47 resultados para Amapá amargo


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper presents the perceptions of participating teachers and technicians who produced and ministered courses in the Project of Continuing Education of teachers of Amapá State, called Pedagogical Encounter of Municipalities and is based on research results of the Master Degree in Education that was aimed to analyze and describe the referred project as well as studying the impact that it had on educational context of the municipalities. It was conducted a study of the Project’s trajectory including its theoretical basics, implementation and, mainly, a number of Project’s results. The methodology consisted of acquiring and analyzing official papers and interviewing 14 teachers and technicians. The statements obtained make it clear that the Pedagogical Encounter had a major impact on the educational reality of the municipalities, with more positive than negative results not only for teachers but also for instructors and coordinators. The statements can also be concluded that the continuing education actions will not achieve its objectives if they are not accompanied by public policies direct to improve living and job conditions of the teachers.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A área da Bacia do Marajó apresenta feições geológicas e geomorfológicas devidas principamente à distensão Mesozóica e à neotectônica pós-miocênica. O evento de distensão, com fases do Cretáceo Inferior e Superior, originou quatro sub-bacias que contituem a Bacia do Marajó, com uma espessa seqüência clástica continental mostrando influência marinha. Falhas normais NW e NNW e direcionais NE e ENE controlaram a geometria da bacia. A distensão, relacionada com a abertura do Atlântico Equatorial, propagou-se continente adentro ao longo de zonas de fraqueza crustal dos cinturões orogênicos pré-cambrianos Tumucumaque, Amapá e Araguaia. O evento neotectônico é um regime transcorrente que desenvolveu bacias transtensivas preenchidas por sedimentos marinhos rasos (Formação Pirabas) e seqüências transicionais (Grupo Barreiras) do Terciário Superior, seguidos por depósitos fluviais e seqüências transicionais do Quaternário, derivadas dos rios Amazoans e Tocantins e do estuário do Marajó. A paisagem atual tem morfologia tipicamente estuarina. A morfologia costeira apresenta escarpas em seqüências transicionais do Terciário Superior, enquanto no interior dominam elevações sustentadas por crosta laterítica do Pleistoceno Médio, aparadas por superfície erosiva a 70 m. No leste da Ilha do Marajó são reconhecidas várias gerações de paleocanais com seqüências estuarinas associadas, enquanto no lado oeste predomina uma planície flúvio-marinha.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a germinação e o armazenamento de sementes de Virola surinamensis (Rol.) Warb. em condições de laboratório, no Estado do Amapá, Brasil. Para tanto, frutos foram coletados na Reserva Particular de Patrimônio Natural, Ekinox, localizada em Macapá. Sementes recém-colhidas do lote original apresentaram teor médio de água de 24% e baixo ganho de água durante a embebição. Devido às diferenças no tamanho e, ou, peso, as sementes colhidas foram divididas em dois grupos: grandes e pequenas. Independentemente do tamanho da semente, a maior porcentagem de germinação e o menor tempo médio de germinação ocorreram a 30 ºC. Sementes armazenadas por 30 dias em condição ambiente (27 ºC ± 3 e 75% ± 5 UR) e em germinador (20 ºC e 58% UR) apresentaram viabilidade abaixo de 2%, ressaltando-se o comportamento recalcitrante de sementes de Virola surinamensis.


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The abundance of zooplankton in two lakes of Southwest Amazonia was studied for 10 months in different regions and at different periods of the day. The lakes were Lago Amapá, located at 10°02′36″S, 67°50′24″W, and Lago Pirapora, at 9°27′21″S, 67°31′39″. Both lakes are characterized as oxbow lakes. The aim of this study was to compare the pelagic and littoral regions, as well as to determine differences in the distribution of zooplankton in the water column in the morning and at night. Collections were made by filtering water through a 55μm zooplankton net into a 5L Van Dorn bottle, collecting 4L from the top and 5L from the middle and bottom layers, totaling 14L of water for each sampling location. In addition, physical and chemical parameters were measured, including transparency, temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity and turbidity. Anova (analysis of variance) and Tukey's test were used. There was no statistically significant difference between the regions studied, nor between the two time periods examined. The results of the Pearson correlation (p<0.05) demonstrated that the physical and chemical characteristics of the water correlated with the cladocerans Moina spp. (represented by M. minuta and M. reticulata) and Ceriodaphnia cornuta, and that Daphnia gessneri was associated with Chaoboridae.


