82 resultados para Índices bioclimáticos


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A monitoração dos níveis de prática de atividade física em segmentos da população jovem tem se tornado importante tema de interesse entre especialistas da área. O Objetivo do estudo foi verificar o nível de atividade física de escolares, baseando-se em duas recomendações vigentes, e analisar a existência de associações entre a quantidade de passos/dia e diferentes indicadores de adiposidade corporal. A casuística foi composta por 162 indivíduos de dez a 18 anos (65 do sexo masculino e 97 do sexo feminino). Foram calculados o Índice de Massa Corporal e o percentual de gordura por impedância bioelétrica. O nível de atividade física habitual foi mensurado por meio de pedômetro (New Lifestyles modelo NL-2000) e analisado de acordo com duas recomendações internacionais: Duncan et al. (masculino: 16.000 passos/dia e feminino: 13.000 passos/dia) e Tudor-Locke et al. (masculino: 15.000 passos/dia e feminino: 12.000 passos/dia). O teste t de Student e a ANOVA One-Away (Post Hoc - LSD) compararam os grupos formados. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5% (p£0,05). Dos resultados, apenas 18,5% da amostra cumpriu as recomendações propostas por Duncan e 25,9% cumpriram os pontos de corte propostos por Tudor-Locke et al.. Os adolescentes que não cumpriram as recomendações propostas por Duncan et al., apresentaram valores percentuais de gordura corporal maiores quando comparados aos jovens que cumpriram (p<0,05). Pode-se concluir que uma elevada taxa de jovens não cumpriu as duas recomendações analisadas, bem como, apenas um indicador de adiposidade associou-se com o cumprimento de umas das recomendações.


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Haematobia irritans tem causado muitos danos e preocupações na pecuária mundial, bem como despertado o interesse para diversos estudos a seu respeito. Seu nome está relacionado com o local de permanência nos bovinos. É conhecida como horn fly (mosca-dos-chifres) na Europa e nos Estados Unidos da América e mosca-da-paleta na América Latina. Os fatores biológicos podem produzir em bovinos de um único rebanho, diferentes níveis de infestação da mosca. Durante o ano de 1998 em Araçatuba, estado de São Paulo, foram avaliados o número médio de mosca por região ana-tômica, bem como os diferentes níveis de infestação em 60 bovinos da raça Nelore. Os bovinos foram filmados de ambos os lados do corpo para registrar o número de mosca em fitas cassetes. As fitas foram assistidas para a contagem e demarcação da mosca em 15 regiões anatômicas. O maior número de mosca (p<0,05) foi observado nas regiões escapular, interescapular e costal; nos períodos chuvosos observou-se um aumento significativo (p<0,05) na região ventral. As avaliações individuais, demonstraram infestação com menos de 50 moscas em 50% dos bovinos, 50 a 100 moscas em 38% e acima de 100 moscas em 12% dos bovinos.


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Apresenta-se um sistema computacional, denominado ICADPLUS, desenvolvido para elaboração de banco de dados, tabulação de dados, cálculo do índice CPO e análise estatística para estimação de intervalos de confiança e comparação de resultados de duas populações.Tem como objetivo apresentar método simplificado para atender necessidades de serviços de saúde na área de odontologia processando fichas utilizadas por cirurgiões dentistas em levantamentos epidemiológicos de cárie dentária. A característica principal do sistema é a dispensa de profissional especializado na área de odontologia e computação, exigindo o conhecimento mínimo de digitação por parte do usuário, pois apresenta menus simples e claros como também relatórios padronizados, sem possibilidade de erro. Possui opções para fichas de CPO segundo Klein e Palmer, CPO proposto pela OMS, CPOS segundo Klein, Palmer e Knutson, e ceo. A validação do sistema foi feita por comparação com outros métodos, permitindo recomendar sua adoção.


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A total of 8,064 records from weaning weights and conformation scores traits of calves nearly seven month-old were studied. The study included animals from 22 herds from state of Rio Grande do Sul, borned from 1973 to 1985 which were raised on pastures. The weaning weight adjusted to 205-day weight and fat deposition and the relation size-length of body were scored subjectively in a scale from zero to ten. The dates 205-day weight, fat deposition and relation size-length of body were 137.00 +/- .20 kg; 6.38 +/- 01 and 6.77 +/- 01 grades, respectively. The heritability estimates were .25 +/- .03, .38 +/- 04 and .37 +/- 04, respectively. The selection index was more efficient than direct phenotypic selection and this study also indicates that general selection index is not adequated to use it in all farms, and it is not necessary to have accurate economic values. The most important parameters to get good selection are reliable estimates of genetic and phenotypic variances and covariances.


