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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Using the functional integral formalism for the statistical generating functional in the statistical (finite temperature) quantum field theory, we prove the equivalence of many-photon Greens functions in the Duffin-Kennner-Petiau and Klein-Gordon-Fock statistical quantum field theories. As an illustration, we calculate the one-loop polarization operators in both theories and demonstrate their coincidence.
The effect of 4 mass% Ag addition on the thermal behavior of the Cu-9 mass% Al alloy was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD). The results showed that the presence of silver causes (Cu)-alpha+(alpha+gamma1)-->(Cu)-alpha+beta transformation to occur in two stages. In the first one, part of the produced beta phase combines with the precipitated Ag to give a silver-rich phase and in the second one the transformation is completed. The formation of this silver-rich phase seems to be enhanced at very low cooling rates.
Electrochemical investigation on the as-cast Ti-Mo alloys (4-20 Mo wt.%) applied as biomaterials in Na2SO4 and Ringer physiological solutions is reported. Analyses of the open-circuit potential indicated that all alloys present spontaneous passivation. SEM and cyclic voltammograms obtained in the Ringer solution showed that the samples studied do not present pitting corrosion at potentials up to 8 V (SCE), indicating high corrosion resistance. Open-circuit potential profiles of the anodic oxides growth in both solutions show that the presence of chloride ions during the anodization does not influence the oxides' chemical stability, and also clearly indicate that adding Mo to pure Ti improves the stability of the anodic oxides. All these results suggest Ti-Mo alloys promissory to be applied as biomaterials. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A derivation from first principles is given of the energy-time uncertainty relation in quantum mechanics. A canonical transformation is made in classical mechanics to a new canonical momentum, which is energy E, and a new canonical coordinate T, which is called tempus, conjugate to the energy. Tempus T, the canonical coordinate conjugate to the energy, is conceptually different from the time t in which the system evolves. The Poisson bracket is a canonical invariant, so that energy and tempus satisfy the same Poisson bracket as do p and q. When the system is quantized, we find the energy-time uncertainty relation DELTAEDELTAT greater-than-or-equal-to HBAR/2. For a conservative system the average of the tempus operator T is the time t plus a constant. For a free particle and a particle acted on by a constant force, the tempus operators are constructed explicitly, and the energy-time uncertainty relation is explicitly verified.
A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Hyla pulchella species group was performed to test its monophyly, explore the interrelationships of its species, and evaluate the validity of the taxa that were considered subspecies of H. pulchella. Approximately 2.8 kb from the mitochondrial genes 12s, tRNA valine, 16s, and Cytochrome b were sequenced. The analysis included 50 terminals representing 10 of the 14-15 species currently recognized in the H. pulchella group, including samples from several localities for some taxa, several outgroups, as well as two species previously suspected to be related with the group (Hyla guentheri and Hyla hischoffi). The results show that the H. pulchella and Hyla circumdata groups are distantly related, and, therefore, should be recognized as separate groups. As currently defined, the H. pulchella group is paraphyletic with respect to the Hyla polytaenia group; therefore, we recognize the Hyla polytaenia clade in the H. pulchella group. Two subspecies of H. pulchella recognized by some authors are considered full species including Hyla pulchella riojana because it is only distantly related to H. pulchella, and Hyla pulchella cordobae because molecular and non-molecular evidence suggests that it is specifically distinct. With the inclusion of the H. polytaenia clade, H. guentheri, and H. bischoffi, and the recognition of the two former subspecies of H. pulchella as distinct species, the H. pulchella group now comprises 25 described species. All representatives of the H. pulchella group with an Andean distribution are monophyletic and nested within a clade from the Atlantic forest from south-southeastern Brazil/northeastern Argentina, and Cerrado gallery forest from central Brazil. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLAs) comprise a family of positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid. The main form of CLA, cis-9, trans-11-C18:2 show positive effects in cancer prevention and treatment. The major dietary sources of these fatty acids are derived from ruminant animals, in particular dairy products. In these animals, the endogenous synthesis mainly occurs in mammary gland by the action of enzyme Stearoyl CoA Desaturase (SCD). Different levels of expression and activity of SCD in mammary gland can explain partially the variation of CLA levels in fat milk. Considering a great fat concentration in bubaline milk and the benefit of a high and positive correlation between fat milk and CLA production, this study was carried on with the intention of sequencing and characterizing part of the gene that codifies SCD in buffaloes. Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples of lactating bubaline which begins to the breed Murrah. After the (acho que nao precisa desse the) extractions, PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) reactions were made by using primers Z (sic) (sic) D1 and E1 (sic) (sic) F1. The fragments obtained in PCR were cloned into T vectors and transformed in competent cells DH10B line. After this, three samples of each fragment were sequenced from 5' and 3' extremities using a BigDye kit in an automatic sequencer. Sequences were edited in a consensus of each fragment and were submitted to BLAST-n / NCBI for similarity comparisions among other species. The sequence obtained with Z (sic) (sic) D1 primers shows 938 bp enclosing exons 1 and 2 and intron 1. The primers E1 (sic) (sic) F1 show 70 bp corresponding to exon 3 of bubaline SCD gene. Similarities were obtained between 85% and 97% among bubaline sequences and sequences of SCD gene described in human, mouse, rat, swine, bovine, caprine and ovine species. This study has permitted the identification and partial characterization of SCD codifing region in Bubalus bubalis specie.
