28 resultados para Anticoncepción de emergencia


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper aims to examine regional integration processes in South America, particularly in Mercosur. The point of departure is the study of Brazilian foreign policy in the region. Possible consequences of international changes will be discussed, as well as the significance of new social and political forces. Continuity and ruptures in Brazilian behaviour as regards integration will be identified to understand strengths and weaknesses in building an independent position and in search of balance among other international power centres.


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The emergence of the digital order renewed the Victorian civilizing ideal and strengthened a world order of techno-economic dependence. The new grand narrative is the urgency of digital transformation of societies; a dream pursued without reflection by the populations of the periphery that ended into in a collision between McLuhan's two informational orders: cold and hot societies. Latin America as part of the periphery did not participate in the development of the informatic technologies and its historical legacy made the appropriation of these technologies more difficult. This paper examines the historical circumstances of this process: the development of a discourse around the digital networks, the consequences of this social construction in the region, the fragile efforts of Brazil to create technology, and the entrance of IT networks in the region. The results showed that the status of this kind of research in the region is weak so we alert about its consequences. We concluded that to create an informational order that may serve as a space of self-affirmation, freedom and heterogeneity, it is necessary to have a deep knowledge of the social and historical context that created its basic technologies, but Latin America is indifferent in such regard. Information Science has a central role in the region within this process but it has not developed it yet.


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This study aimed at analyzing the scientific production on health care humanization in intensive-care and emergency units based on publications in national journals. Therefore, this is an integrative review of the national literature. The online database Literatura Latino-Americana do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde - Literature in the Health Sciences in Latin America and the Caribbean (LILACS) based on the Health Virtual Library (BVS) platform was used to select articles. The final sample in this review consisted of 21 articles. The presentation of results and data discussion was descriptively performed and divided into three themes: communication with relatives and the team, caregiver humanization and, finally, the difficulties faced to implement humanization. As regards communication, it is seen by the authors as a fundamental strategy to ensure quality in intensive care, and it is placed as a central axis in the humanization policy. Concerning caregiver humanization, the physical and mental overload resulting from the work process in these units are factors that interfere with personal relations between team members as well as with that between team members and patients. Among the difficulties faced for implementing humanized care for critical patients are the units’s physical and organizational structures, technology and health care professionals’ education, which is centered on the biomedical model. It was concluded that communication is considered to be fundamental for humanization of the care provided to critical patients, since it allows for the development of a network of meanings between patients, the team, families and the establishment. In order to implement care with humanized actions in urgency and emergency sectors, particularly in ICUs, it is necessary to change organizational culture and value health care professionals


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La lucha por la tierra en el Brasil se confunde con la própria historia del país, erigida sobre una cuestión agraria turbulenta en la cual ha predominado la hegemonía de los grandes proprietarios de tierra, tanto en la forma de latifundistas, cuanto, más recientemente, de los empresarios del agribusiness, caracterizando una versión más moderna de la dominación de la lógica del capital en detrimento de las demás formas de organización de la vida. A partir de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, ocurre un aguzamiento de los conflictos por la tierra con la emergencia de los principales movimientos sociales en Brasil, como el MST. Esos movimientos surgen en un contexto de transformación de la formación socioespacial brasileña, marcada por la creciente urbanización del país, lo que repercute em las sus formas de organización, pasando a comparecer una preocupación con la población urbana en las discusiones y acciones en pro de la Reforma Agraria. Yuxtaponiendo-se a eso proceso, también ha emergido fortemiente en las últimas décadas la problemática de la hambre en el mundo, tanto a través de los dados alarmantes de los organismos supranacionales (FAO), como del debate impulsado por los movimientos sociales acerca de la Soberanía Alimentaria (Via Campesina). Todos esos elementos merecen atención em esto trabajo, que busca aprehender cómo se efectiva la participación de barrios de la periferia pobre de la ciudad de Presidente Prudente/SP en el proceso de lucha por la tierra en el Pontal del Paranapanema, haciendo eso por lo medio de una lectura geográfica de esa realidad que prime por la superación analítica de la disociación entre ciudad y campo, como se fueran espacios inertes entre sí. Además, es nuestro objetivo destacar las motivaciones que llevan los sujetos protagonistas de eso proceso a dejaren la ciudad y adhieriren a la lucha por la tierra, permitiendo identificar elementos que extrapolan la esfera económico-material


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this literature review was to evaluate the use of fibrin tissue adhesive in implant dentistry. Materials and Methods: A literature search of Medline-PubMed for articles published, describing the use of fibrin tissue adhesive in implant dentistry was performed and articles were critically reviewed. Results: The literature review reveals clinical trials and experimental studies with regard to the use of fibrin tissue adhesive in implant dentistry. This material consists of 2 components: highly purified, freeze-dried human fibrinogen with factor XIII and a starter solution containing human thrombin. Clotting factor XIII is admitted for reinforcement of the fibrin network. The components are reconstituted before use and when mixed form a clot by mimicking the terminal phase of the physiological clotting cascade. Several studies showed that fibrin tissue adhesive is fully absorbed by macrophages within 2 weeks of application. Adhesive fibrin tissue may be used for to prevent bone loss, to create contour in the periimplant soft tissue and osseous tissue, to sculpt emergence profile for prosthetic components and to mimic tissue architecture. In the last years fibrin tissue adhesive also find use as material for the controlled delivery of drugs and biologics. Conclusions: The fibrin tissue adhesive presents good properties such as biocompatibility, hemostatic properties and ability to break down like the physiologic clot. This material, alone or associated with other materials, can be used with the implants immediately after extraction. In this condition it brings the necessary anchoring and efficient maintenance of osseous/mucosal contour, which it is important for the clinical success.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Objective. To describe women behavior regarding birth control and analyze if such behavior has any cultural influence. Methodology. Qualitative study in which patients were women who were waiting for their family health program consult in three health units of the city Ilah Comprida in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected during October and November of 2007, the interview was used as source of information, subsequently they were subjected to the content analysis technique. Results. Women are responsible for birth control; they consider there are difficulties with birth control especially due to inefficient information about methods of contraception and family influence over this adopted behavior. Conclusion. Birth control is influenced by cultural models, moral, social and religious values related with the exercise of sexuality.


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The purpose of the study was to understand the experience of nursing professionals on the care provided to adult patients and relatives who experience the dying process in an emergency room. Statements of 12 nursing professionals, being 8 technicians and 4 registered nurses of the emergency room of a high-complexity university hospital were analyzed. Data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews and evaluated according to Bardin’s content analysis. As a result, the theme entitled the relative’s mourning process emerged with two categories: alterity as an opening and suffering as a limit. when subjectivity, which was revealed under the principle of alterity, permeated the subjects’ actions, the nursing practices were targeted at the patients and their relative’s needs, but suffering as a limit imposed distancing by the professionals during care provision, even when it was perceived as necessary.


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The 1988 constitution makes an life is a supreme good when increased health as the fundamental condition requiring that all ill patient has the right to be treated in a public hospital (CF, art. 196). In this sense, the goal of this work is to generate a weekly forecast of hospital care by means of an advanced prediction model. It is expected that the model of self-regressivas seasonal moving averages SARIMA generate reliable and adherent to issue forecasts analyzed, thus enabling better resource allocation and more efficient hospital management


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Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB