30 resultados para 53 - Física


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study with qualitative nature aims to analyze the impact of external factors on mood states, considering physical activity as an important factor to improve not only the physical, but also psychological factors, especially when we think of the activities performed in-group. Thus, a literature review was conducted in order to investigate in books, journals, scientific papers published in magazines, newspapers and electronic platforms the influence of exercise on emotional states of elderly people. The terms used across the curriculum contributed to the conformity of ideas on the subject. By checking some researches, it can be seen that external factors such as music, local infrastructure, professional relationship with the elderly people and other factors have been suggested as possible influencers of humor in physical activity. Knowing the preferences beyond the close contact with the elderly student, is the best way to affect possible aspects of the activity beyond just preventing circumvention of activity, avoiding sedentary lifestyle that will bring risks to the health of the elderly people


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This monograph has the inspiring theme using Comic Books in physics education. The Comic Books are objects, which are part of our current daily life, in newspaper, magazines, comics and electronic media, and providing entertainment to the readers. Beyond this property, the ludic nature and linguistics become an interesting material when applied on Education. Our goal was to research an analyze a Comic Book that could be used in a Physics class. The chosen material was Astronauta Magnetar from Danilo Beyruth. With this Comic Book, we perform a short course with students from three High School grade, where the themes of labor were Astrophysics and Electromagnetism. From the results of this short course, we prepared a lot of comments and discussions about the role of Comic Books in a classroom, as an significant instrument for Physics Education


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Os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (BRASIL, 1997) é um documento que procura auxiliar o professor na execução de seu trabalho na escola, e dentre os temas contemplados neste documento encontramos a temática da saúde. Desde a origem deste documento, a saúde é um tema considerado importante de ser ensinado na escola, mas atualmente tem recebido destaque nas mídias, chamando a atenção de toda população para o desenvolvimento de um estilo de vida saudável, ao mesmo tempo em que, existe uma crescente preocupação quanto à saúde das crianças relacionada à obesidade e sedentarismo. Desta forma, o presente estudo procurou organizar materiais didáticos em forma de tecnologias da informação e comunicação que fiquem a disposição dos professores para ensinar alguns temas relacionados à saúde. Para a organização desses materiais, foi necessária uma revisão da literatura e em especial uma revisão documental dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais no que diz respeito à saúde, que resultaram em quatro eixos de conteúdos a serem desenvolvidos, sendo eles: higiene pessoal, alimentação, atividade física e padrões de saúde e beleza apresentados pelas mídias. A tecnologia de informação e comunicação foi escolhida como ferramenta para o desenvolvimento das aulas, pois é utilizada com prazer pelos estudantes. Conclui-se que este material é importante, principalmente para os professores de Educação Física escolar, que encontram uma escassez de materiais didáticos na área e sobre as possibilidades de utilização da tecnologia de informação e comunicação em ambiente escolar, e principalmente, que mais estudos sobre a saúde são necessários, pois o mesmo proporciona muitas possibilidades e formas de abordagens


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We studied in this work some aspects of the physics of sound and music as a tool for physics teaching. The theory of sound since it is generated by some stimulus to its uptake by the human body, in areas such as: frequency, intensity, tone and propagation. The literature of the subject research was combined with the study of free software that captures waves on a computer, using a microphone, and allows to analyze the waves and frequencies involved in the sound, being able to distinguish tones, frequencies and intensities. We have analyzed some instruments (guitar, harmonica and pitch), including voice, from the quantitative and qualitative point of view. Finally we analyze textbooks in their acoustic topics and try to understand how important these materials give to this topic in basic education. We suggest a teaching sequence that could be applied in a high school classroom


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In the region of Badejo oil Ffeld (Campos Basin) lies an Lower Albian dolomitic layer that shows reservoir rock and seal conditions, among others and, it is occasionally karstified. This work applies geostatistical techniques of ordinary and indicatior kriging, in an attempt to determine a method that assists the analysis of different scenarios offered for petroleum drilling from a quantitative point of view this fact is justified, because there are different visions and strategies that would be adopted under different dolomite conditions (stable - low porosity and high density; reservoir - high porosity and medium density; instable - high porosity and low dentisty). The main objective is a methodological introduction that has not been tested in dolomites before aiming to characterize the distribution of the three conditions described above by ordinary and indicatior kriging, which was based on the obtained data from the dolomite layer identification through well logs interpretation and correlation, followed by seismic interpretation. In addition, it was generated structural contour maps, based on 2D and 3D seismic data interpretation, and then, seismic attributes maps were calculated, in order to transform them into pseudo-density maps, i.e., maps that correlate the density values with the attribute values. As primary results, structural contour maps and seismic attributes were obtained and ordinary and indicatior kriging maps were done, on which it is possible to interpret the distribution of the main reservoir and risk probability for drilling of exploration wells obtaining trends N35E and N10W direction for areas of stability or reservoir levels, while the central part of the map presents a higher risk for loss of drilling fluid. The cut-off values levels were based on the values of first and third quartiles of cumulative histogram (instable and stable zones, respectively), as well as the reservoir level was set as the interval...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Football is a sporting phenomenon that unites the collective to individual, because besides the needs of teamwork, it requires several physical individual abilities. The unpredictability of each match turns it into a fascinating and unique sport. Indeed, this is the most popular and admired sport in all over the world, covering a huge amount of fans and practitioners. Curriculum documents are a new and unprecedented fact in history of Physical Education, so it sought as study object investigate and analyze is being treated in many curriculums proposes of seven Brazilian States (Goiás, Maranhão, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Sergipe e São Paulo) and the Distrito Federal. This study has a qualitative character, using documentary research, because it consists by analyze of curriculum documents. As results, stands out the difference between guiding principles in curriculums. However, all of them are based in a new perspective of Physical Education. With regard to the objectives, was evidenced a consensus among the documents examined, which target as Physical Education objective the formation of critical and autonomous individual, besides your insertion in body culture movements, body culture or movement culture. The results showed that all documents, except of Distrito Federal, mention football as content, only Pernambuco, Sergipe and São Paulo showed a further deepening in the theme. Thus, it is believed that it is essential for a better unfolding of football in Physical Education classes a understanding by the students about this sport, not just as a mere act of running after a ball, but as a social phenomenon broad and contextualized


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Pesquisas apontam que 15% das crianças brasileiras, entre 5 e 9 anos, são obesas. Os fatores indicados como responsáveis desse cenário são a má alimentação e a falta de exercício físico. Hábitos como alimentação saudável e prática de atividades físicas são, em sua maioria, constituídos na infância, principalmente em crianças com idade escolar e tendem a estender para a vida adulta. Considerando que as crianças passam mais de um terço de sua infância na escola, acredita-se que esse ambiente seja um facilitador para a mudança do comportamento saudável dos alunos. Este estudo tem por objetivo realizar um levantamento de pesquisas sobre aquisição de hábitos saudáveis na escola, mapeando a produção no campo da Educação Física, com ênfase em intervenções sobre atividade física e hábitos alimentares. Foi realizada uma revisão da produção de conhecimentos em teses e dissertações bem como da publicação de artigos em periódicos nacionais e internacionais publicados entre os anos de 2004 até 2014, com os seguintes descritores e variações destes: educação física, hábitos saudáveis, escola. Foram consultadas as seguintes bases de dados: Banco Digital de Teses e Dissertações, Banco de Teses da Capes e Bireme. Com resultado foram encontradas 27 teses e dissertações, sendo apenas sete pertencentes a Educação Física, das quais três apresentavam intervenção. Quanto aos artigos, entre os sete recuperados, apenas dois apresentam intervenções com interfaces nas aulas de Educação Física. Em termos de impacto, os resultados dessas intervenções variam de baixo à efetivo, sendo que apenas um dos trabalhos apresenta um resultado efetivamente positivo. Dessa forma pode-se perceber o baixo número de publicações sobre a temática na área da Educação Física, além da existência de barreiras para um resultado positivo nessas intervenções. As pesquisas apontaram mais barreiras que facilitadores...


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The sports activities occupy a growing space in people's lives, especially children and youth. Taking into consideration that this practice is of paramount importance, especially in childhood, where the acquired habits influence in adulthood, this work aims to investigate the role of physical education classes in adherence of children to the practice of some activity sports. These are a dynamic process, and to realize it is necessary planning, making the practice is a pleasurable activity. Thus, an important point to note is the motivation, which depends on extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Another factor that may interfere in the sporting practices is the influence of parents on children. In this context, the contact sports can be used to gain the approval of parents and not for self-gratification, this being a way to get closer to distant parents. A point worth mentioning is the physical education, as this introduces and integrates the child's body / movement culture. Often child's first contact with the sport happens at school, leading us to the assumption that the physical education teachers at the school are responsible for the athletic student motivation, and we emphasize that the school motivational factors are very dependent on students' aspirations for that a particular motivational element can take effect. The technical and / or professional outside of school physical education also influence the child, as these can provide pleasure for the sport, being a connoisseur of motivational strategies. An important motivational aspect is friendship, as children use sports activities to make new friends and find your friends. In addition, some extrinsic factors can influence the practice, such as: win, work out, play, socializing, competition, fun, etc. The drop can be caused by various reasons, such as early specialization, participation in very specific competitions for which the child is not yet ready. In addition, other factors can be...


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In this work we present a didactic proposal of the use of movies and videos for the Physics teaching directed to the Basic Education and we bring a discussion about how the materials addresses this topic. For this, we selected three cinematographic works, one chapter of the TV show and videos found in the web and we analyse the physics concepts found particularly about the issue electromagnetism. We developed the activity denominated Cine - Física in a public school from Rio Claro - SP, through presentations of these movies, shows and videos. Those works were exhibited in full and then we discussed the concepts involved in these movies. With the perform of this didactic proposal we verified that is possible insert the use of movies and videos in the classroom activities, and go beyond the entertainment or using those materials as supplements of classes. Dialoguing with students was possible to realize that they visualize the effects and physical concepts in a different way than other that used to be shown in the blackboard through formulas, providing positive effects to the learning of Physics


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The aims of this literature review were to analyze the relationship between elderly quality of life - by means of the verification of the major measure instruments - with the physical activity, the sensibility of these questionnaires to the physical activity and the relationship between the type of physical activity and the quality of life in older persons. Comparisons of papers selected by the key words quality of life, exercise, and aging, reveal the components of quality of life assessed by the WHOQOL-BREF and SF-36 questionnaires. Based on the searched literature, we can conclude that: (i) active elderly seems to have better subjective perception of their quality of life than non active older persons; (ii) experimental studies did not showed strong evidence about the effects of physical exercise in the subjective perception of quality of life; (iii) none of the questionnaires is sensible to the practice of physical activity; (iv) the studies' results about the relationship between the type of physical activity and the elderly quality of life are inconclusive


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)