669 resultados para Radiographic proservation


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Background. Intravenous injection of contrast material is routinely performed in order to differentiate nonaerated lung parenchyma from pleural effusion in critically ill patients undergoing thoracic computed tomography (CT). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of contrast material on CT measurement of lung volumes in 14 patients with acute lung injury. Method. A spiral thoracic CT scan, consisting of contiguous axial sections of 10 mm thickness, was performed from the apex to the diaphragm at end-expiration both before and 30 s (group 1; n=7) or 15 min (group 2; n=7) after injection of 80 ml contrast material. Volumes of gas and tissue, and volumic distribution of CT attenuations were measured before and after injection using specially designed software (Lungview®; Institut National des Télécommunications, Evry, France). The maximal artifactual increase in lung tissue resulting from a hypothetical leakage within the lung of the 80 ml contrast material was calculated. Results. Injection of contrast material significantly increased the apparent volume of lung tissue by 83 ± 57 ml in group 1 and 102 ± 80 ml in group 2, whereas the corresponding maximal artifactual increases in lung tissue were 42 ± 52 ml and 31 ± 18 ml. Conclusion. Because systematic injection of contrast material increases the amount of extravascular lung water in patients with acute lung injury, it seems prudent to avoid this procedure in critically ill patients undergoing a thoracic CT scan and to reserve its use for specific indications.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic agreement of conventional panoramic radiographs and their inverted scanned images in the detection of the mandibular canal and mental foramen. A total of 77 panoramic radiographs obtained from the files of totally edentulous patients were used. Digitization was done by means of a scanner with brightness and contrast adjustment, as well as image inversion. The extension of mandibular canal was divided into anterior, middle, and posterior regions, and the presence of a radiopaque line that characterized the mandibular canal was classified according to a 5-point confidence scale. The mental foramen was classified in 4 types: continuous, separated, diffuse, and unidentified. Both conventional and inverted scanned panoramic radiographs were evaluated by 3 calibrated implantologists at 2 distinct moments with a minimum interval of 10 days between them. Intraexaminer agreement was evaluated by Kappa statistics by point and by 95% confidence interval. Because the intraexaminer level of agreement was low, interexaminer agreements could not be carried out. The results showed a substantial (in 2 situations), moderate (in 16 situations), and fair (in 18 situations) intraexaminer agreement for mandibular canal and a substantial (in 1 situation), fair (in 1 situation), and moderate (in 10 situations) intraeaminer agreement for mental foramen. There were no statistically significant differences in most instances. In conclusion, the diagnostic agreement of conventional and inverted scanned panoramic radiographs for detection of mandibular canal and mental foramen was low.


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Osteopetrosis is a rare hereditary condition characterized by increased bone density. The jaws, bones, and teeth invariably are affected and the osteopetrosis is directly proportional with the severity of the disease. This article describes a clinical case of osteopetrosis and reviews the clinicopathologic, radiographic, and treatment features.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the periodontal conditions of anterior teeth that presented pathologic migration in patients with chronic periodontitis and to compare periodontal destruction in migrated versus non-migrated teeth. The sample included 32 patients of both sexes (mean age: 46.0 +/- 11.6 years) diagnosed with generalized chronic periodontitis and selected on the basis of the presence of pathologic migration in one or more anterior teeth. This migration was classified according to the following categories: facial flaring, diastema, proximal tilting, rotation or extrusion. The periodontal parameters recorded were clinical attachment loss (CAL) and percentage of radiographic bone loss (BL). Mean CAL of 5.50 +/- 2.20 mm and mean BL of 41.90 +/- 15.40% were found in 115 teeth assessed. The most frequent type of migration was facial flaring (34.80%), followed by diastema (27.00%). Extrusion was hardly observed in the sample (4.30%). However, greater severity of BL and CAL were observed in teeth with this type of migration (59.44% and 8.42 mm, respectively), and in teeth with facial flaring (45.17% of BL and 6.07 mm of CAL). Kruskal-Wallis test indicated that BL presented by teeth with extrusion or facial flaring was greater than that observed in rotated or tilted teeth (p < 0.05), while there was no difference between groups regarding CAL (p = 0.11). It was observed that anterior teeth with pathologic migration presented greater CAL and BL (5.1 mm and 40%) than non-migrated teeth (4.1 and 31%). The study indicated that the most prevalent kind of pathologic migration is facial flaring, which was associated to higher level of bone loss.


