303 resultados para Amazonian deforestation


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Tontelea fuliginea differs from other species whose stamens alternate with undivided stigma-lobes by its profusely ramified, many flowered, and densely dirty-brown puberulous inflorescences. This paper also provides a synopsis and key of the group of species with alternate stamens and 3-lobed stiomas with undivided lobes (T. attenuata group). Four lectotypes are designated for previously published names: Tontelea longifolia, Tontelea micrantha, Tontelea corrugulata, and Salacia micrantha var. lancifolia.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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1 Fragmentation severely alters physical conditions in forest understories, but few studies have connected these changes to demographic impacts on forest species using detailed experimental examination at the individual and population levels.2 Using a 32-month, reciprocal-transplant experiment, we show that individuals of the Amazonian understory herb Heliconia acuminata transplanted into forest fragments lost over 20% of their vegetative shoots, while those transplanted to continuous forest showed a slight gain. The leaf area of plants in fragments also increased at half the rate it did in continuous forest sites.3 It appears that the normal dry season stresses to which forest understorey plants are exposed are greatly exacerbated in fragments, causing plants to shed shoots and leaves.4 the observed shifts in size could help explain why populations in fragments are more skewed towards smaller demographic stage classes than those in continuous forest. These shifts in size structure could also result in reduced abundances of flowering plants, as reproduction in H. acuminata is positively correlated with shoot number.5 Fragmentation-related changes in growth rates resulting from abiotic stress may have significant demographic consequences.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We present a generic spatially explicit modeling framework to estimate carbon emissions from deforestation (INPE-EM). The framework incorporates the temporal dynamics related to the deforestation process and accounts for the biophysical and socioeconomic heterogeneity of the region under study. We build an emission model for the Brazilian Amazon combining annual maps of new clearings, four maps of biomass, and a set of alternative parameters based on the recent literature. The most important results are as follows: (a) Using different biomass maps leads to large differences in estimates of emission; for the entire region of the Brazilian Amazon in the last decade, emission estimates of primary forest deforestation range from 0.21 to 0.26 similar to Pg similar to C similar to yr-1. (b) Secondary vegetation growth presents a small impact on emission balance because of the short duration of secondary vegetation. In average, the balance is only 5% smaller than the primary forest deforestation emissions. (c) Deforestation rates decreased significantly in the Brazilian Amazon in recent years, from 27 similar to Mkm2 in 2004 to 7 similar to Mkm2 in 2010. INPE-EM process-based estimates reflect this decrease even though the agricultural frontier is moving to areas of higher biomass. The decrease is slower than a non-process instantaneous model would estimate as it considers residual emissions (slash, wood products, and secondary vegetation). The average balance, considering all biomass, decreases from 0.28 in 2004 to 0.15 similar to Pg similar to C similar to yr-1 in 2009; the non-process model estimates a decrease from 0.33 to 0.10 similar to Pg similar to C similar to yr-1. We conclude that the INPE-EM is a powerful tool for representing deforestation-driven carbon emissions. Biomass estimates are still the largest source of uncertainty in the effective use of this type of model for informing mechanisms such as REDD+. The results also indicate that efforts to reduce emissions should focus not only on controlling primary forest deforestation but also on creating incentives for the restoration of secondary forests.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Testamos o efeito do isolamento social sobre a agressividade no peixe amazônico, Astronotus ocellatus. Dez peixes juvenis foram transferidos de um aquário de agrupamento (60 x 60 x 40 cm) contendo 15 indivíduos (sem discriminação de sexo) para um aquário de isolamento (50 x 40 x 40 cm). A agressividade foi testada por meio de ataques e exibições direcionadas à imagem do peixe no espelho. O comportamento foi filmado durante 10 min em 4 momentos: 30 min, 1 dia, 5 dias e 15 dias após o isolamento. Nós analisamos a motivação agressiva por meio da latência para início do comportamento agonístico e pela freqüência dos ataques totais e específicos direcionados ao espelho. A latência para o comportamento agonístico reduziu ao longo do isolamento e houve uma tendência de aumento da freqüência de mouth fighting (um ataque de alta intensidade de agressão), mostrando-nos um aumento na motivação agressiva. Os resultados estão de acordo com os encontrados para ciclídeos juvenís de Haplochromis burtoni, mas discordam com os encontrados para Pterophylum scalare (acará bandeira). Sugerimos que o aumento da agressividade em A. ocellatus pode ser mediado pelo efeito de exposição prévia, da residência prévia ou por processos envolvendo reconhecimento de co-específicos.


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This investigation was carried out at the Madeira River basin, located in the state of Rondonia, Brazilian Amazon. Fish from Madeira, Jaciparana, and Jamari rivers between 7 and 11 degrees parallels south and between 62 and 65 degrees meridians west in Rondonia state, Brazil, were sampled and chemically analyzed for mercury in order to evaluate if the inputs of this metal into the food-chain is occurring in levels reaching values above those recommended by the World Health Organization. This is because such an element is very dangerous when ingested by humans and its presence was extensively identified some years ago in the area, since it was utilized as an amalgam in processes for recovering alluvial gold.


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Neste trabalho é mostrada a grande quantidade de material eletrondenso intercelular no epitélio folicular de P. microps. Aparentemente, o material é captado da circulação e enviado para o folículo por meio dos espaços intercelulares, acumulando-se nos espaços intercelulares médio-apicais do epitélio e no espaço perioocítico. A acumulação é iniciada no oócito primário e prossegue até a vitelogênese. A natureza química desse material é discutida.


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A avaliação antropométrica (pêso, altura, circunferência branquial, prega cutânea tricipital, prega cutânea subescapular, índice de Quetelet e circunferência muscular do braço) e bioquímica (proteínas e lipides) foi realizado em 120 indivíduos (93 masculinos e 27 do sexo feminino), de 17 a 72 anos de idade, moradores de área endêmica de malária (Humaitá -AM). de acordo com a história da doença (malária) eles foram divididos em 4 grupos: G1 - controle (n = 30), sem história de malária; G2 - controle (n = 40), com história de malária, mas sem manifestação de doença atual; G3 - doentes com Plasmodium vivax (n = 19) e G4 - doentes com Plasmodium faleiparum (n = 31). O diagnóstico de malária foi estabelecido por manifestações clínicas e confirmado laboratorialmente (gota espessa e esfregaço). No global as medidas antropométricas e bioquímicas discriminaram os grupos diferentemente. As medidas antropométricas do pêso, altura, reservas calóricas e estoque proteicos somáticos, apresentaram pouca sensibilidade, discriminado apenas os grupos extremos (Gl > G4). As medidas bioquímicas, no geral diferenciaram dois grandes grupos, os sadios e os doentes (G1+G2) e (G3+G4). Os doentes com Plasmodium falciparum (G4) foram os que se apresentaram em pior estado nutricional para a maioria das variáveis, sem entretanto, nenhuma variável individual que os discriminasse significativamente do G3. Estes dados permitem concluir que a malária resulta em desnutrição do hospedeiro, cuja gravidade está relacionada ao tipo e estágio da doença.


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A large number of newly published and unpublished hectare plots in Amazonia and the Guiana Shield area allow an analysis of family composition and testing of hypotheses concerning alpha-diversity in the south American rain forest. Using data from 94 plots the family-level floristic patterns in wet tropical South America are described. To test diversity patterns, 268 plots are used in this large area. Contrary to a widely held belief, western Amazonian plots are not necessarily the most diverse. Several central Amazonian plots have equal or even higher tree diversity. Annual rainfall is not a good estimator for tree diversity in the Amazonia area and Guiana shield. Plots in the Guiana Shield area (and eastern Amazonia) usually have lower diversity than those in central or western Amazonia. It is argued that this is not because of low rainfall or low nutrient status of the soil but because of the small area of the relatively isolated rain forest area in eastern Amazonia and the Guiana Shield. The low diversity on nutrient-poor white sand soils in the Amazon basin is not necessarily due to their Low nutrient status but is, at least partly, caused by their small extent and fragmented nature.


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An antioxidant, 1-(3',4'-dihydroxycinnamoyl) cyclopentane-2,3-diol [ or ( E)-2,3-dihydroxycyclopentyl-3-(3',4'-dihydroxyphenyl) acrylate ( 1)], and two known trans- and cis-chlorogenic acid methyl esters were isolated from the ethanolic extract of the leaves of Chimarrhis turbinata. The relative configuration of 1 was determined by NMR and by comparison of the circular dichroic spectrum ( CD) with those of the enantiomers of synthetic 3', 4'-dimethoxycinnamoyl analogues. The absolute configuration of one of the synthetic enantiomers was determined using the CD exciton chirality method. This established the structure of naturally occurring 1 as (E)- 2,3-dihydroxycyclopentyl- 3-(3', 4'-dihydroxyphenyl) acrylate.