91 resultados para 110904 Neurology and Neuromuscular Diseases


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Background: Seizures are a common problem in small animal neurology and it may be related to underlying diseases. Porencephaly is an extremely rare disorder, and in Veterinary Medicine it affects more often ruminants, with only few reports in dogs.Case presentation: A one-year-old intact male Shih-Tzu dog was referred to Veterinary University Hospital with history of abnormal gait and generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Signs included hypermetria, abnormal nystagmus and increased myotatic reflexes. At necropsy, during the brain analysis, a cleft was observed in the left parietal and occipital lobes, creating a communication between the subarachnoid space and the left lateral ventricle, consistent with porencephaly; and also a focal atrophy of the caudal paravermal and vermal portions of the cerebellum. Furthermore, the histological examination showed cortical and cerebellar neuronal dysplasia.Conclusions: Reports of seizures due to porencephaly are rare in dogs. In this case, the dog presented a group of brain abnormalities which per se or in assemblage could result in seizure manifestation.


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Previous studies have shown that long-term alcohol treatment has negative effects on prostatic stromal-epithelial interaction. Thus, the aim of the present study was to analyze the histochemical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural alterations that occur in the prostatic stroma and epithelium of rats submitted to chronic alcohol ingestion and alcohol abstinence, as well as to establish the relationship between these changes and prostatic diseases. Thirty male rats (10 Wistar and 20 UChB rats) were divided into three experimental groups: the control group received tap water, the alcoholic group received ethanol diluted to 10 degrees G.L. for 150 days, and the abstinent group received the same liquid diet as the alcoholic group up to 120 days of treatment and only tap water for 30 days thereafter. At the end of treatment, all animals were sacrificed and the ventral lobe of the prostate was removed and processed for histochemical, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural analyses. In addition, plasma testosterone levels were measured. The results showed, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, infolding of the epithelium towards the stroma, stromal hypertrophy and the presence of inflammatory cells in alcoholic animals. In the abstinent group, alterations were noted mainly in the stromal area. In conclusion, ethanol triggers alterations in prostatic epithelial and stromal compartments, affecting the stromal microenvironment and predisposing the organ to pathological processes. (C) 2006 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Durante o processo de assimilação e uso dos alimentos, diferentes respostas metabólicas podem ser desenvolvidas pelo organismo dos animais. Estas respostas são fruto da integração de mecanismos complexos, que envolvem os sistemas neuro-endócrino e o funcionamento dos órgãos, sendo influenciadas pela dieta, espécie animal, idade, condição fisiológica e composição corporal. Este trabalho enfoca a importância fisiológica e os métodos de estudo das respostas pós-prandiais aos carboidratos, bem como as alterações fisiológicas conseqüentes ao balanço eletrolítico da dieta. A quantidade, estrutura química e processamento industrial do amido determinam boa parte da resposta pós-prandial de glicose e insulina de cães. em gatos, outros mecanismos parecem ser mais importantes, como a ingestão de aminoácidos. A fibra alimentar também altera a resposta pós-prandial ao alimento, devendo ser consideradas sua quantidade, solubilidade e fermentabilidade no desenvolvimento das dietas. Os métodos de estudo destas respostas incluem avaliação das respostas glicêmica e insulínca pós-prandiais, teste endovenoso de tolerância à glicose e à arginina. O clâmp euglicêmico apresenta-se também como ferramenta de estudo, no entanto revela informações mais relacionadas ao animal do que à dieta. A compreensão do conjunto de alterações metabólicas aos carboidratos é importante no estudo do controle da saciedade, composição corporal e inúmeras doenças degenerativas e endócrinas. A concentração e relação