43 resultados para Análise de gráficos
Planejamento econômico de gráficos de controle X para monitoramento de processos autocorrelacionados
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Mediante a aplicação de técnicas de análise flúviomorfométricas disponíveis na literatura especializada, tais como estudo dos perfis longitudinais dos cursos d’água e os índices RDE (Relação Declividade vs. Extensão), buscou-se, neste trabalho, executar uma análise de prováveis deformações neotectônicas na região do Pontal do Paranapanema, extremo oeste do Estado de São Paulo. Dessa forma, a análise dos parâmetros flúvio-mofométricos proposta foi aplicada nas bacias hidrográficas menores que drenam tanto para o rio Paranapanema, ao sul, quanto para o rio Paraná, a oeste. As medidas foram efetuadas, inicialmente, nas drenagens com extensão superior a 8 km, tendo como base topográfica as folhas plani-altimétricas em escala 1:50.000, com equidistância de 20 m, editadas pelo IBGE e pelo IGC, totalizando 22 cartas topográficas. Os dados coletados foram lançados em planilhas Excel para a obtenção dos resultados gráficos e definição das anomalias. Utilizou-se de base geológica em escala 1:500.000 editada pelo IPT (1981), para comparação dos dados fluviomorfométricos com o substrato geológico sulcado pelos cursos d’água. Os trabalhos finais envolveram o cotejamento de todas as informações flúvio-morfométricas e geológicas e a interpretação das anomalias delimitadas. Para tanto se fez necessário elaborar uma base morfoestrutural adequada, que se baseou na análise de imagens de satélite do sistema SRTM, da NASA, com o auxilio do aplicativo Global Mapper. Os dados de morfometria fluvial indicaram a presença de um significativo número de anomalias, com destaque para trechos subsidentes de cursos d’água e também para perfis longitudinais retilíneos de drenagem, que se destacam do padrão logarítmico típico dos rios. Tais trechos foram interpretados como tectonicamente desequilibrados, indicando deformações crustais recentes. As anomalias flúviomorfométricas foram comparadas com áreas de solos espessos, interpretadas em imagens SRTM, e com a trama de lineamentos, confirmando que as áreas mais dissecadas correspondem a trechos com movimentação ascencional, que resulta em solos rasos e presença de anomalias de RDE. Os terrenos com solos mais espessos, por outro lado, abrangem áreas em subsidência, que podem incluir depósitos aluviais mais expressivos. Não-raro, estas áreas são demarcadas por limites estruturais (lineamentos) e/ou por trechos de perfis longitudinais anômalos de drenagens. Palavras-chave: Pontal do Paranapanema; morfometria fluvial; neotectônica; geomorfologia fluvial.
Mediante estudo de perfis longitudinais de drenagens e índices RDE - Relação Declividade vs. Extensão) e de interpretação de imagens SRTM, executou-se uma análise morfotectônica no vale do rio Aguapeí. Esta bacia apresenta um substrato constituído por basaltos da Formação Serra Geral, rochas siliciclásticas cretáceas das formações Santo Anastácio, Adamantina e Marília, sedimentos quaternários (depósitos aluviais, colúvios e regolitos espessos). As medidas foram efetuadas das drenagens com extensão superior a 10 km, tendo como base topográfica as folhas plani-altimétricas em escala 1:50.000, editadas pelo IGG (Instituto Geográfico e Geológico) e IBGE (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística). Os dados mensurados foram tratados sob a forma de gráficos de coordenadas cartesianas, com o perfil longitudinal de cada drenagem, a distribuição dos índices RDE e o acréscimo de informações geológicas. A interpretação de imagens de satélite SRTM buscou delimitar áreas com solos mais espessos e depósitos aluviais mais expressivos (normalmente característicos de blocos estruturais subsidentes) e das áreas mais dissecadas pela erosão (vinculadas a blocos estruturais em ascensão). A interpretação das imagens de satélite incluiu a extração de lineamentos, que podem indicar limites de blocos estruturais. O principal resultado do trabalho consta do delineamento dos principais setores morfotectônicos diferenciados, controlados pela neotectônica.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
This study aimed to identify the post-graduation programs in Speech Pathology in Brazil, present the production of professors of these programs in the aspects of documentary typologies and present the evolution of this production up to year 2011, delineate the collaborative networks between professors and between institutions, as well as to present the indicators of networks. By accessing the Capes website, eight post-graduation programs were found, revealing a list with a total of 118 professors in Brazil. Data were extracted from the Lattes Platform using the ScriptLattes. The graphs were created in Excel, the networks were traced using the software Ucinet and the density and centrality indicators were calculated. It was observed that most courses are located in the South and Southeast regions of the country and, even though this is a recent field, it presents a significant collaborative network.
This experimental study aimed the evaluation of the use of anthropomorphic phantoms in the analysis of the influence of the acquisition parameters in the contrast of radiographic images. The analyzed factors were the variation of the peak kilovoltage (kVp) and the product of the filament circuit by the time of exposition (mAs). The influence of these factors was verified for different anthropomorphic phantoms: foot, knee and chest. The image contrast behavior with the simulators was compared to values obtained with the use of an aluminum ladder being the behavior of this reference for analysis and discussion. To assure the reproducibility of images, quality control tests were made and evaluation of procedure conditions before the experiments. The results obtained are shown in a scale of images where it was possible to evaluate the impact in the darkness of images. Regions with different compositions were analyzed which were different in image, this way the values of optical density and contrast are represented as charts and graphics. We conclude that the use of anthropomorphic phantoms in the evaluation of the influence of tension of the tube and time of exposition in the contrast of the radiographic images is not indicated for a quantitative analysis through optical density, once they present incompatible results with the data as reference as the aluminum ladder even so these simulators present a great property in qualitative analysis regarding the differentiation of structures and subjective evaluations
This work aims to analyze data from a Natural Electric Potential landfill type ditch located in Cordeirópolis (SP). The procedure measures initially involved the assembly and installation of an apparatus cables, sensors and drain geophysical measurements and flow rate of biogas in a ditch later filled by solid waste. Biogas is a product of degradation of organic matter in waste by the action of microorganisms in an anaerobic environment. Its features high methane content in the gas potentially usable as fuel in energy generation systems or steam. The study area is characterized by clayey soil composition change from the diabase sill correlated to the event Serra Geral Formation siltstones overlapping Tatuí with groundwater level site around 50m. The cables were installed vertically in parallel with drain gas manifold, which allowed the collection of data by the technique geophysical logging every 15 days over a period of eight months. For data analysis we used four parameters in the study, the closing time of the ditch, natural electric potential, the flow velocity of biogas and rain. With the tabulated data plots were constructed for each collection day showing values in the range of the cable is in contact with waste (200 cm - 400 cm) and range of the cable in contact with the soil (600 cm - 800 cm). Subsequently graphs were generated with the period of eight months to analyze the data tabulated. A statistical correlation data, which show the influence of rainfall on the production of biogas. The results were satisfactory and demonstrated the feasibility of the research method in studies for the feasibility analysis for the capture of biogas energy
Currently, due to the highly competitive search among industries are becoming more tools for managing product that provides higher availability and therefore profitability. Maintenance as a strategic sector and of fundamental importance in business, it seeks to maximize availability and available resources, minimizing costs and waste, which directly impacts the company's results. The present work has as main objective the review of contracts for maintenance services for companies contracted by a chemical company in the Paraíba Valley, since most of its maintenance services are outsourced, and raise these contracts which are more critical and higher risk to the company's success, thus creating a tool for decision-making by maintenance managers in the act of seeking renewals or new contracts to provide services. As a result after drawing up a standard procedure for contracting of services and a better structuring of the same, we developed a method for the calculation of the criticality of the contracts and based on these calculations, charts were prepared which showed that the current scenario of maintenance contracts the company studied. Thus it is possible to evaluate the contracts which are most critical to the success or failure of the company studied, and also pave the way for further studies on how this criticality of a contract can affect the relationship, the contractor x contracted
Nowadays technological trend is based on finding materials that could support low weight with satisfactory mechanical properties and for this reason composite material became a very attractive topic in research projects all over the world. Due to its heterogenic properties, this type of material shows scatter in mechanical test results, especially in cyclic loading. Therefore it is important to predict its fatigue strength behaviour by statistic analysis, once fatigue causes approximately 90% of the failure in structural components. The present work aimed to investigate the fatigue behaviour of the Twill/Cycom 890 composite, which is carbon fiber reinforced with polymeric resin as matrix and manufactured via RTM process (Resin Transfer Molding). All samples were tested in different tensile level in triplicate in order to associate these values. The statistical analysis was conducted with Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution and then evaluated the fatigue life results for the composite. Weibull graphics were used to determine the scale and shape parameters. The S-N curve for the Twill/Cycom composite was drawn and indicated the number of cycles to occur the first damages in this material. The probability of failure was associated with material reliability, as shown in graphics for the different tensile levels and fatigue life. In addition, the laminate was evaluated by ultrasonic inspection showing a regular impregnation. The fractographic analysis conducted by SEM showed failure mechanisms for polymeric composites associated to cyclic loadings ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Control charts are very important tools in statistical quality control of industrial processes and its use started last century. Since its development, the charts have always been attributed to independent processes, i.e. without any correlation between samples. But nowadays, with the high level of automation in the industrial environment, it is noticeable the autocorrelation factor between samples. The main Xcharts used in monitoring quality characteristics represented by continuous variables are the mean (X ), amplitude (R) and variance (S²). Therefore, this work aims to analyze the performance of X and R charts and in of X and S² charts with different sample sizes (4 and 5) for monitoring autocorrelated processes. Through computer simulations using the Fortran software and the use of mathematical expressions was possible to obtain data and performance analysis of the detection power charts for independent observations and for autocorrelated observations according to the model AR (1). The results show that the effect of autocorrelation reduces the ability of monitoring the control charts and that, the greater this effect, the slower the chart becomes in misfits signaling