294 resultados para Vacinação - Atraso na imunização


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The Brazilian government has convinced the world that ethanol deriving from sugar cane is a promissory means of sustainable fuel for vehicles. There is a great growth of ex vehicles , i.e, run both by ethanol and gasoline, due to competent automotive industries and e cient alcohol production technology. In 2009 and 2010 the ethanol production was 25.7 billion liters and 53.8% of sugar cane production was destined to alcohol production. Nevertheless, the sugar production also derived from sugar cane should increase in 2011. Brazil produced 33 million tons of sugar in the last harvest. With sugar cane on the rise production is arising new environmental problems. The harvest using mechanized cut besides improving the logistic transportation system leaves the generating residue in the eld. This residue is a mixture of straw, leavings and scrap of sugar cane named sugar cane crop residue and corresponds to 30% of biomass and can be burned and produce electricity by cogeneration. But the transport the sugar cane crop from the eld is expensive due costs involved in the transport system. This work aims to propose a formulation for the bales collecting problem from sugar cane eld to mill that minimize the costs involved in the transport system. The computational tests use the C++ language and an algorithm based on genetic algorithms techniques


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Infertility is directly related to chromosomal abnormalities in germ cells. Among them, the aneuploidies are the most frequent chromosomal abnormalities and responsible for embryo implantation failures, miscarriages, fetal losses and newborns with congenital malformations, mental disability and neuropsychomotor developmental delay. Male patients with normal somatic karyotype may present different rates of aneuploidies in sperm, resulting in abnormal embryos. This study aimed to correlate the frequency of chromosomal aneuploidies in spermatozoa with embryo implantation rate in couples undergoing assisted reproductive techniques. The methodology has included chromosomal analysis by GTG banding and molecular cytogenetic study using Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization technique for evaluation of chromosomes 9, X and Y in germ cells of 22 patients referred to the Human Reproduction Service of the Clinical Hospital FMRP-USP. Embryo implantation rates were determined by hormonal evaluation in maternal peripheral blood and ultrasound confirmation. Two patients presented abnormal karyotype, characterized by polymorphism of the heterochromatic region of the long arm of chromosome 9 and a satellite in the short arm of chromosome 22. Both alterations, usually considered variants of normality, have been related to infertility phenotype and miscarriages. Significant differences were detected between couples who presented pregnancy (group 1) and couples with embryo implantation failure (group 2), with higher frequency of aneusomy and diploidy of chromosome 9, as well as total aneuploidy in sperm of group 2 patients. Our results suggest a correlation between aneuploidy and embryo implantation rates, since the infertile group with reproductive failure has showed higher frequency of aneuploidy. Screening for aneuploidies detection in male germ cells should be included in order to decrease embryo implantation failures, miscarriages and fetuses with chromosomal ...


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A utilização de novas tecnologias empregando a biologia molecular busca superar os principais problemas encontrados nas vacinas atualmente comercializadas no combate à brucelose bovina. Desta forma, a identificação de proteínas imunogênicas e a posterior transformação dos genes correspondentes em micro-organismos competentes tem sido um dos principais alvos para o desenvolvimento de novas formas de controle da infecção. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo propor, em base teórica, uma vacina de eficácia e segurança superiores às encontradas atualmente no mercado contra a brucelose bovina, antropozoonose contagiosa provocada principalmente pela espécie Brucella abortus. Essa enfermidade produz infecção característica em bovinos e bubalinos e é infecciosa ao homem, causando doença crônica que leva à incapacidade parcial ou total para o trabalho. Por ter distribuição universal, acarreta problemas sanitário e de saúde pública importantes e grandes prejuízos econômicos. A vacina proposta visa o desenvolvimento de microorganismos transformados contendo genes de proteínas de potencial imunológico que, após purificação, são usadas para o combate da doença. As proteínas recombinantes abordadas no presente estudo são as proteína ribossomal L7/L12 e a lumazina sintetase que, ao serem utilizadas em uma vacina subcelular, diferente das comercializadas atualmente, induzem resposta de longa duração, não induzem a produção de anticorpos que interfiram no diagnóstico e não são patogênicas ao homem.


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This action-research work presents tools which are related to production monitoring: Follow-up of Products Release from Quality Department and Follow-up of Production Volumes. Both tools allows controlling release delays of finished goods based on the quality specifications, and the accurate analysis of production volumes variations compared to pre-established plans. They have direct impact into enterprises inventory levels that are part of Toiletries, Perfumery and Cosmetics market segment. By applying these tools, it´s possible to identify opportunities for process optimization that brings benefits for the final customer. The results seen by the tools application are presented by the analysis of delayed stock for release quantities evolution and testimonies from professionals of Supply Chain


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A artrite reumatóide (AR) é uma doença inflamatória crônica de caráter autoimune que compromete as articulações. A maioria das terapias aprovadas para o tratamento desta e outras patologias autoimunes é baseada na inibição global da resposta imune, o que aumenta a susceptibilidade aos agentes infeciosos. O objetivo geral deste projeto foi definir se a associação de vitamina D (VitD3) com o antígeno proteoglicano (PG) é tolerogênica e serve como medida terapêutica. Para isso, utilizamos o modelo de artrite experimental obtido pela imunização de camundongos BALB/c com PG. Inicialmente, os animais foram imunizados com diferentes doses do antígeno específico (PG) na presença de VitD3 para determinação da dose tolerogênica. O potencial terapêutico da estratégia mais tolerogênica foi testado no período pré-clínico da doença, isto é, no período após o aparecimento do nível máximo de anticorpos anti-PG, mas antes das manifestações clínicas da artrite (eritema e edema articular). A eficácia terapêutica foi avaliada através da incidência de artrite e do escore clínico da doença. O possível mecanismo imunológico envolvido no efeito terapêutico foi estudado por avaliação dos níveis de citocinas (IL-6, TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-10 e IL-17) produzidas por células esplênicas estimuladas in vitro com PG. Analisados em conjunto, os resultados obtidos mostraram que os três procedimentos (PG, VitD3 e PG+VitD3) determinaram efeito terapêutico. Entretanto, a análise mais detalhada, incluindo número de animais com escore clínico maior que oito (escore > 8), início dos sintomas clínicos e escore máximo atingido, sugere que o uso de PG50 (50μg de PG) associado à VitD3 ou o uso isolado de VitD3 foram os procedimentos terapêuticos mais eficazes. A produção mais elevada de IL-10 nestes dois grupos sugere contribuição desta citocina neste efeito terapêutico


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The aim of this final essay is to study the writing practice of contemporary writers from Guinea Bissau, one of the countries of the former Portuguese colony, where the literature has developed very late, due to the lack of socio-cultural conditions for the development of the this practice. This happened because the country was delay was under colonial exploitation for a long time, under the command of the portuguese government. Among the elements that explain this situation is the presence of a restrictive and longcolonial education policy.The interest of this research consists in issues relating to the practice of writing and identity, It is an exploratory study which aims to gather information and reflect a) on discourses of contemporary Guinean writers about their writing practice and b) journalistic and academic discourses about the writing practice of these writers. The search of the corpus is made mainly on the Internet and the time frame set for the talks is collected from 1990 to 2010. The issues that guide the research are: 1) How is the writing practice of these writers ?, 2) What is the purpose of writing in this socio-historical context?, 3) What are the consequences of this practice for the production of the identity of these individuals? The results have revealed that: the practice of writing have a important role in the production of Guineansubject identity, because it has been related to the identity and political movements; the use of native languages and Creole in these practices, is indicative of the attempt to build in writing, an identity for the self who writes and for the other represented. This identity speaks to the cultural manifestations of the African people


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)