340 resultados para Fator de potência (fp)


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The expansion of the electrical system is currently a subject of great importance to the development of Brazil. For its realization, large projects are needed, requiring large-scale investment and realization processes of great complexity. Thus, this type of project has a high strategic importance for the performance of companies that conduct. Seeking a way to determine a method to align traditional practices for measuring quality to the corporate strategic needs, this work is the study of the use of the balanced scorecard methodology, applying quality management and operational excellence, with a focus on projects in power systems. We analyzed some cases of successful application of the methodology in business segments in the next study, culminating in a proposed model of the method


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The new market, focused on sustainability and other environmental concerns, refers to innovations that seek alternative forms of production. In pulp and paper bleaching alternative reagents are studied, for example, hydrogen peroxide, in partial substitution of chlorine dioxide in order to reduce the formation of organochlorines. In this context, this study examined the burden of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on alkaline extraction stage (stage Ep) required for the bleaching of pulp with eucalyptus kraft pulp, pre-oxygen delignified to obtain equivalent brightness at 90 ± 0.5% ISO, as well as its effect on quality of pulp produced. The pulp was bleached by the sequence D(Ep)DP, with the application of factor kappa of 0.14 and varying the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in Ep stage three, five, seven and nine kilograms of reagent per ton of pulp absolutely drought. The final P stage was optimized with the use of six, nine and twelve pounds of hydrogen peroxide per ton of absolutely dry pulp to achieve the required brightness. The quality of the pulp produced was analyzed based on the kappa number, the brightness and the viscosity. The methods were performed according to standards set by the standard TAPPI (Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry). The best result was obtained using the following D0Ep(7)D1P(6), which showed a viscosity of 19.9 cP, 89.6% ISO brightness, consumption of 94.9 kg / t of reagents and reagent costs of US$ 28.15, because it showed better pulp quality for a lower cost compared to the others. It was found that the greater the amount of hydrogen peroxide in alkaline extraction, the lower the kappa number and increased the amount of residual hydrogen peroxide. The higher the charge of hydrogen peroxide in Ep stage, the lower the need for hydrogen peroxide in the final P stage, reducing the cost of bleaching


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The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of previous exercise on the determination of critical power (CP). Seven apparently healthy nontrained males, of 18 to 25 years, participated of this study. The subjects were submitted, in different days to the following protocols in a cyclergometer: 1) one progressive test until voluntary exhaustion for the determination of lactate threshold (LL), maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and its corresponding intensity (IVO2max); 2) six constant workload tests at 95,100 and 110% IVO2max until exhaustion with and without a previous exercise at 70% , in random order. The exhaustion times (tlim) at 95, 100 and 110% IVO2max were adjusted forme thress models of two parameters to estimate CP and anaerobic work capacity (AWC) [P=CTAn/tlim)+CP; tlim = CTAn/(P-PC); P=PC.tlim+ CTAn]. The model with the lowest standard error was considered for the estimation of CP. The tlim at 95% IVO2max was similar without (501 ± 140 s) and with previous exercise (473 ± 99 s). However, the tlim at 100% (381 ± 103 s and 334 ± 101 s) and 110% IVO2max (267 ± 163 s and 227 ± 68 s) was significantly longer with previous exercise. There was no significant difference in CP and AWCat conditions without (200 ± 27 W and 23 ± 11 kJ, respectively) and with previous exercise (212 ± 30 W and 18 ± 8 kJ, respectively). It can be concluded that the parameters of the relationship between power and time were not modified by the previous severe exercise


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This undergraduate thesis evaluates the effects of temperature variation of the air inside the CVT gearbox on the performance of a Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT). The CVT used in the tests was manufactured by Gaged Engineering (GX9 model) and is currently used in a Baja prototype. It’s a mechanically operated CVT, which the movement of the pulley plates varies according to the drive shaft rotation, shifting the belt along the diameter, and varying the transmission ratio. The purpose of this work is to analyze the change in the slip factor, coefficient that compares the variation between the actual transmission ratio and the ratio of geometric transmission, and its correlation with the power variation. A test bench was built and some tests were performed, indicating that was possible to achieve output power ratios of 1.75 [ℎ


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This paper presents a comparative study based on literature and examples in the literature, the two main technologies for the transmission of electricity at high voltage: alternate current transmission and direct current transmission. Inside the direct current transmission will be shown two technologies currently employed, transmission by current source and transmission by voltage source, contributing to a better understanding of them. The ultimate goal is to provide a text for consultation to identify key characteristics that influence the choice of future transmission lines


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O fator de início de tradução 5A (eukaryotic translation iniciation factor 5A, eIF5A) é altamente conservado entre arqueas a eucariotos, sendo que as proteínas eIF5A de Saccharomyces cerevisiae e de mamíferos são 63% idênticas. eIF5A sofre uma modificação pós-traducional única na célula, a hipusinação de um resíduo de lisina. Essa proteína já foi relacionada ao início da tradução, transporte nucleocitoplasmático, decaimento de mRNA e proliferação celular, mas a função crítica de eIF5A ainda não foi esclarecida. A depleção deste fator em S. cerevisiae leva a uma diminuição (30%) da taxa de síntese protéica, sugerindo que eIF5A seja um fator envolvido na tradução de um grupo específico de mensageiros. Dados do laboratório demonstram interação física entre eIF5A e proteínas ribossomais bem como com o fator de elongação 2 da tradução (eEF2). A interação com eEF2, sugere que eIF5A atua na etapa de elongação da tradução, ao invés do início da tradução, como proposto inicialmente. Com o objetivo de avaliar a relação de eIF5A com a etapa de elongação, foram realizadas análises de interações genéticas entre o gene codificador de eIF5A (TIF51A) e diversos genes codificadores de proteínas envolvidas na tradução. Através de análises de interações genéticas, foi observado que o mutante estável de eIF5A, tif51AK56A, apresenta um defeito de crescimento quando o mutante de eEF2, eft2H699K, está expresso em alto número de cópias, enquanto que o mutante tif51AQ22H/L93F não apresenta defeitos nesta condição. Foi observado também que o mutante tif51AQ22H/L93F apresenta um defeito de crescimento mais severo quando ocorre superexpressão de EFT2, gene codificador de eEF2. Foi observado ainda que não há complementação alélica entre os mutantes estáveis de eIF5A e que a reversibilidade do fenótipo de sensibilidade a temperatura... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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The intended purpose of this paper is to present the main commissioning tests for power transformers and the most used techniques in industrial segment, it is also discussed your results and consequences in the equipment’s normal operation. Also in this text, it is given specific information concerning a maintenance plan compatible to power transformers, with elements of preventive and predictive maintenance, exposing essential components, tests and the regulations current, showing how analyze and interpreted the results from this maintenance resources. Also in this paper is submitted the economic impact of damage to transformers and how the correct maintenance method can minimize them. The objective of this text is demonstrate the importance of the equipment and the benefits of proper maintenance, much of in financial terms as in electric system reliability


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The gas turbine (GT) is known to have: low cost of capital over the amount of energy, high flexibility, high reliability, short delivery time, commissioning and commercial operation at the beginning and quick departure. The gas turbine is also recognized for its superior environmental performance, manifested in air pollution containment and reducing greenhouse gases (Mahi, 1994). Gas turbines in simple cycle mode (SC) have long been used by utilities to limited power generation peak. In addition, manufacturing facilities use gas turbines for power generation units on site, often in combination with the process of heat production, such as hot water and steam process. In recent years, the performance of industrial gas turbines has been improved due to significant investments in research and development, in terms of fuel to electricity conversion efficiency, plant capacity, availability and reliability. The greater availability of energy resources such as natural gas (NG), the significant reduction of capital costs and the introduction of advanced cycles, have also been a success factor for the increased use of gas turbines to load applications base (Poulikas, 2004). Open Cycle Gas Turbine with a greater degree of heat to the atmosphere may alternatively be used to produce additional electricity using a steam cycle, or to compose a cogeneration process. The combined cycle (CC) uses the heat from the gas turbine exhaust gas to increase the power output and increase the overall efficiency of more than 50% second (Najjar, 2001). The initial discovery of these cycles in the commercial power generation market was possible due to the development of the gas turbine. Only from the 1970s that gas turbine inlet temperature and therefore the exhaust gas temperature was sufficiently high to allow a better efficiency in the combined cycle ... (Complete Abstract click electronic access below)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The industry generally has sought materials with high mechanical resistance, low density, thermal stability and corrosion resistance. In the aerospace industry, for example, the use of aluminum alloys, such as Al 2024-T351 and Al 7075-T7351, have become essential. However, the use of these materials often do not resulted in a satisfactory performance of the component, since the presence of cracks can cause total rupture of the component, even with a tension below the yield stress of the material, unexpectedly. In this work, these aluminum alloys were analyzed and samples were modeled by the finite element method. Moreover, in the models were applied two different types of cracks, central and edge crack, a vertical force was applied to result in a tension 70% of the yield stress of the material analyzed. Through stress asymptotic distribution in the region near the crack tip were calculated the values of the stress intensity factors for each crack length, after the stress intensity factors characterized were compared graphically with the values of fracture toughness found in the available literature