154 resultados para 1434
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We investigate the (D) over barN interaction at low energies using a meson exchange model supplemented with a short-distance contribution from one-gluon exchange. The model is developed in close analogy to the meson-exchange KN interaction of the Julich group utilizing SU(4) symmetry constraints. The main ingredients of the interaction are provided by vector meson (rho, omega) exchange and higher-order box diagrams involving (D) over bar *N , (D) over bar Delta, and (D) over bar*Delta intermediate states. The short-range part is assumed to receive additional contributions from genuine quark-gluon processes. The predicted cross-sections for (D) over barN for excess energies up to 150MeV are of the same order of magnitude as those for KN but with average values of around 20mb, roughly a factor two larger than for the latter system. It is found that the omega-exchange plays a very important role. Its interference pattern with the rho-exchange, which is basically fixed by the assumed SU(4) symmetry, clearly determines the qualitative features of the (D) over barN interaction - very similiar to what happens also for the KN system.
Using the axially-symmetric time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation we study the phase coherence in a repulsive Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) trapped by a harmonic and an one-dimensional optical lattice potential to describe the experiment by Cataliotti et al. on atomic Josephson oscillation [Science 293, 843 (2001)]. The phase coherence is maintained after the BEC is set into oscillation by a small displacement of the magnetic trap along the optical lattice. The phase coherence in the presence of oscillating neutral current across an array of Josephson junctions manifests in an interference pattern formed upon free expansion of the BEC. The numerical response of the system to a large displacement of the magnetic trap is a classical transition from a coherent superfluid to an insulator regime and a subsequent destruction of the interference pattern in agreement With the more recent experiment by Cataliotti et al. [New J. Phys. 5, 71 (2003)].
The behavior of the non-perturbative parts of the isovector-vector and isovector and isosinglet axial-vector correlators at Euclidean momenta is studied in the framework of a covariant chiral quark model with non-local quark-quark interactions. The gauge covariance is ensured with the help of the P-exponents, with the corresponding modification of the quark-current interaction vertices taken into account. The low- and high-momentum behavior of the correlators is compared with the chiral perturbation theory and with the QCD operator product expansion, respectively. The V-A combination of the correlators obtained in the model reproduces quantitatively the ALEPH and OPAL data on hadronic tau decays, transformed into the Euclidean domain via dispersion relations. The predictions for the electromagnetic pi(+/-) - pi(0) mass difference and for the pion electric polarizability are also in agreement with the experimental values. The topological susceptibility of the vacuum is evaluated as a function of the momentum, and its first moment is predicted to be chi'(0) approximate to (50 MeV)(2). In addition, the fulfillment of the Crewther theorem is demonstrated.
We study the quantum coherent tunneling dynamics of two weakly coupled atomic-molecular Bose-Einstein condensates (AMBEC). A weak link is supposed to be provided by a double-well trap. The regions of parameters where the macroscopic quantum localization of the relative atomic population occurs are revealed. The different dynamical regimes are found depending on the value of nonlinearity, namely, coupled oscillations of population imbalance of atomic and molecular condensate, including irregular oscillations regions, and macroscopic quantum self trapping regimes. Quantum means and quadrature variances are calculated for population of atomic and molecular condensates and the possibility of quadrature squeezing is shown via stochastic simulations within P-positive phase space representation method. Linear tunnel coupling between two AMBEC leads to correlations in quantum statistics.
There is a remarkable connection between the number of quantum states of conformal theories and the sequence of dimensions of Lie algebras. In this paper, we explore this connection by computing the asymptotic expansion of the elliptic genus and the microscopic entropy of black holes associated with (supersymmetric) sigma models. The new features of these results are the appearance of correct prefactors in the state density expansion and in the coefficient of the logarithmic correction to the entropy.
The Y chromosomes are genetically degenerate and do not recombine with their matching partners X. Non-recombination of XY pairs has been pointed out as the key factor for the degeneration of the Y chromosome. The aim here is to show that there is a mathematical asymmetry in sex chromosomes which leads to the degeneration of Y chromosomes even in the absence of XX and XY recombination. A model for sex-chromosome evolution in a stationary regime is proposed. The consequences of their asymmetry are analyzed and lead us to a couple of conclusions. First, Y chromosome degeneration shows up v 2 more often than X chromosome degeneration. Second, if nature prohibits female mortalities from beeing exactly 50%, then Y chromosome degeneration is inevitable.
Using variational and numerical solutions we show that stationary negative-energy localized (normalizable) bound states can appear in the three-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger equation with a finite square-well potential for a range of nonlinearity parameters. Below a critical attractive nonlinearity, the system becomes unstable and experiences collapse. Above a limiting repulsive nonlinearity, the system becomes highly repulsive and cannot be bound. The system also allows nonnormalizable states of infinite norm at positive energies in the continuum. The normalizable negative-energy bound states could be created in BECs and studied in the laboratory with present knowhow.
