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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Genética) - IBB
Esta obra analisa com profundidade o trabalho do florentino Sandro Botticelli (aproximadamente 1445-1510), um dos mais conhecidos representantes da arte renascentista, autor de afrescos que decoram a Capela Sistina e de ícones da pintura ocidental, como O Nascimento de Vênus e A Primavera. Aqui, Débora Barbam Mendonça toma como ponto de partida a comparação do estudo Clássico e Anticlássico, de Giulio Carlo Argan, sobre a pintura do florentino, com obras de outros teóricos e historiadores. O objetivo é estudar o conceito de graça na pintura de Boticelli e confrontá-lo com os pressupostos teóricos da produção do artista. A autora discute a interpretação de especialistas sobre o Renascimento como período histórico, filosófico e artístico, discorre sobre o legado teórico da pintura humanista e busca o ideal de belo intrínseco à obra de Boticelli. No terceiro capítulo, Mendonça analisa detalhadamente a pintura A Virgem do magnificat como referência para situar Boticelli como artista intelectual do Renascimento e destacar na obra sua ideia de graça. A filósofa conclui que Boticelli seguia uma linha teórica, mas a partir de uma escolha individual, ou seja, desenvolvia uma estética psicológica. E, por meio dos elementos formais de que dispunha, transmitia em suas obras o conceito de graça, transpondo ao mesmo tempo o resultado do diálogo que mantinha com a Filosofia, a ciência, a religião e, nostalgicamente, com a Antiguidade
Nowadays, the biggest part of the world's energy supply comes from fossil fuels and nuclear. However, the current need of the society for the preservation of the environment and wise use of natural resources, has favored the search for alternative energy sources and improvement of energy efficiency. In this new scenario, companies are beginning to mobilize in order to adapt its facilities to renewable energy. Solar, with its immense potential, not really exploited yet, can be very useful for companies that want to beat their sustainability goals. Given these facts, the aim is to evaluate the economic viability of introducing a solar water heater which uses a colorless PET bottle as one of its components in a plant. The hot water generated will heat the air of a paint booth and a warm house, reducing energy consumption, since they are heated by electric heaters
The search for better performance and competitive advantage in the current market scenario has made organizations keep their focus on quality planning and the use of effective techniques aimed at continuous improvement and optimization of processes and resources. The situation is not different for the painting process in the automotive industry, which has a significant amount of variables and influential external factors. This work, developed at General Motors in São José dos Campos, aims to analyze the feasibility of changing the painting process of the pickup S10 railings in the Antracite color located in the main line to the another line located in a Painting Repair Booth at the plant and, therefore, to study the possibility about reducing the window of cure for Antracite’s enamel by using Design of Experiments’ techniques. Applying this method is possible to find the best arrangement among studied factors of Painting Repair Booth that are, in this case, the Temperature, in Celsius degrees, and Skid’s Steps, in seconds, and it’s also possible to get their behavior according to quality requirements specified by GM rules for the Brightness and Paint Adhesion on the part. As a result, it can conclude that is possible to paint the S10 Antracite railings in the painting process’ line of Painting Repair Booth, and with the new configuration obtained by the Design of Experiments for the process variables, there are significant gains related to the parts’ quality, costs reduction and the optimization of production capacity, much in the main line as in the line of the Painting Repair Booth
The objective of the present text is to establish connections between literature and painting through the comparison between Oswald de Andrade’s poem “Longo da Linha” and Tarsila do Amaral’s painting “Palmeiras”, both belonging to the Brazilian Modernist movement Pau-Brasil. To emphasize also the step taken by the two artists, in Modernism, against the previous academicism, C. S. Peirce’s semiotics theory will be used as analytic basis to demonstrate, in Tarsila’s painting, a path towards planarity and stylization to produce quality effects, closer to the shape and the adventure of senses than to symbolization, whilst for Oswald, this same path leads to the presence of visualization as composition factor.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper aims to understand the discursive dimension of some paintings through Michel Foucault'sdiscourse analysis approach. The image of the mirror in several canonical paintings was selected, intending to observe its discursive operation as an element of the visual artistic utterance. Basically, this text has three parts: firstly, it determines the place occupied by the aesthetic discourse in Michel Pêcheux's and Michel Foucault's works; secondly, it focuses on the analysis of three European paintings, namely The Maids of Honour by Velásquez, A Bar at the Folies-Bergère by Manet, and Dangerous Liaisons by Magritte; thirdly, it discusses the intersection between visuality and interdiscursivity based on a) the contributions of M. Foucault's works on aesthetic discourse and b) the image of the mirror found in those paintings.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA 33004013063P4