The milk is an important food because it contents Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CIA). These fatty acids are synthesized in mammary gland under action of the enzyme Stearoyl CoA-Desaturase (SCD) and have showed some positive effects in human disease prevention and treatments. A variation of CLA in milk fat exists and can be partially explained by the different levels of expression of SCD. The aim was to study part of the encoding regions of SCD's gene using PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism). Genomic DNA was extracted from lactating Murrah females. After this, PCR reactions were made by using primers Z (sic) (sic) D1 that encloses exon I, II and intron I. The fragments amplified are composed by 938 pb. Then, RFLP techniques were applied in the fragments using the restriction enzymes Pst I and Sma I. The enzyme Pst I has generated fragments of 788pb and 150bp and the Sma I has generated fragments of 693pb and 245pb. All the animals showed the same migration standard for both enzymes, characterizing a genetic monomorphism for this region of SCD gene. The analysis determined that there aren't genetic differences between these animals in the studied regions by using Pst I and Sma I enzymes.
Eleginops maclovinus, the Patagonian blennie, is a notothenioid (Perciformes) endemic to South American temperate and sub-Antarctic waters. Here, we report ten polymorphic microsatellite loci isolated from a dinucleotide-enriched E. maclovinus genomic library. Among 48 individuals, the number of alleles per locus ranged from eight to 41, and the observed and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.688 to 0.938 and from 0.695 to 0.968, respectively. No locus significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and no significant linkage disequilibrium between pairs of loci was found. These polymorphic microsatellite loci will be useful for investigating genetic population structure and connectivity among natural populations.
To investigate the feasibility and validity of sampling blood from the carpal pad in hospitalised healthy and diabetic dogs. METHODS The carpal pad was compared to the ear as a sampling site in 60 dogs (30 healthy and 30 diabetic dogs). RESULTS Lancing the pads was very well tolerated. The average glucose concentrations in blood samples obtained from the ears and carpal pads exhibited a strong positive correlation (r = 0.938) and there were no significant differences between them (P = 0.914). In addition, 98.3% of the values obtained were clinically acceptable when assessed by the error grid analysis. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The carpal pad is a good alternative sampling site for home monitoring, especially in animals with a soft and/or light-coloured pad.
Regarding tropical forage plants, the specie Brachiaria ruziziensis are prominence for to be most acceptable for cattle when compared with others Brachiaria species, besides the excellent competitive ability with weeds. Then, this study aimed to evaluate the effects of Brachiaria ruziziensis density in intercropping with corn crop, about weeds control and weeds development in the crop-cattle integration system. The experiment was realized during the period between December/2007 to May/2008, in the experimental area of Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Piracicaba - SP. The treatment was composed in a factorial arrangement, by combination of four Brachiaria ruziziensis density (0, 10, 15 and 20 kg ha(-1)) and three weed species ((Ipomoea grandifolia, Digitaria horizontalis e Cenchrus echinatus), in intercropping with corn crop. The evaluations realized were: weed infestation (density m(-2)), the dry biomass (g plant(-1)) and leaf area (cm(2) plant(-1)). It was noted that Brachiaria ruziziensis reduced the all of weeds infestation evaluated. Also, it was checked that Digitaria horizontalis and Ipomoea grandifolia were the weeds with most difficult control.
A novel triterpene; viburgenin (1), has been isolated from an extract of the ripe fruit rinds of Rudgea viburnioides, together with the known saponins, arjunglucoside I and trachelosperosides B-1 and E-l, and the triterpenes trachelosperogenin B (2) and arjungenin. Compound 2 was previously obtained as a product from enzymatic hydrolysis, and it is reported for the first time as a natural product. The structure of compound 1 was determined as 2α,3β,19α,23,24-pentahydroxyurs-12-ene by extensive use of 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopic methods. Compound 1 exhibited moderate antifungal activity against Cladosporium cladosporioides.