373 resultados para AURICULAR PROSTHESES
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The invention of a modified nylon mesh for structural reinforcement of dental prostheses is described, said modified nylon mesh comprising polyamide fibres and 0.3%-0.5% v/v silicon dioxide (SiO2), which enables chemical binding between the acrylic resin and the polyamide mesh in order to increase the strength of the resin/polyamide complex in said dental prosthesis.
Introdução: Pacientes portadores de próteses valvares cardíacas mecânicas devem medicados continuamente com anticoagulantes orais para evitar acidentes tromboembólicos. Estes pacientes são avaliados continuamente para o controle da anticoagulação oral. Objetivo: Comparar a ocorrência de complicações tromboembólicas e hemorrágicas em portadores de próteses valvares cardíacas mecânicas de um (mono) e de dois (bi) folhetos na posição mitral em terapêutica anticoagulante. Métodos: Foram estudados, no intervalo de 10 anos, 117 pacientes portadores de prótese na posição mitral, sendo 48 com próteses de folheto único e 69 de folheto duplo. Avaliou-se a ocorrência de complicações tromboembólicas e hemorrágicas de grau maior e menor de acordo com a gravidade. Os resultados estão apresentados sob forma de estudo atuarial e de frequência linearizada de ocorrência de eventos. Resultados: As curvas atuariais mostraram que, ao longo do tempo, os pacientes portadores de próteses valvares monofolheto estiveram menos livres de complicações tromboembólicas que os pacientes com próteses bifolheto, enquanto que, estes últimos (bifolheto) estiveram menos livres de acidentes hemorrágicos. As frequências linearizadas de ocorrência para tromboembolismo foram maiores nos pacientes com próteses monofolheto. Nos episódios hemorrágicos as taxas foram maiores para os portadores de próteses bifolheto. Conclusão: Os portadores de próteses valvares cardíacas monofolheto mostraram-se mais propensos à ocorrência de acidentes tromboembólicos graves em relação aos com próteses bi folheto. Os pacientes com prótese bifolheto apresentaram maior sangramento que os pacientes com prótese monofolheto, no entanto, esta diferença se restringiu aos sangramentos de pouca gravidade.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The nose holds an outstanding position on the face, acquiring great importance within the context of facial aesthetics. Because of the functional, psychological, and social aspects of trauma in a society increasingly demanding about aesthetics, treatment institution must reduce, as accurate as possible, the sequelae that hinder social integration. This clinical report relates an immediate nasal reconstruction of a complex animal bite wound. A 7-year-old patient was victim of a dog bite with avulsion of the left nasal ala and part of the ipsilateral nasal tip. The treatment was immediate nasal reconstruction with auricular composite graft. After 1 year of follow-up, the shape of nasal ala was stable, and the color was consistent with the surrounding tissue. The 2 nasal sides exhibited satisfactory symmetry when evaluated. It can be concluded that the composite graft derived from the auricular helix is a safe option for reconstruction of nasal ala defects with compromised margins in pediatric patients when conditions of reimplantation do not exist.
The aim of this study is to analyze the success of extraoral osseointegrated implants used to support and contain prosthesis designed to rehabilitate craniofacial deformities.Method: This study was based on the retrospective assessment of charts from 59 patients submitted to cancer surgery and who received 164 extraoral implants to contain facial prosthesis.Results: Among 164 implants, 42 were fixed in previously irradiated regions. Eight of the implants did not have osseointegration; and from these, 2 were fixed in irradiated bone. The result show 116 (95.1%) successfully osseointegrated implants in non-irradiated sites. The success rate among 42 implants fixed in previously irradiated bones was 40 (95.3%) osseointegrated implants.Conclusion: The use of extraoral craniofacial implants represents a safe and effective approach to treat facial deformities as a support for the rehabilitation prosthesis. Radiotherapy treatment does not prevent osseointegration.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate the role of the implant/abutment system on torque maintenance of titanium retention screws and the vertical misfit of screw-retained implant-supported crowns before and after mechanical cycling. Materials and Methods: Three groups were studied: morse taper implants with conical abutments (MTC group), external-hexagon implants with conical abutments (EHC group), and external-hexagon implants with UCLA abutments (EHU group). Metallic crowns casted in cobalt-chromium alloy were used (n = 10). Retention screws received insertion torque and, after 3 minutes, initial detorque was measured. Crowns were retightened and submitted to cyclic loading testing under oblique loading (30 degrees) of 130 +/- 10 N at 2 Hz of frequency, totaling 1 x 10(6) cycles. After cycling, final detorque was measured. Vertical misfit was measured using a stereomicroscope. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance, Tukey test, and Pearson correlation test (P < .05). Results: All detorque values were lower than the insertion torque both before and after mechanical cycling. No statistically significant difference was observed among groups before mechanical cycling. After mechanical cycling, a statistically significantly lower loss of detorque was verified in the MTC group in comparison to the EHC group. Significantly lower vertical misfit values were noted after mechanical cycling but there was no difference among groups. There was no significant correlation between detorque values and vertical misfit. Conclusions: All groups presented a significant decrease of torque before and after mechanical cycling. The morse taper connection promoted the highest torque maintenance. Mechanical cycling reduced the vertical misfit of all groups, although no significant correlation between vertical misfit and torque loss was found.
Because the biomechanical behavior of dental implants is different from that of natural tooth, clinical problems may occur. The mechanism of stress distribution and load transfer to the implant/bone interface is a critical issue affecting the success rate of implants. Therefore, the aim of this study was to conduct a brief literature review of the available stress analysis methods to study implant-supported prosthesis loading and to discuss their contributions in the biomechanical evaluation of oral rehabilitation with implants. Several studies have used experimental, analytical, and computational models by means of finite element models (FEM), photoelasticity, strain gauges and associations of these methods to evaluate the biomechanical behavior of dental implants. The FEM has been used to evaluate new components, configurations, materials, and shapes of implants. The greatest advantage of the photoelastic method is the ability to visualize the stresses in complex structures, such as oral structures, and to observe the stress patterns in the whole model, allowing the researcher to localize and quantify the stress magnitude. Strain gauges can be used to assess in vivo and in vitro stress in prostheses, implants, and teeth. Some authors use the strain gauge technique with photoelasticity or FEM techniques. These methodologies can be widely applied in dentistry, mainly in the research field. Therefore, they can guide further research and clinical studies by predicting some disadvantages and streamlining clinical time.
Aims: To evaluate the severity of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) of women in the municipality of Araraquara (Brazil) as well as the contribution of the perception of oral health, mandibular functional limitation, and sociodemographic variables on the severity of TMD. Methods: The participants were interviewed by telephone. Information regarding age, marital status, economic level, education, and use and type of dental prostheses was surveyed. To evaluate TMD severity, mandibular functional limitation and perception of oral health, Fonseca's Anamnesic Index (IAF), the Mandibular Function Impairment Questionnaire (MFIQ), and the General Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI) were used. To evaluate the contribution of these variables on TMD severity, a structural equation model (SEM) was fitted to the data and assessed by usual goodness-of-fit indices. Results: A total of 701 women with a mean age of 44.36 years (SD = 16.31) participated. According to the IAF, 59.6% (95% confidence interval = 56.00%-63.2%) of the women were classified as having TMD, of which 63.9% presented light, 26.8% moderate, and 9.3% severe TMD. Mandibular functional limitation was low in 91.0% of the women, moderate in 7.1%, and severe in 1.9%. Goodness-of-fit for the structural model was adequate. The predictors explained 43% of the variation in the TMD severity, with significant contributions of the variables dental prostheses (beta = -.008; P = .006), perception of oral health (beta = -.43; P < .001), and mandibular functional limitation (beta = .014; P = 014). Conclusion: The severity of TMD among Brazilian women was greater in non-users of dental prostheses and was also associated with greater mandibular functional limitation and poor perception of oral health.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of type of norgestomet auricular implant (new - N or previously used during 5 days - U), season of the year (summer - S and winter - W), and parity (12 heifers - H and 23 cows - C) on synchronization of follicular wave emergence in buffaloes. For this purpose, 35 buffaloes were examined daily by ultrasonography until follicular wave emergence was detected. Data were analysed by ANOVA, using PROC GLIMMIX. No interactions were observed in none variables. Time of follicular wave emergence and number of follicles at emergence were not affected by type of implant or season of the year. Parity also did not influence the number of follicles at emergence. However, follicular wave emergence occurred later in heifers than in cows. In conclusion, the previous use of a norgestomet auricular implant independent of the season of the year does not affect the time or the number of follicles at follicular wave emergence in buffaloes. Nevertheless, although heifers and cows had a similar number of follicles at emergence, the time of follicular wave emergence occurs earlier in cows than in heifers.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)