107 resultados para Aviarios - Iluminação


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This Graduate Work aims to exhibit the analyze of the applicability of LED technology in a real outdoor lighting situation, and this project’s illumination solution is compared with the initial proposal, the sodium vapor lamps. What is studied is an outdoor area, like the roads and parking lots of a plant. A light planning software is used for this comparison, and the results are displayed instantly, allowing rapid analysis of the project through a simulation. The medium illuminance is the same in both solutions for this case study and minimum rates set as standard were observed then the analysis are appropriate in this project. Various aspects are considered in order to obtain a comprehensive analysis of this project, such as economic, environmental and quality of lighting. LED technology in outdoor lighting is presented in its infancy, but promising. Solid state lamps show great advantages when compared with other technologies, such as discharge lamps, however there are some disadvantages tied to new products that are expected to be overcome with technological development and increased production


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This work presents the development of the External Lighting Plan UNESP in the Itapeva Campus based LED and Solar Energy. Firstly it was made a collection of data from measurements of the local transit through the Google Earth 6 software and divide the local in sectors, and then perform an analysis of characteristics and age of the site. With these data it was possible to determine the average luminance the place, in30 lux. After these procedures was possible to determine the type of sets that would perform the role of bridge lighting the kit chosen was the 20/20 Sun LED manufacturer, since it contains the luminaire with the solar panel to the pole. Therefore we determined the number of poles for each sector, whichwas72in total and. After the determination of the location of each point lighting


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The increasing rate of traffic accidents, followed by the high rate of mortality due to these occurrences, favored to the classification of traffic accidents as a public health problem in Brazil. These accidents consume a significant portion of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), especially related to the victims. Considering this scenery with many tragedies and resources being spent only in the end, this paper seeks to examine the influence of federal highways lighting by reducing the number of accidents. Federal Highways sections that received lighting were taken up for study, therefore a survey of statistical data has been raised considering the accidents before and after the route had been illuminated. Taking advantage of the results obtained, an economic analysis has been made considering the amounts consumed by traffic accidents versus the values required for the installation of lighting on highways


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The use of electricity for obtaining light has been quite an issue currently discussed, either through new technologies that are emerging, the quest for greater efficiency, reduced waste and rational use. This work comprises a lighting design applied to a metallurgical based Brazilian Standard 5413 which mentions levels of luminance for interior and, in the case of this work, for a sandblasting booth. Ways to improve the workplace and luminosity presented before the project and also after its implementation are discussed. Technologies are chosen guided by technical calculations according to the illuminance values they want to reach for the environment studied. All pertinent design features are critically analyzed and discussed, and at the end proposals are presented, relating to each other in a comparative framework, so the best solution is applied in a practical way in the enclosure. Results are also presented concerning the maintenance of a bank of capacitors to correct the power factor for the metals studied company


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This work deals with the development of a switched-mode power supply circuit based on a Buck topology converter with a Boost Rectifier One-Cycle Control with Power Factor Correction developing, thus, a source of direct current for a module of 50 power LEDs that will be used in a lamp for public street lightning. It is presented, at first, some aspects about the most common technologies used in lamps of public street lightning in Brazil and a comparison with the White LED high power, which is the one that presents itself as the most promising among the existing market. Then it is presented the detailed development of the static converter switched PWM, consisting of a Boost rectifier with power factor correction and methodology of control One-Cycle Control associated with a Buck converter controlled by a PI method that operates as a direct current source . At the end of the simulation results of the circuit through the PSIM software are presented to verify the design behavior


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Os seres humanos identificam naturalmente outros seres humanos utilizando suas características físicas, fisiológicas ou comportamentais. Dentre essas características, destacam-se os traços faciais. O avanço tecnológico na área de Biometria tem promovido o desenvolvimento de inúmeras técnicas para o reconhecimento automático de faces por meio de computadores, entretanto, existem ainda vários fatores que dificultam esta aplicação, como por exemplo, a variação das condições de iluminação. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar os efeitos da aplicação de um filtro de processamento de imagens, denominado Transformada Census, em uma base de dados com imagens da face em diferentes condições de iluminação. Assim, experimentos foram realizados utilizando a técnica PCA com imagens da base de dados AR antes e depois da aplicação da Transformada Census. Os resultados desses experimentos mostraram que a aplicação da Transformada Census melhorou o resultado do reconhecimento das faces, reduzindo a taxa de erro.


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The teaching/learning activities of the daylighting built environment require from the Architecture and Urbanism undergraduate student the ability to abstract the effects of daylight distributed in three-dimensional space that is being designed. Several tools and techniques can be used to facilitate the understanding of the involved phenomena, among which the computational simulation. This paper reports the digital inclusion of the daylighting teaching in the Architecture and Urbanism undergraduate course at the School of Architecture, Arts and Social Communication of Bauru (FAAC) of UNESP – Sao Paulo State University, that began in 2010. The inclusion process involved free software use, specifically the programs DIALux and SketchUp+Radiance, both with graphical output for the illuminated scenes visualization and for result analysis. The graphic model is converted from SketchUp to Radiance by a plugin and a user-friendly interface for Windows was developed to simulate the lighting. The process of digital inclusion is consolidated, with wide acceptance by students, for which computational simulation facilitates understanding of relation between daylight and built environment and helps the design process of elements for daylighting control.


