347 resultados para Fragmentação da audiência


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Atropelamentos associados à fragmentação dos habitats naturais, tanto para construção de estradas, quanto para agricultura, são uma das principais causas de mortalidade para várias espécies de animais silvestres pelo mundo todo. Durante o período de agosto de 2011 e junho de 2012, em um trecho da Estrada Vicinal Alcides Rodrigues Soares do município de Botucatu, interior do estado de SP, foi realizado o levantamento de mamíferos terrestres de médio e grande porte através do método de parcelas de areia e transecto, além da procura de carcaça de animais atropelados. Espécies como Onça-parda (Puma concolor) e Tamanduá-bandeira (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), ambas em situação vulnerável de extinção, foram registradas em proximidade da estrada. Através dos dados obtidos, tem se como objetivo demonstrar a importância da valorização da fauna local, com a construção de passagens de fauna, como uma das medidas para a sua conservação e consequente redução dos diversos distúrbios e impactos causados por estradas


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Atlantic Forest and Cerrado are between the biological richest areas in the world, for that are considered top conservation priorities. Those ecosystems are found at Botucatu region, where it´s extremely fragmented by routes, agricultural areas and urban centres. This fragmentation causes restrictions on animals populations, in particular to medium and large mammals, that needs larger areas to live and also are often hunted. Even isolated and suffering anthropic influences the fragments are fundamental for local biodiversity conservation. We realized a mammal survey on two forest fragments of Atlantic forest transition to Cerrado of Rubião Júnior – Botucatu – SP – Brazil: Santo Antônio Church and Parque das Cascatas forests. The Santo Antônio church munt is considered a turistic point and its forest receive many visitants, Parque das Cascatas forest is inside of a residential condominium. Both areas are classify as semidecidual stational forest and are disconected by Domingos Sartori route, that connect Botucatu centre to Rubião Júnior district. Around both fragments can be found residences, plantations and pastures. The utilized method included: recognition of tracks on the forests, interviews with next residents and sand plots mounting. The interviews indicated 29 mammals species, and 19 was validated for animal traces, overruns or visualization. Other 3 species found were not mentioned on interviews. Totally, was found 22 small and medium mammals presence evidences on both forest fragments. Parque das Cascatas forest showed more diversity (19) then Santo Antônio Church forest (11), and species like Eira barbara, Procyon cancrivorus, Mazama americana, Shiggurus villosus, Dasypus novemcinctus, Didelphis albiventris, Lutreolina crassicaudata and Lepus europaeus looked for other areas once that was verifyed overruns of individuals... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The Atlantic Rainforest biome has been going through fragmentation processes caused by agriculture and urbanization in green areas. Structural studies associated with the silvigenetic approach allow the understanding of what the past has caused in the present structure and predict future conditions of disturbed fragments. The objective of this study was to compare the composition and diversity of arboreous natural regeneration of steady-state and reorganization ecounits in two Seasonal Semideciduous Forest fragments. The hypothesis was that specific composition varies in these two different ecounits due to differential adaptation of species in canopy gaps and closed canopy. The survey was made in three areas with different perturbation backgrounds of 0,5 ha each. 60 permanent plots of 4m² each (2m x 2m) were stablished along the studied fragments following the proportion of ecounits presented in a previous mapping. Each plot was divided in 4 sub-plots of 1m² and arboreous individuals between 0,20m and 1,30m height were sampled and posteriorly separated in two height classes: I) individuals between 0,20m and 0,50m height (2m² sampling) and II) individuals between 0,51m and 1,30m height (4m² sampling). It was sampled 338 individuals from 53 families and 23 species. The Shannon index was 3,26 (Area A), 2,27 (Area B) and 2,42 (Area C) whereas Areas B and C values are considered low in our state Semidecidous Forests. Steady-state ecounits presented the highest values for abundance and species richness. Chi-square test pointed out species’ selection for determined ecounits in the studied community. Rarefaction method analysis showed diversity increase in steady-state ecounits and a stablishment in species richness curves for reorganization ecounits


