383 resultados para Terapia de ressincronização cardíaca


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INTRODUCTION: The autonomic nervous system (ANS) could be investigated in a noninvasive way by the heart rate variability analysis (HRV) which has contributed to several health areas such as physiotherapy. OBJECTIVE: To gather information regarding the use of HRV on physiotherapy aims at providing an update of the findings for the area on journals of national circulation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The journals of national circulation classified as greater than B2 or B2 and with free access and complete texts in some internet sites were searched on 21 area WebQualis resulting on selection of Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia, Fisioterapia e Pesquisa and Fisioterapia em Movimento using the keywords: autonomic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, physiotherapy and heart rate variability. RESULTS: The search resulted in 19 articles being 17 clinical trials and two case reports. CONCLUSION: The HRV has been used as a resource of interventions evaluation, as pathological conditions common to clinical practice investigation and to physiological conditions interpretation in physiotherapy. The HRV is principally used to the cardiorespiratory specialty of physiotherapy.


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Health care waste (HCW) is the type of waste that results from activities performed in health care services during care provision to humans or animals. Presently, according to RDC 306/04, issued in 2004 by Anvisa, and Resolution no. 358/05, by CONAMA, waste groups have the following classification: Group A (biological waste), Group B (chemical waste), Group C (waste containing radionucleotides), Group D (common waste) and Group E (piercing and cutting waste). In Brazil, 149 tons of wastes are collected every day, and HCW corresponds to approximately 1% to 3 % of that total. An efficient way to adequately manage HCW is through the Health Care Waste Management Plan (HCWMP), and it is possible to reduce the risk posed by certain materials in addition to ensuring disposal in an ecologically correct and economical fashion. According to the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), the management process enables health care establishments to adequately manage waste. Hence, there is greater control and reduction in the health risks caused by infectious or special waste, in addition to facilitated recycling, treatment, storage, transport and final disposal of solid hospital waste in an environmentally safe fashion. To evaluate the management of HCW of Groups A and D from the Intensive Care Unit of the University Emergency Hospital - FMB - UNESP in the city of Botucatu according to the guidelines presently in force. The waste flow was followed up, and during four random days in the month of September 2011, waste was quantified by estimating daily and monthly values, according to its classification. : In 2011, the University hospital has produced an average of 57,676.8 kg/month of biological and common waste. By adding Groups A and D, during the four days, approximately 209.8 Kg of waste (202.2 Kg of Group A and 7.6 Kg of Group D) were produced in the establishment under study, which... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of life (QL) of a group of menopausal women in the presence or absence of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). It consists of a cross-sectional analytical study involving women from the School Health Center - Unity Village Farmers' and Town Railway on the city of Botucatu. Participants were divided into two related groups of studies: run HRT and do not realize. We used the SF 36 and QRS, and a questionnaire to characterize the study population. No differences were seen when comparing the groups with regard to age, age at menarche and menopause. It was observed that 92% were white women and who have studied up to primary education (p = 0.0209), and those who had a partner (p = 0.0055), were the most reported changes in QL. The most frequent comorbidities were hypertension and diabetes, which is significantly more important in women without HRT. The account of the lower of QL was expressed by 28% of the sample, and the population obtained in MRS score more negative (p, 0.05). The correlation of the eight components of the SF36 and the MRS, with the presence or absence of TRH showed no significant differences. The concept of quality of life and evaluation of it is subjective and individual. However they can notice changes in QL, evidenced by instruments. One can see that menopause is not necessarily accompanied by changes in QL, however, when expressed, tend to be perceived more negatively. Despite the lower level of social and low education and women interviewed have QL as good. There is a need for studies to improve a more real relationship between HRT and QL


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O objetivo deste Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso é divulgar experiências bem sucedidas no campo de atenção psicossocial através de uma revista customizada desenvolvida para o Projeto Tear “Terapia e Arte”, da cidade de Guarulhos, segunda cidade mais populosa do estado de São Paulo. Mais do que levar credibilidade e, consequentemente, visibilidade às práticas desenvolvidas por eles, o produto tem a intenção de colocar em reflexão a questão da inclusão social pelo trabalho e pela arte, as principais atividades do organismo, e explanar a respeito dos avanços das diretrizes da Reforma Psiquiátrica às quais o Projeto Tear está alinhado. Por meio de entrevistas, pesquisas e vivência in loco, buscou-se por em prática as técnicas jornalísticas aprendidas ao longo do curso de graduação e levar ao leitor série de reportagens de forma clara e diversificada, que contribuam para a propagação do tema e para o exercício de um jornalismo com compromisso ético e cidadão


