582 resultados para esterilização cirúrgica
Trata-se de paciente do sexo feminino, com 59 anos de idade, procedente de Itaporanga (SP), diabética e nefropata crônica, internada em virtude de surtos de pielonefnte e insuficiência renal aguda. Dentre outras medidas terapêuticas, recebeu transfusão de sangue. Cerca de dois dias após a última transfusão (sangue oriundo de doador, posteriormente identificado como chagásico) encontraram-se formas tripomastigotas de Trypanosoma cruzi em lâmina preparada para execução de hemograma. Iniciou-se tratamento com Benzonidazol. A paciente cursou para, pleuropneumonia e de secreção purulenta cirúrgica isolou-se Klebsiella spp. A septicemia conduziu a paciente ao êxito letal. Nenhuma lesão tecidual foi observada no miocárdio, no sistema nervoso central, adrenal ou nos demais órgãos examinados.
CONTEXTO: Embora cerca de 30% a 50% dos pacientes hospitalizados em unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI) recebam algum tipo de sedativo, existe escassez de informações sobre efeitos adversos desta prática, especialmente no Brasil. Estes efeitos podem ser significantes e o uso de sedativos é associado a elevação de infecção e mortalidade, mesmo sendo difícil avaliar o impacto clínico deste procedimento. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto da sedação sobre incidência de complicações e mortalidade em doentes graves durante internação em unidade de terapia intensiva. TIPO DE ESTUDO: Estudo prospectivo. LOCAL: Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Cirúrgica da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) - Escola Paulista de Medicina. PARTICIPANTES: Após excluídos pacientes que permaneceram menos de 24 horas ou sem exames indispensáveis para o cálculo do índice de gravidade (APACHE II), restaram 307 pacientes. Estes foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo Sedado e Grupo Não Sedado. Constatada heterogeneidade com relação ao APACHE II, foram pareados 97 sedados e 97 não sedados com idênticos índices de gravidade. VARIÁVEIS ESTUDADAS: Impacto da sedação e das técnicas sobre a mortalidade, tempo de internação, além da incidência de escara de decúbito ou pressão, trombose venosa profunda e infecção. RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença na incidência de trombose venosa profunda, entre os grupos Sedado e Não Sedado, enquanto que escara de decúbito foi significativamente maior nos sedados (p = 0,03). Infecção foi detectada em 45,4% dos pacientes com sedação e em 21,6% dos pacientes sem sedação (p = 0,006). A mortalidade para os pacientes que não receberam qualquer tipo de sedativo foi de 20,6% e, para aqueles que foram sedados durante a internação, foi de 52,6% (p < 0,0001). CONCLUSÕES: Conclui-se que a sedação está associada a maior duração da internação, morbidade e mortalidade significativas. Apesar da intensidade das associações encontradas, não é possível estabelecer relação causal entre sedação e mortalidade.
During ischemia, the cell structures are progressively damaged, but restoration of the blood flow, paradoxically, intensifies the lesions caused by the ischemia. The mechanisms of ischemia injury and reperfusion (I/R) have not been completely defined and many studies have been realized in an attempt to find an ideal therapy for mesenteric I/R. The occlusion and reperfusion of the splanchnic arteries provokes local and systemic alterations principally derived from the release of cytotoxic substances and the interaction between neutrophils and endothelial cells. Substances involved in the process are discussed in the present review, like oxygen-derived free radicals, nitric oxide, transcription factors, complement system, serotonin and pancreatic proteases. The mechanisms of apoptosis, alterations in other organs, therapeutic and evaluation methods are also discussed.
The use of masks is generally accepted as a means of protecting the individual against microbial pathogens that might be inhaled in unhealthy environments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of disposable surgical masks sold in Brazil, against coliforms in aerosols emitted by the aerators of a sanitary sewage treatment station. The filtration efficiency varied from 50.9% to 99.9% for 6 masks from different sources.
Purpose: To determine the number of podocyte, slit diaphragms, slit diaphragm extensions and GBM thickness in diabetic nephropathy. Methods: Sixty Rattus Wistarof both sexes weighing 200-300g were divided in two experimental groups: normal group 10 animals, and alloxan diabetic rats - 50 animals. Alloxan was administered in a single IV dose of 42mg/kg body weight. Body weight, water and food intake, diuresis, and blood and urine glucose were determined in both groups before alloxan injection and two weeks, six and twelve months after alloxan injection. Proteinuria was measured at 12 months in both groups. After 12 months animals were sacrificed, and the right kidney processed for electron microscopy. Results: Clear clinical and laboratory signs of severe diabetes were seen, in all alloxan-diabetic rats at all follow-up times. Glomerular basement membrane (GBM) thickening, podocyte number, and slit diaphragm number and extension were determined. GBM of all diabetic rats was significantly thicker (median=0.29μm; semi-interquartile range=0.065μm) than in the normal rats (0.23μm; 0.035μm). Diabetic rat podocyte number (8; 1), slit diaphragm number (4; 1), and slit diaphragm extension (0.021μm; 0.00435μm) were significantly lower than in normal rats (11; 1) and (7; 1.5), and (0.031μm; 0.0058μm). Diabetic rat proteinuria (0.060mg/24h; 0.037mg/24h) was higher than in normal rats (0.00185mg/24h; 0.00055mg/24h). Conclusion: Experimental diabetes is associated with significant (p<0.05) changes in podocyte foot process, slit number, slit diaphragm extension, and GBM thickness.
