157 resultados para >425 µm
A variation of photoconductivity excitation with wavelength is applied to Si-doped Al0.56Ga0.44As (indirect bandgap material) for a wide range of temperature. The lower the temperature the lower the photocurrent below 70 K. In the range 13-30 K there is a decrease in the photoconductivity spectrum slightly above the bandgap transition energy, followed by another increase in the conductivity. We interpret these results in the light of existing models and confirm the trapping by the X-valley effective mass state. which is responsible for attenuation of persistent photoconductivity below 70 K. A DX0 intermediate state which has non-negligible lifetime is proposed as responsible for the decrease in the photoconductivity with about 561 nm of wavelength of exciting light, in the investigated 13-30 g range.
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A monitorização da profundidade da hipnose e da anestesia é um ato complexo. A maioria das propostas para monitorizar os níveis adequados da hipnose, durante a anestesia, envolve o EEG usando as ondas do EEG, ou mais recentemente, usando a forma processada. A análise bispectral é o método que permite analisar o EEG nas diferentes fases de freqüências. CONTEÚDO: O EEG processado é iniciado com a conversão do sinal de EEG para a forma digital. O EEG digitalizado pode ser matematicamente transformado pelo processo conhecido como análise de Fourier, que separa o complexo sinal do EEG em vários componentes da onda, ou seja, em cada porção de diferente amplitude, mas cuja soma corresponde à forma original da onda. Com o emprego deste método surgem vários parâmetros. O Índice Bispectral, ou simplesmente BIS (100 - acordado até 0 - isoelétrico), é derivado dos melhores parâmetros (p.ex.: freqüência da borda spectral, freqüência mediana e o burst supression ou surto de supressão) que foram avaliados através de análise estatística. CONCLUSÕES: A experiência clínica tem mostrado que o BIS pode predizer uma resposta à incisão da pele durante a anestesia. Entretanto, o BIS não é independente da técnica anestésica usada. Há diferentes respostas, a depender do hipnótico e analgésico empregado.
The formulation of a drug can interfere with its absorption into the circulatory system and may result in changes in the dose required to achieve that particular effect. The aim of this study was to determine the lethal dose 50 (LD 50) and 100 (LD100) of a nanoemulsion of propofol and the lipid emulsion in mice intraperitoneally. One hundred sixty animals weighing 36.47 +/- 4.6g, which were distributed randomly into two groups: NANO and EMU who received propofol 1% in the nanoemulsion and lipid emulsion, respectively, intraperitoneally. Began with a dose of 250mg/kg (n=10) and from this isdecreased or increased the dose until achieving 0 and 100% of deaths in each group thus formed were seven subgroups in NANO (each subgroup n = 10) at doses 200, 250, 325, 350, 400, 425 and 475 mg/kg and in EMU eight subgroups (n= 10 each subset) 250, 325, 350, 400, 425, 475, 525 and 575 mg/kg. In the CONTROL group (n= 10) animals received saline in the largest volume used in the other groups to rule out death by the volume injected. Analysis of LD 50 and LD 100 were obtained by linear regression. The LD 50 was 320, 95 mg / kg and 4243, 51mg / kg and the LD 100 was445.99 mg / kg and 595.31 mg / kg to groups NANO and EMU, respectively. It follows that nanoemulsion is propofol in 25% more potent compared to the lipid emulsionintraperitoneally.
Queratoses actínicas são neoplasias benignas intraepiteliais formadas por proliferações atípicas de queratinócitos com potencial de transformação em carcinoma espinocelular. Desenvolvem-se em áreas fotoexpostas da pele, são induzidas principalmente pela radiação ultravioleta e constituem marcadores de exposição solar crônica. Acometem indivíduos adultos e idosos, de fototipos claros, representando o quarto diagnóstico dermatológico mais comum no Brasil. Danos nas vias de apoptose do epitélio fotoexposto favorecem a proliferação celular e manutenção das lesões. Nesta revisão os autores reúnem os principais dados epidemiológicos sobre a doença e defendem que estratégias de identificação de fenótipos de risco, diagnóstico precoce, tratamento adequado, seguimento clínico, incentivo ao autoexame da pele, fotoeducação e fotoproteção devem ser promovidas, a fim de evitar a evolução das lesões, e também prevenir e diagnosticar neoplasias concomitantes também induzidas pela radiação solar.
