327 resultados para Bactérias hospitalares


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Foram analisadas 160 amostras de queijo-de-minas frescal artesanal, adquiridas no comércio varejista dos municípios de Poços de Caldas - MG e Jaboticabal - SP, a fim de verificar a ocorrência de bactérias do gênero Aeromonas no produto. Oitenta e duas (51,2%) encontravam-se contaminadas pelos microrganismos, com populações que variavam de 5,0×10³ a 4,0×10(5) UFC/grama. Foram identificadas as espécies Aeromonas hydrophila, Aeromonas caviae, Aeromonas schubertii, além de cepas consideradas atípicas. Os resultados evidenciam que bactérias do gênero Aeromonas podem ser veiculadas através do queijo tipo minas frescal artesanal e devem servir de alerta aos serviços de saúde pública.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cento e dez amostras de 11 diferentes marcas de leite ultra alta temperatura (UAT), comercializadas em São José do Rio Preto - SP, foram submetidas à contagem de microrganismos heterotróficos mesófilos viáveis e à pesquisa de bactérias do grupo do Bacillus cereus. A população de microrganismos mesófilos variou de <1,0´10² UFC/ml a >1,0´10(6) UFC/ml. Bactérias do grupo do Bacillus cereus foram verificadas em 13 (11,8%) amostras. Os resultados evidenciaram elevada população de microrganismos indicadores mesófilos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Solos provenientes de áreas cultivadas com cana-de-açúcar, e histórico de utilização do herbicida diuron, foram utilizados para isolamento e caracterização de linhagens bacterianas com potencial de degradar este herbicida. As linhagens foram isoladas de solos da rizosfera de cana-de-açúcar e de solos das entre linhas. Noventa e oito linhagens foram isoladas, das quais 27 foram selecionadas para avaliação do crescimento em meio mineral sólido suplementado com diuron nas concentrações de 5, 10 e 20 mig mL-1. Neste experimento, 5 linhagens apresentaram um crescimento exponencial entre 0-48 horas (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)-CNPMA D12-12, D12-14 e D16-12) e entre 0-110 horas (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)-CNPMA D11-9 e D12-18), similar ao controle. A linhagem Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA)-CNPMA D12-12 identificada como Acinetobacter baumannii, foi selecionada para estudo de cinética de crescimento em meio mineral, com e sem fonte de nitrogênio, com e sem glicose (0,5%) e suplementado com diuron nas concentrações 20, 50 e 100 mig mL-1, apresentando variação em função da fonte de N, da presença da glicose e da concentração do diuron.


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Foram colhidas 105 amostras de água sendo 44 de mananciais e de 61 bebedouros, a partir das quais foram realizadas as determinações dos NMP (Número Mais Provável) de bactérias coliformes totais e fecais. de acordo com a Portaria GM/0013 de 15 de janeiro de 1976, da Secretaria Especial do Meio Ambiente do Ministério do Interior, os 44 mananciais revelaram-se dentro dos parâmetros estabelecidos. Embora não haja referência com relação a bebedouros, aplicando-se os valores estabelecidos para mananciais, das 61 amostras estudadas, somente 6 (9,8%) não poderiam ser usadas para a dessedentação de animais. Das 105 amostras analisadas, verificou-se que as condições sanitárias revelaram-se não satisfatórias em 6 (5,7%) amostras de bebedouros quanto a coliformes fecais, sendo 3 (2,8%) também com relação a coliformes totais.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O meio ambiente hospitalar guarda uma íntima relação com as infecções hospitalares, podendo proporcionar focos de contato e de transmissão. Como a higiene representa uma das formas de controlar a contaminação ambiental, realizou-se estudo para avaliar as condições microbiológicas dos colchões hospitalares antes e depois de sua limpeza. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se, para a colheita dos espécimes, placas de contato -- Rodac-plate ¾ preparadas com meio de cultura ágar-sangue. Selecionaram-se os leitos de acordo com critérios previamente estabelecidos, e os locais de colheita sob o colchão foram escolhidos por sorteio aleatório. Aplicou-se o teste estatístico de Goodman para o estudo das alterações numéricas quanto a positividade das placas. RESULTADOS: Foram investigados 52 colchões, totalizando 520 placas, das quais 514 (98,8%) resultaram em culturas positivas, sendo que 259 corresponderam ao período anterior à limpeza e 255 ao período posterior ao procedimento. Houve redução de culturas positivas em apenas 4 placas. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados obtidos sugerem que a limpeza, da forma como vem sendo conduzida, provoca o deslocamento da carga microbiana para outros pontos do colchão em vez de diminuí-la, resultando na manutenção da quantidade de microorganismos que existia anteriormente à limpeza.