Purpose: To analyze, in vitro, the effects of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and acetic acid solutions on VX2 carcinoma cells in suspension and to examine the correlation between these effects and neoplastic cell death. Methods: The VX2 tumor cells (107 cells/ml) were incubated in solutions containing differing concentrations (2.5% and 5%) of either acetylsalicylic acid or acetic acid, or in saline solution (controls). Every five minutes, cell viability was tested (using the trypan blue test) and analyzed under light microscopy. Results: Tumor cell viability (in %) decreased progressively and, by 30 minutes, neoplastic cell death had occurred in all solutions. Conclusion: Based on this experimental model and the methodology employed, we conclude that these solutions cause neoplastic cell death in vitro.
Purpose: Interposition of a jejunal tube between the common bile duct and duodenum. Methods: Five adult mongrel dogs of both sexes, weighing on average 22.3 kg (18 to 26.5 kg), were used. Obstructive jaundice was induced by ligation of the distal common bile duct. After one week, a 2.5-cm long jejunal tube was fabricated from a segment of the loop removed 15 cm from the Treitz angle and interposed between the common bile duct and duodenum. Results: The animals presented good clinical evolution and no complications were observed. After 6 weeks, complete integration was noted between the bile duct mucosa, tube and duodenum and a significant reduction in total bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase was observed when compared to the values obtained one week after ligation of the common bile duct. Conclusion: The jejunal tube interposed between the dilated bile duct and duodenum showed good anatomic integration and reduced total bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase levels in the animals studied.
Purpose: to investigate if combining VT to DGR through the pylorus can modulate the biological behavior of PL induced by DGR and to verify if TV alone can induce morphologic lesions in the gastric mucosa. Methods: 62 male Wistar rats were assigned to four groups: 1 - Control (CT) gastrotomy; 2 - Troncular Vagotomy (TV) plus gastrotomy; 3 - Duodenogastric reflux through the pylorus (R) and 4 - Troncular vagotomy plus DGR (RTV). The animals were killed at the 54 week of the experiment. DGR was obtained by anastomosing a proximal jejunal loop to the anterior gastric wall. TV was performed through isolation and division of the vagal trunks. Gastrotomy consisted of 1 cm incision at the anterior gastric wall. PL were analyzed gross and histologically in the antral mucosa, at the gastrojejunal stoma and at the squamous portion of the gastric mucosa. Results: Groups R and RTV developed exophytic lesions in the antral mucosa (R=90.9%; RTV=100%) and at the gastrojejunal stoma (R=54.54%; RTV=63.63%). Histologically they consisted of proliferative benign lesions, without cellular atypias, diagnosed as adenomatous hyperplasia. Both groups exposed to DGR presented squamous hyperplasia at the squamous portion of the gastric mucosa (R= 54.5%; RTV= 45.4%). TV, alone, did not induce gross or histological alterations in the gastric mucosa. TV did note change the morphologic pattern of the proliferative lesions induced by DGR. Conclusions: DGR induces the development of PL in the pyloric mucosa and at the gastrojejunal stoma. TV does not change the morphologic pattern of the proliferative lesions induced by DGR. TV alone is not able to induce morphologic lesions in the gastric mucosa.
Purpose: To elaborate an experimental model of pulmonary carcinogenesis in Wistar rats. Methods: Male Rattus norvegicus albinus, Wistar lineage was carried through an intra-pulmonary instillation of the Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) dilution in alcohol 70%, a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon widely known by its power of tumoral induction. Three experimental groups had been formed with 08 animals each: Control Group (Alcohol 70%); B[a]P Group 10 mg/kg; e B[a]P Group 20mg/ kg, submitted to euthanasia 08, 10, 12 and 14 weeks after the experimental procedure. The pulmonary sections had been colored by hematoxilin-eosin (HE) and submitted to the morphometrical analysis to describe the tissue alterations. Results: The presence of diffuse inflammatory alterations was observed in all groups, however, at the analysis of the pulmonary tissue of the experimental groups, it had been observed hyperplasic alterations (BALT hyperplasia), and in one of the animals of the experimental group 20mg/kg (12 weeks), it was noticed the presence of cellular epithelial tracheal pleomorphism, suggesting the adenocarcinoma formation in situ. Conclusion: The main secondary alterations to the intra-pulmonary instillation of B[a]P in Wistar rats were: cellular proliferation, inflammatory alterations of several degrees and nodular lymphoid hyperplasias. The association of an activator agent of the pulmonary metabolic reply is necessary to establish the ideal reply-dose to the development of the lung cancer.
Purpose: To establish an experimental model of traumatic ulcer in rat cheek mucosa for utilization in future alternative therapy studies. Methods: A total of 60 adult male rats (250 - 300g) were used. Ulceration of the left cheek mucosa was provoked by abrasion using a n o 15 scalpel blade. The animals were observed for 10 days, during which they were weighed and their ulcers were measured. The histological characteristics were analyzed and scored according to the ulcer phase. In the statistical analysis, a value of p<0.01 was considered a statistically significant response in all cases. Results: During the five first days, the animals lost weight (Student t test, p<0.01). The ulcerated area receded linearly over time and was almost completely cicatrized after 10 days (ANOVA, Tendency post-test, p<0.0001). Groups on days 1, 2 and 3 days displayed similar results, but a decrease in scores were observed after the 4th day. Conclusion: The proposed cheek mucosa ulcer model in rats can be considered an efficient, low-cost, reliable, and reproducible method.
PURPOSE: To present fundamental anatomical aspects and technical skills necessary to urethra and urinary bladder catheterization in female mice and rats. METHODS: Urethral and bladder catheterization has been widely utilized for carcinogenesis and cancer research and still remains very useful in several applications: from toxicological purposes as well as inflammatory and infectious conditions to functional aspects as bladder dynamics and vesicoureteral reflux, among many others. RESULTS: Animal models are in the center of translational research and those involving rodents are the most important nowadays due to several advantages including human reproducibility, easy handling and low cost. CONCLUSIONS: Although technical and anatomical pearls for rodent urethral and bladder access are presented as tackles to the advancement of lower urinary tract preclinical investigation in a broaden sight, restriction to female animals hampers the male microenvironment, demanding future advances.
Purpose: To determine the effects of end-to-side nerve repair performed only with fibrin glue containing nerve growth in rats. Methods: Seventy two Wistar rats were divided into six equal groups: group A was not submitted to nerve section; group B was submitted to nerve fibular section only. The others groups had the nerve fibular sectioned and then repaired in the lateral surface of an intact tibial nerve, with different procedures: group C: ETS with sutures; group D: ETS with sutures and NGF; group E: ETS with FG only; group F: ETS with FG containing NGF. The motor function was accompanied and the tibial muscle mass, the number and diameter of muscular fibers and regenerated axons were measured. Results: All the analyzed variables did not show any differences among the four operated groups (p>0.05), which were statistically superior to group B (p<0.05), but inferior to group A (p>0.05). Conclusion: The end-to-side nerve repair presented the same recovery pattern, independent from the repair used, showing that the addition of nerve growth factor in fibrin glue was not enough for the results potentiating.
In the majority of cases of bone fracture requiring surgery, orthopedic implants (screw-plate and screw) are used for osteosynthesis and the infections associated with such implants are due to the growth of microorganisms in biofilms. The objective of this study was to identify microorganisms recovered from osteosynthesis implants used to fix bone fractures, to assess the viability of the cells and the ability of staphylococci to adhere to a substrate and to determine their sensitivity/resistance to antimicrobials. After surgical removal, the metal parts of austenitic stainless steel (ASTM F138/F139 or ISO NBR 5832-1/9) were transported to the Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology, washed in buffer and subjected to ultrasonic bath at 40±2 kHz for 5 minutes. The sonicated fluid was used to seed solid culture media and cell viability was assessed under the microscope by with the aid of a fluorescent marker. The production of extracellular polysaccharide by Staphylococcus spp. was investigated by means of adhesion to a polystyrene plate. The profile of susceptibility to antimicrobials was determined by the disk diffusion assay. The most frequently isolated bacteria included coagulase-negative Staphylococcus resistant to erythromycin, clindamycin and oxacillin. Less frequent were Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and ampicillin, Acinetobacter baumannii resistant to ceftazidime, Enterobacter cloacae resistant to cephalothin, cefoxitin, cefazolin, levofloxacin and ciprofloxacin, Bacillus spp. and Candida tropicalis. The observation of slides by fluorescence microscope showed clusters of living cells embedded in a transparent matrix. The test for adherence of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus to a polystyrene plate showed that these microorganisms produce extracellular polysaccharide. In conclusion, the metal parts were colonized by bacteria related to orthopedic implant infection, which were resistant to multiple antibiotics.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)