400 resultados para ANURA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The tree-frog Phyllomedusa ayeaye is a rare species. With its distribution mostly unknown in the southeastern region of Brazil, it is considered one of the most threatened anurans in the country. Here we use ecological niche modelling from only three known occurrence points to produce predictive maps of the distribution of this species, which should help target new field surveys in areas of occurrence predicted by the model. This is the first study in Brazil that uses ecological niche modelling as a tool for predicting the distribution of rare and threatened amphibian anuran species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The karyotype of a new species of Paratelmatobius from the P cardosoi group is described. As with other Paratelmatobius and Scythrophrys karyotypes, Paratelmatobius sp. (aff. cardosoi) shows a diploid number of 24 chromosomes, in addition to other similarities with the former karyotypes. The Paratelmatobius sp. (aff. cardosoi) karyotype differs from that of P. cardosoi in the morphology of pair 4, the NOR location and the C-bands in pairs 3 and 8 (exclusive to Paratelmatobius sp.) and those of pairs 7 and 9 (exclusive to P. cardosoi). Both karyotypes also differ in the amount of heterochromatin in pair 1. The presence of interstitial heterochromatin in the long arm of pair 1 and the interstitial C-bands in both arms of chromosome 5 are apparently synapomorphic characters of P. cardosoi and Paratelmatobius sp. (aff. cardosoi), since they are absent in the other Paratelmatobius and Scythrophrys karyotypes. In Paratelmatobius sp. (aff. cardosoi), the nucleolus organizer region is on the short arm of a small metacentric chromosome (pair 9), an arrangement similar to the NOR-bearing chromosome pair in the karyotype of P. poecilogaster and in karyotype 11 of Scythrophrys. A conspicuous heteromorphism unrelated to the sex determining mechanism was also observed and probably arose from a pericentric inversion.


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We describe a new species of Hylodes from Parque Estadual do Ibitipoca, Conceicao do Ibitipoca, Municipality of Lima Duarte, State of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. The new species is a member of the Hylodes lateristrigatus group, and it is characterized by small size, snout rounded in dorsal view and protruding in lateral view, presence of vocal slits and sacs, upper surface of finger discs without well developed scutes, dorsum light brown to gray with dark blotches, and details of the advertisement call. Descriptions of the tadpole, vocalizations, and information on natural history are provided. The tadpole has a ventral depression anterior to the coiled intestine, as in other species of the genus. Hylodes meridionalis (Mertens), previously considered a member of the H. nasus species group, is transferred to the H. lateristrigatus species group.


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The present study describes the reproductive biology of Scinax fuscomarginatus in a remnant of Cerrado in south-eastern Brazil. Observations were made between September 2002 and March 2004 at Estacao Ecologica de Itirapina, State of São Paulo, south-eastern Brazil. Breeding activities occurred in lentic and temporary bodies of water during the rainy season. Scinax fuscomarginatus exhibited a prolonged breeding pattern and a lek mating system. Males were smaller than females and defended individual calling areas through acoustic and physical interactions. Resident males consistently won encounters, but did not differ in size or mass from intruder males. Satellite behaviour was observed, but no female or amplected pair interception was registered. Scinax fuscomarginatus exhibited low operational sex ratios and the general reproductive mode in which eggs are laid in the water and tadpoles are aquatic. Amplexus was axillary and the eggs were deposited at the bottom of temporary ponds. Details on oocytes, egg masses, and eggs are included.


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The previous uncertain placement of Lysapsus and Pseudis within the neobatrachians was recently resolved by molecular and morphological studies, which supported them as members of the Hylinae subfamily. Their inter- and intrageneric relationships, however, have long been under debate and no studies shed light on these questions. Aiming to elucidate such questions, this paper used 3.2 kb comprising the mitochondrial genes 12S, tRNA valine, 16S and cytochrome b, and the nuclear exon 1 coding for rhodopsin, to all representatives of both genera (except to two subspecies of Pseudis paradoxa). The results identified three major clades: the clade 1 was composed by Lysapsus species and subspecies; clade 2 included the subspecies of the Pseudis paradoxa (Pseudis paradoxa paradoxa, P. paradoxa platensis and P. paradoxa occidentalis), P. fusca, P. bolbodactyla and P. tocantins, and clade 3 was composed by Pseudis southern Brazil species (Pseudis cardosoi and P. minuta). As closely related taxa we found Pseudis minuta + P. cardosoi; P. tocantins + P. fusca, and the subspecies within each genus. Evidence that Pseudis is not monophyletic with respect to Lysapsus was found and we suggest Lysapsus to be a junior synonym of Pseudis. Based on pair-wise comparison among gene sequences, we also suggest that the subspecies of Pseudis paradoxa and Lysapsus limellum must be considered as full species. (c) the Willi Hennig Society 2007.