Purpose: Long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) is one of the main treatments for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Patients receiving LTOT may have less than optimal home conditions and this may interfere with treatment. The objective of this study was, through home visits, to identify the characteristics of patients receiving LTOT and to develop knowledge regarding the home environments of these patients.Methods: Ninety-seven patients with a mean age of 69 plus or minus 10.5 years were evaluated. This study was a cross-sectional descriptive analysis. Data were collected during an initial home visit, using a questionnaire standardized for the study. The results were analyzed retrospectively.Results: Seventy-five percent of the patients had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and 11% were active smokers. The patients' mean pulse oximetry values were 85.9% plus or minus 4.7% on room air and 92% plus or minus 3.9% on the prescribed flow of oxygen. Most of the patients did not use the treatment as prescribed and most used a humidifier. The extension hose had a mean length of 5 plus or minus 3.9 m (range, 1.5-16 m). In the year prior to the visit, 26% of the patients received emergency medical care because of respiratory problems. Few patients reported engaging in leisure activities.Conclusion: The home visit allowed us to identify problems and interventions that could improve the way LTOT is used. The most common interventions related to smoking cessation, concentrator maintenance and cleaning, use of a humidifier, and adjustments of the length of the connector hose. Therefore, the home visit is a very important tool in providing comprehensive care to patients receiving LTOT, especially those who show lack of adequate progress and those who show uncertainty about the treatment method.
Purpose: To determine whether the use of ultrasound (US) to guide embryo transfer (ET) in a population previously defined as likely to have easy transfer would change the implantation and pregnancy rates in an ICSI program.Methods: A total of 100 patients identified as likely to have easy transfer after mock transfer were divided into two groups: Group I, US-guided ET (N = 50) and Group II, ET without the aid of US (N = 50).Results: Implantation and pregnancy rates were similar (p = 0.51, p = 0.29) for Group I (19.6%,42%) and Group II (16.3%,30%), as also was the abortion rate (p = 0.55) (Group I: 1/21; Group II: 2/15).Conclusion: As long as previous mock transfers are routinely performed during a cycle preceding assisted reproduction and the clinician considers transfer to be easy, ultrasound does not benefit the process of embryo transfer.
Background: the aim of this study was to evaluate the progression of experimental peri-implantitis in dogs using implants with different surface coatings.Methods: Thirty-six dental implants with four different surface coatings, commercially pure titanium (cpTi), titanium plasma-sprayed (TPS), hydroxyapatite (HA), and acid-etched (AE), were placed in six mongrel dogs. Five months after implantation, peri-implantitis was induced by cotton ligatures to facilitate plaque accumulation for 60 days. After 60 days, the ligatures were removed and supragingival plaque control was initiated for 12 months. Probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), vertical bone level (VBL), horizontal bone level (HBL), and mobility were obtained at baseline, and 20, 40, 60 (acute phase), and 425 days (chronic phase) after ligature removal.Results: PD and CAL changed around all implant surfaces after ligature placement (P < 0.0001). However, the means of PD and CAL were not statistically significant among the different surfaces (P > 0.05). The range of CAL variation, calculated between baseline and 60 days (acute phase) and between 60 and 425 days (chronic phase), decreased (P < 0.05). Bone loss increased during the entire experiment (P < 0.0001). The HA surface showed the greatest bone loss measurement (5.06 +/- 0.38 mm) and the TPS showed the smallest bone loss (4.27 +/- 0.62 mm). However, statistical significance was not assessed for different coatings (P > 0.05).Conclusions: the clinical data at the initial phase showed rapid and severe peri-implant tissue breakdown. However, removal of ligatures did not convert the acute destructive peri-implant phase to a non-aggressive lesion and the progression of peri-implantitis was observed at chronic phase. The,experimental peri-implantitis in dogs may be a useful model to evaluate the progression of peri-implantitis.
Foram estudadas as alterações anatômicas em ápices radiculares do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Carioca), quando submetidos a diferentes níveis de boro em solução nutritiva. Através de um experimento inteiramente casualizado, foram realizados três tratamentos como se segue: T1 0,50 mg L-1 de boro (testemunha); T2 0,25 mg L-1 de boro (nível intermediário); T0 omisso em boro; sendo feitas amostragens em três estágios sucessivos de desenvolvimento da planta, no decorrer de seu ciclo. As alterações foram avaliadas efetuando-se secções longitudinais de ápices radiculares, sendo analisados comparativamente por meio de estudo cito-histológico com o emprego de microscópio de luz. Considerando como testemunha as plantas submetidas ao nível de 0,50 mg L-1 de boro na solução nutritiva, pôde-se verificar que a omissão desse micronutriente, na solução nutritiva, provocou inibição da divisão e alongamento celular, hipertrofia de células, desorganização de elementos vasculares em raiz, impedindo que a planta completasse seu ciclo, morrendo ao redor do 55o. dia após o transplante. O nível de 0,25 mg L-1 de boro, na solução nutritiva, embora tenha provocado desorganização no ápice radicular, não impediu o desenvolvimento da planta.
BnSP-6 (myotoxin I) is a phospholipase A2 homologue isolated from Bothrops neuwiedi pauloensis venom. Crystals of BnSP-6 were obtained which diffracted X-rays to 2.5 Angstrom resolution using a synchrotron radiation source at room temperature and belong to space group P3(1)21. The unit cell dimensions are a=b=57.7, c=131.1 Angstrom. The structure was solved by molecular replacement using the coordinates of bothropstoxin I from B. jararacussu venom. There are two molecules in the asymmetric unit.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Foi investigada a susceptibilidade de sete linhagens isogênicas de camundongos à infecção experimental, primária e secundária, por Strongyloides venezuelensis a fim de servir de base para estudos genéticos sobre a resistência. Foram utilizados 12 camundongos machos, com seis semanas de idade, das seguintes linhagens isogênicas: A/J, BALB/c, CBA/J, C3H/Hepos, C57BL/6, DBA/2 e NIH. Os animais foram inoculados, via sub-cutânea, com 2000 larvas infectantes. As contagens médias (± desvio padrão) de parasitas no intestino delgado dos camundongos seis dias após a infecção, em ordem crescente, foram: 28 (± 19) na linhagem NIH; 647 (± 228) na BALB/c; 709 (± 425) na DBA/2; 731 (± 151) na C3H/Hepos, 801 (± 174) na CBA/J; 1024 (± 267) na C57BL/6 e 1313 (± 483) na A/J. Os camundongos C57BL/6 apresentaram as mais elevadas contagens de ovos de S. venezuelensis por grama de fezes (OPG) e os NIH, as mais baixas. Não foram detectados ovos nos exames de fezes e não foram encontrados parasitas no intestino delgado dos animais re-infectados 14 dias após a infecção primária. A linhagem NIH apresentou elevada resistência contra as infecções primárias por S. venezuelensis. Entre as outras seis linhagens, uma das mais susceptíveis foi a linhagem C57BL/6.
The spatial and seasonal distributions of Callinectes danae Smith, 1869, in Ubatuba Bay, São Paulo, Brazil, were investigated as a part of a broad study on the general biology of portunids along the northern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil. Swimming crabs were collected during one year, from September 1995 to August 1996, along eight transects determined according to local physiographic features. Three replicate trawls were performed monthly at each transect. Depth. salinity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, organic matter content, and texture of the sediment were measured. Callinectes danae individuals were concentrated in shallow water close to the discharge of estuaries where the bottom is composed of fine and very fine sand. The species was more abundant in the warmer months. During the study period, C. danae exhibited continuous reproduction with a peak of reproductive intensity in June. Within this area, some sites are particularly favorable for C. danae establishment due to a combination of factors and prevailing local conditions.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study, of qualitative nature, it aimed to investigate attitudes capable to foment pro-environmental behaviour, during one walked. The "Caminho da Fe" was chosen, with 425 km-itinerary trail between Tamba and Aparecida/SP, which attracts tourists, physical activities performers and religious persons. After a literature review on the thematic one, was made an exploratory research, with a random sample, of seven adults, of both sexes, using a mixed questionnaire and "Thompson e Barton's Scale of Ecocentrism and Anthropocentrism", applied in the stop places, or three times: at the beginning, in the middle of the way and at the end of the itinerary. The qualitative analysis was made by the use of "Thematic Content Analysis", with results also presented in a percentile way, to illustrate. As conclusion, it is inferred that, even the stimulation has ceased with the ending of the hike, the intensity, amount and quality of the experience had stimulated reflection processes, associated to variations on physical and social environmental conditions, the predispose to the dialogue and the symbolic identification, at which, had collaborated so that the participants had been able to perceive possibilities of conduction and transitions of values and new senses for their lives.