In this article we present the complete massless and massive one-loop triangle diagram results using the negative dimensional integration method (NDIM). We consider the following cases: massless internal fields; one massive, two massive with the same mass m and three equal masses for the virtual particles. Our results are given in terms of hypergeometric and hypergeometric-type functions of the external momenta (and masses for the massive cases) where the propagators in the Feynman integrals are raised to arbitrary exponents and the dimension of the space-time is D. Our approach reproduces the known results; it produces other solutions as yet unknown in the literature as well. These new solutions occur naturally in the context of NDIM revealing a promising technique to solve Feynman integrals in quantum field theories.
A three-parameter correlated wave function for the helium ground state is used to study the scattering reaction e(+) + He --> He+ + Ps, where Ps stands for positronium atom. An exact analytical expression is constructed for the first Born scattering amplitude for Ps formation from helium. Based on this numerical results are presented for both differential and total cross-sections. It is demonstrated that the inner electronic correlation of the target atom plays a crucial role in explaining the discrepency between theory and experiment.
We present a strategy for the systematization of manipulations and calculations involving divergent (or not) Feynman integrals, typical of the one-loop perturbative solutions of QFT, where the use of an explicit regularization is avoided. Two types of systematization are adopted. The divergent parts are put in terms of a small number of standard objects, and a set of structure functions for the finite parts is also defined. Some important properties of the finite structures, specially useful in the verification of relations among Green's functions, are identified. We show that, in fundamental (renormalizable) theories, all the finite parts of two-, three- and four-point functions can be written in terms of only three basic functions while the divergent parts require (only) five objects. The final results obtained within the proposed strategy can be easily converted into those corresponding to any specific regularization technique providing an unified point of view for the treatment of divergent Feynman integrals. Examples of physical amplitudes evaluation and their corresponding symmetry relations verification are presented as well as generalizations of our results for the treatment of Green's functions having an arbitrary number of points are considered.
We argue that the masses of the first and third fermionic generations, which are respectively of the order of a few MeV up to a hundred GeV, originate from a dynamical symmetry breaking mechanism leading to masses of the order alphamu, where alpha is a small coupling constant, and mu, in the case of the first fermionic generation, is the scale of the dynamical quark mass (approximate to250 MeV). For the third fermion generation mu is the value of the dynamical techniquark mass (approximate to250 GeV). We discuss how this possibility can be implemented in a technicolor scenario, and how the mass of the intermediate generation is generated.
We study the scaling of the S-3(1)-S-1(0) meson mass splitting and the pseudoscalar weak-decay constants with the mass of the meson, as seen in the available experimental data. We use an effective light-front QCD-inspired dynamical model regulated at short distances to describe the valence component of the pseudoscalar mesons. The experimentally known values of the mass splitting, decay constants (from global lattice-QCD averages) and the pion charge form factor up to 4 [GeV/c](2) are reasonably described by the model.
The effective gluon propagator constructed with the pinch technique is governed by a Schwinger-Dyson equation with special structure and gauge properties, that can be deduced from the correspondence with the background field method. Most importantly the non-perturbative gluon self-energy is transverse order-by-order in the dressed loop expansion, and separately for gluonic and ghost contributions, a property which allows for a meanigfull truncation. A linearized version of the truncated Schwinger-Dyson equation is derived, using a vertex that satisfies the required Ward identity and contains massless poles. The resulting integral equation, subject to a properly regularized constraint, is solved numerically, and the main features of the solutions are briefly discussed.
We consider the Euclidean D-dimensional -lambda vertical bar phi vertical bar(4)+eta vertical bar rho vertical bar(6) (lambda,eta > 0) model with d (d <= D) compactified dimensions. Introducing temperature by means of the Ginzburg-Landau prescription in the mass term of the Hamiltonian, this model can be interpreted as describing a first-order phase transition for a system in a region of the D-dimensional space, limited by d pairs of parallel planes, orthogonal to the coordinates axis x(1), x(2),..., x(d). The planes in each pair are separated by distances L-1, L-2, ... , L-d. We obtain an expression for the transition temperature as a function of the size of the system, T-c({L-i}), i = 1, 2, ..., d. For D = 3 we particularize this formula, taking L-1 = L-2 = ... = L-d = L for the physically interesting cases d = 1 (a film), d = 2 (an infinitely long wire having a square cross-section), and for d = 3 (a cube). For completeness, the corresponding formulas for second-order transitions are also presented. Comparison with experimental data for superconducting films and wires shows qualitative agreement with our theoretical expressions.