groups in the numbers of preovulatory follicles generated (P = 0.54) and oocytes recovered (P = 0.40) per mare. In Experiment 3, 18 mares were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups. Then, 6-11 days after ovulation, mares were administered a dose of PGF(2gamma) and concomitantly began twice-daily treatments with EPE given in successively declining doses, or a dose of PGF(2alpha), but no EPE treatment. Mares administered EPE developed a higher (P = 0.0004) number of follicles :35 mm, experienced more (P = 0.02) ovulations, and yielded a greater (P = 0.0006) number of embryos than untreated mares. In summary, doubling the dose of EPE generated a greater ovarian response, while increasing the frequency of treatment, but not necessarily the dose. improved embryo collection. Additionally, pretreatment with a GnRH-a prior to ovarian stimulation did not enhance the response to EPE or oocyte recovery rates. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Equine pituitary extract (EPE), has been reported to induce multiple ovulation in mares, however ovulation rates are poor in comparison to those obtained in other species. Attempts to improve the effectiveness of EPE for induction of superovulation in cyclic mares has focused on daily frequency of EPE treatment. Two experiments were performed to compare the ovarian response of cyclic mares given EPE once or twice-daily. Mares were assigned to one of two treatment groups 6 to 8 days after ovulation: prostaglandin was given once and EPE (25 mg) was given once daily (Group 1) or twice daily (Group 2). In Experiment 1, more (P < 0.05) follicles
Daily ultrasound examinations were conducted from Days 10 to 60 (ovulation = Day 0) of pregnancy to monitor the conceptus in jennies (n = 12). The embryonic vesicle was first detected on Day 11.5 +/- 0.9 (mean +/- SD; range 10 to 13d) and was mobile until movement ceased (fixation) on Day 15.5 +/- 1.4 (range, 13 to 18d). The vesicle was spherical from Days 10 to 18 (mean growth rate, 3.2 mm/d), non spherical (irregular) with a reduced growth rate (0.5 mm/d) from Days 19 to 29, and then grew at a moderate rate (1.6 mm/d) up to Day 46. on average, detection of the embryo proper (consistently located on the ventral aspect of the yolk sac) and embryonic heartbeat were Days 20.7 +/- 1.2 and 23.5 +/- 1.3, respectively. Formation of the allantoic sac was first detected on Day 24.4 +/- 1.7 and was complete on Day 36.8 +/- 1.6. Descent of the fetus (and formation of the umbilical cord) began on Day 37.9 +/- 1.7 and was complete on Day 44.1 +/- 2.1. Crown-ramp length averaged 3.7, 15.4, 22.7, 37.5 and 59.6 mm on Days 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60, respectively. In general, morphologic features and dates of occurrence were similar to those reported previously in the mare. (C) 1998 by Elsevier B.V.
The use of equine FSH (eFSH) for inducing follicular development and ovulation in transitional mares was evaluated. Twenty-seven mares, from 3 to 15 years of age, were examined during the months of August and September 2004, in Brazil. Ultrasound evaluations were performed during 2 weeks before the start of the experiment to confirm transitional characteristics (no follicles larger than 25 mm and no corpus luteum [CL] present). After this period, as the mares obtained a follicle of at least 25 mm, they were assigned to one of two groups: (1) control group, untreated; (2) treated with 12.5 mg eFSH, 2 times per day, until at least half of all follicles larger than 30 mm had reached 35 mm. Follicular activity of all mares was monitored. When most of the follicles from treated mares and a single follicle from control mares acquired a preovulatory size ( : 35 mm), 2,500 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) was administered IV to induce ovulation. After hCG administration, the mares were inseminated with fresh semen every other day until ovulation. Ultrasound examinations continued until detection of the last ovulation, and embryo recovery was performed 7 to 8 days after ovulation. The mares of the treated group reached the first preovulatoiy follicle (4.1 +/- 1.0 vs 14.9 +/- 10.8 days) and ovulated before untreated mares (6.6 +/- 1.2 vs 18.0 +/- 11.1 days; P <.05). All mares were treated with prostaglandin F-2 alpha (PGF(2 alpha)), on the day of embryo flushing. Three superovulated mares did not cycle immediately after PGF(2 alpha), treatment, and consequently had a longer interovulatory interval (22.4 vs 10.9 days, P < 0.05). The mean period of treatment was 4.79 1.07 days and 85.71% of mares had multiple ovulations. The number of ovulations (5.6 vs 1.0) and embryos (2.0 vs 0.7) per mare were higher (P < 0.05) for treated mares than control mares. In conclusion, treatment with eFSH was effective in hastening the onset of the breeding season, inducing multiple ovulations, and increasing embryo production in transitional mares. This is the first report showing the use of FSH treatment to recover embryos from the first cycle of the year.