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Due to the complexity and instability of clinical conditions of ICU patients, the drug therapy applied in this type of environment requires a combination of several prescribed drugs, which is a favorable condition for drug interaction, toxic synergism and possible iatrogenia. In the possible universe of ICU occurrences, this study aimed at identifying and evaluating the incidence of adverse events in drug therapy at the Intensive Care Therapy Service (SETI) in wards I and II. It is a cross-sectional, descriptive, prospective and quantitative study conducted from August to September, 2011 in the Intensive Care Service of the Botucatu School of Medicine University Hospital - UNESP. The population consisted of fifteen clinical nurses, including those in the Improvement and Volunteer Internship Programs, who contributed to the investigation after signing an informed consent form and according to approval by the Research Ethics Committee number 10711/CE - FMB. The data were entered on a form and analyzed. Results showed that, on average, 8.9% of events/day occurred, and the highest frequency was observed on August 04, 2011. 63% and 22% were respectively observed in the morning and afternoon shifts, and 15% in the night shift. 48% of these were due to administration time errors, followed by drug prescription and dispensation errors, with percentages of 22% and 18%, respectively. Antibiotics showed the highest frequency of adverse events - 18%, which was followed by 13% for anticoagulant, 11% for antiemetic and 10% for antiulcerative drugs. As regards the occurrence of adverse events related to hospitalization time, the highest frequency occurred in patients who were hospitalized for 10 days. Concerning the ratio between reported events and the number of items in the prescription, the highest frequency of events was related to prescriptions with 20 items... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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A Pediatric Intensive care Unit (PICU) is an environment where care is provided to seriously ill children. Hospitalization is regarded as an unpleasant experience that requires adaptation and routine change. To assess the opinion of relatives of children hospitalized at a PICU concerning tie breakage and/or separation between children and their families. It is a descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative study. A structured interview was conducted with the families of hospitalized children from July to September, 2010. The data were statistically analyzed. RESULTS: Twenty relatives were interviewed, 80% of whom believed that children’s behavior changes when they are present in the unit, and 85% considered the visitation time established to be sufficient. All the respondents reported to be satisfied about the care provided. The feelings prevailing in 50% of the relatives were fear and hope. Change in the family’s union after hospitalization occurred in 85% of the families. The most fearful aspect concerning the ICU is the equipment (25%), and the most worrisome, as regards personal life, is the separation from other children (65%). Health care professionals must pay more attention to relatives by including them in their health care plan so that the health care team and the family, who are essential in children’s recovery, can interact in a congenial fashion. It is also necessary to improve the knowledge related to that subject so that the health care team and families can work together towards children’s recovery


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Introdução: A variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC) descreve o comportamento dos intervalos RR que está relacionado às ações do sistema nervoso autônomo (SNA) sobre o nódulo sinusal. Essa pode ser influenciada por diversos fatores dentre eles a obesidade, doença de etiologia multifatorial definida como um acúmulo excessivo de gordura corporal. Objetivo: Avaliar em jovens obesos com idade entre 18 e 23 anos o comportamento autonômico cardíaco, durante o repouso, por meio da análise linear e não linear dos índices da VFC bem como associá-lo a eventos de desconforto músculoesquelético influenciados ou não pela prática regular de exercício físico nessa população. Metodologia: Para a realização deste estudo foram analisados dados de 68 voluntários jovens, de ambos os sexos, distribuídos de forma não randomizada em dois grupos: o G1 constituído por 32 obesos, 20,21 ± 1,66 anos e o G2 por 36 não obesos, 20,8 ± 1,47 anos sendo considerado como critério de classificação dos voluntários o índice de massa corpórea (IMC). O protocolo experimental consistiu da captação da frequência cardíaca batimento a batimento, por meio de uma cinta de captação fixada no tórax do voluntário juntamente com um receptor de frequência cardíaca fixado no punho. Para esta captação o voluntário foi orientado a permanecer em repouso na posição de decúbito dorsal sobre um colchonete, durante 30 minutos, com a respiração espontânea. Além disso, foram aplicados dois questionários, ou seja: versão curta do International Physical Activity Questionaire (IPAQ) - Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física, a fim de classificar o nível de atividade física e o Questionário Nórdico, para detectar eventuais sintomas osteomusculares decorrentes das atividades de vida diária e/ou atividades física. Os índices da VFC analisados foram: análise linear... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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A terapia fotodinâmica (PDT), de maneira simplificada pode ser aplicada utilizando um fotossensibilizador (FS) e uma fonte de luz com comprimento de onda específico, que combinados na presença do oxigênio produzem espécies citotóxicas que causam o dano celular. O objetivo deste estudo piloto foi verificar a susceptibilidade de Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) à PDT, empregando diferentes concentrações de azul de metileno. As amostras desta bactéria foram sensibilizadas com azul de metileno nas concentrações de 6,25 μg/mL; 12,5 μg/mL; 25,0 μg/mL; 50,0 μg/mL; 100,0 μg/mL e 200,0 μg/mL e expostas à luz LED vermelha (660nm) por 20 minutos. Após o tratamento de todos os grupos estudados a fração de sobrevivência foi calculada pela contagem das unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC). O resultado deste estudo mostrou que o fotossensibilizador no escuro foi tóxico (dark toxicity) nas concentrações de 100 e 200 μg/mL. Já no grupo onde utilizamos apenas a luz, não houve redução bacteriana significativa. Entretanto, o uso combinado do AM e da luz LED (Grupo PDT) mostrou que todas as concentrações testadas causaram uma redução significativa de S aureus. Desta forma concluímos que a terapia fotodinâmica antimicrobiana pode ser um tratamento alternativo para redução de Staphylococcus aureus.


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Introduction: The triangular index and the Poincaré plot (or Lorenz plot) are the best known indexes obtained from geometric methods. The triangular index (TINN, RRtri) represent the global variability of the subject and SD1, which reflects the parasympathetic component, SD2, index of global variability and its relationship (SD1/SD2) are obtained from the Poincaré plot. Despite the literature showing changes in the cardiovascular system during and after the resistance exercise (RE), aspects related to autonomic modulation of heart against these conditions have not been explored yet, so it is important to evaluate this behavior. Objectives: Analyze the acute effects of RE on the cardiac autonomic modulation during recovery (REC) through analysis of geometric indices of heart rate variability (HRV), applied with different intensities and muscle groups in healthy and active young. Methods: Were evaluated 24 young, 22.25 ± 2.4 years and 24.47 ± 3.08 kg/m2, underwent an experimental protocol of five stages, in the first stage was conducted a test of one maximum repetition (1RM) in upper limbs (UL) and lower limb (LL), and the following steps were initiated interventions to 40 (E) and 80% (F) of 1RM. Considered for HRV analysis the periods: baseline and immediately after exercise, both in supine... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Blood transfusion is a very important therapeutic and profilatic procedure. However, the most part of the transfusions in animals in Brazil are done with total blood. The transfusion therapy made in an appropriate way, with hemotherapic products, can save lives and warranties a better health to patients. In all transfusion procedures, the cross match test must be done because there are lots of different blood group types, based on erythrocytes antigen. A slow infusion rate and intensive patient monitoration help to prevent transfusion reactions, mainly hemolytic reactions


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Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a technique used to treat several types of lesions, such as cancer, microbial control, and esthetic dentistry cases. The performance of PDT involves the use of a photosensitizer (PS), which mainly will be located in cancer cells and is irradiated with visible light. This process, when it occurs in the presence of oxygen triggers the formation of reactive oxygen species that are cytotoxic to cells. These species cause cell death and subsequent tumor necrosis. The use of white light as a light source for multispectral Photodynamic Therapy and its consequences to the photodynamic effect is not yet completely established, and therefore there is interest in studying the parameters involved for analyzing the best conditions for applying treatment. The wavelength is crucial to improve the therapeutic effect, since both the optical properties of the biological tissue as the PS depend on these parameters. For FS studied in this work (Photogem®) are most often used wavelengths in the red region, due to their larger penetration depth in biological tissue. Thus, the light source becomes a fundamental aspect, their choice depends on the specific application and is based on the tumor location, light dose to be delivered and FS chosen. Despite all the advantages presented by lasers, the fact of having an emission spectrum essentially monochrome makes only one possible transition possible for the absorption of FS is used. Therefore, more extensive light sources such as light emitting diodes (LED), could be better used in some cases the laser, with the additional advantage of a reduced cost. Therefore, the choice of the white LED comes from an emission spectrum that still wider LED colors defined by allowing greater use of the several absorption bands and with varying depths of operation, according to the wavelength... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Septic shock remains one of the most common challenges for the small animal practicing, presenting high mortality rates frequently associated with late identification of this syndrome, as well as an inappropriate treatment. In general, disruption of homeostasis occurs with an intense activation of inflammatory cascade, which leads to a damage to endothelial cells and an exposure to these cytokines, which will result in vasodilation and increased capillary permeability. Thus, there is a drop in blood pressure, even after aggressive fluid resuscitation. Therefore, drugs such as vasopressors, which act by increasing systemic vascular resistance, and inotropes, which have an effect on heart pump, should be administered in order to raise blood pressure, ensuring adequate tissue perfusion. The objective of this review was to gather information about the various drugs used in vasopressors/inotropes therapy, trying to explain the role of each one in different situations, in order to increase the survival rate in dogs affected with septic shock


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O presente estudo objetivou verificar a validade de um protocolo de teste aeróbio específico do judô (técnica ipon-seoi-nague), não exaustivo, adaptado do método de CHASSAIN (1986), utilizando deltas de variações da escala de percepção de Borg e da freqüência cardíaca em atletas bem treinados. O teste adaptado ao judô constituiu de quatro séries de exercício com dois esforços iguais (duplos) de 180 segundos com um intervalo de 90 segundos entre eles. As séries de exercícios foram realizadas em dias consecutivos. As intensidades dos testes duplos foram de 85%, 95%,105% e 115% do lactato mínimo para cada participante. Este trabalho utilizou a técnica ipon-seoi-nague, sendo que as razões esforço-pausa foram específicas para cada atleta, e correspondem às intensidades de exercício propostas pelo protocolo de Chassain (1986). A escala de percepção de esforço de Borg foi mostrada ao final do primeiro e do segundo esforços, em cada uma das séries, para que o atleta determinasse o nível de cansaço. Para análise da freqüência cardíaca foi utilizado um freqüencímetro, Polar Vantage NV, obtendo freqüência cardíaca concomitantemente a escala de Borg, ao final de bloco de esforço. Dessa maneira, foram obtidos dois deltas de variações entre o primeiro e o segundo esforços, para escala de percepção de Borg (ΔBORG) e FC (ΔFC). Uma vez que foram utilizadas quatro intensidades, foi possível determinar quatro ΔBORG e quatro ΔFC. Assim, a partir de duas regressões lineares (uma para o Borg e outra para a FC), foi possível determinar as razões esforço:pausas críticas do exercício na técnica específica do Judô, a partir da determinação das intensidades nas quais a variação de Borg e da FC foi igual a zero (ΔBORG=0 e ΔFC=0). Para validar esses procedimentos adaptados de Chassain (1986) ao Judô, foi realizado o teste de Lactato Mínimo Adaptado, conforme sugerido por Azevedo (2002).


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The Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT), based on the 10B(n,α)7Li reaction, represents a promising modality for the treatment of cancers that are resistents to conventional treatments. So, it is necessary to find drugs (boron compounds) with high selectivity for each type of cancer, the neutrons source should be well characterized and the rate of 10B(n,α)7Li reaction should be measured with great accuracy as possible. This study aimed to develop a method for manufacturing thin films of boron, for measure the 10B(n,α)7Li reaction, and analyze the uniformity of the films. Five thin films of boron were manufactured with three different concentrations of boric acid, heated to transform the acid in boron, irradiated with thermic neutrons coupled to CR-39 detectors, in BNCT line at the reactor IEA-R1 IPEN/CNEN, São Paulo. After the irradiation, the detectors were chemically attacked with NaOH to reveal the tracks. The methodology presented is effective because it resulted in deposition of boron as thin film enabling the quantitative analysis of 10B(n,α)7Li reaction. The analysis of the uniformity of density of the induced tracks in CR-39 shows that, in most of the films, there is no uniformity in surface distribution of boron, but when the film is divided, we obtain some uniform sectors