23 resultados para Abandon


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC


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Quality Management has become an essential requirement for all companies intending to compete and ensure its place in the labor market. Several tools have been created as a way of ensuring the effectiveness of quality management, in order to control and manage the quality of services and products to ensure a final product with a high degree of competition and quality, besides satisfaction and exceeding customer expectations. Due to the great importance it has at the presente time on the world stage and internationally, civil construction felt the need to eliminate the defects and the lack of quality that have become so common over time to ensure a quality product and it´s customers satisfaction. It was then that this industry began to implement and develop more modern techniques and tools for quality control in construction. Quality achieved position in global market, defining which companies would continue and which companies would leave it, not to mention it became insistently required by the customer. Some tools such as ISO 9000 guided companies seeking a quality management. This presentation will present some of these management tools and their applicability in the civil construction industry. Thus, it will be evident that despite the current resources it is necessary that civil construction professionals abandon the idea that considers quality management a problem and begin thinking about it as a solution to prevent future errors and ensure the quality of their services


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In studies about the subjectivation process in contemporaneity and the social context in which one is inserted nowadays, the contemporary world is often characterized by the ascension of the narcissism – or individualism – and consumerism as a baseline to all other recent changes. The excessive valorization of aesthetics; the influence of media and marketing and the culture of image; the loss of the “inner side” and inter-human interchanges; against the exacerbation of the superficial and external, appear as essential transformations to the new configuration of the so called “post-modern” subjectivation process, privileged and reinforced by capitalist society. Next to them, exists an individual discontent – a malaise in the individual’s life – usually associated to an interior emptiness and general dissatisfaction in face of idealizations and self-esteem fluctuations. This work tries to understand how individuals establish affective bonds and social relationships in this contemporary context, connecting the contemporary context and relevant concepts to this study, including the idea of romantic love, narcissism and the “state of helplessness” in psychoanalysis, subject’s development and a parallel discussion with social-historical texts. The study, of a theoretical character, is located in the intersection between "individual" and "society" – a subjectivity, therefore, formed internally, within the individual, and submitted directly to social influence – and analyzes the determinants and influences that they exert upon one and another, based on critical-reflective readings and textual analysis of works in the fields of sociology, psychosociology and psychoanalysis.


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This work intends to investigate the use of psychoanalytical theory within the aesthetic and critical contemporary art field. To this purpose, it focuses on two philosophers who have become significant in our time: the art critic Hal Foster and the art historian Georges Didi-Huberman. This study aims to show how far the concepts generated in psychoanalytic praxis allowed interpretations that disrupt the traditional aesthetics field. This type of analysis is possible once we abandon the paradigm of “applied psychoanalysis”, which is still current in non-clinical setting. Finally, the proposal wants to argue that the category of the amorphous may clarify certain aesthetic experiences that range from the modernity of art through postmodernity.


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While a certain novel ponders about the traces left by Ettore Majorana and expounds some theories about the fate of the character mysteriously disappeared, a movie by Gianni Amelio also inspirited by facts goes through another path, of the story of Via Panisperna boys, stressing the enigmatic figure of Ettore Majorana and the exciting episodes surrounding some of the greatest physicists of the world. When Leonardo Sciascia publishes the novel in which he uses the actual fact of Ettore Majorana’s disappearance in order to create what he calls a “philosophical novel of mystery”, the public had already probably forgotten the intriguing events of 1938: the young and bright physicist disappeared, by all accounts, voluntarily, without leaving proofs of his death or reliable evidence of his whereabouts. In 1972, Sciascia learns about mysterious clues by means of Erasmo Recami and considers the motives that could have made Majorana leave Italy and later abandon his life almost in the mode fictionalized by Pirandello.


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The popular cram schools are voluntary initiatives aimed at people who are not able to afford the cost of private cram schools. The FCA popular cram school integrates a large project from UNESP, which has 30 cram school distributed throughout Sao Paulo State and located in different University units. Among the problems found in popular cram schools, school evasion, characterized when the student quits the course and is very common in this context. Thus, the aim of this work was to identify the profile of the drop out student from the FCA cram school as well as to know the reasons that led them to leave. The survey was conducted in two phases: 1) students´ profile when entering the cram school, through a structured questionnaire, 2) semi-structured interviews by telephone with all the drop out students, trying to identify the reasons that led them to abandon the course. The statistical analysis used was descriptive. Among the reasons that led them to leave, it was found that 65% of the students attributed this attitude to external factors as opposed to 35% who put the internal factors as the decisive reason of their departure. Some of the factors that could be attest for the FCA cram school evasion are: primarily, the heterogeneity of students and their need to work in order to support themselves and their family; students lack of motivation about a long-term success; lack of family encouragement; the difficulty of the student to establish significant personal links with cram school staff and the fact that the professors are mostly undergraduate students from different courses in different areas, with little didactic-pedagogic preparation and inability to work with students' heterogeneity.


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The globalization in the last century made possible to the human bean to know everything about all cultures in the world. Although the knowledge conduct many people to leave the tradition of their society in order to adopt the new values that could cause the abandon of the tradition.