300 resultados para anuran amphibians


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The leptodactylid frog Thoropa miliaris, from SE Brazil, may live on rocky marine shore, where it thrives on terrestrial and marine invertebrates, and often moves into the intertidal zone. The osmotic concentration of plasma, muscle homogenate and urine of the frogs freshly captured on the rocky shore was higher than those collected far from the sea, or kept in captivity for 6-8 months on a diet free of marine items. Increase in body urea and sodium concentrations, reported in amphibians as a response to hyperosmotic environment, was not found in T. miliaris. Osmotic concentration of the frogs from rocky shore was variable though, ranging from 400 to 980 mOsm/l. Such variation in the osmotic concentration may reflect a territorial behavior for foraging sites, which would result in higher intake of marine items by individuals living closer to intertidal zone.


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The interspecific competition tends to favor the selection of divergent phenotypes minimizing the effect of this interaction. This process is termed character displacement and it is considered one of the main mechanisms promoting adaptive diversification. Brazil has the greatest diversity of amphibians on the planet and despite this great diversity; the role of character displacement in the process of Brazilian amphibian fauna diversification has not been studied. In the present study we tested the hypothesis of character displacement in four congeneric species pairs of frogs from the family Hylidae, occurring in the Atlantic Forest and Cerrado. We find evidence of character displacement for two pairs and parallel evolution for the remaining. Interestingly, the trend of character displacement was in species whose range covers less stable habitats. Since this is a pioneering study with neotropical hylid, we discussed issues considered relevant to elucidate mechanisms related to the maintenance of diversity


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Amphibians exhibit great morphological plasticity of habitat and life history. This heterogeneity contributes to the frequency of occurrence and diversity of sexual dimorphism (shape or size) is large. Dasypops schirchi is a species belonging to the subfamily and family Gastrophryninae Microhylidae and this endemic and endangered. Generally, very little is known about D. schirchi, much in part to its habit of living and cryptic small geographical distribution. In order to detect and characterize elements sexually dimorphic in this species was a survey of specimens of D. schirchi in major national zoological collections. We analyzed 16 morphometric variables were also searched and secondary sexual characters non-morphometric. Statistical analysis of the morphometric data, the results showed a clear distinction between males and females of D. schirchi, secondary sexual characters nonmorphometric were also found


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The vocals are the most conspicuous means of communication between frogs and can express evolutionary relationships among species. Call descriptions of frogs, in general, not standard acoustic parameters which are greatly diversified and usually restricted to comparisons between closely related taxa. The Atlantic Forest is considered one of the biodiversity hotspots of the world, however, it appears that the number of species to be known is still very large. To anurans from this Brazilian Domain, vocalizations are complex and can vary intra and interpopulations. Thus, we presented a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the work descriptions of anuran advertisement call from the Atlantic Forest, available in the literature so far. The frog species from this Domain and their descriptions of the advertisement call have been raised in the literature, organized into families and threat category IUCN Red List Threatened Species. The analysis of the descriptions were made based on the presence of preset parameters. It was observed that the species which the advertisement call is described within the standard are expected within the Brazilian Atlantic Domain, but efforts to describe the advertisement call of frogs of the Atlantic are concentrated in non-threatened species. Among the descriptions works, there is a large discrepancy between the information presented, giving preference to the use of abiotic data in this kind of work, to the detriment of biotic data about choir where the songs were recorded. The results point to the need for advancements in the descriptions of the advertisement of endangered species or to those with deficient information on their conservation status in the Atlantic Forest, and also for greater communication between works that describe vocalizations of frogs. It will be important to know about the state of the art of descriptions works of frogs in other Brazilian Domains, and relate this information with knowledge...


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The Atlantic forest has a large number of endemic species due to the varieties of environments, altitudes, and climates found along its distribution. The species Brachycephalus ephippium is an example of endemic anuran from this forest formation, occurring in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, between 750 and 1200 m altitude. This species is abundant in the Serra do Japi, an Atlantic Forest remnant, which houses high biodiversity, located in Jundiaí city, between three big urban centers in the state of São Paulo. This remnant, which has altitude ranging between 700 and 1300 meters, is threatened by global climate changes and, spite of legally protected, by intense pressure of urbanization. The aim of the present study was to verify the association between of environmental variables with the abundance and distribution of B. ephippium in the Serra do Japi. The air relative humidity showed a positive correlation with the presence of B. ephippium individuals and the best model to explain the abundance involved air relative temperature and litter temperature. These results allowed the investigation of the environment use by this species and can be used to provide conservationist actions


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Este estudo analisou a helmintofauna presente no anfíbio anuro Thoropa taophora coletados em uma ilha do Estado de São Paulo. Foram necropsiados 16 hospedeiros e recuperados 226 parasitas, todos nematóides, pertencentes a quatro taxa de helmintos: Physaloptera sp. (Physalopteridae), encontrados no estômago; Rhabdias sp. (Rhabdiasidae), encontrados no pulmão; Oswaldocruzia sp. (Molineidae), no intestino delgado; nematóides da família Cosmocercidae, no intestino delgado e intestino grosso e uma larva de parasita identificado apenas como pertencente à Classe Nematoda. A prevalência total foi 81,25%, de animais parasitados


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Here, we review the species of anuran amphibian from the Serra da Bocaina National Park and its buffer area, in the Atlantic Forest of southeastern Brazil, comparing the data from a recent survey with museum records. We surveyed adult and larval anurans in ponds, marshes, and streams discontinuously from May 2008 to January 2011. In total, 63 anuran species were previously known to occur at the Park and its surrounding buffer area. In our survey, we recorded 46 species, of which five represented new records, and 22 appeared only in the historical list. Seven topotypic populations were not found in the present study. We suggest that conservation strategies for anurans in the Serra da Bocaina should also consider the surrounding areas that are subjected to anthropogenic pressure, due to the high diversity recorded, high altitudinal variation in species distribution, and various vegetation formations.


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The aims of this study are to determine how anuran calling males are spatially and temporally distributed in the Morro do Diabo State Park (MDSP), and to test for indicator species in different breeding habitats. We found high species turnover among breeding habitats of different hydroperiods. Our results indicate that spatial partitioning is more important than seasonal occurrence in permitting species coexistence at MDSP. Indicator Species Analysis identified one species associated with a local stream, one species associated with permanent ponds, two species associated with temporary ponds, and three species associated with a semipermanent pond. Guilds of species do not appear to stratify their distributions throughout the year, since most species occur during the rainy and warm months and are thus temporally overlapping. The main conservation implication of our work is the need to protect the different areas of the park where these unique breeding habitats, and their associated anuran assemblages, are found.


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Os anfíbios ocupam grande variedade de microhabitats refletindo os diversos modos reprodutivos, estilos de vida e parasitas que estes animais apresentam. Os parasitas são indicativos de muitos aspectos biológicos de seus hospedeiros, incluindo a dieta, ocupação do habitat e a filogenia, podendo também ser bons indicadores diretos do estado de qualidade ambiental. A Ilha Anchieta, parque estadual em área de Mata Atlântica, torna-se interessante para estudos biológicos devido a sua dinâmica insular e isolamento geográfico. No Brasil, a Mata Atlântica é um dos biomas mais afetados pelas atividades antrópicas e o número de helmintos recém-descobertos podem estar desaparecendo mais rapidamente do que novos organismos são descobertos. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a helmintofauna de duas espécies de anfíbios, Hypsiboas albomarginatus (n=23) e Scinax hayii (n=18), ambas pertencentes à família Hylidae, procedentes da Ilha Anchieta, São Paulo, Brasil. A helmintofauna foi composta apenas de nematoides (Rhabdias sp., Physaloptera sp.) e um espécime não identificado da família Cosmocercidae. Estudos como estes são importantes, pois os parasitas representam uma diversidade oculta, a qual contribui com a manutenção da diversidade local de hospedeiros e das funções do ecossistema


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)