95 resultados para Book and Paper


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O Eucalyptus grandis é uma das espécies mais cultivadas no Brasil devido à sua produtividade e qualidade da madeira. Avaliaram-se o efeito da aplicação de lodo de esgoto tratado (0 a 40 t ha-1 base seca) e uma dose de adubo mineral nos atributos físicos e químicos da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis de árvores com cinco anos de idade, no Município de Itatinga, São Paulo, Brasil. O tipo de solo foi caracterizado como Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo Distrófico (argila = 120 g kg-1 na camada de 0-20 cm) e o clima, como mesotérmico úmido (Cwa), segundo a classificação de Köeppen. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições. O diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP), a altura das árvores e o volume de madeira foram obtidos em todas as parcelas de oito árvores com DAP na classe de maior freqüência. As caracterizações físicas e químicas da madeira foram realizadas de acordo com as normas da ABTCP, TAPPI e ABNT. O lodo de esgoto diminuiu a densidade básica da madeira, mas não afetou os teores de celulose, lignina, extrativos e o poder calorífico da madeira. O decréscimo de densidade da madeira pela adubação com lodo de esgoto foi compensado pela maior produtividade de madeira.


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In germination tests, substrate and ideal temperature are important for providing favorable conditions for the germination of seeds and the eventual development of seedlings. This research aimed at evaluating the effects of temperature and substrate on the germination of Piptadenia moniliformis Benth seeds. Two trials were done. In the first, seeds were submitted to germination under constant temperatures of 5 to 40 degrees C (increases of 5 degrees C) and alternated temperatures of 20-25, 25-30, 30-35, 20-30, 25-35 and 20-35 degrees C on paper. In the second trial, temperatures of 25, 20-30 e 20-35 degrees C were used in the substrates on (OP) and between paper (BP), on (OS) and between sand (BS), on (0V) and between vermiculite (BV) and paper roll (PR). The following traits were evaluated: percentage of seeds with protrusion of primary root and normal seedlings; speed germination index; length of primary root and of the hypocotyls and the dry mass of seedlings. A completely randomized design was used with 14 treatments. In the first experiment and a factorial scheme of 7 x 3 (7 substrates and 3 temperatures) was used in the second with four replicates of 25 seeds each. In the first experiment the constant temperatures of 25 e 30 degrees C and the alternated of 20-30 e 20-35 degrees C provided best results for the germination of seeds. In the second, the temperature of 25 C associated with the substrates BP, BS and BV surpassed the other treatments proving adequate for carrying out the germination tests of Piptadenia moniliformis Benth seeds.


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A recuperação de áreas degradadas é um processo lento e requer a adição de resíduos orgânicos como condicionador das propriedades físicas do solo. O lodo de esgoto apresenta elevados teores de matéria orgânica (MO) e nutrientes e, portanto, tem alto potencial para utilização nessas áreas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito da adição de lodo de esgoto na recuperação das características físicas de um solo degradado (Neossolo Quartzarênico) plantado com espécies nativas da Mata Atlântica, na Fazenda Entre-Rios, pertencente à Cia. Suzano Bahia Sul de Papel e Celulose, na região de Itatinga-SP. O experimento foi conduzido em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por seis doses de lodo de esgoto (0, 2,5, 5, 10, 15 e 20 t ha-1), mais um que recebeu a adubação química. A aplicação de lodo de esgoto, para recuperação de áreas degradadas, aumentou os agregados do solo conforme o aumento das doses de lodo, até 12 meses após sua aplicação. As porosidades (macro, micro e total) do solo foram aumentadas com as maiores doses de lodo de esgoto até seis meses após sua aplicação; apenas a microporosidade foi aumentada até 12 meses após a aplicação. Houve aumento da umidade do solo em função do aumento das doses de lodo no solo até seis meses após a aplicação.


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During the construction of five residential buildings in the city of Taubate, State of São Paulo, it was possible to carry out one comprehensive investigation of the behavior of precast concrete piles in clay shales. This paper describes the results of Dynamic Load Tests (DLT's) executed in three piles with different diameters and with the same embedded length. The tests were monitored using the PDA(R) (Pile Driving Analyzer) and the pile top displacement was measured by pencil and paper procedure. From the curves of RMX versus DMX resulted from CASE(R) method, CAPWAPC(R) analyses were made for signals where the maximum mobilized soil resistance was verified. The results were compared with the predicted bearing capacity using the semi-empirical method of Decourt & Quaresma (1978) and Decourt (1982) based on SPT values and the description of the soil profile. Some comments related to the values of quake and damping used for clay shales in the analyses are also presented.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Durante o processo de maturação, as sementes passam por modificações físicas, bioquímicas e fisiológicas até atingir o ponto ideal de colheita, quando apresentam a capacidade máxima de germinação e vigor. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o estágio de colheita e o substrato mais favorável à germinação das sementes e ao crescimento de plântulas de Tabebuia chrysotricha. Os frutos de T. chrysotricha foram colhidos em 16 árvores- matriz na Fazenda Lageado, em Botucatu, SP, em quatro estágios de colheita: fruto fechado menor (ME), fruto fechado maior (MA), fruto em início de abertura (IA) e fruto aberto e em início de dispersão das sementes (D). Para caracterizar os estágios de colheita, foi utilizada a coloração dos frutos e das sementes, mensurados a espessura, a largura e o comprimento dos frutos e determinado o teor de água das sementes. O efeito do estágio de colheita sobre a qualidade das sementes foi verificado mediante o teste de germinação sobre areia e sobre papel a 25 ºC, avaliado após 21 dias da semeadura; e o vigor, pelo teste da primeira contagem (7 dias) e do comprimento de plântulas (21 dias). Os resultados indicaram que as sementes de Tabebuia chrysotricha devem ser colhidas quando o fruto estiver em início de abertura. Este estágio de colheita também pode ser identificado pelo teor de água das sementes de 59,6%. O substrato areia mostrou-se mais favorável ao teste de germinação e ao crescimento das plântulas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Energy generation is needed in São Paulo and MSW represents a promising alternative, although it is more expensive than hydroelectric power. About 14 900 t/day of MSW is generated, of which 8433 t/day is domestic and commercial MSW. From this amount, 1800 t will be destined to generate 30 MW of power. The eco-balance of CO2 has been considered for incineration and recycling. The recycling program of plastics, metals, paper and glass would represent a significant reduction in energy and CO2 emission. The total CO2 released is 3.34 x 10(5) t/yr without recycling. and is 1.25 x 10(5) t/yr with a recycling program. Most of the CO2 comes from plastics and paper production. Economic aspects could probably favor Incineration with energy production as the best option. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Thermoeconomic Functional Analysis is a method developed for the analysis and optimal design of improvement of thermal systems (Frangopoulos, 1984). The purpose of this work is to discuss the cogeneration system optimization using a condensing steam turbine with two extractions. This cogeneration system is a rational alternative in pulp and paper plants in regard to the Brazilian conditions. The objective of this optimization consists of minimizing the global cost of the system acquisition and operation, based on the parametrization of actual data from a cellulose plant with a daily production of 1000 tons. Among the several possible decision variables, the pressure and temperature of live steam were selected. These variables significantly affect the energy performance of the cogeneration system. The conditions which determine a lower cost for the system are presented in conclusion.


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Cogeneration system design deals with several parameters in the synthesis phase, where not only a thermal cycle must be indicated but the general arrangement, type, capacity and number of machines need to be defined. This problem is not trivial because many parameters are considered as goals in the project. An optimization technique that considers costs and revenues, reliability, pollutant emissions and exergetic efficiency as goals to be reached in the synthesis phase of a cogeneration system design process is presented. A discussion of appropriated values and the results for a pulp and paper plant integration to a cogeneration system are shown in order to illustrate the proposed methodology.


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Cogeneration system design deals with several parameters in the synthesis phase, where not only a thermal cycle must be indicated but the general arrangement, type, capacity and number of machines need to be defined. This problem is not trivial because many parameters are considered as goals in the project. An optimization technique that considers costs and revenues, reliability, pollutant emissions and exergetic efficiency as goals to be reached in the synthesis phase of a cogeneration system design process is presented. A discussion of appropriated values and the results for a pulp and paper plant integration to a cogeneration system are shown in order to illustrate the proposed methodology.


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Recognizing the great potential of this residue to increase the eucalyptus forests produtivity - when used in its humidified form - the main objective of this project was to decompose the solid residues generated at Luiz Antonio mill, in a fast and artificial way, by means of piles or ridges of composted materials. The materials used in this composting process were: activated sludge, dregs and grits, wood ash and biomass. Applications of both phosphorus and potassium have been used during the planting phase. Nitrogen, in the form of urea, has been applied in two treatments with the main purpose to decrease the C/N ratio and to speed up the decomposition process. The experiment was carried out in 120 days. The best results were obtained in residue piles with a 3:1 ratio, i.e., 75% residues + 25% biomass. This mixture provided an extremely good aeration, thus enabling an appropriate material mixing and homogenization. Under the technological viewpoint, the results obtained from the composting process were quite satisfactory for VCP industrial residues treatment. This composting process enabled a material accelerated stabilization (lower C/N ratio) and homogenization. After this experiment, it became possible to use all residues just as they were generated by Luiz Antônio pulp and paper mill. This project is of the utmost relevance to VCP's forestry department as far as a significant amount of nutrients is getting back to the soil in the form of mineral and organic materials.


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Biopulping is a technology which application can be advantageous to mechanical or chemical pulping. It presents benefits such as the creation of stronger pulp, as well as energy or chemicals savings. This paper gives an overview of the recent efforts to develop biopulping processes in Brazil as well as provides critical information on biopulping development worldwide. Eucalyptus grandis wood chips have been biotreated by Ceriporiopsis subvermispora in a 50-ton biopulping pilot-plant and used to produce TMP and CTMP pulps on a mill scale, Up to 18% and 27% energy savings have been observed for producing 450-470 CSFreeness TMP and CTMP pulps. Despite darker bio-TMP pulps are produced, one-stage bleaching with 5% H2O2 was sufficient to improve brightness values to 70% and 72% for bio-TMP and control pulps, respectively. Understanding biopulping mechanisms is also relevant because more resistant and competitive fungal species could be selected with basis on a function-directed screen-ing project. As far as the chemical changes induced by the fungus in wood are concerned, recent efforts have pointed out for two different types of wood transformations. One of them involves intense lignin depolymerization in short biotreatment periods, while the other indicates that esterification reactions of oxalate secreted by the Jungas on the polysaccharides chains increase the water saturation point of the fibers. Both transformations are expected to affect the fiber-fiber bonding and, consequently, the physical resistance of wood.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática - IBILCE