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Proteinase-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) is a G-protein-coupled receptor that mediates cellular responses to extracellular proteinases. Since PAR2 is expressed by oral epithelial cells, osteoblasts, and gingival fibroblasts, where its activation releases interleukin-8, we hypothesized that PAR2 activation may participate in periodontal disease in vivo. We investigated the role of PAR2 activation in periodontal disease in rats. Radiographic and enzymatic (myeloperoxidase) analysis revealed that topical application of PAR2 agonist causes periodontitis but also exacerbates existing periodontitis, leading to significant alveolar bone loss and gingival granulocyte infiltration. Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) and cyclo-oxygenase (COX) decreased PAR2 agonist-induced periodontitis. More specifically, the overexpression of COX-1, COX-2, MMP-2, and MMP-9 in gingival tissues suggests that they are involved in PAR 2-induced periodontitis. In conclusion, PAR2 agonist causes periodontitis in rats through a mechanism involving prostaglandin release and MMP activation. Inhibition of PAR2 may represent a novel approach to modulate host response in periodontitis.


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Aim: the aim of this study is to assess and locate the Foramen of Huschke. Study design: anatomical. Material and Method: using contrast material like gutta-percha and barium sulfate, through extraoral radiographs, such as panoramic, submental vertex and corrected saggital linear Temporal Mandibular Joint tomograms in four skulls where we clinically checked the existence of foramen of Huschke. Results: The results proved that the foramen of Huschke can be observed in skulls submitted to contrast using radiographic techniques.


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Scorpionism is a common problem that occurs in tropical and subtropical countries and assumes great medical-sanitary importance due to its fatal effect on sensitive individuals, being able to lead children and aged people to death. The envenomation lethal potential is responsible for the serious cardiopulmonary alterations the scorpion toxin produces in its victims. The present research evaluated the effects of Tityus serrulatus venom on dogs, using two distinct doses: a dose that simulates natural envenomation (0.4 mg/total dose), and an experimental dose (0.25 mg/kg). General clinical signs were observed at different moments after envenomation, and specific data related to the cardiopulmonary system were evaluated by systemic arterial pressure measurement, CK-MB enzymatic activity dosage, and radiographic, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic examinations. Results demonstrated that the scorpion venom, in experimental doses, was able to cause acute and reversible cardiac injury in few days, and, in the dose that simulated natural accident, it produced clinical signs of light envenomation, such as local pain, hyperesthesia, sialorrhea, vomiting, diarrhea, sneeze and prostration.


