313 resultados para Fusão de escolas e movimentos teatrais
This study was conducted in partnership with the Extension Project in Education Environmentally Semente Viva and it is an assessment of the environmental education methodology applied by the Group in 2014, at the Municipal School Sylvio de Araújo, in Rio Claro- SP. The implemented methodology was named Programa Eco Escolas- Semente Viva and it was based on the use of certain bases of the Eco-Schools program, created by the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education), with some adjustments in accordance with the goals of the Group. The study followed the participatory research method, and the data collection gave up through participant observation, literature and documentary. The chapters present the description and analysis of the events that represent the implementation process of the Programa Eco Escolas- Semente Viva. The meetings with the community and environmental education activities with children from 1st to 4th year are described in detail, and is given regarding the analysis of situations, from the point of view of one of the members of the Semente Viva Group
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Results of educative actions on the control of vectors for dengue and leishmaniasis were evaluated by using an online semi-present course directed to teachers from Fundamental I Education level in Araçatuba-SP. 40 teachers from municipal schools located on geographical areas of town with higher occurrence of dengue and leishmaniasis cases, attended to the course, which consisted in a conceptual part directed to specific subjects such as vector borne and zoonotic diseases, responsible ownership of pets and health education and a practical phase, directed to execution and application of educative projects in the target schools. Data about the teacher’s specific knowledge, before and after the attendance to the course, were submitted to the Wilcoxon test with a 5% of significant level. The application of practical educative projects was evaluated by multiplicative actions involving target public. Tests showed statistically significant increase in the knowledge about the studied diseases (p<0.0001) after the course, especially on questions related to etiological agent, clinical symptoms on man and animals and prevention. Activities of knowledge multiplication envolved teachers and students which detected the problems and promoted education actions in their neighborhood as stage performing, group cleaning activities and elaboration and distribution of folders during a student pared. In conclusion, educative actions direct to the control of diseases vectors using a semi-present course, provides new knowledge to the teachers, impelling them to motivate their students to adopt vectors control measures and environmental cares and to sensitive the community to collaborate with control diseases.
The need for a closer contact between students and the community reality, as well as, the necessity of providing an education that can result in social changes early in life were crucial for the development of the Extension Project : Oral Health Education, which was developed in Public Child Care Schools in Araçatuba. The aim of this article is to describe the project, emphasizing its educational aspects and to share this experience in order to allow for reflection about this practice.
Epidemiological data on the conditions of oral health are essential for professionals in the health care plan, execute and evaluate dental programs. In Brazil, most oral health programs directs its resources to middle schools, leaving the preschool children in a secondary plan. The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence of dental caries in preschool children from 4-6 years of age from schools of child education (EMEIs) of the city of Araçatuba-SP. The study was conducted on a sample of 275 children of both genders, representative of the population of preschool children in the city of Araçatuba-SP. In order to assess the prevalence and severity of dental caries indices we used the dmft and DMFT indexes, according to the codes and standards recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).The average dmft of 1.88 was found, comprising 78% of decayed teeth, 21% of restaured teeth and 1% with indicated extraction teeth. Regarding the permanent dentition, the average DMFT was 0.08, consisting of 71% of decayed teeth, 29% restored and 0% of missing teeth. Based on results found, there was a high caries prevalence in deciduous and permanent teeth, demonstrating the need for more dental care to the group studied.
Objective: To conduct a survey on national databases about Oral Health Program (OHP) publications in schools, in the last eleven years. Material and Methods: A survey was conducted in two main bases of national publications in the field of dentistry: Bireme and Scielo. To start the research, it was used the articles theme/subject. In the search, it was used the keywords 'oral health education', 'programs and oral health and dentistry', 'programs and oral health and education'. Results: A total of 20 publications were selected. From these, seven (35%) had the aim to evaluate educational methods used in OHP, 12 (60%) evaluated the effectiveness of the OHP itself developed in the school and one (5%) reported the experience of OHP. Only two publications did not get positive results and the other eighteen obtained advantageous results. Conclusion: In the national scientific literature, there are few publications about the subject in question, suggesting that the successful experiences about OHP in schools must be published to be replicated in other parts of Brazil.
Introdução: o trauma dentário na infância ocorre com grande frequência, em especial em ambientes escolares. Portanto, é importante que educadores e funcionários das escolas saibam o que fazer frente a essa fatalidade, pois, após sua ocorrência, a rapidez na intervenção do cirurgião-dentista é um dos fatores que determinará o prognóstico de sucesso no tratamento. Objetivo: o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o nível de conhecimento de professores de escolas públicas quanto ao tratamento emergencial em casos de traumatismo dentário. Métodos: quarenta professores de uma escola municipal e de uma creche foram entrevistados. O questionário abordava questões para identificação do perfil dos sujeitos, seu conhecimento acerca de primeiros socorros — incluindo traumas dentários —, qual tipo de traumatismo é mais frequente e quais são as condutas frente a esses traumatismos. Resultados: de um total de 40 entrevistados, 65% receberam treinamento de primeiros socorros, porém, apenas 52% receberam o treinamento do atendimento emergencial dos traumatismos dentários. Quarenta por cento já haviam presenciado casos de acidentes escolares envolvendo dentes, e a maioria dos entrevistados (55%) desconhecia a frequência com que isso ocorre. Um número significativo de pessoas tem dúvidas acerca da conduta correta a ser seguida quando da ocorrência de uma fratura coronária e da avulsão. Conclusão: conclui-se que o conhecimento dos professores sobre a conduta frente ao traumatismo dentário é inadequada. Programas educacionais, palestras explicativas e treinamentos devem ser realizados com esses profissionais, que são os primeiros a ter contato com casos de traumatismos dentários nas escolas.
We know the importance of treating water for human consumption because changes in the physicochemical and / or biological has been associated with various health problems, the quality of water intended for human consumption must meet potability standards established by governmental decree 518/2004. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of water supplied schools and daycare in the city of São Carlos - SP. We selected 31 schools and kindergartens, and at intervals of 3 months, two water samples taken at three different points - network, tank and fi lter - totaling 186 samples, with an interval of three months, to verify possible differences in sampling points and at different times. The samples were evaluated for the following parameters: presence of total coliform and fecal coliform / E. coli count of heterotrophic bacteria, determination of pH, fl uoride, free residual chlorine, turbidity and color. The largest number of samples outside the standard for coliform was coming from the fi lters and the network, heterotrophic bacteria in most samples was taken out of standard fi lters. In the physical-chemical analysis of samples as many non-standard pH occurred in the network, network, and fl uoride in the fi lter pair in the fi lter to free chlorine and turbidity in the reservoir. The parameter with a larger sample size was inadequate fl uoride. We need more attention to the conservation, cleaning and maintenance of building reservoirs and fi lters in schools and kindergartens of San Carlos, since the water was considered unfi t for consumption.
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE