416 resultados para Boletim
O objetivo deste artigo é fundamentar teoricamente as políticas industriais, caracterizando as razões da preferência por um referencial teórico não equilibrista e nãomaximizador. Procura-se também definir de maneira eficaz estas políticas, destacando seus resultados positivos em termos de alguns parâmetros. Este artigo será publicado em duas partes. Nesta edição define-se política industrial, analisando-se também as razões da despreocupação com uma fundamentação mais rigorosa das políticas industriais. Em seguida, apresenta-se sucintamente uma teoria capaz de embasar estas políticas, ao mesmo tempo em que se analisa se tais teorias são importantes (ou não), em termos empíricos. No quarto item, que será publicado na próxima edição deste Boletim, discute-se a possível utilidade da política industrial, enfatizando falhas de mercado, bens públicos, mercados não-competitivos, externalidades e desenvolvimento tecnológico.
Brazilian Sign Language signature in the pedagogy courses curricula. In 2002, the Law nº 10.436 was published determining the obligation of offering the Brazilian Signal Language (Libras) signature in all teaching graduation courses. Considering this measure, it was searched to characterize how the public Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in the States of Paraná and São Paulo are organizing the signature in Pedagogy courses. The curriculum analysis developed showed that most of the public HEI’s in the State of Paraná provides its inclusion, while in the State of São Paulo the estimate is 60%. Most of the syllabus covers topics including deaf students, deaf culture and Libras linguistic aspects.
The research notes retrieve and review articles of Professor João Augusto de Toledo published in the Escola Normal Secundária de São Carlos Magazine. Altogether, the articles address issues of didactic teaching, national history, nationalist movement, psychology and experimental pedagogy, teacher training, organization of a primary school and childhood education. These topics are directly addressed to the person concerned.
The paper demonstrates the magnitude of the constitutional statement of the dignity of the human person subscribed to the Federal Constitution of 1988 as a fundamental principle. Next, it brings reports on quality of life of residents of Vila Esperança, in the municipality of Cubatão (SP), from an ethnographic approach, descriptive and photographic documentation. We could conclude that the Brazilian legal system is organized hierarchically, so the Principle of Human Dignity cannot be disregard. The vital guarantee of a minimum vital floor is essential for poor people to expand the possibilities for the full exercise of human dignity.
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Hospitalization is usually steeped in fantasies that generate high levels of anxiety, especially for children. Therefore, the hospital psychotherapeutic process must propose actions to enable them to develop internal resources to cope with situation that causes anxiety. This article aims to demonstrate the importance of psychological intervention through drawings as mediators in the pre-surgical context of orthopedic correction in the hospital. This patient made seven drawings that at first expressed her anguish towards the surgery and at the end showed her attempt to elaborate. We conclude that drawing is an important therapeutic tool in the hospital.
It is a fact that between the child and the adult there is an adolescent being that experiments his experiences in a different way than those others. Therefore, in clinical care, the use of toys and play do not have the same value as for the children, and, on the other hand, the majority of adolescents are not ready, as the adult is, for the exclusive use of speech in the psychotherapy context. There is the need to introduce some specific strategy in order to give the adolescent conditions to express himself openly in the psychotherapy process. The mediator's resource introduces this variable to enable the expression of emotions for those who cannot find the available channels for that. This paper seeks to answer this question by presenting the Time Tunnel Game in the psychotherapy with young people, based, during several years, on its clinical use with patients during this period of their lives. Explaining, when it is a question of a demand for a game, that the youngster tries to respect the rules, therefore, expressing his experiences more at ease. By using the mentioned game, it is not the psychotherapist that questions or addresses the youngster, but it is through this playing that the questions arise, providing the youngster a facilitating context for his experiences, even for the more difficult ones. At the direct request of the psychotherapist, it is possible that the adolescent may have the imposing idea that he is being evaluated, which is inadequate when attending any youngster. It is understood that this facilitation also occurs because in a game the atmosphere of lucidity is less threatening to the patient to reveal himself as playing. It is the game that "interviews" and, therefore, the youngster has less to be afraid of when expressing his experiences.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The adolescent pregnancy is a public health problem and a challenge to Psychology, that could contribute proposing health prevention actions to this population. The present study intended to investigate the psychological functioning of 10 pregnant adolescents through analysis of Human Figure Drawing (HFD) and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). It was observed a high level of anxiety experienced by the pregnant adolescents verified in tracing, in shading and in the poverty of details, that can lead to the development of problems related to pregnancy and the relationship between the family, the adolescent and the baby. As for the TAT, the stories, in general constructed by the teenagers, were poorly structured with reduced content and a magical happy ending. It was concluded that the HFD and the TAT are discriminating and adequate to evaluate these adolescents’ psychodynamics and allow to indicate supporting preventive actions in this area.
Saúde mental e fatores emocionais nas campanhas brasileiras da semana mundial de aleitamento materno
The reduction of child mortality has been the focus of World Breastfeeding Week campaigns. On the other hand, breastfeeding and weaning are considered by psychoanalysis as key moments in the prophylaxis in mental health. Our goal is to investigate how the emotional aspects involved in breastfeeding have been addressed on the promotional material of Brazilian campaigns from 1999 (year of its creation) to 2010. The method adopted was the categorical content analysis and the results indicate that (1) the emotional benefits of breastfeeding are treated superficially, (2) weaning is depleted of its relational dimension (separation), being presented as a chronological and pragmatic concept, based on the introduction of new foods, (3) the term "mental health" is mentioned only once, without a precise definition. The relationship between breastfeeding and emotional development, besides the prophylaxis of mental health, has not been fully exploited in the analyzed campaigns.
This study presents the standardization of the R-2 Non Verbal Intelligence Test for Children conducted at the city of Assis – SP, Brazil, and compares it with the São Paulo city standardization. The sample was composed by 559 children, between 5 and 11 years old, half of each sex, students from Assis city, randomly selected according to their proportion in private and public schools. Results indicate differences between ages and school types, but not between sexes. Percentile norms were established for the total sample at each age. The comparison of Assis and São Paulo city children reveals significant differences and Assis' results slightly higher. The conclusion is that R-2 Test is appropriate to cognitive assessment of Assis children, suggesting the use of new norms for this region.
We tried to analyze in this paper the meaning of silence into the analytical setting, based in Winnicott’s proposal of psychoanalysis and from clinical experience fragments of one the authors. Therefore, we surveyed the meaning of silence in the setting for some psychoanalysts and, afterwards, we made reference mainly to the concepts related to Winnicott’s Theory of the Emotional Maturity, such as holding, handling, the presentation of objects, and those concerning hesitation and transitionality. We further availed ourselves of the concepts of transference and count transference to ponder on the therapeutic dyad into the analytical setting. Our final considerations point to the need to consider silence as an important communication in certain circumstances of the therapeutic work, as well as suggesting that the setting, in this case study, requested hopeful non-invasive approach of the therapist, to allow the appearance of transitional space through which the emotional maturity can be resumed in this patient.
Ornamental plants are important in the culture and welfare of city dwellers in the Amazon. This study aimed to perform a characterization of species of ornamental use in urban backyards of Rio Branco and relation with social aspects of the respondents. Semi-structured interviews featuring ornamental species along with analysis of social aspects of urban respondents of the 132 backyards in Rio Branco, Acre, Amazon between 2009 and 2011. Selected for this study were neighborhoods Aeroporto Velho, Placas and Novo Horizonte, located on the periphery of the municipality. Were detected 140 ornamental species belonging to 49 different botanical families, especially Euphorbiaceae (7%), Arecaceae (6.4%) and Araceae (5%). Ornamental species recorded, 57.5% are exotic, 16% have medicinal use and 44% herbaceous. Regression analysis of data across the diversity of species, area and social parameters of the respondents was not significant. The cultivation of ornamental plants in urban backyards Rio Branco assists in the ambience of the residence, landscape improvement, generates welfare for residents at leisure space beyond the conservation of genetic resources.