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The zooplankton communities of two lacustrine ecosystems in southwestern Amazonia (Lago Amapá and Lago Pirapora) were studied based on samples collected over an 11-month period. The general aim of the present work was to contribute to the knowledge of the zooplankton fauna in southwestern Amazonia, by studying the occurrence of certain species; and to improve the knowledge of the Rio Acre tributaries. The total number of taxa included 38 species of rotifers, 6 cladocerans and 7 copepods. Most of the species were from the rotifer family Brachionidae. Jaccard's similarity index was similar for the two lakes at 0.6964 The constancy index defined the species Keratella cochlearis, Filinia cf. terminate, Filinia opoliensis, Hexarthra intermedia braziliensis, Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Moina minuta, Diaphanosoma spinulosnm, and immature forms (nauplii and copepodites) as the constant in these lakes. The presence of zooplankton with higher number of species occupying the middle depths, during morning and night periods.


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It were collected species of Acromyrmex Mayr, 1865 in many brazilian cities from Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso, Rondônia and Amapá states and in Paraguay and Uruguay, with the purpose to bring up-to-date their occurrence. Specimens collected on trips were identified at laboratory of Fca/Unesp/Botucatu-SP. It were recorded, for the first time, the occurrence of A. rugosus rugosus (F. Smith, 1858) in Paraná, Rondônia and Santa Catarina states; A. subterraneus subterraneus (Forel, 1893) in Amapá and Bahia; A. diasi Gonçalves, 1982 in Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná states; A. coronatus (Fabricius, 1804) in Paraná; A. balzani (Emery, 1890) in Amapá and A. subterranens brunneus (Forel, 1911) in Goiás.


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The slender catshark Schroedericthys tenuis Springer, 1966, originally described from two immature males, is redescribed on the basis of 12 specimens of both sexes, juveniles and adults (as well as the holotype and paratype). The supplementary specimens were collected off the northern coast of Brazil between Amapá and Pará states. Aspects of its external morphology, color pattern, dermal denticles, dentition, vertebral counts, and the cephalic, clasper and pectoral fin skeleton are described in detail and fully illustrated. These features are compared with those of congeneric species. Our observations support preliminary results of work in progress that S. maculatus Springer, 1966, S. tenuis and S. saurisqualus Soto, 2003 form a monophyletic group, mostly on the basis of neurocranial morphology, and that S. bivius (Smith, 1838) and S. chilensis (Guichenot, 1848) should be removed from Schroederichthys. Copyright © 2006 Magnolia Press.


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Hemiodus iratapuru, a new species of the Hemiodontidae from the Rio Iratapuru, a left bank tributary of the Rio Jari, Amazon Basin, Brazil, is described. The new species is diagnosed from other species of Hemiodus by modifications in the ectopterygoid, tooth form, scale counts, dorsal-fin form and colour pattern. The new species is proposed to be related to the Hemiodus quadrimaculatus species group. © 2013 The Authors. Journal of Fish Biology © 2013 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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Contents: The osteopontin gene may influence the fertility of water buffaloes because it is a protein present in sperm. The aim of this work was to identify polymorphisms in this gene and associate them with fertility parameters of animals kept under extensive grazing. A total of 306 male buffaloes older than 18 months, from two farms, one in the state of Amapá and the other in the state of Pará, Brazil were used in the study. Seven SNPs were identified in the regions studied. The polymorphisms were in gene positions 1478, 1513 and 1611 in the region 5′upstrem and positions 6690, 6737, 6925 and 6952 in the region amplified in intron 5. The SNPs were associated with the traits, namely scrotal circumference, scrotal volume, sperm motility, sperm concentration and sperm pathology. There were significant SNPs (p < 0.05) for all the traits. The SNP 6690 was significant for scrotal circumference, sperm concentration, sperm motility and sperm pathology and the SNP 6737 for scrotal volume. The genotype AA of SNP 6690 presented the highest averages for scrotal circumference, sperm concentration and motility and the lowest total number of sperm pathologies. For the scrotal volume trait, the animals with the largest volume were correlated with the presence of the genotype GG of SNP 6737. These results indicate a significance of the osteopontin gene as it seems to exert a substantial influence on the semen production traits of male buffaloes. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE