505 resultados para heritability


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In Brazil, due to the breeding season for Thoroughbred, the reproductive data are normally truncate, since the breeders try to get animals that were born at the beginning of the breeding season in order to take their competitive advantages (more developed, mature and trained animals) compared to animals born later in the same breeding season. To analyze these data suitable methods should be used. Then, this paper aims to compare three methodologies: the method of maximum restricted likelihood, using MTDFREML, bayesian analysis without censured data by software MTGSAM and bayesian analysis with censured data by software LMCD, to evaluate age at first conception in thoroughbred mares, in order to verify its impact on the choice of stallions during selection. The database contained 3509 records for age at first conception (months) for thoroughbred mares. The heritability estimates were 0.23, 0.30 and 0.0926 (log scale), for MTDF, MTGSAM and LMCD, respectively. Considering all animals in the pedigree (6713), ranking correlations varied from 0.91 to 0.99. When only stallions were considered (656), those varied from 0.48 to 0.99 (considering different percentages of selected males) between evalua-tion methods. The highest changes in the general classification were observed when LMCD was compared to the other two methods. As the linear censured model is the most suitable for trait analysis with censured data, it was observed that censure information would lead to the choice of different animals during the selection process, when compared to the two other methodologies.


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Background: The sequencing and publication of the cattle genome and the identification of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) molecular markers have provided new tools for animal genetic evaluation and genomic-enhanced selection. These new tools aim to increase the accuracy and scope of selection while decreasing generation interval. The objective of this study was to evaluate the enhancement of accuracy caused by the use of genomic information (Clarifide® - Pfizer) on genetic evaluation of Brazilian Nellore cattle. Review: The application of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) is recognized as one of the most practical approaches to modern genetic improvement. Genomic selection is perhaps most suited to the improvement of traits with low heritability in zebu cattle. The primary interest in livestock genomics has been to estimate the effects of all the markers on the chip, conduct cross-validation to determine accuracy, and apply the resulting information in GWAS either alone [9] or in combination with bull test and pedigree-based genetic evaluation data. The cost of SNP50K genotyping however limits the commercial application of GWAS based on all the SNPs on the chip. However, reasonable predictability and accuracy can be achieved in GWAS by using an assay that contains an optimally selected predictive subset of markers, as opposed to all the SNPs on the chip. The best way to integrate genomic information into genetic improvement programs is to have it included in traditional genetic evaluations. This approach combines traditional expected progeny differences based on phenotype and pedigree with the genomic breeding values based on the markers. Including the different sources of information into a multiple trait genetic evaluation model, for within breed dairy cattle selection, is working with excellent results. However, given the wide genetic diversity of zebu breeds, the high-density panel used for genomic selection in dairy cattle (Ilumina Bovine SNP50 array) appears insufficient for across-breed genomic predictions and selection in beef cattle. Today there is only one breed-specific targeted SNP panel and genomic predictions developed using animals across the entire population of the Nellore breed (www.pfizersaudeanimal.com), which enables genomically - enhanced selection. Genomic profiles are a way to enhance our current selection tools to achieve more accurate predictions for younger animals. Material and Methods: We analyzed the age at first calving (AFC), accumulated productivity (ACP), stayability (STAY) and heifer pregnancy at 30 months (HP30) in Nellore cattle fitting two different animal models; 1) a traditional single trait model, and 2) a two-trait model where the genomic breeding value or molecular value prediction (MVP) was included as a correlated trait. All mixed model analyses were performed using the statistical software ASREML 3.0. Results: Genetic correlation estimates between AFC, ACP, STAY, HP30 and respective MVPs ranged from 0.29 to 0.46. Results also showed an increase of 56%, 36%, 62% and 19% in estimated accuracy of AFC, ACP, STAY and HP30 when MVP information was included in the animal model. Conclusion: Depending upon the trait, integration of MVP information into genetic evaluation resulted in increased accuracy of 19% to 62% as compared to accuracy from traditional genetic evaluation. GE-EPD will be an effective tool to enable faster genetic improvement through more dependable selection of young animals.


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Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake is outstanding for valuable wood production potential, adaptation plasticity for different environmental conditions, and for tolerance to canker. However, genetic improvement of this specie in Brazil depends on the existence of genetic variability in the introduced populations. The objective of this study was to investigate the genetic variation and gains in quantitative traits in a population established in 1992 in Selvíria - MS. The progeny trial was established in a partially balanced, 8 x 8 lattice design, with 64 families, collected at Anhembi Experimental Station (IPEF/ESALQ/USP). Each plot was made up of eight trees planted in a 3 × 3 m spacing. Significant among families genetic variations were observed in diameter at breast height (DBH), bark type, stem form, and survival. Estimates of average family heritability were high for all traits, ranging from 0.50 to 0.85. The simulated selection by using multi-effect index showed that under a varying number of plants per family. This method is the most indicated to maximize genetic gains (7.24%) and the effective population size (69.3). These results are a useful support for the transformation of this test into a seedling seed orchard and to become a source of vegetative material to build a clonal seed orchard.


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Data from a multibreed commercial flock located at Mid-West of Brazil, supported by Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Caprinos e Ovinos de Corte (GENECOC), were used to estimate genetic parameters of traits related to ewe productivity by Average Information Restricted Maximum Likelihood method applied to an animal model. The analyzed traits were litter weight at birth (LWB) and at weaning (LWW), ewe weight at weaning (EW) and ewe production efficiency, estimated by WEE=LWW/EW 0.75. The heritabilities were 0.26±0.05, 0.32±0.06, 0.37±0.03 and 0.10±0.02 for LWB, LWW, EW and WEE, respectively. Significant effects for direct heterosis were observed for LWW and EW. Recombination losses were important for EW and WEE. Genetic correlations of LWB with LWW, EW and WEE were 0.68, 0.37 and 0.15, respectively; of LWW with EW and WEE were 0.30 and 0.34, respectively; and between EW and WEE was -0.25. Even though it is a low heritability trait, WEE can be indicated as a selection criteria for improving the ewe productivity without increasing the mature weight of animals due to its genetic correlations with LWW and other traits. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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Intensive deforestation and forest fragmentation of the Brazilian forest biomes has contributed to increase the number of trees species under the risk of extinction. Peltophorum dubium (Sprengel) Taubert is one of these species. Some of its populations are being conserved ex situ by the Instituto Florestal de São Paulo through provenance and progeny tests. The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic variation and to estimate genetic parameters at age 24 years in a progeny test of P. dubium established in Luiz Antônio, São Paulo State, Brazil. The trial was established in a random block design, with six replications, five plants per plot and 18 open-pollinated progenies. Measured were: diameter at breast height (DBH), height and stem form. The genetic parameters heritability, genetic variation and effective population size were estimated. Significant genetic differences were observed only for DBH. This trait also presented a high coefficient of genetic variation (CV g=4.8%) and heritability, especially among progeny means (h m 2=0.6607). This indicates that DBH is the most indicated trait for selection in the population. The effective population size conserved ex situ in the test was estimated to be 38.9. Concerning genetic conservation, although the effective population size in the test is small, the values of the genetic variation and of the heritability indicate that the ex situ population has sufficient genetic variation and potential to respond to changes promoted by natural and artificial selection.


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The reproductive efficiency of Nellore females was described on the basis of sexual precocity, staying productive in the herd (NP), maternal productivity (PM) and estimated cost for maintenance (CM). The combination of these traits resulted in the bioeconomic maternal revenue index (RMat) ensures reproductive efficiency. The index estimates the return in kilograms of live weight produced per cow per year. In addition, the composition of calf weight produced was considered, adding to the PM the information on the scores of conformation, muscling and early finishing at weaning, in order to input the calf biotype. The females considered precocious had their age at first calving before 30 months. The NP was expressed by the number of calving till 53 months of age. The CM was calculated according to the estimated feed intake of dry matter. The estimated average RMat was 62.02±24.12 kg/ cow/year. Estimates of additive genetic and residual variances for RMat, using restricted maximum likelihood under a single trait animal model was equal to 195.35 and 242.96, respectively. The heritability estimated was 0.45±0.02, indicating that RMat is inheritable and can be applied in the breeding program to improve reproductive efficiency. The NP was the main component of variation for RMat. Sires selected based on RMat tended to have more efficient daughters.


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Aiming to establish selection criteria for the Brahman cattle in Brazil, the objective of this paper was to estimate genetic and environmental parameters for birth weight (BW), gestation length (GL) and scrotal circumference at 365 (SC365), 455 (SC455) and 550 (SC 550) days of age, and relative efficiency of indirect versus direct selection for these traits. Data were obtained from 15 851 animals belonging to 16 herds in six states, enrolled in a genetic breeding program. (Co)variance and heritability coefficients and genetic and environmental correlations between traits were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood (REML) under a multi trait animal model. The model included as fixed effects the contemporary group and the age of cow at calving as a covariate (linear and quadratic), and as random the direct genetic, the permanent environmental and residual effects. For BW and GL it was also considered the maternal genetic effect as random. Estimates of direct heritabilities were 0.36, 0.29, 0.55, 0.43 and 0.40 for BW, GL, SC365, SC455 and SC550, respectively. Genetic correlations between BW and GL, GL and SC365, GL and SC455, GL and SC550, SC365 and SC455, SC365 and SC550 and SC455 and SC550, were respectively 0.06, 0.13, 0.20, 0.13, 0.96, 0.98 and 0.99. The heritabilities estimates for all traits indicated these show enough additive genetic variability to respond favorably to selection. For sexual precocity, the best option would be SC365, due to the high value of heritability and to indirect selection at this age being more efficient than direct selection for PE455.


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Random regression models have been widely used to estimate genetic parameters that influence milk production in Bos taurus breeds, and more recently in B. indicus breeds. With the aim of finding appropriate random regression model to analyze milk yield, different parametric functions were compared, applied to 20,524 test-day milk yield records of 2816 first-lactation Guzerat (B. indicus) cows in Brazilian herds. The records were analyzed by random regression models whose random effects were additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual, and whose fixed effects were contemporary group, the covariable cow age at calving (linear and quadratic effects), and the herd lactation curve. The additive genetic and permanent environmental effects were modeled by the Wilmink function, a modified Wilmink function (with the second term divided by 100), a function that combined third-order Legendre polynomials with the last term of the Wilmink function, and the Ali and Schaeffer function. The residual variances were modeled by means of 1, 4, 6, or 10 heterogeneous classes, with the exception of the last term of the Wilmink function, for which there were 1, from 0.20 to 0.33. Genetic correlations between adjacent records were high values (0.83-0.99), but they declined when the interval between the test-day records increased, and were negative between the first and last records. The model employing the Ali and Schaeffer function with six residual variance classes was the most suitable for fitting the data. © FUNPEC-RP.


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Body size is directly related to the productive and reproductive performance of beef cattle raised under free-range conditions. In an attempt to better plan selection criteria, avoiding extremes in body size, this study estimated the heritabilities and genetic correlations of yearling hip height (YH) and mature hip height (MH) with selection indices obtained at weaning (WI) and yearling (YI) and mature weight (MW). Data from 102,373 Nelore animals born between 1984 and 2010, which belong to 263 farms that participate in genetic evaluation programmes of beef cattle conducted in Brazil and Paraguay, were used. The (co)variance components and genetic parameters were estimated by Bayesian inference in multi-trait analysis using an animal model. The mean heritabilities for YH, MH and MW were 0. 56 ± 0. 06, 0. 47 ± 0. 02 and 0. 42 ± 0. 02, respectively. The genetic correlation of YH with WI (0. 13 ± 0. 01) and YI (0. 11 ± 0. 01) was practically zero, whereas a higher correlation was observed with MW (0. 22 ± 0. 03). Positive genetic correlations of medium magnitude were estimated between MH and WI and YI (0. 23 ± 0. 01 and 0. 43 ± 0. 02, respectively). On the other hand, a high genetic correlation (0. 68 ± 0. 03) was observed between the indicator traits of mature body size (MH and MW). Considering the top 20 % of sire (896 sires) in terms of breeding values for the yearling index, the rank sire correlations between breeding values for MH and MW was 0. 62. In general, the results indicate that selection based on WI and YI should not lead to important changes in YH. However, an undesired correlated response in mature cow height is expected, particularly when selection is performed using YI. Therefore, changes in the body structure of Nelore females can be obtained when MH and MW is used as a selection criterion for cows. © 2012 Institute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan.


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The objective of this study was to define production environments by grouping different environmental factors and, consequently, to assess genotype by production environment interactions on weaning weight (WW) in the Angus populations of Brazil and Uruguay. Climatic conditions were represented by monthly temperature means (°C), minimum and maximum temperatures in winter and summer respectively and accumulated rainfall (mm/year). Mode in month of birth and weaning, and calf weight (kg) and age (days) at weaning were used as indicators of management conditions of 33 and 161 herds in 13 and 34 regions in Uruguay and Brazil, respectively. Two approaches were developed: (a) a bi-character analysis of extreme sub-datasets within each environmental factor (bottom and top 33% of regions), (b) three different production environments (including farms from both countries) were defined in a cluster analysis using standardized environmental factors. To identify the variables that influenced the cluster formation, a discriminant analysis was previously carried out. Management (month, age and weight at weaning) and climatic factors (accumulated rainfalls and winter and summer temperatures) were the most important factors in the clustering of farms. Bi or trivariate analyses were performed to estimate heritability and genetic correlations for WW in extreme sub-datasets within environmental factor or between clusters, using MTDFREML software. Heritability estimates of WW in the first approach ranged from 0.27 to 0.54, and genetic correlations between top and bottom sub-datasets within environmental factors, from -0.29 to 0.70. In the cluster approach, heritabilities were 0.58±0.04 for cluster 1, 0.31±0.01 for Cluster 2 and 0.40±0.02 for Cluster 3. Genetic correlations were 0.27±0.08, 0.32±0.09 and 0.33±0.09, between clusters 1 and 2, 1 and 3, and 2 and 3, respectively. Both approaches suggest the existence of genotype x environment interaction for weaning weight in Angus breed of Brazil and Uruguay. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The objective of the present study was to determine the presence of genotype by environment interaction (G × E) and to characterize the phenotypic plasticity of birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), postweaning weight gain (PWG) and yearling scrotal circumference (SC) in composite beef cattle using the reaction norms model with unknown covariate. The animals were born between 1995 and 2008 on 33 farms located throughout all Brazilian biomes between latitude -7 and -31, longitude -40 and -63. The contemporary group was chosen as the environmental descriptor, that is, the environmental covariate of the reaction norms. In general, higher estimates of direct heritability were observed in extreme favorable environments. The mean of direct heritability across the environmental gradient ranged from 0.05 to 0.51, 0.09 to 0.43, 0.01 to 0.43 and from 0.12 to 0.26 for BW, WW, PWG and SC, respectively. The variation in direct heritability observed indicates a different response to selection according to the environment in which the animals of the population are evaluated. The correlation between the level and slope of the reaction norm for BW and PWG was high, indicating that animals with higher average breeding values responded better to improvement in environmental conditions, a fact characterizing a scale of G × E. Low correlation between the intercept and slope was obtained for WW and SC, implying re-ranking of animals in different environments. Genetic variation exists in the sensitivity of animals to the environment, a fact that permits the selection of more plastic or robust genotypes in the population studied. Thus, the G × E is an important factor that should be considered in the genetic evaluation of the present population of composite beef cattle. © The Animal Consortium 2012.


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A total of 61,528 weight records from 22,246 Nellore animals born between 1984 and 2002 were used to compare different multiple-trait analysis methods for birth to mature weights. The following models were used: standard multivarite model (MV), five reduced-rank models fitting the first 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 genetic principal components, and five models using factor analysis with 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 factors. Direct additive genetic random effects and residual effects were included in all models. In addition, maternal genetic and maternal permanent environmental effects were included as random effects for birth and weaning weight. The models included contemporary group as fixed effect and age of animal at recording (except for birth weight) and age of dam at calving as linear and quadratic effects (for birth weight and weaning weight). The maternal genetic, maternal permanent environmental and residual (co)variance matrices were assumed to be full rank. According to model selection criteria, the model fitting the three first principal components (PC3) provided the best fit, without the need for factor analysis models. Similar estimates of phenotypic, direct additive and maternal genetic, maternal permanent environmental and residual (co)variances were obtained with models MV and PC3. Direct heritability ranged from 0.21 (birth weight) to 0.45 (weight at 6 years of age). The genetic and phenotypic correlations obtained with model PC3 were slightly higher than those estimated with model MV. In general, the reduced-rank model substantially decreased the number of parameters in the analyses without reducing the goodness-of-fit. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Cattle resistance to ticks is measured by the number of ticks infesting the animal. The model used for the genetic analysis of cattle resistance to ticks frequently requires logarithmic transformation of the observations. The objective of this study was to evaluate the predictive ability and goodness of fit of different models for the analysis of this trait in cross-bred Hereford x Nellore cattle. Three models were tested: a linear model using logarithmic transformation of the observations (MLOG); a linear model without transformation of the observations (MLIN); and a generalized linear Poisson model with residual term (MPOI). All models included the classificatory effects of contemporary group and genetic group and the covariates age of animal at the time of recording and individual heterozygosis, as well as additive genetic effects as random effects. Heritability estimates were 0.08 ± 0.02, 0.10 ± 0.02 and 0.14 ± 0.04 for MLIN, MLOG and MPOI models, respectively. The model fit quality, verified by deviance information criterion (DIC) and residual mean square, indicated fit superiority of MPOI model. The predictive ability of the models was compared by validation test in independent sample. The MPOI model was slightly superior in terms of goodness of fit and predictive ability, whereas the correlations between observed and predicted tick counts were practically the same for all models. A higher rank correlation between breeding values was observed between models MLOG and MPOI. Poisson model can be used for the selection of tick-resistant animals. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.


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The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for growth traits in Somalis Brasileira hair sheep breed. The data used in this study were from the flock of Embrapa Caprinos and Ovinos, located in the city of Sobral - CE, Brazil. Data contained records of 1,120 animals in the pedigree file. The analyzed traits were birth weight (PN), weaning weight (PD), weight gain from birth to weaning (GND) and adult weight (PA). Estimates of (co)variances and genetic parameters were obtained by Derivative Free Restricted Maximum Likelihood Method (DFREML) using the MTDFREML software. The heritabilities were low to moderate in univariate analysis. The maternal heritabilities were higher than direct heritabilities. The heritabilities in multivariate analysis exceeded those in univariate analysis. The values of genetic correlations varied widely.


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The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic parameters involving yearling weight (Ps), carcass weight (Pc), hip height (Ag) and the scores of conformation (C), precocity (P) and musculature (M) and carcass yield (Rd) and finishing score (Ac) in Nellore cattle in order to define criteria for selection in this breed. The data of the 20 732 animals were obtained from Agrope-cuária Jacarezinho, SP. Data were analyzed by restricted maximum likelihood using animal model multi-trait analysis, which included fixed effects of contemporary groups (animals born at the same month and slaughtered on the same day) and the covariate age at slaughter (linear) for carcass traits, and contemporary groups (animals of the same farm, age, sex and management group at weaning and yearling) and yearling age (linear) for growth and as random, the additive effects and residual effects. Estimates ranged from 0.13 (Ac and Rd) to 0.36 (Ag) for heritability and from -0.59 ± 0.62 (Rd with Ac) to 0.71 ± 0.17 (Pc with C) for genetic correlations. Selection for Pc, C, P, M, Ag or Ps may be efficient because their heritability estimates are of magnitude moderate. Selection for Ps and C can favor heavier Pc, considering their positive and high genetic correlation.