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A extensa fragmentação das florestas tropicais e conseguinte perda da fauna de dispersores e predadores de sementes trazem importantes consequências às interações planta-animal. A predação de sementes, que representa uma etapa crítica no recrutamento de plantas tropicais, é um dos processos que sofrem com este impacto. A falta dos agentes dispersores e predadores de sementes pode alterar a dinâmica natural dessa interação trófica ao ponto de não corresponder mais ao modelo de Janzen-Connell, que prediz que quanto mais próximo da planta parental, maior a probabilidade de predação e, por conseqüência, menor será a dispersão. Esse estudo avaliou em três fragmentos com níveis diferenciado de defaunação (Mata São José, Reserva Municipal Santa Genebra e Estação Ecológica dos Caetetus) a predação (e/ou dispersão) de sementes de palmito juçara (Euterpe edulis Martius) abaixo e longe da planta-mãe, buscando testar o modelo Janzen-Connell. Em cada área cinco sementes foram dispostas em tratamento aberto e cinco em tratamento fechado, abaixo e distante 10 metros do parental em 15 palmeiras e avaliado o destino das sementes após 30 dias. Os resultados não oferecem suporte ao modelo, uma vez que apenas em um dos fragmentos pequenos e defaunados a predação abaixo do parental foi maior que distante, ou seja, nos demais fragmentos a distância da planta mãe não aumentou a sobrevivência das sementes. Nas áreas defaunadas a predação ocorreu principalmente por invertebrados e patógenos, enquanto que na área menos defaunada a predação foi feita principalmente por vertebrados. Diferenças significativas na predação de sementes entre os tratamentos só foram obtidas na área menos defaunada, o que mostra a importância dos predadores vertebrados de médio e grande porte na predação e/ou dispersão de sementes de E. edulis neste fragmento.


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The Brazilian fauna has been constantly threatened by deforestation and forest fragmentation. As a result, many populations become isolated and small which negatively impacts their genetic diversity, putting them at a higher risk of extinction than large and stable populations. The aim of this work was to estimate the genetic diversity of white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecari) in the region of Taboco (Corguinho, MS), a fragmented area; and to compare these estimates with that obtained previously for two populations from Brazilian Pantanal, which is considered a relatively well-preserved biome and where the species is not threatened. A total of 18 blood and 72 hair samples of white-lipped peccaries had their DNA extracted and amplified for five polymorphic microsatellite loci. With the individuals identified, genetic diversity indicators (such as number of alleles, allelic richness, expected end and observed) and the inbreeding coefficient FIS were calculated. In addition, to verify if the population suffered a recent population bottleneck, we used the tests implemented in the program Bottleneck. The population of Taboco showed no evidence of recent population bottleneck (p > 0.05) or inbreeding (FIS = 0.008; p > 0.022). In addition, the levels of genetic diversity in this population (mean number of alleles = 2.60; mean allelic richness = 2.56 mean observed and expected heterozygosities = 0.45 and 0.47, respectively) were statistically similar to those found previously for the two populations from Pantanal (p > 0,05); although the region of Taboco is more impacted than the Pantanal. Even though we showed no evidence of loss of genetic diversity, it does not mean that the population is not suffering with fragmentation; but that there was not sufficient time to evidence the genetic changes. In addition, may be occurring gene flow with populations of nearby fragments, which is maintaining... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Uma das principais alterações ambientais decorrentes da ação antrópica é o efeito de borda, consequência direta da fragmentação, que altera condições microclimáticas nas bordas dos fragmentos. Este processo afeta a biodiversidade, interferindo na dinâmica das comunidades, tanto vegetais, quanto animais, alterando a composição e a estrutura das comunidades. Através da utilização de bioindicadores é possível compreender como alterações nos hábitats interferem nas comunidades locais, ou em processos ecológicos essenciais para a manutenção do ecossistema e da biodiversidade local ou regional. Devido à grande riqueza, abundância e importância em diversos processos ecológicos, como por exemplo, dispersão de sementes e ciclagem de nutrientes, as formigas têm sido utilizadas como indicadores ambientais. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar como as comunidades de formigas de fragmentos de cerrado respondem ao efeito de borda, especificamente se essa resposta ocorre de forma gradiente ou hábitat-matriz (formigas não estão presentes na borda). Também foi analisado se o tipo de matriz adjacente influencia nessas respostas observadas em 15 paisagens de cerrado circundadas por matrizes de pasto, cana-de-açúcar e eucalipto onde se utilizou armadilhas de queda ao longo de transectos posicionados tanto dentro como fora dos fragmentos. Para a riqueza total de formigas o modelo hábitat-matriz com interferência da matriz foi o que melhor explicou a distribuição. Os modelos que melhor explicaram a riqueza e abundância dos grupos funcionais variaram consideravelmente, o que evidencia a importância de buscar modelos mais complexos (modelo gradiente) que expliquem tanto as respostas mais simples (hábitat-matriz)como as mais multíplices. As comunidades analisadas apresentam diferentes funções dentro do hábitat e das matrizes, dessa forma participam de vários processos ecológicos sendo assim bons indicadores...


