350 resultados para Two way ranging protocol
This study evaluated the effect of the core substrate type (dentin and composite resin) on the retention of crowns made of yttrium oxide stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y-TZP), submitted to three inner surface conditionings. For this purpose, 72 freshly extracted molars were embedded in acrylic resin, perpendicular to the long axis, and prepared for full crowns: 36 specimens had crown preparations in dentin; the remaining 36 teeth had the crowns removed, and crown preparations were reconstructed with composite resin plus fiber posts with dimensions identical to the prepared dentin. The preparations were impressed using addition silicone, and 72 Y-TZP copings for the tensile test were produced. Cementation was performed with a dual-cured cement containing phosphate monomers. For cementation, the crown preparation (dentin or resin) was conditioned with the adhesive system, and the ceramic was subjected to one of three surface treatments: isopropyl alcohol, tribochemical silica coating, or thin low-fusing glassy porcelain layer application plus silanization. After 24 hours, all specimens were submitted to thermocycling (6000 cycles) and placed in a special tensile testing device in a universal testing machine to determine failure loads. The failure modes of all samples were analyzed under a stereomicroscope. Two-way analysis of variance showed that the surface treatment and substrate type (alpha=0.05) affected the tensile retention results. The dentin substrate presented the highest tensile retention values, regardless of the surface treatment. When the substrate was resin, the tribochemical silica coating and low-fusing glaze application plus silanization groups showed the higher retention values.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A comunidade vegetal pode ser constituída por diversas formas de vida, envolvendo desde plantas vasculares a não vasculares, bem como uma ampla gama de grupos taxonômicos e funcionais. Sendo considerada parte integrante do ciclo de crescimento florestal associados às fases iniciais do estabelecimento e desenvolvimento deste ciclo. Espécies herbáceas e subarbustivas, uma guilda importante, mesmo dentro de formações florestais, possuem um grande poder de colonização e modificação da comunidade, com isso o estabelecimento de indivíduos de porte arbóreo pode ser restringido pelo aumento de biomassa dessas espécies, pois tais vegetais por encobrirem o solo podem inviabilizar o processo germinativo do banco de sementes, transitório ou permanente. Este estudo analisou a relação entre cobertura de Arecaceae, Samambaias, Poaceae e Bromeliaceae, e a densidade e diversidade da regeneração natural de lenhosas em um trecho de Floresta Ombrófila Densa situada no Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho. Formam inventariadas 120 parcelas contidas em 6 transectos. Cada transecto contou com 20 parcelas (1m X 1m), sendo que 10 delas estavam inseridas em locais onde ocorrem manchas de Calathea communis (Maranthaceae) e as outras 10 em locais desprovidos desta espécie. Os indivíduos regenerantes foram divididos em 3 classes de altura, a classe A compreendeu plântulas lenhosas de 10 a 15 cm, a classe B de 16 a 50 cm e a classe C envolveu jovens de 50 a 150 cm.. A quantificação da cobertura das diferentes guildas foi realizada em manchas com presença e ausência de Calathea communis, no interior das parcelas. Através de uma análise de variância, conclui-se que existe uma tendência da Calathea communis interferir na cobertura de todas as formas de vida estudadas. Para as Arecaceae, Samambaias, Poaceae e Bromelias, o teste de ANOVA two-way, mostrou uma variação significativa (p<0,05), em pelo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The prescription of strength training intensity (ST) by maximum repetition (RM) is characterized by a decrease in the number of repetitions in multiple series. Some studies have shown that reductions in the intensity of exercise can optimize the volume of training with similar acute neuromuscular behaviors. The objective of the study was to investigate the acute effect of two different ST intensities on the training volume, maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) and rate of force development (RFD) in elderly women. The study included eight trained women (66.7 ± 6.7 years; 7.6 ± 17.8 kg; 159 cm; 29.33 ± 5.80 kg/m²). They underwent to three experimental conditions: two different intensities of ST (100% and 80% of 15-RM) on a chair for Leg Extension and a control condition. In the condition to 100% of 15 RM, all participants performed three sets to the concentric muscle fatigue, whereas in the condition to 80% involved the use of two sets of 15 repetitions and only the third to the concentric muscle fatigue. The order of experimental conditions was randomized. The MVC and RFD were determined on the basis of the isometric forcetime curve analysis which was obtained by a force transducer fixed on the unit Bonnet Chair, in the pre and after four and ten minutes for each experimental conditions. The total volume was calculated by multiplying the number of repetitions in three sets by the load in kg. Descriptive statistical analysis procedures were employed (mean ± standard deviation) in addition to two-way ANOVA. The level of significance was set at p <0.05. It was neither main effect of moment or condition, nor condition x moment interaction for MVC and RFD. For the total volume, no significant difference was noted between the conditions (100 and 80% of 15-RM). For sustainability of ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
A demência de Alzheimer (DA) constitui o tipo mais comum de demência. Déficits de memória caracterizam a doença e causam comprometimento de sua qualidade de vida. Sintomas depressivos são comuns na DA e associam-se a um contexto de perda da qualidade de vida. Atualmente a literatura apresenta poucos estudos envolvendo a temática atividade física na DA. O presente estudo poderá orientar novas investigações acerca da DA e auxiliar profissionais da área da saúde na orientação de cuidados para o paciente que visam reduzir sintomas depressivos e aumentar a qualidade de vida de pacientes e cuidadores. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar os efeitos da atividade física sistematizada sobre os sintomas depressivos e a qualidade de vida de idosos com demência de Alzheimer e de seus cuidadores. Dezesseis sujeitos com diagnóstico de DA foram avaliados no início e após seis meses pelos testes: Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), escala de qualidade de vida (EQV) e Escala de Depressão em Geriatria (EDG). Seis participantes foram submetidos à sessões de um programa sistematizado de atividade física a ser realizado 3 vezes por semana, com duração de 60 minutos, por um período de 6 meses. Os demais formaram o grupo controle, que não realizou a intervenção motora. A análise dos dados consistiu da estatística descritiva, verificação da distribuição dos dados por meio do teste de Shapiro Wilk. Foi utilizada a Análise de Variância para medidas repetidas (ANOVA two-way) e o teste de correlação de Pearson. Admitiu-se nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05) para todas as análises. A ANOVA mostrou uma interação significativa entre grupos e momentos. O coeficiente de correlação de Pearson apontou que há relação entre as visões de qualidade de vida, e entre as mesmas e os sintomas...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This project is about a book-report, which will discuss the Augusta Street in São Paulo, a place emblematic of the city, one of its biggest and most famous streets and that has been the scene of several transformations of the country. From the heady days of Jovem Guarda to the decadence of the inferninhos locus of prostitution and drugs. Currently the route passes through a dubious process of revitalization. Then comes the question of when life ceased to exist in Augusta and the desire to capture in words the transitory moment what is happening in this street. When you scroll through 3 km of the street you want to be seen as a flaneur, the two Augusta, one which lives on day and another whose life begins at night. Down the hills, draw a profile of one extraordinary street and lay bare the contradictions that make Augusta a two-way street
The present study aimed to analyze the effects of exercise performed at aerobic/anaerobic transition on non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis (NAHS) markers in diabetic rats. Adult (60 days) male Wistar rats were divided into 4 groups: sedentary control (SC), trained control (TC), sedentary diabetic (i.v. alloxan injection) (SD) and trained diabetic (TD). At the beginning of the experiment, all the animals were submitted to maximal lactate steady state test (MLSS) in order to identify the aerobic/anaerobic metabolic transition during swimming exercise. The trained groups were submitted to swimming, supporting overloads (% of body weight – b.w.) equivalent to MLSS intensity, 1h/day, 5 days/week, during 8 weeks. We analyzed: serum ALT, AST, albumin, glucose and free fat acids (FFA), body weight and total lipid concentrations in the liver. The diabetic groups showed higher (ANOVA two-way, p<0.05) serum glucose (SD=200% and TD= 150%) and weight loss (SD= 15.0% and TD= 8.5%) compared to controls and the SD showed higher glucose concentration and weight loss when compared to TD. The work load (% b.w.) equivalent to the MLSS was lower in TD (4.7%) than in TC (5.6%) group. The NAHS markers (U/L) did not show... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
In contemporary times, to which the media is centralized in the hands of a few, it is necessary to understand and discuss its democratization. In this situation it surges a theory that is still maturing, Communication Public, which reflects the communication by the optic of citizen participation. In this sense, the research has as objective the reflection about democracy, the centrality and conglomeration media in society and what is affecting public broadcast organizations. So has too the intention to defend the performance of professional public relations in this context, due to its humanistic and strategic characteristic. Through literature review, observation of programming of Radio FM UNESP Bauru and interviews with employees, it is perceived that the vehicle radio for its intrinsic characteristics has great potential democratization, when this character in public can promote citizenship. There was also observed the demand for professional public relations, assisting the organization to recognize themselves as a social institution, defining its mission, its goals, its vision and policies, with objective to make two-way symmetrical communication to the public
Os pacientes com doença de Parkinson (DP) apresentam restrições motoras que dificultam sua locomoção. Entretanto, poucos estudos tem atentado para a locomoção de idosos com DP em ambientes irregulares, principalmente relacionados às restrições motoras que os pacientes com DP apresentam para ultrapassar um obstáculo. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é verificar se os pacientes com DP são capazes de modular a ultrapassagem de obstáculo de acordo com restrições impostas pela instrução na tarefa de ultrapassagem. Participaram deste estudo 18 idosos com diagnóstico de DP idiopática entre os estágios 1 e 3 da escala de Hoehn & Yahr. Inicialmente, os pacientes passaram por uma avaliação clínica e cognitiva. Para as tarefas experimentais, os pacientes foram convidados a andar sobre uma passarela e ultrapassar um obstáculo de madeira. A altura do obstáculo foi ajustada de acordo com o comprimento da perna do participante (metade do comprimento da perna). Os participantes realizaram a tarefa em quatro condições experimentais: velocidade preferida; elevação máxima do pé para ultrapassagem do obstáculo; máximo comprimento do passo de ultrapassagem; ultrapassagem em máxima velocidade. Foram realizadas três tentativas, em blocos, para cada condição experimental. No primeiro bloco, os participantes andaram em velocidade preferida. As outras três condições experimentais foram randomizadas entre os participantes. Para registro cinemático dos dados, uma câmera digital foi posicionada de modo a visualizar todos os marcadores, no plano sagital direito do participante. Para responder aos objetivos do estudo foi empregada ANOVA two-way, com medidas repetidas para condição experimental. Os resultados indicaram que os pacientes são capazes de lidar (modular) com as restrições impostas pelas tarefas de ultrapassagem do obstáculo. Com isso, os idosos com DP são capazes de alterar o padrão do andar, superando as restrições...
The Alzheimer’s dementia represents a clinical condition inherent to many chronic and neurodegenerative diseases that are usually related to a decline in the cognitive and physical functions. The objective of this experimental design research was to analyze the effects of a regular and systemized physical activity program over the cognitive functions, balance and risk of falls of elderly with Alzheimer’s Dementia (DA). The sample was made of 16 elderly with DA, distributed in two groups: a) intervention group – GI (9 subjects that had participated in a program of physical activity, that consisted of 3 weekly sessions of 60 minutes each, in alternated days and with a duration of 6 months); b) control group – GC (7 subjects that did not participate in the program of physical activity). Both groups maintained the doctoral and pharmacological assistance routine. The subjects passed through two different evaluations (pre and post-intervention) the questionnaire (Mini-exam of Mental State for cognitive functions) and motor tests (Berg Functional Balance Scale – EEFB, Timed Up-and-Go (TUG) time (TUGs) and steps (TUGp) and the test of agility and dynamic balance (AGILEQ) of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education Recreation and Dance for elderly). The obtained results were, respectively in the pre and post-intervention moments: a) AGILEQ (GI = 39,1 ± 10,2 and 38,4 ± 8,9 and GC = 45,6 ± 16,7 and 59,9 ± 22,0 seconds) with the statistically interaction significant (ANOVA two-way; F1,14 = 32,07; p=0,01) between groups and moments; b) TUGs (GI = 9,8 ± 2,5 and 9,5 ± 3,3 and GC = 10,6 ± 4,5 and 12,7 ± 7,3 seconds) the test UMann Whitney did not appoint any significant differences between the groups in the post-intervention moment, however the analyzes of Wilcoxon evidenced a ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
This work had aim to present two clinical cases with open bite Class II malocclusion that treated in the phase of the mixed dentition with the modified Thurow appliance and in the permanent dentition with fixed appliance. The dentoskeletal effects of these appliances were carefully analyzed with the aid of metallic implants inserted in both maxilla and mandible. The correction of the malocclusion and the improvement of the skeletal, dental and facial relationship were observed in both cases. The modified Thurow appliance followed by fixed-appliance as a two-phase treatment protocol revealed to be an effective treatment approach for the two young people that initially presented a Class II division 1 malocclusion associated to anterior open bite presented.
Aims: This study compared fractal dimension (FD) values on mandibular trabecular bone in digital and digitized images at different spatial and contrast resolutions. Materials and Methods: 12 radiographs of dried human mandibles were obtained using custom-fabricated hybrid image receptors composed of a periapical radiographic film and a photostimulable phosphor plate (PSP). The film/ PSP sets were disassembled, and the PSPs produced images with 600 dots per inch (dpi) and 16 bits. These images were exported as tagged image file format (TIFF), 16 and 8 bits, and 600, 300 and 150 dpi. The films were processed and digitized 3 times on a flatbed scanner, producing TIFF images with 600, 300 and 150 dpi, and 8 bits. On each image, a circular region of interest was selected on the trabecular alveolar bone, away from root apices and FD was calculated by tile counting method. Two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test were conducted to compare the mean values of FD, according to image type and spatial resolution (α = 5%). Results: Spatial resolution was directly and inversely proportional to FD mean values and standard deviation, respectively. Spatial resolution of 150 dpi yielded significant lower mean values of FD than the resolutions of 600 and 300 dpi ( P < 0.05). A nonsignificant variability was observed for the image types ( P > 0.05). The interaction between type of image and level of spatial resolution was not signi fi cant (P > 0.05). Conclusion: Under the tested, conditions, FD values of the mandibular trabecular bone assessed either by digital or digitized images did not change. Furthermore, these values were in fluenced by lower spatial resolution but not by contrast resolution.