entre os macro-elementos da dieta (Na, Cl, K, P, Ca, Mg e S) e dos aminoácidos sulfurados (metionina, cistina e taurina) interferem em inúmeras funções orgânicas, como a cardiovascular, neuromuscular, metabolismo ósseo, renal e pulmonar, refletindo-se no equilíbrio hidro-eletrolítico e ácido-básico orgânicos. de importância prática para cães e gatos encontram-se a relação destes nutrientes com cardiopatias, nefropatias, osteodistrofias e urolitíases. A relação entre os macro-elementos é estabelecida em mmol/kg de matéria seca da dieta, calculando-se seu balanço cátion-ânion (excesso de bases ou ânions dietéticos não determinados). Suas repostas orgânicas são medidas, dentre outros métodos, pela hemogasimetria, balanço hídrico, mensuração do volume dos espaços extracelular e vascular, supersaturação e pH urinários.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ethnopharmacological relevance: The species Qualea grandiflora and Qualea multiflora, which belong to the Vochysiaceae family, are common in the Brazilian savannah (Cerrado biome), and the local inhabitants use these species to treat external ulcers and gastric diseases and as an anti-inflammatory agent. Studies have demonstrated that these plants contain compounds that exhibit pharmacological activities; however, the risks associated with their consumption are not known.Material and methods: In the present study, the mutagenicity of polar and apolar extracts from Qualea grandiflora and Qualea multiflora were assessed by employing the Ames assay with and without metabolic activation. Additionally, phytochemical analyses (HPLC-ESI-IT-MS, HPLC-UV-PDA and GC-IT-MS) were performed to identify the chemical constituents present in these species, including the evaluation of physico-chemical properties, such as polarity or apolarity of the organic compounds, which are related to each fraction obtained. These studies provide important information regarding the biochemical behaviour of these compounds.Results: All extracts exhibited mutagenicity, inducing frameshift mutations and base substitutions in DNA. Phytochemical analysis identified terpenes, ellagic acid derivatives and phytosteroids.Conclusions: The mutagenicity observed might be due to the presence of pentacyclic triterpenes and polyphenols, which are able to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) and result in the potential to cause DNA damage. The genetic risk identified in this present work shows that special attention should be considered for the use of compounds obtained from these plant species in medicinal treatments. Further studies must be conducted to identify safe therapeutic doses. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective-To compare the ability of a sidestream capnograph and a mainstream capnograph to measure end-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) and provide accurate estimates of Paco(2) in mechanically ventilated dogs.Design-Randomized, double Latin square.Animals-6 healthy adult dogs.Procedure-Anesthesia was induced and neuromuscular blockade achieved by IV administration of pancuronium bromide. Mechanical ventilation was used to induce conditions of standard ventilation, hyperventilation, and hypoventilation. While tidal volume was held constant, changes in minute volume ventilation and Paco(2) were made by changing the respiratory rate. Arterial blood gas analysis was performed and ETCO2 measurements were obtained by use of either a mainstream or a sidestream capnographic analyzer.Results-A linear regression model and bias analysis were used to compare Paco(2) and ETCO2 measurements; ETCO2 measurements obtained by both capnographs correlated well with Paco(2). Compared with Paco(2), mainstream ETCO2 values differed by 3.15 +/- 4.89 mm Hg (mean bias +/- SD), whereas the bias observed with the sidestream ETCO2 system was significantly higher (5.65 +/- 5.57 mm Hg). Regardless of the device used to measure ETCO2, bias increased as Paco(2) exceeded 60 mm Hg.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Although the mainstream capnograph was slightly more accurate, both methods of ETCO2 measurement correlated well with Paco(2) and reflected changes in the ventilatory status. However, ETCO2 values > 45 mm Hg may inaccurately reflect the severity of hypoventilation as Paco(2) may be underestimated during conditions of hypercapnia (Paco(2) > 60 mm Hg).


