335 resultados para Categorização de assuntos


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This paper aims to discuss the Internet as a space conducive to the development of in-depth reports. The traditional media, often tied to economic and political issues, do not address issues related to collective and social satisfactorily. The emergence of alternative media is important and necessary for the development of investigative journalism, not tied to particular interests. The collective funding or crowdfunding is a financial alternative for the development of journalistic content and the Agência Pública de Reportagem e Jornalismo Investigativo figures as a medium that uses this feature, among others. The analysis of reports produced by the agent allows you to identify aspects of analytical and investigative construction this vast medium that is the Internet


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A good night sleep is part of a healthy lifestyle. However, children and adolescents replace sleeping hours by several other activities. This project aimed to disseminate information about sleeping and stimulate some reflections about the risk factors to health arising frompersonal and collective habits. A group of 1014 junior high school students from five schools in the city of Assis-SP, participated in the project. The students visited an exhibition about the theme "sleeping and health" and took part of group assignments. Issues related to sleeping and alternatives to promote healthy sleeping habits in day-life context were discussed. The activities were planned and executed by six trainees under the supervision of the responsible teacher. The majority of the visitors reported pleasure (90% of students) and interest in the subject; (85%) enjoyed learning new information about it (93%). Among the activities performed, 25% of visitors particularly enjoyed playful educational activities, 19% the oral presentation and 23% all the activities without distinction. Group discussion on everyday situations encouraged the adolescents to reevaluate previous experiences and knowledge that were not always consistent with current scientific knowledge. Undergraduate students had a rich practical opportunity that stimulated them to create health education strategies for adolescents. Some adolescents got more involved in the activities and others were more stimulated by the change of school routine. The activities were feasible and can be designed according to the target public. Certainly individual experience was sporadic and we suggest that future projects might be improved by stimulating bigger schools and more teachers to participate.


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The chronicles of Machado de Assis can be read as a historical document or a literary work. Characterized as a hybrid genre, the chronicle allows several readings and interpretations, but it’s always connected at the time and at the production’s context. The aim of this article is to averiguate how Machado de Assis commented the importants subjects of his time, mixing the french classic theater and the brazilian’s history.


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The purpose of this article is to discuss the representations of intellectual in the epistolary production of Jorge de Sena (1919‐1978), more specifically in correspondence with Virgil Ferreira (1916‐1997), which occurred between the years 1950 to 1975. Some topics, such as the condition of intellectual dictatorship, the position of the writer and his relations with the aesthetics of Neo‐Realism and the condition of exile, are important topics that make up most of the concerns of both writers.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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With the actual context of globalization and with advance of information and communication technologies, especially on the internet, the ways in which individuals relate and communicate have changed. Then, it comes a new dynamic of creation, production and distribution of messages, accompanied to a reality of information overloaded as a result of the diversity of emission sources which makes it difficult to attract the attention of individuals. Thus, the communication process in organizations has to go through a reconfiguration in order to adapt to these changes, seeking a strong position and new strategies to reach your audience. In this sense, many organizations are using storytelling to transmit their messages. Then, the objective is to understand how this narrative format can be a strategic resource of communication and also understand how the stories of common people help to produce identification, relationship and to strengthen the organizational image. Therefore, it analyzes, through the content analysis method and categorization technique, three videos that are constituted as storytelling, especially those based on people experience. It is expected that this research may contribute to the theoretical and methodological study of the adoption of new communication strategies, such as this narrative format


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This article analyzes the specific features and processes of indexing and classification performed in school libraries to process and retrieve information from their collections. Subject languages used in Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese school libraries are also analyzed. To achieve this goal, the concept of school library was analyzed, its function was studied and the techniques and tools that allow the information organization were examined. Among the tools, we studied the Subject Headings Lists for children and juveniles'books and the Subject Headings List for public libraries, the Universal Decimal Classification System (paperback edition) or the classification by fields of interest and specialized thesauri like the Tesauro de la Educacion UNESCO-OIE and the TesauroEuropeo de la Educacion.


