177 resultados para Arginine


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As several structures of the central nervous system are involved in the control of hydromineral and cardiovascular balance we investigated whether the natriorhexigenic and pressor response induced by the injection of ANG II into the 3rd V could be mediated by vasopressinergic and nitrergic system. Male Holtzman rats weighing 200-250 g with cannulae implanted into the 3rd V were used. The drugs were injected in 0.5 μL over 30-60 sec. Controls were injected with a similar volume of 0.15 M NaCl. ANGII increased the water intake vs control. AVPA injected into 3rd V prior to ANGII decreased the dipsogenic effect of ANGII. L-arginine also decreased the water intake induced by ANGII. AVPA plus L-arginine inhibit the water intake induced by ANGII. 7NIT injected prior to ANGII potentiated the dipsogenic effect of ANGII. Pre-treatment with ANGII increased the sodium ingestion vs control. AVPA decreased the ANGII effect in sodium intake. L-arginine also decreased the natriorhexigenic effect of ANGII. The combination of L-arginine and AVPA inhibit the sodium intake induced by ANGII. 7NIT injected prior to ANGII potentiated the sodium intake induced by ANGII. ANGII induced an increase in Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) vs control. AVPA and L-arginine induced a decreased in the pressor effect of ANGII. The combination of L-arginine and AVPA inhibit the pressor effect of ANGII. 7NIT injected prior to ANGII into 3rd V potentiated the pressor effect of ANGII. These data suggest that arginine vasopressin V 1 receptors and Nitric Oxide (NO) within the circumventricular structures may be involved in sodium intake and pressor response induced by the activation of ANGII receptors within the circumventricular neurons. These studies revealed the involvement of sodium appetite by utilizing the angiotensinergic, vasopressinergic and nitrergic system in the central regulation of blood pressure. © 2006 Asian Network for Scientific Information.


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We study the effects of angiotensin receptors antagonists, arginine vasopressin receptor antagonist, L-arginine and L-NAME, injected into supraoptic nucleus of the hypothalamus (SON) on sodium intake induced by the injection of angiotensin II (ANGII). Holtzman rats weighing 200-250 g with canulae implanted into the SON were used. The drugs were injected in 0.5 μL over 30-60 sec. Sodium intake after injection of saline SAL+SAL 0.15 M NaCl was 0.10±00.1 mL 2 h -1; SAL+ANGII injected into SON increased sodium intake. Losartan injected prior to ANGII into SON decreased sodium intake induced by ANGII. PD123319 injected prior to ANGII produced no changes in sodium intake induced by ANGII. AVPA receptor V 1 antagonist injected prior to ANGII reduced sodium intake with a less intensity than losartan. L-arginine injected prior to ANGII decreases sodium intake at a same intensity than losartan. L-NAME injected prior to ANGII potentiated sodium intake induced by ANGII. Losartan injected simultaneously with L-arginine prior to ANGII blocked the natriorexigenic effect of ANGII. These results confirm the importance of SON in the control of sodium intake. Also suggest that both AT 1 and arginine vasopressin V 1 receptors interact with nitrergic pathways within the SON influencing the sodium metabolism by changing sodium appetite induced by ANGII. © 2007 Asian Network for Scientific Information.


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We determined the effects of AT 1 and AT 2 (selective no peptides antagonists angiotensin receptors), arginine vasopressin V 1 receptor antagonist as well as L-arginine, a nitric oxide donor and N W-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, injected into supraoptic nucleus (SON) on water and sodium intake induced by the injection of angiotensin II (ANGII). Male Holtzman rats weighing 200-250 g with canulae implanted into the SON were used. The drugs were injected in 0.5 μL over 30-60 sec. The water intake after injection of saline SAL+SAL 0.15 M NaCl was 0.40±0.1 mL 2 h -1; SAL+ANGII increase water intake. Losartan decreased the water intake induced by ANGII. PD123319 injected prior to produce no change in water intake induced by ANGII. AVPA prior to ANGII reduced the water intake with a less intensity than losartan. L-arginine prior to ANGII decreases the water intake at a same intensity than losartan. L-NAME prior to ANGII potentiated the dipsogenic effect of ANGII. Losartan injected simultaneously with L-arginine prior to ANGII blocked the dipsogenic effect of ANGII. These results confirm the importance of SON in the control of water intake and strongly suggest that AT 1, V 1 receptors interact with nitrergic pathways within the SON influencing the dipsogenic effect of ANGII.


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Septic shock or sepsis is reported to be one of the major causes of death when followed by systemic infectious trauma in humans and other mammals. Its development leads to a large drop in blood pressure and a reduction in vascular responsiveness to physiological vasoconstrictors which, if not contained, can lead to death. It is proposed that this vascular response is due to the action of bacterial cell wall products released into the bloodstream by the vascular endothelium and is considered a normal response of the body's defenses against infection. A reduction in vascular reactivity to epinephrine and norepinephrine is observed under these conditions. In the present study in rats, the aim was to assess whether those effects of hypotension and hyporeactivity are also related to another endogenous vasoconstrictor, angiotensin II (AII). We evaluated the variation in the power of this vasoconstrictor over the mean arterial pressure in anesthetized rats, before and after the establishment of hypotension by Escherichia coli endotoxin (Etx). Our results show that in this model of septic shock, there is a reduction in vascular reactivity to AII and this reduction can be reversed by the inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, Nω-Nitro-L- Arginine (NωNLA). Our results also suggest that other endogenous factors (not yet fully known) are involved in the protection of rats against septic shock, in addition to the L-arginine NO pathway.