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Este estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de caracterizar as quedas de pacientes internados ocorridas em hospital terciário. Foram analisados 826 Boletins de Notificação de Eventos Adversos, de um período de 30 meses, que registraram 0,30 quedas por 1000 pacientes/dia. Quedas do leito foram mais frequentes (55%), com maior prevalência na enfermaria de neurologia. Maior frequência de quedas foi verificada no período noturno (63,7%), nos primeiros cinco dias da admissão (61,7%), nos pacientes de sexo masculino (57,5%) e na faixa etária maior de 60 anos (50%). Nos casos de quedas do leito, os diagnósticos relacionaram-se a doenças infecciosas e parasitárias (18,2%), doenças do sistema nervoso (18,2%) e doenças do aparelho circulatório (13,7%). Nas quedas da própria altura, os diagnósticos relacionaram-se a neoplasias (19,4%) e doenças do aparelho geniturinário (16,1%). A caracterização desses eventos adversos auxilia no reconhecimento dos grupos de maior risco e na elaboração de propostas preventivas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A prevalência de SAOS em crianças é de 0,7-3%, com pico de incidência nos pré-escolares. Fatores anatômicos (obstrução nasal severa, más-formações craniofaciais, hipertrofia do tecido linfático da faringe, anomalias laríngeas, etc.) e funcionais (doenças neuromusculares) predispõem à SAOS na infância. A principal causa da SAOS em crianças é a hipertrofia adenotonsilar. As manifestações clínicas mais comuns são: ronco noturno, pausas respiratórias, sono agitado e respiração bucal. A oximetria de pulso noturna, a gravação em áudio ou vídeo dos ruídos respiratórios noturnos e a polissonografia breve diurna são métodos úteis para triagem dos casos suspeitos de SAOS em crianças, e o padrão-ouro para diagnóstico é a polissonografia em laboratório de sono durante uma noite inteira. Ao contrário dos adultos com SAOS, as crianças costumam apresentar: menos despertares associados aos eventos de apnéia, maior número de apnéias/hipopnéias durante o sono REM e dessaturação mais acentuada da oxihemoglobina mesmo nas apnéias de curta duração. O tratamento da SAOS pode ser cirúrgico (adenotonsilectomia, correção de anomalias craniofaciais, traqueostomia) ou clínico (higiene do sono, pressão positiva contínua nas vias aéreas - CPAP).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Responses: of vaccination and treatment to immunomodulators against rabies in mice were evaluated through macrophage inhibition factor (MIF), intra-pad inoculation (IPI) and serum neutralization (SN) tests and by the detection of gamma-interferon (IFN-gamma). Onco-BCG, Avridine and Propionibacterium acnes were administered to groups of mice. Higher survival rates were found in animals treated with P. acnes. Lower levels of IFN-gamma were observed in the groups of infected and vaccinated mice. The IPI was not effective on detecting the response of delayed-type hypersensitivity. Vaccine induced in the infected animals a more intense response to MIF reaction. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Macrophage activity, cytokines serum concentration, serum neutralizing antibodies and lethality by rabies were evaluated in swiss mice experimentally infected with street rabies virus and submitted or not to antirabies vaccination and immunomodulation with P. acnes. Animals were killed at different times and serum was collected in order to evaluate cytokines concentration; peritonial and splenic macrophages were collected for macrophage activity evaluation. Greater survival rates higher IL-10 and low IL-6 serum concentration were observed in vaccinated animals treated using P. acnes. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The natural killer (NK) activity and lethality were evaluated in swiss mice experimentally infected with street rabies virus and submitted to immunomodulation by P. acnes (formerly Corynebacterium parvum). The infected animals were sacrificed at different times and spleen non-adherent cells were obtained through ficoll-hypaque gradient and depletion of glass-adherent cells. Immunosuppression was observed in rabies virus infected mice correlated with lower NK activity in clinically ill animals. Higher NK activity and percentual of survival were observed in the group submitted to P. acnes. The increased survival correlated with higher NK activity induced by P. acnes suggests a protective role of this natural barrier against rabies virus infection in mice. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The lethality and distribution of rabies virus were evaluated in swiss mice experimentally infected with street rabies virus, vaccinated and submitted to immunomodulation by P. acnes (formerly Corynebacterium parvum). The animals were sacrificed at different times,when the different tissues were collected and submitted to fluorescent antibody test (FAT) and mouse inoculation test (MIT). The group submitted to vaccination and P. acnes treatment presented a percentage of survival superior to that observed in infected mice only treated with P. acnes. Control infected animals had the lowest survival rates. The distribution of rabies virus in spleen of infected mice, vaccinated and submitted to P. acnes was superior to that verified in infected mice not treated with P. acnes. The increased survival correlated with the distribution of rabies virus in lymphoid tissues, could be interpreted as the consequence of P. acnes activity on macrophages. The results suggest the role of macrophages against rabies virus infection in mice and the importance of vaccination in the post expositive treatment of rabies. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd.