355 resultados para Aves Comportamento


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Marital conflicts have been largely investigated in research, especially because of its impact on child development. Based on a literature review, this article aims to present some reflections about marital conflicts and its possible associations with children's behavior, particularly through parental practices. Emphasis is made on a systemic view of causality between marital conflict and child behavior, which offers a better comprehension of the family functioning. This perspective also allows us to enlarge the analysis scope beyond linear correlations between both variables.


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The aim of this work is to describe the behavior of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) grown for nine years under organic management systems in full sun and shaded by banana trees (Musa sp.) and Erythrina verna Vell., in Valença, RJ. We performed a joint evaluation of vegetative characteristics, nutritional content and yield, with the aid of a principal component analysis. Twelve treatments were arranged in a randomized block design with four replications in a split plot. The plots evaluated farming systems in full sun and shade, and the subplots consisted of the following varieties of coffee: Tupi IAC 1669-33, MG 6851, IAC 3282 Icatu, Catucaí 2SL, Obatã IAC 1669-20; lineage IAC IAC 144. After five years we assessed the following variables, height, stem and canopy diameter, leaf area, number of branches, number of nodes per branch, number of leaves present, the distance between nodes, the percentage of green,ripe and dried fruit, number of dead plants, number of plants with death of the apical bud, coffee yield, and foliar concentrations of N, P, K, Ca and Mg. A multivariate analysis efficiently discriminates the variables in full sun and shaded cropping systems. Shading increases the percentage of green fruit, leaf area, height, diameter, distance between nodes, number of leaves on the branches, number of branches and leaf N content, but does not reduce the level of productivity when the shade is adequate.


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Negative parental practices may influence the onset and maintenance of externalizing behavior problems, and positive parenting seem to improve children's social skills and reduce behavior problems. The objective of the present study was to describe the effects of an intervention designed to foster parents' social skills related to upbringing practices in order to reduce externalizing problems in children aged 4 to 6 years. Thirteen mothers and two care taker grandmothers took part in the study with an average of four participants per group. To assess intervention effects, we used a repeated measure design with control, pre, and post intervention assessments. Instruments used were: (a) An interview schedule that evaluates the social interactions between parents and children functionally, considering each pair of child's and parent's behaviors as context for one another; (b) A Social Skills Inventory; (c) Child Behavior Checklist - CBCL. Intervention was effective in improving parent general social skills, decreasing negative parental practices and decreasing child behavior problems.


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We describe the nests and nesting behaviour of six little-known birds from south-central Minas Gerais, Brazil: Red-and-white Crake Laterallus leucopyrrhus (closed/ovoid/base nest with shells of white eggs), White-throated Woodcreeper Xiphocolaptes albicollis (cavity/without-tunnel/simple/platform nest with two immaculate white eggs), Southern Bristle Tyrant Phylloscartes eximius (closed/globular/lateral nest), Sharp-tailed Tyrant Culicivora caudacuta (high cup/lateral nest with three cream-coloured eggs), White-rumped Monjita Xolmis velatus (low cup/base nest with two immaculate white eggs) and Hellmayr's Pipit Anthus hellmayri (low cup/base nest with three pale brown eggs spotted dark brown).


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Identifying parental practices contingent to the behavior of children is important to support interventions. This study compares parental disciplinary practices with the behavior of children in a clinical group with behavioral problems (n = 27) and of a group of children without behavioral problems (n = 26). The criterion to assign children in the clinical and non-clinical groups was obtained from the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Information concerning parents-children interaction was obtained through the application of the Parental Educative Social Skills Interview Script (RE-HSE-P), which evaluates positive and negative educational practices, context, behavioral problems and children's social skills. Qualitative and quantitative analyses (Mann Whitney's test) were used in the groups' comparison. The results indicate that behaviors that differentiate between the clinical and non-clinical groups are mainly those related to positive educational practices and children's social skills.


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In this article, we present the notion of symbolic behavior in accordance with neuropsychopathology research from the first decades of the past century, carried out particularly in the context of aphasia research. The guiding axis was the presence of this notion in the first work by Merleau-Ponty, The structure of behavior. Based on research by Gelb and Goldstein, the philosopher takes ownership of the semantics of the symbolic and characterizes human corporality based on its capacity to move beyond the immediate nature of the experienced situations. We also show that the circumscription of symbolic behavior was conditioned by theoretical-methodological changes that permitted the passage from localizationist conceptions to globalist attitudes in view of pathological events of cerebral origin.