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This study examines the unpalatability of Hyla semilineata tadpoles, relating this possible defence mechanism to their black, presumably aposematic, colouration. Bullfrog tadpoles (Rana catesbeiana), similar in size to the H. semilineata larvae, were used as controls in the experiments. The palatability of H. semilineata tadpoles was tested by offering the tadpoles to Fish (Hoplias malabaricus), free-ranging passerine birds (Pitangus sulphuratus) and hawks (Buteo magnirostris), and domestic chickens (Gallus domesticus). All predators showed a significant preference towards the control R. catesbeiana tadpoles. However, in experiments with fish, this preference was not significant for tadpole capture, only for their ingestion, suggesting that the fish could not distinguish between the two species before tasting them. Although great kiskadees (P. sulphuratus) preferred the control R. catesbeiana tadpoles, they promptly ingested more than half of the test H. semilineata tadpoles when these were offered alone. The chickens, used as naive predators, clearly learned to avoid the black H. semilineata tadpoles after a few trials. The conspicuous colouration and unpalatability of H. semilineata tadpoles may benefit the individual as well as the group, depending on the predator involved.


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Ten species of Hyla with 2n = 30 from Brazilian fauna were analysed cytogenetically. Hyla minuta is the unique presenting all bi-armed metacentric or submetacentric chromosomes in the karyotype, therefore, with the highest FN = 60. The remaining species have a variable number of uni-armed telocentric or subtelo-centric chromosomes: H. cruzi, H. elianeae, and H. rubicundula with three pairs (FN = 54), H. berthalutzae, H. elegans, H. microps, and H. nana with four pairs (FN = 52), and H. nahdereri and H. sanborni with five pairs (FN = 50). The uni-armed elements are among pairs 5, 6, 7, 11, 14, and 15, which also appeared with metacentric or submetacentric morphology. The remaining chromosome pairs 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9,10, 12, and 13 were never found to be telocentric or subtelocentric. AgNOR patterns are species-specific, the majority of the species exhibiting a single pair with AgNORs, with the exception of H. elegans and H. nana with more than one chromosome pair bearing this cytological marker. C banding was obtained in H. berthalutzae, H. cruzi, H. elegans, H. elianeae, H. microps, H. minuta, H. nahdereri, and H. nana, which showed positively stained centromeric heterochromatin. Our analysis confirms the great karyotypic diversity in the species of Hyla with 2n = 30, with no species sharing identical karyotypes.


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Recent field work in Atlantic Rain Forest patches in the southern region of the State of Bahia, Brazil, resulted in the discovery of some populations of an unidentified species of the Scinax catharinae group. An extensive literature review, along with the examination of specimens and distribution patterns of all known species of this group, showed that Hyla strigilata Spix, 1824, a long confused species with lost type material, is an available name for the specimens from Bahia. In order to clarify the taxonomic problems surrounding this taxon, the nomenclatural history of Hyla strigilata is reviewed and a neotype is designated, described, and figured. The association of this name to extant populations from southern Bahia and its consequent stabilization is considered important since it is the type species of the genus Ololygon, a name available for the clade of Scinax catharinae. Data on habits, habitat, and geographic distribution are also presented.


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We redescribe Hyla pulchella joaquini and describe its tadpole and vocalization. The taxonomic status of this subspecies is reevaluated; and on the basis of morphology, geographic distribution, and vocalization, we propose the elevation of this subspecies to specific level with the name Hyla joaquini B. Lutz 1968. We also discuss the relationship of H, joaquini within the species groups of H. pulchella Dumeril and Bibron 1841 and H. circumdata (Cope 1871).