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The present paper evaluated, through hepatosomatic/mesenteric fat indexes and body composition, the pacu energy utilization when submitted to alternated food restriction/refeeding cycles during the growout period. Juveniles were distributed in three pounds and submitted to different feeding programs: A (ad libitum daily feeding), B (4-week feeding restriction and 9-week refeeding) and C (6-week feeding restrictions and 7-week refeeding), totaling 13 weeks for each cycle (4 experimental cycles). At the end of the periods, fish were sampled to obtain biometrics and biochemical data. The results showed that, during the first two cycles, C treatment obtained the best compensatory growth. Carcass lipid and water contents were inversely related, with body fat decrease. Fishes under B and C treatment during food restriction utilized liver and mesentery energy stores. These parameters were re-established in the refeeding phase, in all cycles.


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Indices that report how much a contingency is stable or unstable in an electrical power system have been the object of several studies in the last decades. In some approaches, indices are obtained from time-domain simulation; others explore the calculation of the stability margin from the so-called direct methods, or even by neural networks.The goal is always to obtain a fast and reliable way of analysing large disturbance that might occur on the power systems. A fast classification in stable and unstable, as a function of transient stability is crucial for a dynamic security analysis. All good propositions as how to analyse contingencies must present some important features: classification of contingencies; precision and reliability; and efficiency computation. Indices obtained from time-domain simulations have been used to classify the contingencies as stable or unstable. These indices are based on the concepts of coherence, transient energy conversion between kinetic energy and potential energy, and three dot products of state variable. The classification of the contingencies using the indices individually is not reliable, since the performance of these indices varies with each simulated condition. However, collapsing these indices into a single one can improve the analysis significantly. In this paper, it is presented the results of an approach to filter the contingencies, by a simple classification of them into stable, unstable or marginal. This classification is performed from the composite indices obtained from step by step simulation with a time period of the clearing time plus 0.5 second. The contingencies originally classified as stable or unstable do not require this extra simulation. The methodology requires an initial effort to obtain the values of the intervals for classification, and the weights. This is performed once for each power system and can be used in different operating conditions and for different contingencies. No misplaced classification o- - ccurred in any of the tests, i.e., we detected no stable case classified as unstable or otherwise. The methodology is thus well fitted for it allows for a rapid conclusion about the stability of th system, for the majority of the contingencies (Stable or Unstable Cases). The tests, results and discussions are presented using two power systems: (1) the IEEE17 system, composed of 17 generators, 162 buses and 284 transmission lines; and (2) a South Brazilian system configuration, with 10 generators, 45 buses and 71 lines.


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Running water is one of the most important of all the physical processes which fashion the landscape, allowing gravity to operate along the valley floors. Besides this, the streams show a fast adjustment to the crustal deformations, even to the most gentle ones. This geologic behavior turns them a potential tool for neotectonic studies, specially the analysis of morphotnetric parameters associated with hydraulic gradient and discharge, this second factor being directly proportional to the extension of the streams. Both elements, gradient and stream length, can be combined in the SL index. The purpose of this paper is to show the RDE index application in the neotectonics analysis of the Rio do Peixe hydrographic basin and to compare the obtained values with the geologic basement incised by the streams. This basement encompasses Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of post-Serra Oeral Formation magmatism (Caiuá and Bauru groups) and Quaternary deposits that include chiefly recent alluvial plains and some Pleistocene terrace deposits. In the final part of this paper, an attempt is made in order to correlate the RDE results and the neotectonic framework admitted to this portion of the São Paulo State territory, as well as with field geologic, seismologic and paleoseismologic known elements. The results indicate the presence of two groups of anomalies: The first set corresponds to the Marília-Exaporã Plateau border, and the second one, located in the central portion of the hydrographic basin, is correlated to the Presidente Prudente seimogenic zone.


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This work aims to analyze the land use evolution in the city of Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo - SP through supervised classification of Landsat-5 TM satellite images according to the maximum likelihood (Maxlike), as well as verifying the mapping accuracy through Kappa index, comparing NDVI and SAVI vegetation indexes in different adjustment factors for the canopy substrate and determining the vegetal coverage percentage in all methods used on 2007, May 26 th; 2009, January 7 th and 2009, April 29 th. The Maxlike classification showed several spatial changes in land use over the study period. The most appropriated vegetation indexes were NDVI and SAVI - 0,25 factor, which showed similar values of vegetal coverage percentage, but discrepant from the inferred value for Maxlike classification.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Observable GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) are affected by systematic errors due to free electrons present in the ionosphere. The error associated with the ionosphere depends on the Total Electron Content (TEC), which is influenced by several variables: solar cycle, season, local time, geomagnetic activity and geographic location. The GPS (Global Positioning System), GLONASS (Global Orbiting Navigation Satellite System) and Galileo dual frequency receivers allow the calculation of the error that affects the GNSS observables and the TEC. Using the rate of change of TEC (ROT - Rate of TEC) indices that indicate irregularities of the ionosphere can be determined, allowing inferences about its behavior. Currently it is possible to perform such studies in Brazil, due to the several Active Networks available, such as RBMC/RIBaC (Rede Brasileira de Monitoramento Contínuo/Rede INCRA de Bases Comunitárias) and GNSS Active Network of São Paulo. The proposed research aimed at estimating and analysing of indexes of irregularities of the ionosphere, besides supplying the geosciences of information about the behavior of the ionosphere.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)