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The aim of this study was the selection of Corymbia citriodora provenances for three different kinds of soils occurring in Luiz Antônio Experimental Station, São Paulo, Brazil (Latossolo Vermelho, Areia Quartzosa and Latossolo Roxo). The provenance test was established in 1983, with ten Corymbia citriodora provenances and one Eucalyptus grandis as control, original from a seed production area. The trials were established in a random block design with 11 treatments, three repetition and square plots with 25 trees. In 2008, there were evaluations of height, diameter at breast height (DBH, 1.3 m), stem form and survival. Significant differences among soils and provenances were detected for the growth traits, stem form and survival in all those studied soils. Significant provenance and soil interactions were not detected. All provenances showed higher growth in height and DBH in Purple Latosol. The control had a higher growth rate in relation to highness, DBH and stem form than Corymbia citriodora provenances in all the studied soils, but it presented, generally, a lower survival rate than Corymbia citriodora provenances. Pederneiras (11) Corymbia citriodora provenance presented a higher performance in relation to highness and DBH in all kinds of soils, and Gilgandra (4) provenance, original from Australia, had the worst development. Therefore, Pederneiras (11) provenance is, therefore, the best choose for reforestations in all those studied soils.


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There are several difficulties in the control of quick spreading and highly contagious poultry diseases such as avian influenza and Newcastle disease, which require large numbers of poultry to be rapidly killed inside the poultry houses in order to minimize human exposure and disease spreading. We have built and tested an equipment that uses a waterbased foam from high expansion fire detergent that induces poultry anoxia measured by sensorial signs, time to death, lethality and macro and microscopically lesions. Two hundred 78-weeks old hens were divided into ten groups and exposed to different times of death according to exposure to water-foam varying from 5min30s to 8min15s. All poultry died after six minutes of water-foam cover. Foam bubbles were observed in oral cavity and trachea of all poultry at each time of exposure to foam, revealing physical asphyxia. Macroscopically, congestion in oral cavity and in trachea mucosa was observed. Histopathology revealed diffuse and moderate hemorrhage in lungs and no lesion in trachea. The efficacy of water-foam procedure for poultry depopulation was demonstrated validating its recommendation in case of emergency.


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Necropsy is a post-mortem criterious exam that helps in clinical diagnosis and consists in external and internal analysis of body cavities and organs of a corpse in order to determine the cause of death or to verify the extension and the nature of lesions caused by diseases. Considering the bonds between owners and their pets many veterinarians seems to visualize necropsy as a difficult task. This fact has gained great importance in avian Veterinary Medicine since bird owners have both love and economic bonds. Necropsy in often neglected in Veterinary Medicine although being a very important practice for the professional learning and also for reaching a reliable diagnosis of certain diseases. For this reason, this article aims to describe the procedure for performing avian cosmetic necropsy, which keeps the external characteristics of animals and increases the acceptance of owners by not disfiguring the corpse.


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In the process of slaughtering chickens, parts of them are discarded because are unfit for human consumption. These wastes should be directed to a destination that does not promote any risk to the environment and above all, according with the laws regulating waste disposal. So, the wastes are transformed into byproducts for utilization in the animal nutrition, poultry and swine feeding, but cannot use for ruminant feed, only non-ruminant feeding. In Brazil, the first scientific studies on the use of by-products of poultry slaughter as a protein source in diets for broiler chickens were started in the 1960's, and these results were used for a long time for food formulation, but the need to improve the herds stimulated the search for improvement in technologies for more accurate diet formulations. The objective of this article is to review some aspects of the physic-chemical composition, energy values and their use in diets for broilers.


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The transit time of seeds ingested by frugivorous animals has important implications for the spatial distribution of seeds and their dispersal distance. Nevertheless, this parameter is rarely included in seed dispersal studies. In this paper, we provide information about the transit time of seeds of nine species of plants ingested by individuals of six species of captive birds (Turdus albicollis, T. amaurochalinus, T. leucomelas, T. rufiventris, Stephanophorus diadematus and Saltator similis). We found that (1) seeds are regurgitated quickly through the digestive tract of birds than defecated seeds, and (2) large seeds (e.g., > 5 mm in diameter for Turdus spp.) are regurgitated rather than defecated. These results corroborate other studies, but the relationship between seed size and transit time seems to be quite complex and variable, requiring more detailed studies on this important aspect of the ecology of seed dispersal and digestive physiology of frugivorous birds.