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The radiopacity of esthetic restorative materials has been established as an important requirement, improving the radiographic diagnosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiopacity of six restorative materials using a direct digital image system, comparing them to the dental tissues (enamel-dentin), expressed as equivalent thickness of aluminum (millimeters of aluminum). Five specimens of each material were made. Three 2-mm thick longitudinal sections were cut from an intact extracted permanent molar tooth (including enamel and dentin). An aluminum step wedge with 9 steps was used. The samples of different materials were placed on a phosphor plate together with a tooth section, aluminum step wedge and metal code letter, and were exposed using a dental x-ray unit. Five measurements of radiographic density were obtained from each image of each item assessed (restorative material, enamel, dentin, each step of the aluminum step wedge) and the mean of these values was calculated. Radiopacity values were subsequently calculated as equivalents of aluminum thickness. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated significant differences in radiopacity values among the materials (P<0.0001). The radiopacity values of the restorative materials evaluated were, in decreasing order: TPH, F2000, Synergy, Prisma Flow, Degufill, Luxat. Only Luxat had significantly lower radiopacity values than dentin. One material (Degufill) had similar radiopacity values to enamel and four (TPH, F2000, Synergy and Prisma Flow) had significantly higher radiopacity values than enamel. In conclusion, to assess the adequacy of posterior composite restorations it is important that the restorative material to be used has enough radiopacity, in order to be easily distinguished from the tooth structure in the radiographic image. Knowledge on the radiopacity of different materials helps professionals to select the most suitable material, along with other properties such as biocompatibility, adhesion and esthetic.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the autogenous demineralized dentin matrix (ADDM) on the third molar socket wound healing process in humans, using the guided bone regeneration technique and a polytetrafluoroethylene barrier (PTFE). Twenty-seven dental sockets were divided into three groups: dental socket (Control), dental socket with PTFE barrier (PTFE), and dental socket with ADDM slices associated to PTFE banier (ADDM + PTFE). The dental sockets were submitted to radiographic bone densitometry analysis and statistical analysis on the 15th, 30th, 60th and 90th days using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey's test (p ≤ 0.05). The radiographic analysis of the ADDM + PTFE group showed greater homogeneity of bone radiopacity than the Control group and the PTFE group, during all the observation times. The dentin matrix gradually disappeared from the dental socket during the course of the repair process, suggesting its resorption during the bone remodeling process. It was concluded that the radiographic bone density of the dental sockets treated with ADDM was similar to that of the surrounding normal bone on the 90th day. The ADDM was biocompatible with the bone tissue of the surgical wounds of human dental sockets. The radiographic analysis revealed that the repair process was discreetly faster in the ADDM + PTFE group than in the Control and PTFE groups, although the difference was not statistically significant. In addition, the radiographic image of the ADDM + PTFE group suggested that its bone architecture was better than that of the Control and PFTE groups.


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Related data to the diameters of the pelvis from 72 Aotus azarai infulatus, owl monkeys, 42 adult males and 30 adult non-pregnant females, were obtained in vivo by ventrodorsal projection radiographic exams, correlated with sex, the measures of the body and their origin. The mean values of the body length (30.94 cm), tail length (35.63 cm), thoracic perimeter (18.97 cm), hip perimeter (17.11 cm) and the weight (0.96 Kg) were verified. The radiographic images were digitalized and measured, and the mean values were 1.41 cm for the superior biiliac diameter; 1.58 cm for the inferior biiliac diameter; 1.97 cm for the medium biiliac diameter; 2.64 cm for the right diagonal diameter; 2.66 cm for the left diagonal diameter; 2.48 cm for the sacrum-pubic diameter; 3.85 cm 2 for the inlet pelvic area. In conclusion, the pelvis from males and females Aotus azarai infulatus can be classified as dolicopelvic and there is pelvic sexual dimorphism in adult owl monkeys (Aotus azarai infulatus).


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To stimulate the bone callus development process from distal third of radius, 24 adult mongrel dogs used were from both sexes. These dogs were separated in two experimental groups of 12 animals each, named control and treated, divided in 4 moments (M1=15 days; M2=30 days; M3=45 days; M4=60 days), who underwent were performed surgical fractures. In treated group, it was performed bone perforations on proximal and distal edges, craniolateral and mediolateral to the fracture site. At the end of each moment, control and treated animals were evaluated by radiography, histology, and bone mineral densitometry (BMD) was determined on fracture site. According to the radiographic data of treated dogs, it was verified on days 15 and 30 more intense bone regeneration than control group. During M3 and M4, it wasn't detected any difference in bone reparation process betweencontrol and treated groups. In densitometric study, BMD values were greater in treated animals than in control dogs. Histological studies revealed at 15 and 30 days chondrocyte hyperplasia and initial endochondral ossification on drilled limbs; control group showed sustainment connective tissue and initial chondrocyte hiperplasia. At M3 and M4 of the treated group, were verified development and remodeling of periosteal callus in more advanced phases when comparing with limbs from control group. It can be concluded that using perforations enhances blood flow supply and activation of osteogenic cells on fracture site, stimulating the beginning of fracture consolidation process.