Com o objetivo de identificar a microbiota existente no leite de éguas normais ou portadoras de mastite subclínica, coletaram-se amostras (10 a 15 ml) de leite de 38 animais, que foram examinadas pelo teste de Whiteside, após a homogeneização das amostras dos dois tetos de cada animal. Os resultados foram negativos. Os exames microbiológicos realizados em meios de ágar sangue bovino 10% e ágar MacConkey revelaram presença de bactérias do gênero Staphylococcus spp. e Streptococcus spp. A contagem de células somáticas de amostras individuais de cada teto revelou números superiores a 500.000 células/ml de leite em somente 9,3% das 73 amostras de leite examinadas. Os resultados sugerem a realização de novos estudos objetivando-se a padronização do número de células somáticas no leite de éguas.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The effects of a low dose of equine purified FSH (eFSH) on incidence of multiple ovulations and embryo recovery rate in mares were studied. During the physiological breeding season in Brazil (19 degrees 45'45'S), 14 Mangalarga Marchador donor mares were used in a crossover study and another 25 mares of the same breed, between 3 years and 12 years of age were used as recipients for the embryo transfers. Donors were monitored during two consecutive oestrus cycles, an untreated control cycle followed by a treated cycle, when eFSH was administered. In both cycles, after an embryo collection attempt on day 8 post-ovulation all mares received 7.5 mg dinoprost and had their two largest follicles tracked daily by ultrasonography until the period of ovulation. Mares were inseminated every 48 h with extended fresh semen from a single stallion after the identification of a 35-mm follicle until the period of ovulation. Ovulations were induced by intravenous administration of 2.500 IU of human chorionic gonadotropin, upon detection of a 35- to 40-mm follicle. In the treated cycle, 5 mg eFSH was given intramuscularly once a day, from day 8 post previous ovulation until at least one follicle reached 35 mm in diameter. Embryo flushes were performed on day 8 of dioestrus (day 0 = ovulation). Treatment with eFSH resulted in higher (p < 0.05) ovulation rate and incidence of multiple ovulations compared to the control (1.6 vs 1.0 and 50% vs 0%, respectively - one mare had triple ovulation). However, embryo recovery rates in the control and treated cycles were similar (0.8 and 1.0, respectively; p > 0.05). Pregnancy rates in the recipient mares following embryo transfer were similar for the control and eFSH cycles (11/11 and 10/14, respectively). Additional studies are necessary in order to develop a low-dose protocol for the use of eFSH that brings a more consistent contribution to the efficiency of commercial equine embryo transfer programs.
This study was designed to compare embryo recovery rates and pregnancy rates of athletic and breeding Quarter Horse mares in a tropical warm climate. Thirty-nine barrel racing mares in training and 135 breeding mares as control donors were included. During the training period, the ambient temperature ranged from 31 degrees C to 36 degrees C and the average humidity from 70% to 90%. After the detection of a 35-mm follicle by ultrasound, ovulation was induced with 1 mg of deslorelin acetate (i.m), and insemination was performed 24 hours later with cooled and fresh semen from different fertile stallions. Embryos were collected on day 8 postovulation. The body temperature (rectal) was evaluated from eight athletic donor mares randomly selected from the same studied group. A total of 138 and 657 embryo collections were carried out on training and breeding mares, respectively, with a total of 105 (76%) and 466 (71%) embryos collected (P > .05). Similarly, no differences (P > .05) were observed for the pregnancy rates on day 15 (82/105, 78% vs. 370/466,79%), and day 40 (73/105, 69% vs. 328/466,70%) between the training and breeding donor mares. Just after training, the body temperature increased to an average of 39.4 degrees C and the respiratory rate from 14.5 to 35.3 breaths per minute. The results of the present study showed that embryo production from appropriately trained donor mares in good condition were similar to non-athletic broodmares. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Associaram-se dosagens séricas de progesterona e estradiol 17-beta, realizadas durante os primeiros 36 dias de prenhez em 30 éguas PSI, com exames ultra-sonográficos, para verificar fenômenos que ocorrem com a vesícula embrionária. As éguas foram divididas em dois grupos de 15 animais, o primeiro constituído por éguas paridas e o segundo por éguas virgens ou vazias na estação anterior. Por meio da ultra-sonografia foram verificados fenômenos de mobilidade, fixação e orientação da vesícula embrionária. As concentrações séricas de progesterona e estradiol 17-B variaram (P<0,01) durante o período estudado porém não foi possível estabelecer uma correlação entre concentrações desses hormônios com desenvolvimento da vesícula embrionária. A concentração de estradiol 17-betacirculante foi maior (P<0,01) nas éguas paridas.