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The present study evaluated the effect of the use of natural antioxidants in different spent hens processed meat, the physical-chemical and sensory characteristics of product were analyzed. The experiment was conducted at the Technology Laboratory of Animal Products, Department of Technology - FCAV/Unesp - Campus of Jaboticabal. Forty-five laying hens with approximately 80 weeks of age were used, distributed in a completely randomized experimental design in a 4x4 factorial arrangement, 4 condiment types (control, rosemary, clove and oregano, and the last three natural antioxidants) and 4 storage times (0; 3; 6 and 9 days at 4°C), with sixteen treatments and tree repetitions. It were evaluated the characteristics of humidity, pH, color, cooking loss, shear force, TBARS number and sensory analyze. The averages were obtained by Tukey test 5% of significance. The results showed an interaction between the storage time and condiments types in all analyzed parameters. It was concluded that oregano use decreased the processed meat oxidation, also pleased the judges in sensory analysis. The lowest notes in sensory analysis were obtained with the treatment that contained clove.


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The Meiglyptini comprise eight species of woodpeckers grouped into three genera, two of which contain three species ( Meiglyptes and Mulleripicus), while one genus includes two species ( Hemicircus). The purpose of this study is to describe the mandibular apparatus found in six species of Meiglyptini and to compare them with each other and with other woodpecker species. The results reveal a number of structures that are worth mentioning: (i) the components of the external mandibular adductor system of Hemicircus concretus, particularly the M. adductor mandibulae externus caudalis medialis, are underdeveloped compared with the other investigated species; (ii) the muscles of the internal mandibular system are structurally different among Meiglyptes species and are less developed, both in size and in structure, in H. concretus; (iii) the M protractor quadrati is vestigial in Meiglyptes species; (iv) the muscles of the protractor system of the quadrate are relatively undeveloped in H. concretus; (v) most of the muscles of the pterygoideus system are structurally differentiated in Meiglyptes species. It appears that the complexity of the mandibular apparatus is associated with the type of food consumed, as the apparatus of the frugivorous species H. concretus is markedly different from that of the insectivorous species. © 2012 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.


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In the process of riverine forest restoration, increasing emphasis has been given to the study of herbaceous and shrub species. However, for many of these we still lack basic knowledge, such as reproduction biology. Therefore, the objective of this study was to characterize the production, seed germination and reproductive capacity of Tibouchina clavata (Pers.) Wurdack., a species of wide distribution in wetlands. Fruits were collected from different mother trees located on the southern coast of São Paulo state and, after processing, were subjected to germination under constant temperatures of 25 and 30°C, and alternated temperatures of 25-30°C in the first essay, and at 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40°C in another essay, and at 25 °C with presence or absence of light. 10 plants were marked and, in each one, the number of fruits per plant and seed number per fruit were determined to characterize their reproductive capacity. The species germinates over a wide temperature range (15 to 35 °C), and the optimum temperature was in the range of 20 to 30 °C. Seed didn't germinate at 40 °C and could be characterized as being of absolute positive photoblastism. In general, there were over 1600 seeds per fruit and 85.000 seeds per plant. The high seed yield, coupled with good germination percentage demonstrated that this is a species with high reproductive potential.


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The Picini tribe comprises 25 Old World woodpecker species grouped into seven genera that are widely distributed in Asia and include several representatives from the Eurasian region. Given the absence of detailed anatomical studies of Picini in the literature, the purposes of this study were to describe the jaw musculature of 14 species of Picini in detail and to compare the musculature patterns of these species. The results of this analysis indicate the following: (1) there is a clear association between the ventralis lateralis and dorsalis lateralis muscles through fleshy fibers that are connected in all species, (2) the jaw musculature of the genus Picus differs from that of other Picini genera in terms of the poor development of the protractor muscle system of the quadrate (M. protractor quadrati and M. protractor pterygoidei), (3) generally, the M. pseudotemporalis superficialis originates in the ventrocaudal region of the laterosphenoid (the lower part of the orbit), with the only noteworthy exception being an origin in the upper part of the orbit in Dinopium javanense, and (4) the protractor pterygoidei muscle is more developed in Blythipicus rubiginosus, Dinopium rafflesii, and D. javanense than in the other species. © 2012 Reginaldo José Donatelli.