313 resultados para História do Século XX


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O artigo analisa aspectos das relações entre a escolarizaçãoe os processos culturais mais amplos, tomando como fontedocumental manuais didáticos produzidos para uso em cursos deformação de professores, que circularam no Brasil e em Portugalno período final do século XIX e no início do século XX. Foramfocalizados elementos passíveis de generalização, entre eles aunidade da forma escolar e as diferentes práticas prescritas aosprofessores, destinadas a enraizar valores e ideais no processoformativo. Foram analisados os seguintes manuais: CursoPractico de Pedagogia, de autoria de Mr. Daligault (1874);Elementos de Pedagogia, de autoria de Jose Maria da GraçaAffreixo e Henrique Freire (1870); e Lições de pedagogia gerale de história da educação, de Alberto Pimentel Filho (1932).


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This text aims to present some ideas of the philosopher Walter Benjamin, one of the most intriguing intellectuals of our time, trying to outline in his work the relationship that the author establishes between childhood playing and ludic culture, more precisely regarding the memory of playing, childhood, culture, history and memory in contemporary society after the twentieth century. Thus, in order to identify reinterpreted experiments, as places, forms of playing and types of toys made out of this paradigm, we were guided by the notes, essays, translations and articles in which Benjamin identified conceptions of childhood and ludic culture. Benjamin's view of childhood is not childish, simplistic or reductive. His works allow us to discuss and justify the need for a more detailed analysis on the phenomenon of development and teaching practice within the everyday schoolchildren. By revisiting the original ideas, and irreverent criticism of Benjamin, thinking education from his account, we hope to contribute with other studies in the field of education, by elucidating the process of development and teaching practice in relation to the ludic childhood culture, specifically regarding childhood and the places of childhood in the contemporary context.


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This article seeks to understand the production of the modern school in Brazil and Portugal at the turn of the 20th century. The analysis falls on the pedagogical knowledge constituted around school programs disseminated in pedagogical manuals at the Normal Schools in Brazil and Portugal. The study uses three teacher training manuals as source of information: Curso pratico de pedagogia destinado aos alunos-mestres das escholas normaes primarias e aos instituidores em exercício (1874), by Mr. Daligault; Elementos de Pedagogia para servirem de guia aos candidatos ao magistério primário (1870), by José Maria da Graça Affreixo and Henrique Freire; and Lições de metodologia (1920), by Bernardino da Fonseca Lage.


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In the 1940’s and 1950’s the Brazilian government implemented various policies towards the development of rural education adopting innovative orientations experienced in other iberoamerican countries. This article covers a study on the circulation and appropriation of education models seeking to apprehend the implications of the comparative operations by questioning the national processes in their interrelationship with much more ample phenomena of internationalization and globalization. The article uses as source of analysis the document entitled “Rural Education in Mexico” elaborated by Manoel Bergstrom Lourenço Filho, in 1951, and later published in a Brazilian Magazine of Pedagogical Studies, in 1952. The article discusses the narrative construction of this report and the comparing operations which Lourenço Filho has undertook presenting the Mexican education as a model.


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Magazines such as O Cruzeiro are part of the Brazilian collection. In its pages, the female presence is constant. From the concepts of Greimas’ way of life and happening and routine from Zilberberg, we analyse a photoreport which highlights the actress Ilka Soares, comparing her to texts of the session “To the woman”. The analysis of such texts lets us verify the behaviour of a distinguished professional which is different from the traditional model of the housewife of the fifties. Reconstitute the ways of life of these women is to make up for the memory of the country


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Álvaro Lins (1912-1970), was an important literary critic of brazilian modernism that marked the twentieth century by the great influence of his writings. In 1963, he published Os Mortos de Sobrecasaca: obras, autores e problemas de literatura brasileira. Ensaios e estudos 1940-1960, that brings in the subtitle his concerns in building a balance on the modernist legacy to literature and culture in Brazil. This work makes possible a schematic view of the evolutionary process of literary production, because it indicates an exam about the twenty years of ripening of modernist proposals from a reflection that is organized as a history of Brazilian literature based on leading writers of the national literary canon.


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In this essay, we sustain the idea that structuralist thinking is part of spontaneous criticism against the reductionisms that surround psychology. We depart from the radical split-up between the scientific viewpoint and that of metaphysics, expressed in the end-19th century scientific psychology projects. Next, we highlight the importance of the structuralist perspective in the review of the antinomic relations between the subjective and objective, operated at the heart of psychology throughout the 20th century. We show that the rejection of unilineal causality in favor of network causality curbed the advancement of unilateral or reductionist theories in psychology. Moreover, we consider the idea of structure as a point of convergence between psychology and philosophy. More than its explanatory nature, the notion of structure reveals an epistemological register capable of re-approximating psychology to the relativization of the ideal of scientific neutrality. The importance of structuralist thinking in psychology makes us consider the history of psychological knowledge as a type of research that belongs to cultural history.


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In this paper we analyze the question of character essayistic the historiography of the first half of the twentieth century. We examined this issue due to the emergence of a new trend on the historiographical colonization (School of Rio) who criticizes, among other things, the essay-like character in historiography. Whereas the criticism expressed how a new trend breaks with the existing historiography, we decided to examine this critical gauge. To promote the overcoming of a certain history is necessary to understand it in its historicity, that is, the motivations that led historians to examine the history of a given way. Of course, criticism is a moment of transcendence. But to be a radical departure is necessary to understand the historiography of historical criticism and not simply point their supposed mistakes, shortcomings and failures.


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The hinterland of northern Paraná recorded in photographs held by Amedeo Boggio (1901-1967) is the motto to reflect on the technical ideologies for geographical mapping in the first decades of the twentieth century, the use of photography as documentary evidence and reading a group of photographs depicting the daily life of an exploratory and pioneering mission.


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The jurist Clovis Bevilaqua (1859-1944) was a privileged member of a political and intellectual elite in the context of the transition from the nineteenth to the early decades of the twentieth century in this country, having been a professor at the Faculdade de Direito de Recife, author of the Civil Code of 1917, consultant for the Ministério das Relações Exteriores and jurist of international prestige, and literary critic and author of law, philosophy and history.Their biographies emphasize the breadth of his legal knowledge, the merits of civil codification which was author and lifestyle humble and generous earning him the nickname "secular saint". However, the lawyer had the habit of collecting photos of himself and of his family and this behavior is characterized as a single vanity for his biographers. From four biographies of Clovis Bevilaqua, written by Lauro Romero (1956), Raimundo de Menezes and Ubaldino de Azevedo (1959), Noemia Paes Barreto Brandão (1989) and Silvio Meira (1990), we intend to discuss how these images are used to illustrate the trajectory of the jurist and corroborate the distinct narratives models.