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Sildenafil attenuates acute pulmonary embolism-induced pulmonary hypertension. However, the hemodynamic effects of sildenafil in combination with other vasodilators during acute pulmonary embolism have not been examined yet. In the present study, we examined the hemodynamic effects of combined sildenafil (0.25 mg/kg, i.v.) and L-arginine (100, 200, 500, and 1000 mg/kg/h, i.v.) in an anesthetized dog model of acute pulmonary embolism. Plasma nitrite/nitrate (NOx) and cGMP concentrations were determined using an ozone-based chemiluminescence assay and a commercial enzyme immunoassay, respectively. We found that L-arginine alone did not attenuate acute pulmonary embolism-induced pulmonary hypertension. However, significant decreases in mean pulmonary artery pressure were observed 30, 45, 60, and 75 min after the administration of sildenafil alone or after the combined administration of sildenafil and L-arginine (all P<0.05). No significant differences among groups were observed in the respiratory parameters. While L-arginine significantly increased NOx concentrations, cGMP concentrations increased only when sildenafil was administered (all P<0.05). These results suggest that while sildenafil attenuates acute pulmonary embolism-induced pulmonary hypertension, L-arginine does not enhance the beneficial hemodynamic effects of sildenafil. In addition, these findings suggest that stimulation of NO synthesis with L-arginine during acute pulmonary embolism does not produce beneficial effects. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O Óxido Nítrico (ON) é gerado por uma família de isoenzimas, através da catálise enzimática do aminoácido essencial L-arginina, que resulta na formação de L-citrulina e ON. O on está envolvido em muitos processos fisiológicos dos mamíferos, que incluem a neurotransmissão, controle da pressão sangüínea, inflamação, reações imunológicas e nos mecanismos de defesa contra microorganisnos e tumores. O descontrole na síntese de on está implicado na patogênese de doenças cardiovasculares, autoimunidade, rejeição de transplantes, doenças degenerativas, na sépsis, na genotoxicidade e no surgimento de neoplasias. O on também foi incriminado como agente de iniciação da carcinogênese, que, associado a outros fatores, poderia levar ao descontrole da citoestase e da diferenciação celular. A diversidade de efeitos do on parece estar relacionada às concentrações de on gerados, à sensibilidade individual das células e à duração do fenômeno.


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Durante o processo de assimilação e uso dos alimentos, diferentes respostas metabólicas podem ser desenvolvidas pelo organismo dos animais. Estas respostas são fruto da integração de mecanismos complexos, que envolvem os sistemas neuro-endócrino e o funcionamento dos órgãos, sendo influenciadas pela dieta, espécie animal, idade, condição fisiológica e composição corporal. Este trabalho enfoca a importância fisiológica e os métodos de estudo das respostas pós-prandiais aos carboidratos, bem como as alterações fisiológicas conseqüentes ao balanço eletrolítico da dieta. A quantidade, estrutura química e processamento industrial do amido determinam boa parte da resposta pós-prandial de glicose e insulina de cães. em gatos, outros mecanismos parecem ser mais importantes, como a ingestão de aminoácidos. A fibra alimentar também altera a resposta pós-prandial ao alimento, devendo ser consideradas sua quantidade, solubilidade e fermentabilidade no desenvolvimento das dietas. Os métodos de estudo destas respostas incluem avaliação das respostas glicêmica e insulínca pós-prandiais, teste endovenoso de tolerância à glicose e à arginina. O clâmp euglicêmico apresenta-se também como ferramenta de estudo, no entanto revela informações mais relacionadas ao animal do que à dieta. A compreensão do conjunto de alterações metabólicas aos carboidratos é importante no estudo do controle da saciedade, composição corporal e inúmeras doenças degenerativas e endócrinas. A concentração e relação entre os macro-elementos da dieta (Na, Cl, K, P, Ca, Mg e S) e dos aminoácidos sulfurados (metionina, cistina e taurina) interferem em inúmeras funções orgânicas, como a cardiovascular, neuromuscular, metabolismo ósseo, renal e pulmonar, refletindo-se no equilíbrio hidro-eletrolítico e ácido-básico orgânicos. de importância prática para cães e gatos encontram-se a relação destes nutrientes com cardiopatias, nefropatias, osteodistrofias e urolitíases. A relação entre os macro-elementos é estabelecida em mmol/kg de matéria seca da dieta, calculando-se seu balanço cátion-ânion (excesso de bases ou ânions dietéticos não determinados). Suas repostas orgânicas são medidas, dentre outros métodos, pela hemogasimetria, balanço hídrico, mensuração do volume dos espaços extracelular e vascular, supersaturação e pH urinários.