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The study of algorithms for active vibration control in smart structures is an area of interest, mainly due to the demand for better performance of mechanical systems, such as aircraft and aerospace structures. Smart structures, formed using actuators and sensors, can improve the dynamic performance with the application of several kinds of controllers. This article describes the application of a technique based on linear matrix inequalities (LMI) to design an active control system. The positioning of the actuators, the design of a robust state feedback controller and the design of an observer are all achieved using LMI. The following are considered in the controller design: limited actuator input, bounded output (energy) and robustness to parametric uncertainties. Active vibration control of a flat plate is chosen as an application example. The model is identified using experimental data by an eigensystem realization algorithm (ERA) and the placement of the two piezoelectric actuators and single sensor is determined using a finite element model (FEM) and an optimization procedure. A robust controller for active damping is designed using an LMI framework, and a reduced model with observation and control spillover effects is implemented using a computer. The simulation results demonstrate the efficacy of the approach, and show that the control system increases the damping in some of the modes.
The research trend for harvesting energy from the ambient vibration sources has moved from using a linear resonant generator to a non-linear generator in order to improve on the performance of a linear generator; for example, the relatively small bandwidth, intolerance to mistune and the suitability of the device for low-frequency applications. This article presents experimental results to illustrate the dynamic behaviour of a dual-mode non-linear energy-harvesting device operating in hardening and bi-stable modes under harmonic excitation. The device is able to change from one mode to another by altering the negative magnetic stiffness by adjusting the separation gap between the magnets and the iron core. Results for the device operating in both modes are presented. They show that there is a larger bandwidth for the device operating in the hardening mode compared to the equivalent linear device. However, the maximum power transfer theory is less applicable for the hardening mode due to occurrence of the maximum power at different frequencies, which depends on the non-linearity and the damping in the system. The results for the bi-stable mode show that the device is insensitive to a range of excitation frequencies depending upon the input level, damping and non-linearity.
Bolted joints are a form of mechanical coupling largely used in machinery due to their reliability and low cost. Failure of bolted joints can lead to catastrophic events, such as leaking, train derailments, aircraft crashes, etc. Most of these failures occur due to the reduction of the pre-load, induced by mechanical vibration or human errors in the assembly or maintenance process. This article investigates the application of shape memory alloy (SMA) washers as an actuator to increase the pre-load on loosened bolted joints. The application of SMA washer follows a structural health monitoring procedure to identify a damage (reduction in pre-load) occurrence. In this article, a thermo-mechanical model is presented to predict the final pre-load achieved using this kind of actuator, based on the heat input and SMA washer dimension. This model extends and improves on the previous model of Ghorashi and Inman [2004, "Shape Memory Alloy in Tension and Compression and its Application as Clamping Force Actuator in a Bolted Joint: Part 2 - Modeling," J. Intell. Mater. Syst. Struct., 15:589-600], by eliminating the pre-load term related to nut turning making the system more practical. This complete model is a powerful but complex tool to be used by designers. A novel modeling approach for self-healing bolted joints based on curve fitting of experimental data is presented. The article concludes with an experimental application that leads to a change in joint assembly to increase the system reliability, by removing the ceramic washer component. Further research topics are also suggested.
Due to the increasing search for alternative sources of natural rubber (NR) whose properties are similar to Hevea brasiliesis, several sources have been studied in the past few years. Among them, Mangabeira (Hancornia speciosa Gomes), which is native to Amazon rainforest and other regions of Brazil, has a potential as another viable rubber source. As a continuation of a series of comparative studies between Hancornia and Hevea (clone RRIM 600) these two species by our research team, their thermal behavior was analyzed by thermogravimetry (TG) using Flynn-Wall-Ozawa's approach in order to obtain kinetic parameters (reaction order, pre-exponential factor and activation energy) of the decomposition process. Results indicated that the thermal behavior of NR from Hancornia was comparable to Hevea with some differences observed as follows: reaction order for Hancornia was higher than for Hevea at the beginning of degradation and very close for temperatures over 350 A degrees C; activation energy and pre-exponential factor had the same trend, i.e., increased with increasing degree of conversion remaining almost constant between 20 and 70% and then increasing for higher degrees, although Hevea was slightly more thermally stable than Hancornia. These major influences in the degradation process in the early stage are attributed to differences in non-rubber constituents present in these two species.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Introduction. Hypovolemia from hemorrhage evokes protective compensatory reactions, such as the renin-angiotensin system, which interferes in the clearance function and can lead to ischemia. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of glibenclamide, a K-ATP(+) channel blocker, on renal function and histology in rats in a state of hemorrhagic shock under sevoflurane anesthesia. Material and Methods. Twenty Wistar rats were randomized into two groups of 10 animals each (G1 and G2), only one of which (G2) received intravenous glibenclamide (1 mu g.g(-1)), 60 min before bleeding was begun. Both groups were anesthetized with sevoflurane and kept on spontaneous respiration with oxygen-air, while being bled of 30% of volemia in three stages with 10 min intervals. There was an evaluation of renal function-sodium para-aminohippurate and iothalamate clearances, filtration fraction, renal blood flow, renal vascular resistance-and renal histology. Renal function attributes were evaluated at three moments: M1 and M2, coinciding with the first and third stages of bleeding; and M3, 30 min after M2, when the animals were subjected to bilateral nephrectomy before being sacrificed. Results. Significant differences were found in para-aminohippurate clearance, G1 < G2, and higher renal vascular resistance values were observed in G1. Histological examination showed the greater vulnerability of kidneys exposed to sevoflurane alone (G1) with higher scores of vascular and tubular dilatation. There were vascular congestion and tubular vacuolization only in G1. Necrosis and signs of tubular regeneration did not differ in both groups. Conclusion. Treatment with glibenclamide attenuated acutely the renal histological changes after hemorrhage in rats under sevoflurane anesthesia.
Os objetivos do presente estudo foram avaliar a performance das raças Jersey e Holandesa em diferentes condições de pluviosidade (estações seca e chuvosa) através do monitoramento de aspectos relacionados com a mastite subclínica (contagem de células somáticas, isolamento microbiológico, tipo de patógeno isolado), qualidade do leite (lactose, proteína, gordura e sólidos totais) e produção (media da produção de leite) de ambas as raças. O estudo foi conduzido em propriedade leiteira localizada no estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Oito visitas foram realizadas a propriedade, quatro em período de alta pluviosidade e outro em período de baixa pluviosidade. Amostras de leite foram colhidas de todos os animais para contagem eletrônica de células somáticas e determinação dos principais componentes do leite (proteína, gordura, sólidos totais, lactose). Gordura, proteína, sólidos totais e produção leiteira foram influenciadas tanto pela raça como pela estação, apresentando tendências similares para ambas raças em ambas estações. A contagem de células somáticas (CCS) apresentou resultados similares para ambas as raças. Vacas holandesas com infecção intramamária (IIM) apresentaram um maior aumento na CCS quando comparadas as vacas Jersey (P<0.001). Na estação seca, 53 animais tiveram IIM em pelo menos um mês do estudo. Destes, 32 eram da raça Holandesa e 21 da raça Jersey. Na estação chuvosa, 65 animais possuíram infecção intramamária, dos quais 43 eram da raça Holandesa e 22 da raça Jersey. A frequência de casos de IIM foi maior na estação chuvosa em comparação à estação seca. Vacas Jersey apresentaram uma menor chance de desenvolver sinais e sintomas de IIM em relação às vacas holandesas na estação chuvosa (razão de chances=0.52). O maior numero de casos de IIM na estação chuvosa pode ter contribuído para uma menor taxa de lactose no leite para ambas as raças, sendo que esta pode ser considerada como um indicador do status de IIM. Existiu uma prevalência de patógenos contagiosos durante todo o experimento. O modelo estatístico aplicado mostrou que patógenos ambientais foram mais frequentemente isolados da raça Jersey, independentemente do período do estudo. Aparentemente existem diferenças na resposta imune das raças Jersey e Holandesa.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Levels of rabies virus neutralization antibody in sera from vaccinated dogs and cattle were either measured by mouse neutralization test (MNT) or by rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test (RFFIT), performed on CER monolayers. The two tests were compared for their ability to detect the 0.5 International Units/ml (I.U.) recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the minimum response for proof of rabies immunization. A significant correlation was found between the two tests (n = 211; r = 0.9949 in dogs and 0.9307 in cows, p < 0.001), good sensitivity (87.5%), specificity (94.7%) and agreement (96.6%) as well. RFFIT method standardized on CER cell system for neutralizing antibodies detection turns the diagnosis easier and less expensive, specially when a great number of samples must be tested from endemic areas as commonly found in Brazil. (c) 2005 the International Association for Biologicals. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Crotoxin, the main toxin of South American rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus terrificus) venom, was the first snake venom protein to be purified and crystallized. Crotoxin is a heterodimeric beta-neurotoxin that consists of a weakly toxic basic phospholipase A(2) and a nonenzymatic, non-toxic acidic component (crotapotin). The classic biological activities normally attributed to crotoxin include neurotoxicity, myotoxicity, nephrotoxicity and cardiotoxicity. However, numerous studies in recent years have shown that crotoxin also has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-tumor and analgesic actions. In this review, we describe the historical background to the discovery of crotoxin and its main toxic activities and then discuss recent structure-function studies and investigations that have led to the identification of novel pharmacological activities for the toxin. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present study aimed to test the effects of blue, green or white light on the stress response of the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Each color was tested on two groups of isolated adult Nile tilapia (8 replicates each): one being subjected to confinement stress, and the other not (control). A different environmental color was imposed on each compartment by covering the light source with cellophane of the respective color (green or blue; no cellophane was used for white light). The intensity of green, white and blue lights was 250, 590 and 250 lux, respectively. Basal plasma cortisol levels were determined for each fish prior to the experimental procedures. The fish were confined by being displaced toward one side of the aquarium using an opaque partition for 1 h both in the morning and the afternoon of the two consecutive days of the test. At the end of this 48-h period, plasma cortisol levels were measured again. Basal cortisol levels (ng/ml) were similar for each group (ANOVA, F(2;42) = 0.77, P = 0.47). Thus, plasma cortisol levels were analyzed in terms of variation from their respective basal level. After confinement, plasma cortisol levels were not increased in fish submitted to a blue light environment. Thus, blue light prevents the confinement-induced cortisol response, an effect not necessarily related to light intensity.
Comparative genomic hybridization analysis was performed for identification of chromosomal imbalances in 23 samples of fibroadenomas of the breast. Chromosomal gains rather than losses were a feature of these lesions. Only two cases with a familial and/or previous history of breast lesions had gain of 1q or 16q as the sole abnormality. The most frequently overrepresented segments were 5p14 (10/23 cases), 5q34-qter (6/23 cases), 13q32-qter (6/23 cases), 10q25-qter (5/23 cases), and 18q22 (4/23 cases). Some of these regions have previously been associated with breast carcinoma, but this study indicates that gain of these regions can also occur in benign breast lesions. Our findings may provide a basis for conducting further investigations to locate and identify genes associated with proliferation that may be involved in the early steps of tumorigenesis of the breast. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)