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The human being and consequently the human body is a subject that opens a range of possibilities for research in Physical Education study it never hurts and issues facing health helps us understand the paths chosen by the company. Women are targeted exposure and cult of the body and it is not uncommon to search for tips on how to have the silhouette of dreams through magazines that provide recommendations for achieving this purpose. The objective of this study aims to examine some concepts of body image, body and health, targeting study two books originated from the women's magazine Women's Health . Evaluate strengths and possible dangerous points of information. Through these studies we noted the importance of understanding the role of body image in the design to be healthy and yes we found studies that are presented in the magazine, good contribution, but there is also information that must be analyzed carefully, as not to prejudice the reader . We suggest further studies in this area to a greater understanding of topics covered in this work


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The present study emerged from discussions of the Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Pedagógicos em Ginástica (GEPPEGIN), from UNESP/RC, and had the intention to understand and analyze the existence and discussions on Body Image and Gymnasts in researches and publications over the last decade (2003-2013) in Brazil. Body image refers to the mental representation of the body, structured according to the world. It is known that cultural and social pressures have been imposing an ideal body model and generating consequences as body dissatisfaction. Therefore, this study aims discuss the body image of Artistic and Rhythmic gymnastics' athletes. The choice of these modalities is justified by the fact that they are directly related to body image, especially the issue of the necessity of low body weight, beyond the relationship of complex movements and the need of good body awareness (BERRY; HOWE, 2000; KERR et al., 2006). For the development of this qualitative research, a documentary survey were conducted over the last decade (2003-2013) on Body Image and Gymnasts, focusing on researches of strictosensu postgraduate programs, recognized by CAPES, and scientific papers published in journals indexed in Brazil and classified in Physical Education Qualis. For categorization of information related to the theme, was used the organization by the units of analysis proposed by Laville and Dionne (1999). Based on the studies analyzed, perceive a dissatisfaction with body image to most participants from all studies, being athlete or nonathlete. Vieira and colleagues (2009) assume that the body pattern required for performance on competitive Gymnastics is close to the aesthetics of slim body served as body pattern for girls/teenager


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O profissional de educação física nos dias atuais deve ter amplo conhecimento sobre diversos assuntos relacionados à prevenção e manutenção da saúde de modo que este poderá atuar diretamente na melhora e reeducação da qualidade de vida de diferentes estados físicos e emocionais das pessoas em que irá trabalhar. O consumo abusivo de drogas ilícitas no século XXI, trás consequências emocionais e físicas, as dependências econômicas e de saúde geradas pelo seu consumo e propaga-se que, quando não tratadas adequadamente podem gerar um ciclo caótico de complicações, vindo a estabelecer problema real para a saúde pública mundial. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo enfatizar por meio da revisão de literatura os efeitos benéficos, tanto psicológicos como fisiológicos, que os programas de atividade física regular exerce no processo de cuidado e/ou zelo do dependente químico em meio ao tratamento. Constatou-se que a atividade física nos cuidados e/ou zelo do dependente proporciona inúmeros benefícios à saúde, além de contribuição fisiológica como desintoxicação, diminuição da frequência cardíaca de repouso e pressão arterial, melhorar a vascularização, diminuir a fadiga central, liberação do hormônio do prazer (endorfina) e as capacidades funcionais musculoesqueléticas. O exercício também é de fundamental importância para resgatar aspectos psicológicos como controle da ansiedade, depressão, alivio do estresse, melhora da autoimagem, autoestima, confiança e disciplina para seguir o tratamento e futuramente sua vida, e por fim possibilitou, ainda, entender as relações entre as funções fisiológicas e psicológicas do homem, de modo a deixar explícito que ambas caminham juntas e uma equipe multidisciplinar contando com psicólogos, nutricionista e profissionais de educação física se faz necessário, visto que eles trabalham em equipe levando em consideração as especificidades de cada...