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Hyperthyroidism can result in serious effects on the bone metabolism in humans as well as animals. For a better characterization of thyrotoxicosis effects, 16 cats were induced into thyrotoxicosis by intaking a dose of 150 μg/kg of sodium L-thyroxine every 24 hours during 42 days. The hormonal levels were evaluated by radioimmunoassay technique and the bone mineral density of the right distal radius extremity was measured through the radiographic optical densitometry. Was verified significant bone demineralization seven days of hormonal intake as weel as radius demineralization.


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The aim of this study is to compare polyurethanes containing castor oil (soft segment) in granular form compared to cancellous bone autograft applied to a segmental bone defect. Norfolk adult female rabbits - approximately 13 months of age with a mean body weight of 4.5 kg - are used. In both radial diaphyses, 1 cm osteoperiosteal segmental defects are created. The defect in the left radius is filled with the castor-oil-based polyurethane, and the right one, filled with cancellous bone autograft, collected from the left proximal humerus. The rabbits are euthanazed at 15, 30, 60, and 120 days postsurgery (5 animals/ period), for histological analyses. By radiographic analyses, at these time points, the bone regeneration is more evident and accelerated in the bone defects treated with the cancellous bone autograft. At 120 days postsurgery, the segmental bone defects treated with the cancellous bone autograft are totally reconstituted and remodeled, while the bone defects treated with polyurethane polymer have bone formation of 79%. Histological study shows that the polyurethane acts as a space filler, minimizing the local production of fibrous tissue. No granule degradation, resorption or any inflammatory reaction is detected. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the castor-oil-plant-based polyurethane - in the granule presentation - is biocompatible and osteointegrated, but does not show the same bone regeneration capacity as the cancellous bone autograft. © 2007 SAGE Publications.


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Adenocarcinoma of the lung that metastasizes to the mandible is very uncommon; only a few cases have been described in the English-language literature. This article presents a metastasis from adenocarcinoma of the lung affecting the mandible of a 64-year-old woman, in which the first discovered metastatic lesion was detected before the primary tumor. The immunoreactivity for human thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) in the oral lesion was essential for determining the site and type of the primary tumor, as the patient showed no clinical or radiographic evidence of a tumor in the thyroid gland. After the primary tumor in the lung was diagnosed, radiotherapy and chemotherapy were initiated; unfortunately, the patient died two months after the start of treatment. This article emphasizes the importance of a well-conducted examination for diagnosing metastatic oral lesions.


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BACKGROUND: Annexin 1 is a 37-kDa protein that has complex intra- and extracellular effects. To discover whether the absence of this protein alters bone development, we monitored this event in the annexin-A1 null mice in comparison with littermate wild-type controls. METHODS: Radiographic and densitometry methods were used for the assessment of bone in annexin-A1 null mice at a gross level. We used whole-skeleton staining, histological analysis, and Western blotting techniques to monitor changes at the tissue and cellular levels. RESULTS: There were no gross differences in the appendicular skeleton between the genotypes, but an anomalous development of the skull was observed in the annexin-A1 null mice. This was characterized in the newborn annexin-A1 null animals by a delayed intramembranous ossification of the skull, incomplete fusion of the interfrontal suture and palatine bone, and the presence of an abnormal suture structure. The annexin-A1 gene was shown to be active in osteocytes during this phase and COX-2 was abundantly expressed in cartilage and bone taken from annexin-A1 null mice. CONCLUSIONS: Expression of the annexin-A1 gene is important for the normal development of the skull in mice, possibly through the regulation of osteoblast differentiation and a secondary effect on the expression of components of the cPLA2-COX-2 system. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.