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Environmental Protection Areas (EPA) are a type of sustainable use conservation unit, therefore its territory have public and private areas. To establish and reorganize the use of EPA’s territory, aiming the environment conservation along with human actions, it is necessary a management plan that should be conducted within five years from the date of its creation. The EPA Botucatu, established in 1983, does not have its management plan completed until the present day. The consequences of lack of organization about the use and occupation of its territory can be observed in a comparative study of territorial classification between the years 1985 and 2010, which was the objective of this study. As a result, it could be observed the decrease of the remaining fragments and intense fragmentation of them, pointing to the need for projects that aim the restoration, conservation and connectivity between these fragments and the subsequent application


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Cosmic radiation has been identi ed as one of the main hazard to crew, aircraft and sensitive equipments involved in long-term missions and even high-altitude commercial ights. Generally, shields are used in spatial units to avoid excessive exposure, by holding the incident radiation. Unfortunatelly, shielding in space is problematic, especially when high-energy cosmic particles are considered, due to the production of large number of secondary particles, mainly neutrons, protons and alpha particles, caused by spallation reactions and quasi-elastic processes of the corpuscular radiation with the shield. Good parameters for checking the secondary particle production at target material are diferential cross section and energy deposited in the shield. Addition experiments, some computer codes based on Monte Carlo method show themselves a suitable tool to calculate shield parameters, due to have evaluated nuclear data libraries implemented on the algorithm. In view of this, the aim of this work is determining the parameters evaluated in shielding materials, by using MCNPX code, who shows good agreement with experimental data from literature. Among the materials, Aluminium had lower emission and production of secondary particles


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Habitat loss and fragmentation of landscapes endanger the planet’s biodiversity. Strategies for identify priority areas for conservation and restoration of biodiversity rich areas becomes essential for the planning of the management of these landscape become successful. This study aims to propose a novel, transparent and replicable method for choosing priority areas for restoration, and includes the following steps: (a) identification of regional biodiversity hotspots for conservation; (b) identification of priority areas for restoration with the greatest potential to increase the connectivity of the fragments already existing; (c) estimate the potential richness of understory birds before and after restoration, analyzing the gain of species for the future scenario. In order to identify the corridors to be restored in a future scenario we considered the approach of multiple corridors, which aimed to connect the main fragments within the region through analysis of multi-paths. Already existing regression models were applied to estimate the richness of the landscape considering three models: a) species richness as a function of patch area of the fragment selected as hotspots; b) richness as a function of areas connected by structural corridors and c) connected area for species which are able to access nearby fragments within 20m. The gain of species for future scenario which consider the potential restoration of selected areas was estimated. Based on our results we observed that species that use corridors showed the highest increment of species richness of understory birds. As a result it had to restore corridors to model species with the ability to use forest corridors was the highest gain potential species richness of understory birds. The methods proposed method in this study appears provide new ways to ensures a better cost / benefit relationship for restoration projects by increasing the chances of better reach high levels of...


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O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o estudo de isolamento e a identificação dos principais metabólitos especiais presentes nas raízes de Maytenus ilicifolia (Celastraceae). O estudo fitoquímico das cascas das raízes da planta adulta e das raízes da planta jovem resultou no isolamento de quatro substâncias pertencentes a duas diferentes classes de metabólitos especiais, incluindo os alcalóides piridínicos sesquiterpênicos, aquifoliunina E-I e a maiteina e os triterpenos quinonametídeos, pristimerina e maitenina. Este estudo mostrou que o acúmulo desses metabólitos são dependentes do ciclo de desenvolvimento da planta. A análise desses metabólitos por espectrometria de massas permitiu identificar íons de fragmentação característicos dos alcalóides piridínicos sesquiterpênicos e dos triterpenos quinonametídeos. A otimização cromatográfica e análise qualitativa por CLAE-DAD permitiu identificar os alcalóides piridínicos sesquiterpênicos, aquifoliunina E-I, maiteina; e os triterpenos quinonametídeos, pristimerina e maitenina, presentes no extrato de raízes da planta jovem como principais metabólitos constitutivos


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Considering fragments of the haroldian poem A Máquina do Mundo Repensada, this paper approximates Drummond and Haroldo de Campos. In this poem, the poetic person’s unquietness conducts him to very peculiar displacements: the one that concerns to the end of millennium, marked by the utopia’s collapse, by the subjectivity fragmentation, by the frontiers’ reconfiguration between people and places. Assuming what the drummondian fatigued eyes have seen, the poet Haroldo de Campos will (re)think his world disharmony