90 resultados para Bambu laminado colado


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Nowadays, bamboo is being studied because of their strength properties according with their specific mass and speed of growth, which makes it an important alternative as a new resource that will help reduce pressure on forests and helpping them favoring the minimization of uncontrolled deforestation in many regions of Brazil. This study aimed, in general, to analyze physical and mechanical properties of the material with the divulgation of its potential for industrial application. To do so, in this research were determined in relation to the physical properties, moisture content, dimensional stability and the apparent densities and the mechanics and basic, just a tension parallel to grain, in order to observe the interference of various kinds of treatments (chemical, thermal and natural) on the strength and modulus of elasticity in this request. The species used was the Guadua angustifolia, a species native of Brazil. All tests were performed at Universidade Estadual Paulista - Campus Experimental Itapeva in the laboratory of Materials Properties. The methodology used for testing of moisture, density and tension parallel to grain were based on NBR 7190/1997 for the wood, and dimensional stability tests were based on much the same as in COPANT 462/1972 (South American) . The preservative treatments conducted followed the recommendation of each manufacturer. The values obtained in tests of physical properties were satisfactory especially with respect to density and dimensional stability analyzed by the coefficient of anisotropy, showed that, compared to wood, excellent quality for the shrinkage test, obtaining a coefficient of 1.2. With respect to parallel tensile tests to fibre results showed, in most cases, that test specimens with the presence of us have lower values of resistance and modulus of elasticity when compared with those without us. In the treatment of thermal-treatment there was an apparent treatment there was an apparent increase in...


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Bamboo has one of the highest growth rates among plants, however, its lignifications (which confers resistance) takes around a few years and, therefore, certain physical characteristics and mechanical, that depend on this process will only be acquired between the three to six years old. In addition, bamboo also has significant density variations in different parts of the stem, both in the radial direction as the axial. In particular the radial direction, where the density found in the inner and outer (near the bark) of a single stem can range on average from 0.5 to 0.9 g/cm3. Thus, the application of bamboo as a floor, there to examine whether both sides of the bamboo (internal and external), provide resistance properties required for that purpose. In this study sought to characterize and quantify the influence of the concentration of fiber bundles in the inner and outer sides of rules or bamboo strips of bamboo flooring through testing service. Analyses performed were based on ASTM D 2394- 83 for wooden floors and derivatives. This was necessary because of the absence of a specific prohibition of the use and testing of floors made of bamboo and its products. The data were analyzed by ball indentation test shooting, test for resistance to abrasion, indentation test for stress / load treadmill test and by indentation loads applied to small areas - test the jump. The results of the tests were extremely friendly bamboo, even this presents considerable differences between the resistances obtained from assay of the cover of the inner and outer face, being comparable with those of many commonly used to manufacture wood flooring. This comparison was made possible by information from technical trials of several floors made with wood


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Bamboo has been studied because of its peculiar mechanical properties and numerous possibilities of use, besides being a fast-growing grass and short cutting cycle. This study aimed to analyze the mechanical characteristics of wood-bamboo composite material, where the samples were developed from the combination of layers of bamboo as a structural reinforcement in solid pieces of pine and EGP panel parts. The species of wood used was Pinus taeda, and the bamboo species Guadua angustifolia and Dendrocalamus giganteus. All work was conducted at the Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP in the laboratory of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood. Tests including the density and tension parallel to grain of the bamboo species used and the static bending of composites in order to use this in the furniture industry. For the tests have been used as a basis the requirements of the normative document NBR 7190/97. The values obtained in the tests showed a significant increase in strength and stiffness compared to unreinforced parts, where there was an increase in MOE and MOR in static bending in all specimens used in evidence. The results showed the possibility of reducing sections in furniture components and the possibility of improving the mechanical properties of parts with defects found in wood of Pinus Itapeva region of São Paulo


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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No presente trabalho foi avaliada a resistência de 40 cultivares de feijoeiro comum (Phaseolus vulgaris) à murcha-de-Curtobacterium, inoculadas separadamente com dois isolados de Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens, e o desenvolvimento da parte aérea de cultivares resistentes e suscetíveis a essa doença, inoculadas ou não com um isolado da bactéria. As reações apresentadas pelas cultivares permitiram verificar que 'IAC Carioca Aruã', 'IAC Carioca Akytã' e 'IAC Carioca Pyatã' foram resistentes e que 'A - 768', 'Aeté', 'Aporé', 'Bambuí', 'Bico de Ouro', 'BR IPA 11 - Brígida', 'Carioca MG', 'Carioquinha', 'Catu', 'Corrente', 'Diamante Negro', 'FT Bonito', 'FT Nobre', 'FT-120', 'IAC Carioca', 'IAC Maravilha', 'IAC Una', 'IAPAR 14', 'IAPAR 16', 'IAPAR 31', 'IAPAR 44', 'IPA 6', 'Iraí', 'Jalo Precoce', 'Jamapa', 'Onix', 'Ouro Negro', 'Pérola', 'R - 161', 'RAO 33', 'Rio Tibagi', 'Rosinha G2', 'Roxo 90', 'Rudá', 'Safira', 'Tarumã' e 'Xamego' foram suscetíveis à murcha-de-Curtobacterium. Plantas de feijoeiro das cultivares resistentes (IAC Carioca Aruã, IAC Carioca Akytã e IAC Carioca Pyatã) apresentaram menor redução da matéria seca da parte aérea do que das suscetíveis (IAC Carioca e Pérola), quando inoculadas com C. flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A uricemia foi estudada em uma amostra de 192 indivíduos de uma região altamente endêmica para a doença de Chagas (Bambuí, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil). A amostra continha 50 indivíduos sorologicamente negativos (controles) e os positivos foram classificados na base da presença de alterações eletrocardiográficas (63), esvaziamento esofagiano alterado (16), ou ausência de sinais ou sintomas da doença (76). Somente os indivíduos com a forma digestiva da doença de Chagas crônico mostraram hiperuricemia, quando comparados com controles adequados. Dados familiares sugerem que a hiperuricemia é um efeito da patologia digestiva em vez de causa, uma vez que os irmãos não afetados dos pacientes com megaesôfago não apresentaram níveis elevados de ácido úrico sérico. São postulados alguns mecanismos possivelmente responsáveis pelos achados.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Avaliou-se o desempenho de um sistema combinado anaeróbio-aeróbio para o tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura, com concentrações médias de sólidos suspensos totais (SST) de 18.624 e 11.395 mg L-1. Foram utilizados quatro reatores anaeróbios horizontais com volume total de 49,5 L cada, um com manta de lodo (RAHML) e três de leito fixo (RAHLF), instalados em série e seguidos de um reator aeróbio operado em batelada sequencial (RBS) com volume total de 339 L e com alimentação contínua. Nos RAHLF, foram utilizados como meios suporte de anéis de bambu, anéis plásticos de eletroduto corrugado e anéis de bucha (Luffa cillyndrica), respectivamente. Os tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH) e as cargas orgânicas volumétricas (COV) aplicadas no RAHML foram de 12 e 10 h e 53 e 61 g DQO (L d)-1, respectivamente. O RBS foi operado com ciclo de 24 h e COV de 0,34 e 0,50 g DQO (L d)-1. As eficiências médias de remoção de DQOtotal e SST para o conjunto de reatores anaeróbios horizontais, em série, foram de 96 e 99%, e de 96 e 95%, respectivamente. As maiores produções volumétricas de metano ocorreram nos RAHLF, com valores médios de até 0,744 m³ CH4 (m³ reator d)-1. A inclusão do RBS permitiu melhorar a qualidade do efluente e a estabilidade do sistema de tratamento, atingindo eficiências de remoção de DQOtotal e SST de 99 e 99%, e de 98 e 99%, respectivamente. No RBS, ocorreu nitrificação e desnitrificação, com remoções de N-amoniacal de até 65%.