147 resultados para Base of the Pyramid


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Discoloration of non-vital teeth is an esthetic deficiency frequently requiring bleaching treatment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vitro the cervical base efficacy in order to prevent or to minimize the leakage along the root canal filling and into the dentinal tubules. Thirty-eight extracted single-root human teeth were used, which were biomechanically prepared, filled, and divided into three experimental groups: G1, a cervical base was applied (3 mm of thickness) below the cemento-enamel junction, with resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (Vitremer); G2, the base was done with glass-ionomer cement (Vidrion R); and G3 (Control), did not receive any material as base. A mixture of sodium perborate and hydrogen peroxide 30% was placed inside the pulp chamber for 3 days, and the access opening was sealed with Cimpat. This procedure was repeated thrice. Soon after this, a paste of calcium hydroxide was inserted into the pulp chamber for 14 days. All teeth were covered with two layers of sticky wax, except the access opening, and immersed in blue India Ink for 5 days. The results did not show statistically significant differences between the three groups concerning the leakage inside the dentinal tubules. Regarding the apical direction, a statistical difference (ANOVA P < 0.05) was observed among the experimental group G1 and control group G3. No statistically significant difference was observed between G2 and G3 groups. Therefore, the placement of a cervical base before internal bleaching procedures is still recommended.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the dimensional changes of denture bases made from different resins after different storage periods. For this purpose, 25 sets of plaster models/resin bases were prepared using 4 acrylic resins submitted to two types of polymerization: 1- QC-20 submitted to polymerization by microwave energy; 2- QC-20 submitted to polymerization by water hot bath; 3- Vipi Cril submitted to polymerization by water hot bath; 4- Vipi Wave submitted to polymerization by microwave energy; and 5- Onda Cryl submitted to polymerization by microwave energy. After polymerization, the specimens were sectioned for accuracy readings using a comparison microscope. Readings were taken at 3 points: the crests of the right (A) and left (B) ridges, and the median region of the palate, in 4 different periods. The data obtained were submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. The greatest distortions were found in the posterior palatal region of the base (M), with statistically significant difference (p<0.05) for the studied resins. All acrylic resins presented dimensional changes and the storage period influenced these alterations.


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O primeiro registro para o Atlântico Sul ocidental de uma espécie do gênero Malacoraja Stehmann, 1970 é feita com base na descrição de Malacoraja obscura, espécie nova, proveniente do talude continental do Sudeste brasileiro dos estados do Espírito Santo e Rio de Janeiro em profundidades de 808-1105 m. A espécie nova é conhecida através de cinco exemplares e é distinta de seus congêneres pela sua coloração dorsal composta por numerosas manchas esbranquiçadas e pequenas na região do disco e nadadeiras pélvicas, por apresentar uma fileira irregular de espinhos ao longo da superfície dorsal mediana da cauda a qual persiste em espécimes maiores (desde a base da cauda até dois-terços do seu comprimento numa fêmea de 680 mm de comprimento total, CT) e uma região pequena desprovida de dentículos na base ventral da cauda (estendendo somente até a margem distal da nadadeira pélvica). Outros caracteres diagnósticos em combinação incluem a ausência de espinhos escapulares em indivíduos maiores, número elevado de fileiras dentárias (64/62 fileiras num macho subadulto de 505 mm de CT e 76/74 numa fêmea de 680 mm de CT) e de vértebras (27-28 Vtr, 68-75 Vprd), coloração ventral do disco uniformemente castanha escura, duas fenestras pós-ventrais na cintura escapular, fenestra pós-ventral posterior grande, forame magno circular e dois forames para a carótida interna na placa basal ventral do neurocrânio. Machos adultos não são conhecidos, porém uma descrição anatômica de M. obscura, sp. nov., é fornecida. Comparações são realizadas com todo o material conhecido de M. kreffti, com a literatura sobre M. senta e com material abundante de M. spinacidermis da África do Sul; M. obscura, sp. nov., assemelha-se mais a M. spinacidermis do Atlântico Sul oriental em esqueleto dérmico, coloração e tamanho. Malacoraja é monofilético devido à sua espinulação e apêndices rostrais conspícuos e é aparentemente composta por dois grupos de espécies, um para M. obscura e M. spinacidermis e outro para M. kreffti e M. senta, porém a elucidação das relações filogenéticas entre as espécies necessita de mais informações anatômicas, principalmente das duas últimas espécies.