389 resultados para cargas de Mülliken
Nos últimos anos tem surgido vários métodos para se estudar sistemas multicorpos. A vantagem destes métodos é a obtenção das equações do movimento de forma mais fácil e precisa. Robôs, manipuladores, mecanismos, satélites, máquinas em geral e sistemas biomcânicos, pelas suas características, podem ser vantajosamente tratados por formalismo multicorpo, mas precisamente, o método de Kane a um modelo do corpo humano, com a finalidade de se determinar a pressão intradiscal entre as vértebras L4/L5 da coluna lombar, em algumas atividades normais de vida diária, como: sentar, abaixar, pegar e elevar cargas, realizar movimentos de flexão e extensão. Pretendeu-se, também obter os esforços internos nas diversas articulações deste modelo. A pressão intradiscal representa um parâmetro importante para caracterizar a sobrecarga na coluna, podendo ter relação com a degeneração do disco intervertebral, o que produz muita dor em indivíduos. Inicialmente, o modelo foi proposto e o método de Kane foi aplicado para se obter as equações do movimento. Para resolvê-las, foi necessário realiza a filmagem de um sujeito realizando as atividades citadas, a fim de se obter as equações das trajetórias dos diversos segmentos do corpo humano. Após a simulação, os parâmetros desejados foram obtidos e comparados com valores experimentais citados na literatura.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Magnetic fields can be produced by natural magnets, artificial magnets, and by circulating electric currents in wires and solenoids. An interesting experiment to observe the interaction between the magnetic field and free charges in a conductor, a magnet falling inside a tube made of conductive materials. The slowing down of the magnet by the appearance of a field in the opposite direction to the original one (Lenz's Law) is function the number of free electrons in the conductor and the electrical properties of this. Based on this, the objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between the electrical properties of conductors, copper and aluminum, with magnetic force on a neodymium magnet-iron-boron magnet falling inside a copper tube and aluminum, positioned vertically. In performing this experiment, we observed that it is a demonstration of Lenz-Faraday’s Law
Load transportation in brazilian territory is made difficult by a deficient highway network, result of low maintenance and lack of government supervision. The problem aggravates when we consider the transportation of indivisible loads, mainly because the brazilian highways are not prepared for such task and few companies in Brazil have the necessary equipment suited for this kind of transport. In this dissertation it will be shown the analysis of a specific equipment to transport overweight indivisible loads, called hydraulic modular multi axle trailer. From an existing project (RB.04LE-01), manufactured and homologated in Brazil, it has been studied how the components in this trailer work so it could have been possible to elaborate a new model (RB.04LE-02), with two main objectives: reduction of costs and weight with subsequent increase in the liquid load for roadway transportation. The trailer’s components analyses were made utilizing the theory of fatigue strength of materials and finite element method with the von Misses criteria for a more safety when realizing the calculations
During the twentieth century the inorganic electronics was largely developed being present in various industrial equipment or household use. However, at the end of that century were verified electronic properties in organic compounds, giving rise to the field of organic electronics. Since then, the physical properties of elementary devices such as diodes and organic transistors have been studied. In this work was studied the properties of diode devices fabricated with a semiconductor polymer, the poly-o-methoxyaniline (POMA). Devices containing electrodes of Au and Al were fabricated with semiconductor polymer of different doping levels. We found that the rectifying behavior for the heterojunctions metal/polimer are reached only for high doping level (with conductivity greater than 1,77. 10-9 S / cm), which gives the devices characteristic of a Schottky diode. The rectifying behavior was observed for electric fields of low magnitude, below the operating field (~ 600 V/cm), while for electric field greater than 600 V/cm the a linear behavior I vs.V was obtained. We determined that this Ohmic behavior arises from the charge transport over the volume of the semiconductor material after the lowering of the metal/semiconductor barrier. In devices with weakly doped semiconductor, the electrical resistance of the volume becomes high and the process of charge transportation is dominated by the volume, for any intensity of the applied electric field
This paper aims to show practical and effectiveexperiencesfor lessons Industrial Automation Laboratory taught inundergraduate degreein ElectricalEngineering from the University Júlio MesquitaFilho - UNESP, Guaratinguetá. Experiments carriedsimulatecontrol and drive systems of electric three phase induction motors (MIT)widely usedinindustries. The experiments simulate a manufacturing environment where there isa need to control the activation and continuous operation ofelectricmotors. Seven experimentsthat simulatethe firing of electrical motors through a controlsystem, a driver along with asimulator loads coupled to the electric motor was developed. Experiments usinga Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) as acontroller,an inverter frequencyasdriver, and MagneticBrake, as simulatorengine loads . The experiments were divided accordingto the speed reference signal used fordrivingand operating the electric motor: digital and analog. The first five experiments performing the drive control and operation of the electric motor via digital signals. The sixth and seventh experiments using an analog signal as a reference speed for the electric motor
This paper discusses the importance of energy efficiency and the use of alternative energy sources, facing to the increasing energy demand and the concomitant economic, social and environmental restrictions imposed by society. In this work, alternative sources are illustrated by photovoltaic, micro turbines and fuel cells microgeneration systems. Energy efficiency is presented by direct current microgrids because its uses excludes the conversions of direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC) losses made with the intention of injecting energy into the electric grid and then the inverse conversion, AC to DC, in order to feed residential loads. The object of this paper is to analyze a case study and evaluates the costs and technical feasibility of a Project that combines a DC microgrid and a microgeneration system
In view of the need to develop a device for security and lateral protection, due to the Resolution 323/09 of CONTRAN, which requires the use of such equipment for most trucks and tow trucks, the objective of this work is to develop a project for an aluminum lateral protection device, according to the ABNT NBR 14.148 regulation, that, among many specifications, stipulates that the equipment must support a load of 5 kN and suffer a maximum deflection of 30mm, but does not say what material it should be made of. The reason for choosing aluminum is because of its low density, so as not to significantly increase the curb weight of the truck, which, consequently, reduces CO2 emissions and maintenance expenses. Additionally, this material presents a good resistance/weight ratio, high resistance to corrosion, excellent surface finish and it's fully recyclable; reason why it has been gaining the attention of many industry segments. For the realization of the project, profiles were chosen to make the assembly of the set, and then a finite elements analysis was performed in the HyperWorks software, to verify if the designed device would support the loads stipulated by the regulation. One details to note is that these simulation programs could show inaccuracies, because of the size and shape of the elements that compose the mesh, and for many other reasons, so it is necessary that, even with the results coming back satisfactory, actual physical tests are conducted to validate the proper functioning of the equipment, which was not done for this study
Indivíduos imunocomprometidos possuem maior risco de desenvolver linfomas associados ao EBV. A detecção desse vírus em sangue periférico e a determinação de sua carga viral podem ter importância na evolução clínica de indivíduos portadores do HIV. Foram avaliadas 156 amostras de pacientes HIVpositivos pela reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (qPCR) para detecção e quantificação da carga viral do EBV. 123/156 (78,8%) casos apresentaram carga viral detectável para o EBV, sendo que a carga viral média foi de 6,9x10-3 cópias de EBV/célula. Foi detectada elevada carga viral do EBV em indivíduos com falha terapêutica ou sem HAART (p =0,0076), em coinfectados pelos EBVs 1 e 2 (p=0,0205), em pacientes com altas cargas de HIV (rho=0,27614, p=0,0005) e longos períodos de infecção pelo HIV (rho= 0,24164, p =0,0026) e os que apresentavam altos níveis de linfócitos T CD8 + (rho=0,19286, p =0,0159). A amplificação do gene EBNA-2 para realização da tipagem viral foi possível em 95/123 (77,2%) amostras, das quais 72 (75,8%) revelaram infecção pelo EBV-1, 9 (9,5%) pelo EBV-2 e 14 (14,7%) apresentavam coinfecção entre os EBVs 1 e 2. Esses dados estão de acordo com a literatura visto que o tipo 1 é predominante em países ocidentais e 70,0% da coorte era composta por indivíduos caucasianos e heterossexuais. A maioria dos pacientes que apresentaram coinfecção pelos EBVs 1 e 2 tiveram contagem de linfócitos T CD4 + entre 200 e 499 células/μL de sangue segundo classificação CDC (p =0,0272). Quanto a analise do gene BNLF-1, a amplificação foi possível em 99/123 (80,5%). Desses 50/99 (50,5%) apresentavam a deleção de 30pb no gene, enquanto 49/99 (49,5%) não a possuíam. Em conjunto, os resultados obtidos evidenciam deterioração do sistema imunitário, caracterizada...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The approach of the subject matter in this work relies on the fact that the reliability of methods for performance analysis of materials proves critical for the result. This work focused on the development and presentation of the methodology for lifting probability curves for fatigue test (SN) according to standard E739, this focus is justified by the fact that the results in fatigue test show considerable dispersion making it difficult to reading and interpretation of data, this dispersion arises because the phenomenon of rupture is strongly influenced by internal characteristics of the material, we can then have much data ranging from test to test. Thus we set out originally for a brief study of aluminum alloys in question, as well as the treatments to which they were subjected. We also studied the behavior of materials when subjected to cyclic loading, which configures process of fatigue failure, and even fatigue test method in question. This statistical analysis is based on the ASTM E739 standard, so its contents was studied in detail so that we could present in detail the methodology and raise SN curves for different aluminum alloy 7012 subjected to fatigue test. Data were collected from tests conducted in the department of materials from two samples of aluminum alloy 7012 solubilized and precipitated by different time intervals and assayed temperature fatigue-type traction-compression, these data were then analyzed and used to survey curves using the base as E739. After lifting the curve analyzed the characteristics of the test samples and their correlation with the test results. We confirmed the effectiveness of the method of statistical analysis by ASME E739, which allowed the reading of data without this method would be very difficult to have a reading and comparison of the results for the two types... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This paper related the concepts of Branding and Storytelling with the purpose to demonstrate how stories can help the mark set up a solid relationship with their public. As we speak of a relation that involves communication processes, the ideas conveyed in this paper seek demonstrate to the professionals in this area, in especial way, the public relations, that the Storytelling could be a very important tool to the process of management of the mark. Before it get into this point, some characteristic and changes of the society and of the cosumers, to evidence news challenges that up-to-dates organizations have to face. After present this context, it moves in the direction of the understanding of the concepts of mark and branding, related those with the activities of the public relations. The marks are introduced in this paper as icons that have a virtual memory able to transmit emotional burden and meanings for the consumers. To finilize this, it introduces the concept of Storytelling and you’re applicability in the organizations, especially in branding process. Your contribution is very important as we see in the stories that are able to get the attention of many
The goal of this study was to identify some of the new responsibilities that have been assigned to the elementary school teachers , under the mediation of continuing education courses . We start from the idea that these courses , especially those offered by the SECADI, are proposed teachers and aims to train them for a performance at school that exceeds the activity of teaching in the classroom . The teacher has been summoned to attend these courses in which is prepared to act on school performing tasks rather related to the care of students than teaching , assisting them in their basic needs such as health, protection, inclusion and human rights. Asked ourselves if there was a reconfiguration of the responsibilities of education professionals in order to make use of oneself given by the State. We chose as sources of research documents the SECADI such as legislation , manuals and instructional materials that will proceed to the analysis , in each course , the target populations privileged , purpose, remuneration and certification , pre - requirements to participate in the courses and duration ; partnerships involved if the courses are face , semi-distance or distance ; activities that teacher should develop in school after completion of the courses ; loads hourly . We will seek to analyze the documents and materials of School programs that Protects, School Health Program , Network Education for Diversity. The theoretical and methodological framework is dialectical and historical materialism, from assumptions which we choose as the class character of society in capitalism and alienation as a phenomenon that affects the work in all its manifestations . Thus , our general hypothesis is that the enrichment tasks of teachers in public schools can contribute to basic disposition Teacher education
Dezesseis atletas treinados em musculação (grupo AN = 7) ou em corridas de longa distância (AE = 9) foram submetidos a exercícios de máxima intensidade específicos e inespecíficos a sua modalidade de treinamento. A influência da especificidade do treinamento sobre as alterações promovidas por sessões agudas de exercício exaustivo nos parâmetros hemodinâmicos, de dano muscular e de estresse oxidativo foi analisada, e foram comparados os padrões de resposta aos exercícios entre os dois grupos. Os testes máximos consistiram de teste exaustivo em esteira, utilizando protocolo de rampa, e teste com pesos utilizando cargas iniciais de 80% de 1RM, progressivamente reduzidas, até a exaustão, em dois exercícios que abrangeram grupos musculares distintos. Foram realizadas coletas de sangue antes e imediatamente após os exercícios para a determinação de indicadores de hemoconcentração, de lesão muscular, de processo inflamatório e determinação de parâmetros hemogasimétricos. A glicemia se elevou significativamente após os testes somente para o grupo AE. Foram verificados aumentos significativos na acidose devidos a elevação das concentrações de lactato, H+ combinados a redução do HCO3-. Foram observadas variações significativas nas concentrações dos íons sódio e potássio. Também houveram aumentos significativos nas concentrações de CPK e DHL. Além disso, houveram elevações das concentrações plasmáticas e dos leucócitos. Dentro dos parâmetros analisados, as respostas observadas não foram uniformes em comparação aos dois grupos, e houve variação também interna aos grupos, quando comparados os exercícios específicos aos inespecíficos. Os resultados apontam que embora seja esperada uma resposta metabólica característica após o esforço físico exaustivo, a especificidade do treinamento é determinante sobre os processos adaptativos... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
In the current decade, inter modal transport is widely discussed. In Brazil road transport is used in excess whereas there could be more focus and investment towards water transport. Water transport presents many benefits like being low cost and low maintenance. Sea and river ports today aren't capable of supporting Brazil's transport needs. Therefore, with this obstacle, this paper consists of an attempt of modeling and simulation of the process of unloading grain cargo from trucks, through simulation with ProModel software, to verify the necessity of installing more tumblers at the cargo unloading station in Porto Murtinho, MS
Apesar de inúmeros estudos e pesquisas relatarem os benefícios da atividade física na qualidade do sono, pode-se observar que quando tratamos do esporte, principalmente o esporte de alto rendimento, seus praticantes nem sempre apresentam a mesma qualidade. Aspectos como estresse, medo, excesso de cargas de treinamento e, principalmente, a ansiedade podem alterar os padrões do ciclo sono-vigília e diminuir a qualidade do sono, podendo provocar grandes prejuízos na performance durante provas e competições. A presença de torcida, pais ou amigos em competições ou jogos, a participação de peneiras ou o simples fato de ser ou não convocado para o jogo, até a obrigação da vitória, a pressão exercida por técnicos e patrocinadores, entre outras características do esporte de rendimento, são contribuintes da aparição do sentimento ansioso. Alguns autores discutem a possibilidade de que esse sentimento apresenta-se com graus diferenciados entre atletas de modalidades individuais e coletivas. Nos esportes individuais, os atletas não compartilham responsabilidades, expondo-se sozinhos a uma avaliação direta dos expectadores, gerando uma pressão desproporcional à demonstração de excelência na performance. A partir disso, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a presença de alterações no sono de atletas, considerando a modalidade em que estão inseridos (individual ou coletiva) e suas possíveis diferenças. A pesquisa compreendeu um estudo de campo em adotamos os procedimentos das pesquisas qualitativas. Foi utilizado um questionário avaliando a percepção subjetiva da qualidade do sono de atletas das modalidades: handebol masculino, atletismo masculino, voleibol feminino e ginástica artística feminina. Os resultados encontrados levam à especulação de que existem alterações na qualidade do sono dos atletas principalmente nas noites que antecedem competições ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)