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The microorganisms are essential components in the maintenance of the biological and physicochemical balance of the soil. They exert important function including the degradation of residues of plants and animals and the release of nutrients in the alimentary chain. This work had as objective to compare the microbiota of a soil under bush covering (SMS) and other cropped with vegetables (SHC), suppressive or not it Rhizoctonia solani. Total microbial community DNA was extracted of soils, amplification for PCR of the genes 16S rDNA, inserted into pGEM (R)-T cloning vector and sequencing of the genes of the ribosomal RNA. The analysis of the results demonstrated that this methodology was efficient for evaluation of bacteria in ground. In the bush soil suppressive the microorganisms more found belonged to the phyla of the Acidobacterias, Verrucomicrobia and Actinobacterias and in the soil cultivated with vegetables the biggest frequency was of organisms pertaining to the phyla of the Proteobacterias, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes.


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Since 1988 to 1992, a study about susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs of bacterias isolated from hospitalized patients was performed. The compared susceptibility to important drugs (ampicilin, cephalothin, cefoxitin, ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, aztreonam, gentamicin, amikacin, peftoxacin, ciprofloxacin, imipenem, oxacillin and vancomicin) was investigated in 1200 strains (300 of each specie) of the prevalent bacterias: E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and S. aureus. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) was determined by agar dilution method, using from 0,05 to 256 mcg of each drug per ml of culture medium (Mueller-Hinton). Ranges of MIC, MIC 50%, MIC 90% and the proportion of resistant strains were determined and permited to know the 4 drugs that were found to be more active against bacterias; the CIM 90% values are: E. coli - aztreonam (0,1 mcg/ml), pefloxacin (0,1), ceftazidime (0,25) and ceftriaxone (0,05); K. pneumoniae - aztreonam (0,25), ceftriaxone (0,25), ceftazidime (0,5) and pefloxacin (2,0); P. aeruginosa - imipenem (4,0), aztreonam (16), ceftazidime (16) and ciprofloxacin (16); S. aureus - vancomicina (1,0), ciprofloxacin (8,0), arnicacina (128) and cephalothin (128 mg/ml). The better in vitro antibacterial activity observed was related to: aztreonam (77-100% of the sensitive strains), ceftazidime (50-99,7%), pefloxacin (73-99,7%), ciprofloxacin(80%), imipenem (93%) and vancomicin (100%).


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vitro activity of cefepime, cefpirome and amikacin against the most prevalent nosocomial bacteria. Initially a prospective study was designed to compare the bacterial susceptibility to the three drugs using 1,022 pathogenic strains. The strains were isolated from hospitalized patients of the Hospital das Clinicas - Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, SP, from March to December of 1996, by using the Bauer-Kirby susceptibility diffusion controlled method. The activity of cefepime by the Kirby-Bauer method was significantly higher (χ2, p ≤ 0.05) than cefpirome and amikacin for the following bacteria: P. aeruginosa (72% x 56% x 64%, respectively), Enterobacter cloacae (98% x 88% x 80%) and total strains (79.5% x 74.3% x 76.8%). Cefpirome exhibited higher activity than cefepime only to Enterococcus faecalis (42% x 23%). In the 12 other bacterial groups studied the sensibility of the three drugs was similar (χ2, p ≥ 0.05). The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) for 127 bacterial strains - Enterobacter cloacae (12), Citrobacter sp (15), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (50), Acinetobacter baumannii (12), BGNF others (22) and Enterococcus faecalis (16)-from the same origin previously described and isolated during 1997, was determined by E-test. Ranges of MIC intervals, MIC(50%), MIC(90%) and the proportion of the sensitive bacterial strains were determined and permitted the following analysis: the activity of cefepime against Gram-negative bacteria was 2 or more times higher than that of cefpirome and amikacin, specially when CIM(90%) was considered; the activity of cefpirome was higher only against E. faecalis. This information must be considered in the rational use of antibiotic, specially in patients with nosocomial infections.


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Staphylococcus aureus is a very important hospital and community pathogen. This species is related to supurative disease, systemic and widespread metastatic lesions. The ability of S. aureus to develop resistance to antibiotics, more recently to methicillin, associates this bacteria with epidemic outbreaks of severe nosocomial infection. The source of staphylococcal infection is a patient with a staphylococcal lesion or a career member of the hospital staff. We aimed to detect the frequency of S. aureus isolated from anterior nares and oral cavities among the hospital staff in Bauru - SP, and to determine the antibiotic susceptibility of the isolates. Within 213 of the staff members analyzed. S. aureus was found in 94 (44.13%) of careers, with 47 (50%) of nasal carriers, 23 (24.4%) of oral carriers and 24 (25.5%) of both carriers. The biochemical characteristics analyzed for the species identification were similar to S. aureus ATCC 29213. All strains identified as S. aureus showed varied sensibility to the antimicrobial agents tested. No vancomicin resistant strains and only 8 (8.5%) strains with oxacilin resistance were found.


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The present study aimed to obtain information about the uterine inflammatory response (number of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic granulocytes - PMNs) in bitches after artificial insemination (AI) and identify the uterine microflora present after the following treatments: insemination using semen with extender (n=6), insemination with fresh semen (n=6) and no inseminated (n=6). The percentage of PMNs on the endometrial surface and within histological sections was evaluated together with the presence of aerobic bacteria in the uterine lumen. For endometrial cytology, there was no significative difference on the number of inflammatory cells between bitches not inseminated (3.05 ± 1.74 PMNs) and those inseminated with fresh semen (3.55 ± 1.51 PMNs); There was a significative difference in both groups compared to the inseminated with semen plus extender (7.80 ± 1.67 PMNs) (p<0.05). Histology showed that there was no significative difference on the number of inflammatory cells between bitches not inseminated (87.72 ± 35.2 PMNs) and those inseminated with fresh semen (122.97 ± 43.31 PMNs); however, it was observed differences in both groups compared to those inseminated with semen plus extender (171.94 ± 42.74 PMNs) (p<0.05). Eight animals, randomly distributed in the groups, showed the presence of Staphylococcus sp and Proteus sp., in the microbiological exam. The extender for semen, with Tris, is a potent inducer of uterine inflammation, and positive uterine cultures may be obtained during estrus without inflammation or uterine infection.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the contribution of inoculation with diazotrophs, applied both individually and in combination, in commercial varieties of sugarcane. The experiment was carried out at the experimental grounds of Embrapa Agrobiologia, in Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The experimental design was of randomised blocks, with sub-divided plots and six replications. Six varieties of sugarcane with six treatments were used: control, control with nitrogen, inoculation of the individual strains: BR 11512, BR 11724 and BR 11411, in addition to inoculation with a cocktail consisting of five strains of diazotrophs. Differences were observed between varieties and between treatments, and an interaction observed between the treatments and varieties. For all the parameters evaluated, no response was observed in the sugarcane varieties RB855536 and RB92606. In the variety RB918639, the only difference was in the accumulation of green biomass. No difference was observed between the treatments for total nitrogen accumulation. The most responsive variety to inoculation was RB867515, differing in the accumulation of fresh and dry biomass. This study showed that inoculation promotes the accumulation of biomass, the contribution being different for the varieties and strains of bacteria, suggesting an interaction between the factors studied. The variety RB867515 is promising for use in studies of inoculation with diazotrophs.


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The widespread use of cooling technology as a tool for maintaining the microbiological and organoleptic characteristics of milk, Without effective hygienic practices throughout the milk production, caused the psychrotrophic micro-organisms to become major deteriorative bacteria in the dairy industry. The present study aimed to assess how the proteolytic psychrotrophic metabolism responds to different milk storage temperatures, drawing a parallel among psychrotrophic growth, amount of micro-organisms capable of breaking down proteins and amount of GMP (glycomacropeptide) released. Milk samples were collected directly from the cooling tank and subjected to count of psychrotrophs, count of proteolytic micro-organisms and the concentration of GMP at different storage times and temperatures. There was no linearity between the microbiological parameters and the GMP measured, according to the time/temperature binomial. The highest concentration of GMP (5.07 mg/mL) was measured in the binomial 8°C/24h (T8/ M24). The data make clear the need for further studies about questions involving the psychrotrophic microbiota in order to clarify extremely important basic questions about their metabolism.