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The external morphology of seeds and post-germination developmental stages of Angelonia salicariifolia Bonpl. (Scrophulariaceae) were investigated using scanning electron microscopy. Some structural features of the seed exotesta and seedling in Angelonia are presented for the first time and are of potential taxonomic value for this neotropical genus. The seeds are very small (0.9-1.7 mm long and 0.5-0.9 mm wide), ovate, with a reticulate-crested exotesta, reticules arranged uniformly in longitudinal rows, with a high density of microcilia-like projections on the cell wall of the reticule base and on the edge of the crests. The hilum is located beside the micropyle at the narrow end of the seed. Germination is epigeal. During germination the radicle develops, followed by elongation of the hypocotyl and primary root. At this stage dense root hairs develop on the lower part of the hypocotyl. The apical bud-located between the cotyledons-begins to develop after the cotyledons have unfolded. The cotyledons are equal in size, sessile and ovate. The seedlings have two types of trichomes, one characteristic of the cotyledons and first pair of leaves (glandular, sessile, four-celled head with quadrangular shape) and the other characteristic of the hypocotyl and epicotyl (stalked, erect, elongate and three-celled with dome-shaped unicellular head). (C) 2001 Annals of Botany Company.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The influence of 2 different levels of the inspired oxygen fraction (FiO(2)) on blood gas variables was evaluated in dogs with high intracranial pressure (ICP) during propofol anesthesia (induction followed by a continuous rate infusion [CRI] of 0.6 mg/kg/min) and intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV). Eight adult mongrel dogs were anesthetized on 2 occasions, 21 d apart, and received oxygen at an FiO(2) of 1.0 (G100) or 0.6 (G60) in a randomized crossover fashion. A fiberoptic catheter was implanted on the surface of the right cerebral cortex for assessment of the ICP. An increase in the ICP was induced by temporary ligation of the jugular vein 50 min after induction of anesthesia and immediately after baseline measurement of the ICP. Blood gas measurements were taken 20 min later and then at 15-min intervals for 1 h. Numerical data were submitted to Morrison's multivariate statistical methods. The ICP, the cerebral perfusion pressure and the mean arterial pressure did not differ significantly between FiO(2) levels or measurement times after jugular ligation. The only blood gas values that differed significantly (P < 0.05) were the arterial oxygen partial pressure, which was greater with G100 than with G60 throughout the procedure, and the venous haemoglobin saturation, that was greater with G100 than with G60 at M0. There were no significant differences between FiO(2) levels or measurement times in the following blood gas variables: arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure, arterial hemoglobin saturation, base deficit, bicarbonate concentration, pH, venous oxygen partial pressure, venous carbon dioxide partial pressure and the arterial-to-end-tidal carbon dioxide difference.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O endotélio corneal é uma monocamada de células poligonais. A integridade e saúde dessa camada são essenciais para a manutenção da transparência corneal normal. Este estudo reportou pela primeira vez, de forma detalhada, a morfologia ultra-estrutural e a morfometria do endotélio corneal de suínos adultos mestiços à microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). A superfície endothelial corneal apresentou um padrão regular de células poligonais, com predomínio da forma hexagonal e de bordas celulares nítidas. O núcleo foi observado como protuberância arredondada no centro da célula. Também foram observados os cílios (2-4) em apenas algumas células da região periférica da córnea, as aberturas das vesículas pinocitóticas na proximidade dos cílios, as microvilosidades, as varas da borda e as bordas celulares em formato de zigzag. A área celular média foi significativamente maior (P<0,05) no centro da córnea do que na periferia, com um coeficiente de variação menor no centro da córnea. A densidade celular média foi significativamente maior na periferia (P<0,05) e 43,9% maior que os dados reportados por outros autores na microscopia especular, o que demonstra o efeito da retração celular durante o processamento das amostras. O valor médio do número de lados das células (pleomorfismo) foi de 5,9, o que evidencia um predomínio do formato hexagonal. A percentagem de células hexagonais foi significativamente maior no centro (P<0,001). Os parâmetros obtidos nesta pesquisa servirão de base para estudos futuros sobre o efeito de medicamentos, cirurgias intracamerulares ou soluções para armazenamento de córneas para transplantes no endotélio corneal do suíno.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)