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In this paper, we will present an overview of the smart grid defining the three main systems that compose it: smart infrastructure system, smart management system and smart protection system. We will conceptualize a functionality of smart management system, the conservative voltage reduction, citing its benefits and its history of application. And, finally, we'll cover a test in which we reduce the nominal voltages on incandescent bulbs, CFL and LED, in the context of residential lighting, and on LED and HPS, in the context of public lighting. The test aims to check whether the voltage reduction adversely affects sources of lighting by measuring the temperature manually with a thermal imaging camera FLIR and illuminance with a LUX meter. The set of power factor, total harmonic distortion, and input power values will be collected automatically through the power quality Analyzer Fluke 345 with a probe Fluke Hall Effect Current. For residential lighting, it was found that both CFL and LED had good performance with the smallest variations in illuminance. Between both, the LED source had the lowest harmonics and the lowest power consumption, on the other hand incandescent bulbs had a bad performance as expected. Public light sources also had a good performance and obtained power factors within the standards, as opposed to the CFL and LED residential sources. The data collected clearly shows the feasibility for nominal voltage reductions. Even with small reductions, there are possibilities of savings which can be passed on to the utilities and consumers


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This work presents a self-sustainable lighting system using ultracapacitor as a storage device, replacing the conventional battery, using solar energy as the only energy supplier. A detailed study of solar panels, switched mode converters and ultracapacitors was made, in order to design a circuit capable of capturing solar energy and transfer it efficiently to a bank of ultracapacitors. Later, at nighttime, this energy is used for lighting in LED luminaires which have high luminous efficiency and high reliability index. This work presents the design of the solar panel, ultracapacitors bank, the development of the voltage converter circuit and charger working at the maximum power point of the solar panel. All subsystems were simulated and it was shown that the use of ultracapacitors is feasible to feed a LED lamp with enough brightness for a person to walk at night, for two night shifts, using a capacitive bank with twenty-four ultracapacitors. Replacing the battery by an ultracapacitor allows a faster recharge, with low maintenance costs, since ultracapacitors have a lifetime bigger than batteries; beyond reducing the environmental impact, as they don't use potentially toxic chemical compounds


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The spatial resolution improvement of orbital sensors has broadened considerably the applicability of their images in solving urban areas problems. But as the spatial resolution improves, the shadows become even a more serious problem especially when detailed information (under the shadows) is required. Besides those shadows caused by buildings and houses, clouds projected shadows are likely to occur. In this case there is information occlusion by the cloud in association with low illumination and contrast areas caused by the cloud shadow on the ground. Thus, it's important to use efficient methods to detect shadows and clouds areas in digital images taking in count that these areas care for especial processing. This paper proposes the application of Mathematical Morphology (MM) in shadow and clouds detection. Two parts of a panchromatic QuickBird image of Cuiab-MT urban area were used. The proposed method takes advantage of the fact that shadows (low intensity - dark areas) and clouds (high intensity - bright areas) represent the bottom and top, respectively, of the image as it is thought to be a topographic surface. This characteristic allowed MM area opening and closing operations to be applied to reduce or eliminate the bottom and top of the topographic surface.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar o ritmo de piscar de portadores de pterígio antes e depois da exérese. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados os movimentos palpebrais de 41 pacientes antes e 60 dias depois da remoção cirúrgica da lesão. Os movimentos palpebrais foram capturados durante 1 minuto, usando filmadora Sony Digital 8 DCR - TRV110, sob iluminação artificial, com o indivíduo em posição primária do olhar, tendo como ponto de fixação a própria filmadora. As imagens obtidas foram processadas por computador, quantificando-se o total de movimentos de piscar, o número de piscar completo e incompleto, e as respectivas durações. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística. RESULTADOS: Antes da cirurgia 36,36% dos pacientes queixavam-se de sensação de corpo estranho e após a cirurgia, 61,02% estavam assintomáticos. A avaliação do ritmo de piscar revelou que a freqüência do piscar incompleto aumentou no pós-operatório. A duração do piscar não se alterou antes e após a cirurgia. CONCLUSÃO: A exérese do pterígio leva à diminuição dos sintomas irritativos. Após a remoção da lesão, houve discreto aumento da freqüência de piscar incompleto. Há a possibilidade da presença do pterígio não estar relacionada com alterações do filme lacrimal, considerando que a alteração do ritmo de piscar foi discreta. No entanto, outros estudos deverão ser realizados para afirmar ou contestar esta hipótese.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Observamos o comportamento locomotor de 40 crianças (de 5 a 8 anos) e de 40 adultos jovens (de 19 a 28 anos) frente a restrições ambientais, que percorreram dois circuitos em condições de luminosidade total e reduzida e transporte de carga (sem carga, 3% e 7% da massa corporal), andando o mais rápido possível e evitando contato com objetos. O tempo gasto na tarefa foi obtido por meio de um cronômetro digital, em três tentativas por condição. ANOVA para três fatores (circuito x iluminação x carga) revelou que: as crianças demoraram mais tempo para realizar a tarefa quando carga foi adicionada; crianças mais jovens percorreram o circuito em tempo maior que crianças mais velhas; as condições não alteraram a locomoção dos adultos. Concluímos que crianças necessitam integrar as informações sensoriais e acoplá-las ao sistema efetor. Programas de intervenção são necessários para facilitar essa integração sem restrição da mobilidade das crianças.