33 resultados para 040407 Seismology and Seismic Exploration


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A região de São Thomé das Letras constitui o maior centro brasileiro de lavra de quartzitos foliados, com produção atual estimada em 250.000 t/ano. O baixo índice de recuperação decorrente das atividades de lavra destes quartzitos, estimada como inferiores a 20% do total extraído, estariam gerando cerca de 1.250.000 t/ano de rejeitos, o que tem se traduzido em grandes pilhas de bota-fora com evidentes desdobramentos ambientais indesejáveis. Objetivando a adequação ambiental da lavra, a Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente de Minas Gerais - FEAM iniciou, a partir do ano de 1993, trabalhos de fiscalização e orientação da atividade extrativa de quartzitos no Município de São Thomé das Letras. A partir de 1996, esses trabalhos foram ampliados através do Projeto Minas Ambiente - Mineração de Pedra São Tomé que, sob a coordenação da FEAM, promoveu estudos para disposição controlada e aproveitamento econômico de resíduos, revegetação das pilhas de bota-fora e técnicas menos impactantes de desmonte na lavra. Neste contexto, os estudos geológicos, petrográficos e químicos ora realizados visam contribuir com aspectos de interesse para as atividades extrativas e de aproveitamento industrial dos rejeitos da lavra e do beneficiamento dos quartzitos foliados São Tomé. Trabalhos desenvolvidos no âmbito do Projeto Minas Ambiente e, mais recentemente, pela Universidade Vale do Rio Verde de Três Corações demonstraram a viabilidade técnica de utilização dos quartzitos para elaboração de tijolos prensados e autoclavados. Algumas variedades de quartzitos também estão sendo aproveitadas na produção de vidrados e esmaltes cerâmicos, inclusive com vantagens técnicas e econômicas bastante competitivas sobre matérias-primas oriundas de sedimentos aluvionares. Outros usos para os quartzitos moídos, como carga mineral, material filtrante e argamassas em geral, estão em fase de estudos pelos mineradores e deverão ser brevemente viabilizados, o que permite vislumbrar, pelo menos a médio prazo, um expressivo incremento dos usos industriais para os quartzitos São Tomé. Palavras-chave: rocha ornamental; rocha de revestimento; quartzito laminado; recuperação de rejeito; quartzito São Tomé.


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The area of this work is located along the Northern portion of the Pelotas´s basin. The onshore region extends from the Southern portion São Paulo State to the North of Rio Grande do Sul State, with a total area of 440 530 km ². The objective of the research is to characterize the main geological structures of the outcropping basement in the Paraná Basin and its correlation with the offshore portion of the Pelotas Basin. The characterization was performed through the integration of surface (SRTM images and outcrops) and subsurface data (seismic data and well logs), the method includes the use of remote sensing techniques and seismic interpretation. The main structures to be analyzed are the Tibagi Lineament and the “Torres Syncline in order to verify its influence on the geological evolution and deformation of the basin. As result, it was identified the continuity of the both structures inside the offshore basin (Pelotas Basin); but only the Tibagi Lineament represents an important structural feature in the offshore basin. In this sense, the Tibagi lineament shows a NW-SE direction along the both basins (Pelotas and Paraná) and it is defined by drainages and relief on the continental portion. It was classified as a graben structure limited by normal faults and it also was verified a trend of faults inside the lineament that cuts all the sedimentary package of Itararé Group from Paraná Basin. The Torres syncline is a structure that connects the arches of Ponta Grossa and Rio Grande, showing NW-SE orientation and a low angle dip in the NW direction. Its projection into the Pelotas Basin was not recognized by the methods applied in this work, because a preliminary analyze indicates that its projection corresponds to a structural high inside the Pelotas Basin


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The study area is the Garoupa Field, located 75 km from the coast of Rio de Janeiro in bathymetric elevation of 125 m and it is the first important offshore discovery of the Campos Basin with hydrocarbon production in the Albian carbonates. The high significance of carbonate rock reservoirs for the global oil industry and its degree of complexity, combined with the fact that the Garoupa Field is a mature field, make this research project interesting to develop a re-exploratory vision of the study area. The objective of this paper is to characterize the physical properties of the Macae Group reservoirs in the Garoupa Field through well correlation techniques, petrophysical analysis and seismic interpretation (3D), in order to evaluate qualitatively and quantitatively the response of geophysical data to the presence of carbonate rock reservoirs. From the analysis of well profiles (gamma ray, resistivity, density and sonic) it was possible to identify six reservoir levels in the Quissamã Formation. As a result, the reservoirs have good correlation between the wells in the Garoupa Field and show lateral facies variation. In the seismic interpretation, structural contour maps were generated in time (ms) from the top of the Macae Group and two horizons that correspond to the reservoir levels. These maps show that the oil producing area of this field is a structural high located at the west of the interpreted seismic cube, and it was classified as a rollover limited by lateral faults forming a horst. The seismic attribute maps show a good response to the reservoirs of the Garoupa Field because they are associated with amplitude anomalies, verified by the correlation between the physical properties of the reservoir rock and seismic data through cross plots, with emphasis in a linear correlation between the resistivity profile and the values of Maximum Absolute Amplitude and RMS Amplitude attributes


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT


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In order to evaluate the use of shallow seismic technique to delineate geological and geotechnical features up to 40 meters depth in noisy urban areas covered with asphalt pavement, five survey lines were conducted in the metropolitan area of São Paulo City. The data were acquired using a 24-bit, 24-channel seismograph, 30 and 100 Hz geophones and a sledgehammer-plate system as seismic source. Seismic reflection data were recorded using a CMP (common mid point) acquisition method. The processing routine consisted of: prestack band-pass filtering (90-250 Hz); automatic gain control (AGC); muting (digital zeroin) of dead/noisy traces, ground roll, air-wave and refracted-wave; CMP sorting; velocity analyses; normal move-out corrections; residual static corrections; f-k filtering; CMP stacking. The near surface is geologically characterized by unconsolidated fill materials and Quaternary sediments with organic material overlying Tertiary sediments with the water table 2 to 5 m below the surface. The basement is composed of granite and gneiss. Reflections were observed from 40 milliseconds to 65 ms two-way traveltime and were related to the silt clay layer and fine sand layer contact of the Tertiary sediments and to the weathered basement. The CMP seismic-reflection technique has been shown to be useful for mapping the sedimentary layers and the bedrock of the São Paulo sedimentary basin for the purposes of shallow investigations related to engineering problems. In spite of the strong cultural noise observed in these urban areas and problems with planting geophones we verified that, with the proper equipment, field parameters and particularly great care in data collection and processing, we can overcome the adverse field conditions and to image reflections from layers as shallow as 20 meters.


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While the inventor is often the driver of an invention in the early stages, he/she needs to move between different social networks for knowledge in order to create and capture value. The main objective of this research is to propose a literature-based framework based on innovation network theory and complemented with C-K theory, in order to analyze the invention/innovation process of inventors and the product concepts in a packaging industry context. Empirical input from three case studies of packaging inventions and their inventors is used to elaborate the suggested framework.The article identifies important gaps in the literature of innovation networks. This is addressed through a theoretical framework based on network theories, complemented with C-K theory for the product design level. The strength-of-ties dimension of the theoretical framework suggests, in agreement with the mainstream literature and the cases presented, that weak ties are required to access the knowledge related to exploration networks and strong ties are required to utilize the knowledge in the exploitation network. The transformation network is an intermediate step acting as a bridge where entrepreneurs can find required knowledge. The transformation network is also an intermediate step where entrepreneurs find financing and companies interested in commercializing inventions. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Groundwater and sandstone samples were analyzed for radon in Guarany aquifer, Parana sedimentary basin, South America. The dissolved radon ranged between 3 and 3303 pCi/l, being lognormally distributed, with a modal value of 1315 pCi/l, and a median value of 330 pCi/l. Rn-222 leakage experiments for sandstones yielded a theoretical value of 1390 pCi/l for Rn-222 in water, showing that theoretical modeling can reliably be used to interpret laboratory and field data. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Interactive visual representations complement traditional statistical and machine learning techniques for data analysis, allowing users to play a more active role in a knowledge discovery process and making the whole process more understandable. Though visual representations are applicable to several stages of the knowledge discovery process, a common use of visualization is in the initial stages to explore and organize a sometimes unknown and complex data set. In this context, the integrated and coordinated - that is, user actions should be capable of affecting multiple visualizations when desired - use of multiple graphical representations allows data to be observed from several perspectives and offers richer information than isolated representations. In this paper we propose an underlying model for an extensible and adaptable environment that allows independently developed visualization components to be gradually integrated into a user configured knowledge discovery application. Because a major requirement when using multiple visual techniques is the ability to link amongst them, so that user actions executed on a representation propagate to others if desired, the model also allows runtime configuration of coordinated user actions over different visual representations. We illustrate how this environment is being used to assist data exploration and organization in a climate classification problem.


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In geophysics and seismology, raw data need to be processed to generate useful information that can be turned into knowledge by researchers. The number of sensors that are acquiring raw data is increasing rapidly. Without good data management systems, more time can be spent in querying and preparing datasets for analyses than in acquiring raw data. Also, a lot of good quality data acquired at great effort can be lost forever if they are not correctly stored. Local and international cooperation will probably be reduced, and a lot of data will never become scientific knowledge. For this reason, the Seismological Laboratory of the Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of São Paulo (IAG-USP) has concentrated fully on its data management system. This report describes the efforts of the IAG-USP to set up a seismology data management system to facilitate local and international cooperation. © 2011 by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. All rights reserved.